And this is Why You Don't Privatize Education

The one I taught at has a gay teacher who is transgender and transitioning to a male without his ding a lingo and fake breasts. Sad.
A Public School in my area had a Male US History Teacher who was Politically Ultra Conservative, who asked another MALE teacher if he would like to join him in a 3-way, was also the Yearbook Photographer, (who knows what he photographed), and then Killed His wife by pushing her down the stairs in their house.

It was later discovered that his internet searches included, "How to Push Someone down a staircase without looking like Murder."

What a fucking Idiot.
Currently serving 30 years, should have been LIFE.

So, I guess Public Education truly has ALL types.
Go Figure.
A Public School in my area had a Male US History Teacher who was Politically Ultra Conservative, who asked another MALE teacher if he would like to join him in a 3-way, was also the Yearbook Photographer, (who knows what he photographed), and then Killed His wife by pushing her down the stairs in their house.

It was later discovered that his internet searches included, "How to Push Someone down a staircase without looking like Murder."

What a fucking Idiot.
Currently serving 30 years, should have been LIFE.

So, I guess Public Education truly has ALL types.
Go Figure.
People are people no matter where they are. Employers always have questions when they higher. Lots of creeps that work around children. Where I taught, we had a custodian flash a girl who he thought liked him. And another custodian was a drug pusher. Finally caught him.
I would never ignore you. You need help. Like I said way back, there's a way to do what you did without losing value. Every brokerage now days has a portal to your account and you can move the stock investments to a money market and then pull the money out and not have it drop. Who was the brokerage you were with? The money should have been sent to you the day your requested it.
That tells me you know nothing about 403Bs. Have a nice life!
Some services should not be for profit. There are some things the govenrment should provide for its citizens. Education is one of them. Leaving education to the decisions based on profit margins is insane. It creates this:


In a recent report by FOX 26, it's been unveiled that funds amounting in the millions, earmarked for Texas' public schools, have wound up bolstering the accounts of out-of-state charter schools established by Mike Miles, a notable figure in Texan education. Miles, the current superintendent of the Houston Independent School District following his appointment by the Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath, reportedly diverted Texas education tax dollars to a network of charter schools he conceived before assuming the role.

Private schools, public schools, and home schooling all co exist and you have the choice which one(s) you send your kid(s) to.
Anecdotes are no basis for public policy.

Few private schools are operated for profit, and certainly those that are should be closely scrutinized.

But there is an endemic, unavoidable problem with public K-12 schools: they are all operated and run by GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES.

Government employees, whether unionized or not - it's obviously worse when they are - are socialistic, entitled people. They go to work for schools because they want job security, good pay and benefits, Summers off, and an early and generous retirement. Of course there are those who teach because they truly want to impart knowledge and wisdom to children, and some districts have awful pay, but the majority are socialistic and entitled.

Even the worst of them can never be fired or even removed from the classroom. The few that do get fired are not fired for being terrible teachers, but rather for some sort of misconduct. Teachers' unions recoil in horror when it is even suggested that teachers be evaluated based on academic results, for obvious reasons.

Parochial and private schools are simply better at educating kids. (Charter schools are a mixed bag, obviously). It is said that parochial and private schools do better because they can reject students who are problematic, and that is true, but isn't it remarkable that after more than a hundred years of universal American public schooling, they haven't figured out how to segregate such students so that the rest of them can learn in a positive environment? Indeed, they insist that problem children be "integrated" with everyone else so that they won't feel badly about themselves. So everyone else suffers so they won't have their feelings hurt. Government schooling. What more needs to be said?

Government employees, whether unionized or not - it's obviously worse when they are - are socialistic, entitled people. ....

More ignorant crap from someone who hasn't set foot in a school in decades.
... They go to work for schools because they want job security, good pay and benefits, Summers off, and an early and generous retirement. ....

Or they choose a life of service because that is the only meaningful type of life. Maybe they are sincerely motivated to help young people realize their potential and have a more peaceful, productive, prosperous future. Maybe they work hard for little pay because they know it's important.

And maybe DGS49 is an ignorant douche bag with a big mouth that he constantly shoots off about things of which he has no knowledge or experience.
Or they choose a life of service because that is the only meaningful type of life. Maybe they are sincerely motivated to help young people realize their potential and have a more peaceful, productive, prosperous future. Maybe they work hard for little pay because they know it's important.

And maybe DGS49 is an ignorant douche bag with a big mouth that he constantly shoots off about things of which he has no knowledge or experience.
DO these people arrive on unicorns every day, accompanied by a dozen pixies?

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