What Republicans did to Ruby Freeman and Shay Moss was an Absolute Disgrace.

She was clearly recorded on video, doing what she did.

All the lies from the lying mainstream press, and from the corrupt political criminals, cannot make this video go away, nor hide what it clearly proves to have happened.

The video is a snippet. And was thoroughly investigated. You just don’t want to believe. Preferring fantasy to reality.
No Democrat ever tried to storm the Capitol on J6th to try and overturn the results of an election.
That was a first...perpetrated..by a Republican.

Psst...stop putting this useless video up. It's tiresome.
LOL. Democratic politicians themselves refused to certify Trump as president and held up the proceedings, just as they did on Jan 6th.
Shame on all of you MAGA.
Somehow, they convinced the DC jury that this handoff was them passing a ginger mint.

Two innocent poll workers have had their lives completely disrupted by Trump and Republican lies.
These two people did nothing wrong at all, but because of Trump and Rudy Giuliani's complete lies, they have been harassed and live in fear of violence from republicans who have a history of violence (Jan 6th riots and David DePape attacking Pelosi as 2 recent examples).

Giuliani recently admitted he was lying and these two people did nothing wrong, but the damage has already been done.
How do Trump and Rudy get away with this stuff? How is this even possible? This is just another example of how republicans have no morals or character at all, and want power by any means possible, AND tell any lie they want to get/keep power.

They should sue for defamation.

They'll win millions.

And then see that cut down to a few hundred thousand on appeal.

O wait - that's what's happening.

But thanks for the shitlib crocodile tears.


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