What rights are the gays missing?

Quite frankly I don't think the gov't has ANY place being in the "marriage" business. States should give out CIVIL UNIONS and then you go to your CHURCH to be married. If your church wants to marry to men or two women who are SO in love that they want to dedicate their lives to each other than so be it.
I support such proposals
I think if your "marriage" is somehow damaged by Homo mariage then it is YOU not them that have the problem.
I will love my wife FOREVER and no amout of GAY marriage will change that.


If you have confidence in your own marriage, what difference does it make what others do?
I think if your "marriage" is somehow damaged by Homo mariage then it is YOU not them that have the problem.
I will love my wife FOREVER and no amout of GAY marriage will change that.
The love, devotion, and committment of the parties involved
3 60.00% The approval of a church
0 0% The approval of one's neighbors
0 0% Whether or not someone three towns away takes a meat shank up the butt
0 0% Whether someone down the street lives with his husband/ her wife
0 0% Other (please state)
2 40.00%
All right all of you "Defenders" of "raditinonal" marrisge fail to acknowledge is that for most of human history marriage was a contract between two FAMILIES and had VERY little to do with LOVE or CHOICE!

yep and gay marriage was illeagal then as well....what is your point.....
Some of the posts in this thread have convinced me that the right wing is stark raving mad, I swear.

What is your problem with gays?? They want the same things that everybody else wants. Marriage, children, and the work of their choice. Period.

they have all that......some just don't want them to use the word marriage to define it....

as for me.....marry your dog if it floats your boat....

Oh do tell Mr "Man on Dog" Santorum.
All right all of you "Defenders" of "raditinonal" marrisge fail to acknowledge is that for most of human history marriage was a contract between two FAMILIES and had VERY little to do with LOVE or CHOICE!

yep and gay marriage was illeagal then as well....what is your point.....
It looks like the US is trailing the world in granting gays the right to marry, as well as healthcare.
From the Party of NO.
Well as dissemblence goes... that was fairly lame...

But it's out there, so what the hell?

Actually discrimination is based in the biological imperative to survive... Where one chooses to avoid exposure to that which represent harm, discomfort, or to that which is to be avoided.

Can discrimination be based upon ignorance? Sure... But as a general rule, those who fail to discriminate, suffer severe and often catastrophic results from such follishness.

I love it when the right tries to bring up some "biological" reason, yet they don't believe in "evolution.

LOL... Do ya? I wonder if you love it as much I love it when Leftist try to project that evolution somehow challenges Creation...

Evolution doesn't challenge Creation. Creation challenges reason.

Clearly... but then there's a biological reason for syphillis... and we all seem to recognize that there being a reason, is not a sound basis for encouraging more of it.

Syphilis is evolved. There most certainly is a biological reason. It wants to survive. I think of the right as a kind of deranged syphilis. A disease that at the same time, kills it's host (in this case, our country), but also wants to spread.

That's odd because in my experience; I've noticed precisely the opposite. having never heard a Leftist speak to anything which one could consider 'intellectually deep' except where they are crafting some juicy rationalization to undermine a cultural standard... to excuse some negative behavior or otherwise enable decadence.

Because you are simply unable to understand "deep". You speak "simple". The language is referred to as "simpleton".

Yes... exactly. And I'd be remiss to not point out that this little screed fo yours is a first class demonstration of just that; blind assertions, absent a scintilla of argument delving into examples of such and argument which specifically refutes those simple and specific examples.

What's it been kids? Maybe an hour since the last idiot felt it necessary to project that no evidence has been advanced to sustain the assertion that God exists... which would be 55 minutes since the last time someone, in this case myself... posted evidence of just that?

There is no evidence of a God. It doesn't exist. Any evidence is an illusion, uh, no, it's a "delusion".

Why do they demand evidence about real things that they can "see" and "touch", yet have total conviction in things invisible and "unknown"? Guess we leave that for another time.

Ahhh, well there ya go... real things are those things which ya can see and touch... thus gravity is necessarily deemed, unreal... a myth. Sub-atomic particles... can't see or touch those... they're out...

