What really is the relevancy of the released Fusion GPS transcript...?


OR you are just a masochist....LOL
From a total whacked out Trump loving submissive punk bitch that would be you
So the 'president' that spent years lying about President Obama's citizenship...
wants to look at libel laws. ...because of Fusion GPS

Go for it trump ....this will only bring tons of lawsuits your way.

Ahh such hysteria!!! Obama might as well have been a non-citizen with the way he trashed America.
The Orange Punk, the cry baby about Wolff and GPS is your Lord and Master...you are a submissive ...here is what Orange Bitch Boy lied about to get Rubes like you stoked bitch LOL...here he promises a source .,...where is the source...you are a Moron

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WOW!! You are batting 1000.....Fake book, fake news show which you apparently fell for hook line and sinker. Good little Democrat spinner.....:spinner:
you have been whining crying and being a submissive rube LOL...do you know he lost the popular vote by 2.1 percent ?
Ahh such hysteria!!! Obama might as well have been a non-citizen with the way he trashed America.
The Orange Punk, the cry baby about Wolff and GPS is your Lord and Master...you are a submissive ...here is what Orange Bitch Boy liedc about to get Rubes like you stoked bitch LOL...here he promises a source .,...where is the source...you are a Moron

Where is your 'source' for 'Russian collusion?'
Excellent analysis on the Fusion GPS Testimony
Not sure who Elizabeth McLaughlin is, but she pretty much nails it in her analysis...

THREAD ON FUSION GPS. I spent the afternoon reading the transcript that Senator Feinstein released today. Here are the salient points, with citations. I am a lawyer and CEO. I was a securities fraud and human rights litigator in DC/NY for over 15 years. Read on for takeaways.


5/ On the Fusion GPS retention on Trump: "it evolved somewhat quickly into issues of his relationships to organized crime figures . . ." (Tr. 61-62)

6/ Fusion GPS concluded early in their investigation that Trump has serious ties to Russian organized crime, including money in his companies from "Kazakhstan, among other places, and that some of it you just couldn't account for." (Tr. 67-70)
7/ Fusion GPS hired Steele as a part of "drilling down" on specific areas of concern about Trump's business dealings internationally, and Steele was not the only subcontractor hired. (Tr. 76-78)

8/ Asked about Christopher Steele as an investigator, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS described him as a "quality" investigator in high profile situations and "a boy scout." (Tr. 81-82)

9/ Fusion sent Steele into Russia with a broad assignment to look into Trump's dealings in Russia. And what they found was that "it wasn't a giant secret" that "Donald Trump had a relationship with the Kremlin." “People were talking about it freely.”


45/ And then there is this explosive bit: Steele and Simpson weren't sure that @Comey EVEN KNEW ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS. Which would explain a lot. An awful lot. (Tr. 220-221)

The entire thread is here:
Unrolled thread from @ECMcLaughlin #Resistance #RESIST #ResisterSisters
Ahh such hysteria!!! Obama might as well have been a non-citizen with the way he trashed America.
The Orange Punk, the cry baby about Wolff and GPS is your Lord and Master...you are a submissive ...here is what Orange Bitch Boy liedc about to get Rubes like you stoked bitch LOL...here he promises a source .,...where is the source...you are a Moron

Where is your 'source' for 'Russian collusion?'
I am not Mueller ...do not worry he will break all that down for you in court LOL
The first question that we should all ask ourselves is the WHY the release of this transcript was vehemently opposed by the Trump cultists in the Senate.

Grassley has always been a whore for right wing causes, and he'll probably retire as a whore fairly soon. Grassley even directly threatened Christopher Steele.

But, Graham's opposition is another story. Here is someone with a troubled personal life who has found the senate to be his only life-mate. He WAS a hawk and a McCain shadow; but, unlike McCain he sold out to Trump after a little golfing outing with the orange golfer....Speculations abound.

However, the real relevancy that has surfaced from the excerpts reported, addresses a few nuggets worth mentioning to those Trump defenders:

1. Steele, apparently, cared enough to inform the FBI that there was a strong possibility that Trump was open to Russian blackmail

2. That the FBI found Steele's warming even more relevant because they had a mole within the Trump entourage who ALSO confirmed Steele's allegations.

