What role did education have in making this country great?

Pretty big role I would say. But it was a lot better before the Federal government got involved.

It once had a very big influence before social programing got in the way. We have lost sight of the basic education and premise that every student must meet a goal of mastery in each grade. We have come to a "feel good " society where the child's psyche was more important than the knowledge he consumed. The end result was the child's psyche suffered when he was an abject failure in school from not performing and floundering in the grade level he wasn't ready for.

We have more students not performing on grade level, students dropping out of school and a mentality that something should be given without being earned. Education and society has helped perpetuate these faults.
Pretty big role I would say. But it was a lot better before the Federal government got involved.

It once had a very big influence before social programing got in the way. We have lost sight of the basic education and premise that every student must meet a goal of mastery in each grade. We have come to a "feel good " society where the child's psyche was more important than the knowledge he consumed. The end result was the child's psyche suffered when he was an abject failure in school from not performing and floundering in the grade level he wasn't ready for.

We have more students not performing on grade level, students dropping out of school and a mentality that something should be given without being earned. Education and society has helped perpetuate these faults.

Good points.
I wonder if one of you folks who think that the FEDERAL government is the problem in k-12 Education would help us our here?

Please tell us EXACTLY how the FED controls our schools, okay?

Show us the management process whereby you local school is CONTROLLED by the FED.

Can any of you who apparently know everything about EDUCATION actually do that for us?
Define education.

Lincoln taught himself to read. Was he educated?

Or should the thread be titled "How much did initiative and self-determination play in making America great?"
I wonder if one of you folks who think that the FEDERAL government is the problem in k-12 Education would help us our here?

Please tell us EXACTLY how the FED controls our schools, okay?

Show us the management process whereby you local school is CONTROLLED by the FED.

Can any of you who apparently know everything about EDUCATION actually do that for us?

It's like you never heard of federal standards before!
The educational system is supposed to indoctrinate us into believing the country is great. The don't tell us about Thomas Edison electrocuting cats.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51BELRdkc5w]Thomas Edison Hates Cats - YouTube[/ame]

I went to college for electrical engineering and never heard about The War of the Currents.

So the so called educational system decides what information to disappear so we have a glorified and distorted perspective of reality.

Liberals might claim that test scores are rising, when in fact the rise in test scores is in direct reverse proportion to actual ability.
I see so according to you doing better on test means you are worse at doing the things tested on

What they can't fix with a chart is that the decline in the number of educated adults has resulted in a decline of a skilled and educated workforce among Americans.
Yet more Americans today have college education's the nations then did 50 years ago..
I seriously doubt if the dedicated American teachers during the founding of the United States would have rioted over union benefits or disciplined a kid for expressing his Christian beliefs.
Nothing in this thread suggests that Republicans support education in any meaningful way.
The Country became great before the advent of union based education and the gigantic federal Dept of Education bureaucracy. We have been on a decline since democrats decided that kindegarten kids should spend time putting a condom on a cucumber and kids should learn how wonderful it would be if Heather had two mommies.
America became great because people seized what opportunity they had, possessed common sense, street smarts, and most importantly possessed the guts and back bone to get it done. Those same people preserved our freedom and paid the price so the next generation could piss it all away with their nanny based entitlement agenda. We are now run by unions that don't give a shit about what this experiment in democracy is all about for all they care about is sucking the life out of America. First manufacturing, then government service, now pathetic education. Yep, I hear that sucking sound 24/7.
This is the problem with Republican History. It's not based on anything. Before WWI, the "World Leaders" were from Europe. After WWII, America and the USSR ended up as the world's "superpowers". But that status came, not with farming and praying, but with manufacturing and technology. This means science, just like today. And that leaves behind most Republicans. This is why they want to destroy education. To "level the playing field". Sure, that will work INSIDE the US, but this country will become a "banana republic" compared to the rest of the world.

Democrats want to improve the country with infrastructure investment and education.

Republicans think you can do the same thing simply by abolishing the EPA and getting rid of expensive regulations on clean air and clean water.

Which plan makes the most sense?
This is the problem with Republican History. It's not based on anything. Before WWI, the "World Leaders" were from Europe. After WWII, America and the USSR ended up as the world's "superpowers". But that status came, not with farming and praying, but with manufacturing and technology. This means science, just like today. And that leaves behind most Republicans. This is why they want to destroy education. To "level the playing field". Sure, that will work INSIDE the US, but this country will become a "banana republic" compared to the rest of the world.

Democrats want to improve the country with infrastructure investment and education.

Republicans think you can do the same thing simply by abolishing the EPA and getting rid of expensive regulations on clean air and clean water.

Which plan makes the most sense?

The republican plan, obviously. Manufacturing and technology aren't products of democrat steal from the productive to pay the lazy to be lazy. They are products of capitalism.
I seriously doubt if the dedicated American teachers during the founding of the United States would have rioted over union benefits or disciplined a kid for expressing his Christian beliefs.


Were the Founding Fathers Christians?

Such a view of American history is completely contrary to known facts. The primary leaders of the so-called founding fathers of our nation were not Bible-believing Christians; they were deists. Deism was a philosophical belief that was widely accepted by the colonial intelligentsia at the time of the American Revolution. Its major tenets included belief in human reason as a reliable means of solving social and political problems and belief in a supreme deity who created the universe to operate solely by natural laws. The supreme God of the Deists removed himself entirely from the universe after creating it. They believed that he assumed no control over it, exerted no influence on natural phenomena, and gave no supernatural revelation to man. A necessary consequence of these beliefs was a rejection of many doctrines central to the Christian religion. Deists did not believe in the virgin birth, divinity, or resurrection of Jesus, the efficacy of prayer, the miracles of the Bible, or even the divine inspiration of the Bible.
The Christian Nation Myth

None. murkas geniuses didn't bother with "formal education".
That's for your meatheads.
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