What Rivalries Eclipse the Superbowl?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Was listening to the radio a few weeks ago and the radio dudes were talking about what a shock it was that Washington could win the NFC East and go to the playoffs. They both agreed that the Skins would likely loose that game to any group of people above room temperature and who could put on a uniform. And the discussion went on about whether it meant that Snyder had brought success to the Skins.

Anyway they asked the audience what game win would prove the Skins arrived and was the most important game to win each year.

The callers were like 100% saying 'Beat the COWBOYS!'

I thought that was hilarious that the Skins would say beat Dallas instead of something like, I dunno, win the Super bowl?

Then I realized all the Dallas fans I knew would say the same thing 'Beat the Redskins!'

I remember back when I was a fan of that loser team that if Dallas had a losing season but beat the Skins, everything was AOK to the fans.

How many rivalries are that intense that the success of the entire season rests on beating that rival team?
Colts/Patriots Packers/Bears come to mind.
So a Bears fan would rate the season a success if they swept the Packers, even if they had a losing season?

That is interesting.

I am a late adopter of the Patriots, deciding to root for them last year after Jerry Jones fucked Dallas yet again with his selection of an offensive lineman and neglected his need of a new great QB to replace Romo.

But I dont really care that much if they beat the Colts, the sneakaway team.


and yes, I just happened to have that lying around.......
More people miss work on Super Bowl Sunday than any other day of the year...
Colts/Patriots Packers/Bears come to mind.
So a Bears fan would rate the season a success if they swept the Packers, even if they had a losing season?

That is interesting.

I am a late adopter of the Patriots, deciding to root for them last year after Jerry Jones fucked Dallas yet again with his selection of an offensive lineman and neglected his need of a new great QB to replace Romo.

But I dont really care that much if they beat the Colts, the sneakaway team.


and yes, I just happened to have that lying around.......
Bears won at Lambeau this year so yeah; I'm not too concerned at missing playoffs.

From Colts Twitter page:
Bring unused or expired Rx prescriptions for safe disposal to #ColtsCamp on 8/9 & receive the 2014 highlight DVD! http://indcolts.co/HsbCvj

"Disposal, in this case, may mean “directly into Mr. Irsay’s hungry belly”. You might remember Irsay being arrested in the spring of 2014 with ALL of the drugs in his car. For that little episode, Roger Goodell fined Irsay $500,000 (OH NOES!) and suspended him for six games."
In college there are tons of teams that beating their rival is the biggest game of the year.

Pros, I would think the Super Bowl would be the big trip but short of that, then beating a rival would be the big win.

Winning the super bowl wouldn't have meant shit if we didn't beat the back door attackers that year.
Clearly a question coming out of the loser's bracket. :lol:

Ya...right! If your team didn't make the playoffs this one's for YOU!!
Clearly a question coming out of the loser's bracket. :lol:

Ya...right! If your team didn't make the playoffs this one's for YOU!!

Just the playoffs? LOL!

I can't speak to rivalries.

We had the makings of a great one with Santa Clara. That one self destructed.

We could have had one with St Louis but their trick plays and ourselves being the most potent adversary on the field has ground the shine off of that award. Seems upon closer examination many of the Ram players are crazy as bat shit Christians that don't even believe in dinosaurs so where is the value of that realization. Besides...according to 9/11 and a handful of other people the Rams may not be in St Louis much longer and that means they may not even be the Rams much longer.

AZ ??? I don't know. They frequently seem to have a great record and we infrequently seem to give a shit. Larry Fitzgerald is a great guy..what's to hate?

Green Bay? When "the weather" is the strongest player on their team it's stupid to have a feud with Father Winter. We only lose to them when our receivers can't hold on to the ball.

The Panthers? I know most of the country roots for Newton. We don't. They beat us in a close one while we still had serious issues on our own team to work out. We have won most encounters and still have the advantage at Carolina. It's hard to get the rivalry juices flowing against a guy that hides under a towel when things don't go his way. It seems that the powers that be are trying to Gin up a rivalry there scheduling our meeting every season. But it's the same with RG Three G's, Lucky Luck and the Amazing Colin Kaepernick.. Wilson started the rivalry in the mobile QB's sweep stakes in the "least likely to succeed" position and here we are with clearly the best of the litter.

Rivalries schmivalries!!! It's Super Bowl or bust with us.

Rams aren't much of a rival for Seattle, they wasted you three out of the last four.

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