3. Reports that someone in Russia had been assassinated for possibly sharing information with Steele is also a disturbing revelation.

4. It is also interesting to conclude that although the FBI was "investigating" what was happening in the Trump AND in the Clinton camps during the lead up to the election, the FBI ONLY chose to reveal the existence of such investigations about the Clinton candidacy (in Comey's case, 11 days before the election.)

So, regardless of partisanship leanings, any decent American should question the WHY republicans in the senate felt so compelled to NOT release this testimony transcript and to basically allow the public to judge its validity...........We should all remember that, as in the past, the "cover up" is what ultimately gets elected folks in trouble with those who elected them.
According to CNN early this morning, one of the announcers had actually speed-read the whole 312 pages of transcript and said it was CLEAR and EVIDENT how partisan this investigation has become, with the Republicans asking questions to damn Fusion rather than asking anything about the information Steele found. According to CNN, the bi-partisan investigation is dead and this proves it.
I'm just reporting what they said. It gives a clearer picture of the Republicans' mindset to hang Fusion than it does any conduct by Steele or Trump or the Russians.
Excellent analysis on the Fusion GPS Testimony
Not sure who Elizabeth McLaughlin is, but she pretty much nails it in her analysis...

THREAD ON FUSION GPS. I spent the afternoon reading the transcript that Senator Feinstein released today. Here are the salient points, with citations. I am a lawyer and CEO. I was a securities fraud and human rights litigator in DC/NY for over 15 years. Read on for takeaways.


5/ On the Fusion GPS retention on Trump: "it evolved somewhat quickly into issues of his relationships to organized crime figures . . ." (Tr. 61-62)

6/ Fusion GPS concluded early in their investigation that Trump has serious ties to Russian organized crime, including money in his companies from "Kazakhstan, among other places, and that some of it you just couldn't account for." (Tr. 67-70)
7/ Fusion GPS hired Steele as a part of "drilling down" on specific areas of concern about Trump's business dealings internationally, and Steele was not the only subcontractor hired. (Tr. 76-78)

8/ Asked about Christopher Steele as an investigator, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS described him as a "quality" investigator in high profile situations and "a boy scout." (Tr. 81-82)

9/ Fusion sent Steele into Russia with a broad assignment to look into Trump's dealings in Russia. And what they found was that "it wasn't a giant secret" that "Donald Trump had a relationship with the Kremlin." “People were talking about it freely.”


45/ And then there is this explosive bit: Steele and Simpson weren't sure that @Comey EVEN KNEW ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS. Which would explain a lot. An awful lot. (Tr. 220-221)

The entire thread is here:
Unrolled thread from @ECMcLaughlin #Resistance #RESIST #ResisterSisters

That's not a source that's a made up hit piece by the Democrat/Clinton machine. So far you have provided 0 proof. Feinstein should be arrested.
That's not a source that's a made up hit piece by the Democrat/Clinton machine. So far you have provided 0 proof. Feinstein should be arrested.
you are nothing ...you are just a run of the mill Trump submissive ....mouth breather too LOL

OR you are just a masochist....LOL
From a total whacked out Trump loving submissive punk bitch that would be you
So the 'president' that spent years lying about President Obama's citizenship...
wants to look at libel laws. ...because of Fusion GPS

Go for it trump ....this will only bring tons of lawsuits your way.

Ahh such hysteria!!! Obama might as well have been a non-citizen with the way he trashed America.
The Orange Punk, the cry baby about Wolff and GPS is your Lord and Master...you are a submissive ...here is what Orange Bitch Boy lied about to get Rubes like you stoked bitch LOL...here he promises a source .,...where is the source...you are a Moron

Good of you to already be working so hard for Trumps inevitable re-election.
According to CNN early this morning, one of the announcers had actually speed-read the whole 312 pages of transcript and said it was CLEAR and EVIDENT how partisan this investigation has become, with the Republicans asking questions to damn Fusion rather than asking anything about the information Steele found. According to CNN, the bi-partisan investigation is dead and this proves it.
I'm just reporting what they said. It gives a clearer picture of the Republicans' mindset to hang Fusion than it does any conduct by Steele or Trump or the Russians.

