What romney and santorum bring to the w.h.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

For Romney and Santorum family of 7 and 9 will cost the taxpayers millions. Not counting vacations and healthcare. I thought we wanted a smaller government with less spending.
And one with special needs. And Romney's wife has Multiply Sclerosis and medications , Copaxone, can cost $1300 a month. Will their government healthcare plan cover this pre-existing condition?
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All true but that's not the worst of it. Any pub in the WH will result in the end of the working class.

Our taxes pay for their health care insurance. The very insurance that Obama said he wants the rest of the country to have is the insurance we pay for but which they will keep from us.

Meanwhile, we're stuck with the hugely unfair, SOCIALIST system put in place by one of the worst Repub presidents of our time = Ronnie RayGun. Under this current SOCIALIST system, if a pub/bag does not or cannot pay his own health care bill, the rest of us must pay it for him. Needless to say, the pub/bag voter LOVES this because they can get off Scot-free while we pay for his health care.

Viciously crazy Santorum says the states should be able to outlaw birth control. On other issues of personal freedom, the neocons want to pass laws to restrict our most basic freedoms while shoving their various nutty religions down our throats.

The GObP/Repubs have fought against jobs and economic healing. Every jobs bill has been filibustered to death by the Party of Let Them Eat Cake. That will get a lot worse under a pub prez. The only growth they will support will be that which benefits Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Insurance, other Big Business and/or anything that is off shore/foreign. We're seeing that with the Keystone debacle.

If a pub prez gets in, we will very quickly become the United States of Plutocracy and they've already got a damn good start on it with their bills making it possible for them to hide the source of their money.

The only people who should be voting for a pub prez are those in the 1%.

For Romney and Santorum family of 7 and 9 will cost the taxpayers millions. Not counting vacations and healthcare. I thought we wanted a smaller government with less spending.
And one with special needs. And Romney's wife has Multiply Sclerosis and medications , Copaxone, can cost $1300 a month. Will their government healthcare plan cover this pre-existing condition?

Jesus ass-raping Christ that is weak! :rolleyes:

For Romney and Santorum family of 7 and 9 will cost the taxpayers millions. Not counting vacations and healthcare. I thought we wanted a smaller government with less spending.
And one with special needs. And Romney's wife has Multiply Sclerosis and medications , Copaxone, can cost $1300 a month. Will their government healthcare plan cover this pre-existing condition?

Jesus ass-raping Christ that is weak! :rolleyes:

:lol: Not to mention completely retarded...
I don't think Romney is terribly concerned about whether or not his wife's preexisting condition is covered. He is worth between $200 and $250 million and would have a salary of $33,333.33/month as POTUS. I think he could.......

Wait for it...

Pay for his wife's medication himself. Novel concept huh? Personal responsibility and all that?

For Romney and Santorum family of 7 and 9 will cost the taxpayers millions. Not counting vacations and healthcare. I thought we wanted a smaller government with less spending.
And one with special needs. And Romney's wife has Multiply Sclerosis and medications , Copaxone, can cost $1300 a month. Will their government healthcare plan cover this pre-existing condition?

You are one dumb s.o.b., old bitch. Let's just take the Romneys. The youngest of their offspring is about 30, and the oldest is around 42. Maybe in liberal land people in their 30s and 40s still live with Mommy and Daddy, which figures since they favor a Nanny state, but it's safe to say if Mitt gets to the White House the only time any of their kids are there will be by invitation.

Carry on with your lunacy though.

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