Drop something over your head and tell me you can't feel the effects of gravity. Sub-atomic? Actually, things are happening:

A New Type of Atomic Microscope Getting Closer

It's highly possible that gays are born to help raise young without the competition that comes from every male attempting to pass on their genes. For creatures that live in groups, extra adult hands gathering food, hunting, and raising young without engaging in this competition, would certainly benefit the well being of the group and ensure the survival of the young.

Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Wow, how, well, "scientific". Not a bit of supporting data. The "science" of the right.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...

As opposed to the right where intellectual prowess is completely absent.
I love it when the right tries to bring up some "biological" reason, yet they don't believe in "evolution.

LOL... Do ya? I wonder if you love it as much I love it when Leftist try to project that evolution somehow challenges Creation...

Evolution doesn't challenge Creation. Creation challenges reason.

Clearly... but then there's a biological reason for syphillis... and we all seem to recognize that there being a reason, is not a sound basis for encouraging more of it.

Syphilis is evolved. There most certainly is a biological reason. It wants to survive. I think of the right as a kind of deranged syphilis. A disease that at the same time, kills it's host (in this case, our country), but also wants to spread.

That's odd because in my experience; I've noticed precisely the opposite. having never heard a Leftist speak to anything which one could consider 'intellectually deep' except where they are crafting some juicy rationalization to undermine a cultural standard... to excuse some negative behavior or otherwise enable decadence.

Because you are simply unable to understand "deep". You speak "simple". The language is referred to as "simpleton".

Yes... exactly. And I'd be remiss to not point out that this little screed fo yours is a first class demonstration of just that; blind assertions, absent a scintilla of argument delving into examples of such and argument which specifically refutes those simple and specific examples.

What's it been kids? Maybe an hour since the last idiot felt it necessary to project that no evidence has been advanced to sustain the assertion that God exists... which would be 55 minutes since the last time someone, in this case myself... posted evidence of just that?

There is no evidence of a God. It doesn't exist. Any evidence is an illusion, uh, no, it's a "delusion".

Ahhh, well there ya go... real things are those things which ya can see and touch... thus gravity is necessarily deemed, unreal... a myth. Sub-atomic particles... can't see or touch those... they're out...

Drop something over your head and tell me you can't feel the effects of gravity. Sub-atomic? Actually, things are happening:

A New Type of Atomic Microscope Getting Closer

It's highly possible that gays are born to help raise young without the competition that comes from every male attempting to pass on their genes. For creatures that live in groups, extra adult hands gathering food, hunting, and raising young without engaging in this competition, would certainly benefit the well being of the group and ensure the survival of the young.

Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Wow, how, well, "scientific". Not a bit of supporting data. The "science" of the right.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...

As opposed to the right where intellectual prowess is completely absent.

is your assertion that not one person on the right has intellectual ability greater than yours......
All right all of you "Defenders" of "raditinonal" marrisge fail to acknowledge is that for most of human history marriage was a contract between two FAMILIES and had VERY little to do with LOVE or CHOICE!

yep and gay marriage was illeagal then as well....what is your point.....

Actually, no.

There have been times in human history, noticeably the Greeks and Romans, where two men or two women could enter into a "contract". Once Christians took power, it was all over. So begins the "dark ages" and the "inquisition".
LOL... Do ya? I wonder if you love it as much I love it when Leftist try to project that evolution somehow challenges Creation...

Evolution doesn't challenge Creation. Creation challenges reason.

Clearly... but then there's a biological reason for syphillis... and we all seem to recognize that there being a reason, is not a sound basis for encouraging more of it.

Syphilis is evolved. There most certainly is a biological reason. It wants to survive. I think of the right as a kind of deranged syphilis. A disease that at the same time, kills it's host (in this case, our country), but also wants to spread.

That's odd because in my experience; I've noticed precisely the opposite. having never heard a Leftist speak to anything which one could consider 'intellectually deep' except where they are crafting some juicy rationalization to undermine a cultural standard... to excuse some negative behavior or otherwise enable decadence.

Because you are simply unable to understand "deep". You speak "simple". The language is referred to as "simpleton".

Yes... exactly. And I'd be remiss to not point out that this little screed fo yours is a first class demonstration of just that; blind assertions, absent a scintilla of argument delving into examples of such and argument which specifically refutes those simple and specific examples.