There's your problem....
Excellent analysis on the Fusion GPS Testimony
Not sure who Elizabeth McLaughlin is, but she pretty much nails it in her analysis...

THREAD ON FUSION GPS. I spent the afternoon reading the transcript that Senator Feinstein released today. Here are the salient points, with citations. I am a lawyer and CEO. I was a securities fraud and human rights litigator in DC/NY for over 15 years. Read on for takeaways.


5/ On the Fusion GPS retention on Trump: "it evolved somewhat quickly into issues of his relationships to organized crime figures . . ." (Tr. 61-62)

6/ Fusion GPS concluded early in their investigation that Trump has serious ties to Russian organized crime, including money in his companies from "Kazakhstan, among other places, and that some of it you just couldn't account for." (Tr. 67-70)
7/ Fusion GPS hired Steele as a part of "drilling down" on specific areas of concern about Trump's business dealings internationally, and Steele was not the only subcontractor hired. (Tr. 76-78)

8/ Asked about Christopher Steele as an investigator, Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS described him as a "quality" investigator in high profile situations and "a boy scout." (Tr. 81-82)

9/ Fusion sent Steele into Russia with a broad assignment to look into Trump's dealings in Russia. And what they found was that "it wasn't a giant secret" that "Donald Trump had a relationship with the Kremlin." “People were talking about it freely.”


45/ And then there is this explosive bit: Steele and Simpson weren't sure that @Comey EVEN KNEW ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS. Which would explain a lot. An awful lot. (Tr. 220-221)

The entire thread is here:
Unrolled thread from @ECMcLaughlin #Resistance #RESIST #ResisterSisters

That's not a source that's a made up hit piece by the Democrat/Clinton machine. So far you have provided 0 proof. Feinstein should be arrested.
It was classified! I weep
Fusion GPS transcripts reveal two things—the corruption of Trump, the treachery of the Republicans

Fusion GPS transcripts reveal two things—the corruption of Trump, the treachery of the Republicans
By Mark Sumner
Wednesday Jan 10, 2018 · 8:47 AM EST

The transcript of Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee released to the public by Dianne Feinstein is both the entire congressional investigation in brief, and a revealing insight into why Republicans have been so anxious to keep this information under lock and key.

Every question asked by Republicans in the meeting—every single question—focused on trying to find information they could use to demean and defame the witness. They wanted to paint Fusion GPS as a “Democratic operation.” They were determined to turn Christopher Steele’s visit to the FBI into a partisan act. They used every moment of their time to find something Fusion had done wrong, or that Steele had done wrong … some way that both the company and the information they had gathered could be dismissed. In a day-long interview that was supposed to further the investigation into connections between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, no Republican expressed the slightest interest in that topic.


What we learned from the release of the transcripts only confirmed what we’ve seen in public hearings: Republicans are doing everything they can to protect Trump, even if that means attacking people who only did their best to uncover the truth. Republicans are even willing to press criminal charges against a man who put himself at personal risk and brought what he had learned to the attention of the FBI because what he found was such a threat to America, and possibly to the world.

What the transcripts reveal is that, in investigating connections between Donald Trump and corrupt governments overseas, Fusion GPS demonstrated that the government right here in the United States is equally corrupt. Equally willing to trade truth for power. Equally ready to condemn those whose only crime is uncovering information which those in charge want thoroughly buried.

The information collected by Fusion GPS is an indictment of Donald Trump as a front man for mobsters and corrupt governments whose crooked dealing and personal excesses left him open to easy manipulation.

But the Fusion GPS transcripts are an indictment of the Republican Party, as an entity that has lost any concern for the nation, fairness, or the facts—an entity addicted to power by any means, and willing to use that power to close the mouths of those they view as threats.
"The one regret I have is that I should have spoke with Senator Grassley before. And I don't make an excuse but I've had a bad cold and maybe that slowed down my mental facilities a little bit." - Sneaky Dianne Feinstein

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