What recession? GDP grows by 2.6%!

Numbers are adjusted for inflation. Are you ever right? Even accidemy?

No. The numbers are adjusted by the fake incredibly low official government version of "inflation", not real inflation.
New cars can’t get chips because they aren’t made here so demand for used is up. Biden passed the CHIPs act to fix it. Why was Trump and the Pubs in front of this?
Are they building a chip plant in Commie York State? Anything to win an election after destroying the economy. By many pundits the GDP gain is a mirage. Not from the sweat and toil of the American worker.
You’re wrong. Inflation is highly tracked and accurate. The weight of the causes is the piece that is anyones guess.

You notice how none of these people were offering up alternative inflation charts during the previous admin?
You’re wrong. Inflation is highly tracked and accurate. The weight of the causes is the piece that is anyones guess.

Oh, you poor widdle gullible woowoo.
Pumping the strategic reserve was one of the reasons this occurred. As soon as it stopped so did this rise, a little early for Biden because he didn't want the pain during the election. That blip is now long gone, and shit is about to hit the fan further, the second dip is going to be far worse than the first one and Biden/democrats own it,

So in your expert estimate what is Biden's strategic reserve policy contribution to GDP this year?
Yearly we are still in negative standing... a tepid last quarter in response to a massive crash the previous four does not scream look at what I did... Idiots...

But that's not what I asked...right?
Isn't it pathetic to see how these stupid Moon Bats believe the lies put out by the Potatohead administration? Just like these yokels believe that 81 million Americans voted for Potatohead and the Ho in 2020.
Hmmm, you admit we actually had a recession. Interesting. Now, of course, we look for the double dip recession.
You mean you hope for one.


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