What's it been kids? Maybe an hour since the last idiot felt it necessary to project that no evidence has been advanced to sustain the assertion that God exists... which would be 55 minutes since the last time someone, in this case myself... posted evidence of just that?

There is no evidence of a God. It doesn't exist. Any evidence is an illusion, uh, no, it's a "delusion".

Ahhh, well there ya go... real things are those things which ya can see and touch... thus gravity is necessarily deemed, unreal... a myth. Sub-atomic particles... can't see or touch those... they're out...

Drop something over your head and tell me you can't feel the effects of gravity. Sub-atomic? Actually, things are happening:

A New Type of Atomic Microscope Getting Closer

Well the truth is that homosexuality is the means by which nature culls the species of damaged genetic lines. Where populations strain resources, the weaker links in the genetic chain succumb to their weaknesses and thus ends that lineage. As a general rule, wisdom precludes the encouragement of suicide, where the goal is preservation; thus where suicide is a reality, it is the discriminating individual who works to avoid those who advocate for such.

Wow, how, well, "scientific". Not a bit of supporting data. The "science" of the right.

Now, the hysterical part here is how the idiot laid this entire premise on the intellectual prowess of Left-think; while demonstrating severe intellectual limitations...

Funny stuff...

As opposed to the right where intellectual prowess is completely absent.

is your assertion that not one person on the right has intellectual ability greater than yours......

No, I exaggerated. There are a few on the right that can think. Less than 6% of scientists are Republican so that proves a few do exist. A very few.
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But the biggest question is WHY DO YOU CARE!!!??? If there are TWO people who LOVE and DEVOTE themselves to another human being then WHY fight that? Why not just let them live their lives as they see fit? I wonder what the domestic violence rate is among gays compared to hetros? I wonder how well children do in homo families. I happen to know a bit because a very good friend of my wife's just left her ABUSIVE marriage for a gay relationship. Her sons are doing MUCH better because her husband was VERY emotionally abusive to them.

So let's see a LOVING relationship where the children feel safe and loved or stay in a bad relationship where they were emotionally abused.

Oh and don't even use the "They will be teased " by the hetro kids. EXACT SAME ARGUMENT about interacial marriages.

I am just afraid that in 50 or 60 years we will look back on this debate and MOST of us will be embarresed by what our country did.
As opposed to the right where intellectual prowess is completely absent.

is your assertion that not one person on the right has intellectual ability greater than yours......

No, I exaggerated. There are a few on the right that can think. Less than 6% of scientists are Republican so that proves a few do exist. A very few.

ok....got a link to your scientist claim.....is your assertion now that only scientist have intellect.....are you a scientist?
What you all want to have is AMERICAN RIGHT WING VALUES mrriage wg=hich has virtually NOTHING to do with "Traditional" marriage. Remind me what thw DIVORCE RATE is in our country of "TRADITIONAL marriage.

Even funnier, there are "Swinger's Conventions" made up of married people all across the US every year. There are "swingers clubs" in every state and some of them have memberships from up to 35 countries. There are probably many more swingers than gays.
is your assertion that not one person on the right has intellectual ability greater than yours......

No, I exaggerated. There are a few on the right that can think. Less than 6% of scientists are Republican so that proves a few do exist. A very few.

ok....got a link to your scientist claim.....is your assertion now that only scientist have intellect.....are you a scientist?

No but it's a good start.

Most scientists identify as Democrats (55%), while 32% identify as independents and just 6% say they are Republicans.


Hope that helped.
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No, I exaggerated. There are a few on the right that can think. Less than 6% of scientists are Republican so that proves a few do exist. A very few.

ok....got a link to your scientist claim.....is your assertion now that only scientist have intellect.....are you a scientist?

No but it's a good start.

so all scientist have high intellect and all others don't....people such as doctors....philosophers...architects.....writers....are all of low intellect.....

btw ..are you a scientist....
Gays aren't missing any rights at all. Civil unions are are the exact same thing as marriage and are allowed in many states.

Where "marriage" comes in is this. Since marriage is associated with religion and there is a separation of church and state, the gay community which is vehemently anti-religion wants this specific term "marriage" to replace the term "civil union" in their bid to further their anti-religion stance.

They already have common law protection in many States and civil union laws. I think there should be a civil union law in every state. As far as marriage...that should remain as it is...a union between man and woman.

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