What Ryan, McConnell and Preibus need to do and do soon...

It is almost a foregone conclusion that Trump will lose and by now the only unknown is by how much he will lose.

Nonetheless, Trump's latest spewing that the election is "rigged" and that the U.S. has fallen to the equivalent of a banana-republic electoral system, is worrisome not only for us but for the rest of the democratic world who look upon us as a paragon of fairness and civility in the transference of power.

What Ryan, McConnell and Preibus need to do soon, is to openly and strongly repudiate Trump's unwise rhetoric about our electoral system. This goes beyond partisanship and hurt feelings, and the preservation of our ethics is much more important than the thin-skin of the charlatan Trump confronted with the repudiation that he should have experienced many times before.

He is right that we have become a banana republic because this IS what elections look like in third world countries and dictatorships disguised as democracies. And he helped us mightily into getting there.
What you post has no effect on how I feel. Just making an observation on your clear obsession, and curious if it seems from envy or hate.

For someone like you who "doesn't care", why are you here and using 3rd grade psychology wondering if I hated and envied?

(teeth braces may help, btw.)

When someone refers to themselves as morons, believe them.
Yes, they and many others need to do that because if Trump's assertion about a rigged election system are to be thought legitimate, just whose election is to be viewed as legitimate? His accusation implies the ballots for President to dog catcher may be invalid. What are we supposed to do, examine every single vote cast for every single candidate for an office of some sort?

....and to take it further, should we THEN also question how Ryan and McConnell got elected or selected?
Trump isn't putting any new thoughts in his supporter's heads, they already think the system is rigged against them, and by rigged I don't mean vote cheating, by rigged I mean all the elites are banding together to hit Trump five ways from Sunday while ignoring or even suppressing Hillary's glaring deficiencies.

actually the fault lies with Trump who seems to want to put out the fires of his stupidities with cans of gasoline.

And a yuuuuuge box of matches.
I've been saying for a while now the first order of business for the GOP on November 9 should be the immediate impeachment of Reince Priebus.
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary

That's what the pinheads said about Obama. So I have a question: Do you still have all of yours or has it been redistributed, Joe the Dumb Plumber?
I don't like Hillary either but it's just right wing propaganda that she's going to redistribute anything.
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary

That's what the pinheads said about Obama. So I have a question: Do you still have all of yours or has it been redistributed, Joe the Dumb Plumber?
I don't like Hillary either but it's just right wing propaganda that she's going to redistribute anything.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?
It is almost a foregone conclusion that Trump will lose and by now the only unknown is by how much he will lose.

Nonetheless, Trump's latest spewing that the election is "rigged" and that the U.S. has fallen to the equivalent of a banana-republic electoral system, is worrisome not only for us but for the rest of the democratic world who look upon us as a paragon of fairness and civility in the transference of power.

What Ryan, McConnell and Preibus need to do soon, is to openly and strongly repudiate Trump's unwise rhetoric about our electoral system. This goes beyond partisanship and hurt feelings, and the preservation of our ethics is much more important than the thin-skin of the charlatan Trump confronted with the repudiation that he should have experienced many times before.
Gee! Why would a far left bordering communist care if the "GOP" repudiates Trump or not? Answer: He knows damn well that Trump has destroyed the Republican party and it might take some time but what will replace the GOP will be MUCH more dangerous to the duopoly the Democrats/Republicans have had on the American system for 200 years. He knows just like every dumbocrat knows that there is a REASON the GOP has done NOTHING in 7.5 years to stop Obama is because its ONE BIG PARTY and YOU the people ain't invited!
I've been saying for a while now the first order of business for the GOP on November 9 should be the immediate impeachment of Reince Priebus.

Yes, Priebus will be the first of several "casualties" and sacrifices that will be made on the Trump altar.
Ryan and McConnell will be somewhat injured but will survive (good lord, they'll need Ryan as the only credible conservative left.)
The fate of Pence, Rubio and Cruz is up for speculation.
Gee! Why would a far left bordering communist care if the "GOP" repudiates Trump or not?

WOW, "communist"....I bet you also use such erudite terms as pee-pee and wee-wee whenever you get a bit upset. .....

BTW, I used to vote republican before the party went for tea bags.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

actually ANY taxation program is a form of redistribution....Perhaps that is why Trump doesn't like to pay those taxes....ever.
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary

That's what the pinheads said about Obama. So I have a question: Do you still have all of yours or has it been redistributed, Joe the Dumb Plumber?
I don't like Hillary either but it's just right wing propaganda that she's going to redistribute anything.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

What? Obama invented welfare and food stamps?
The financial crash in 2008 caused job losses and the jump in welfare and SNAP cards goes directly to his desk. The ACA makes you BUY health insurance, it doesn't give it to you. LOL!
Gee! Why would a far left bordering communist care if the "GOP" repudiates Trump or not?

WOW, "communist"....I bet you also use such erudite terms as pee-pee and wee-wee whenever you get a bit upset. .....

BTW, I used to vote republican before the party went for tea bags.
Sure you did. You obviously missed the point goober. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. The ESTABLISHMENT is both democrats and republicans. Its WHY they are BOTH attacking the ONE person that will end their little party of FUCKING the American people.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

actually ANY taxation program is a form of redistribution....Perhaps that is why Trump doesn't like to pay those taxes....ever.

Yes, we're taking his lead in April 2017 and filing a loss. He's truly a business genius, that guy. [sarcasm]
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary

That's what the pinheads said about Obama. So I have a question: Do you still have all of yours or has it been redistributed, Joe the Dumb Plumber?
I don't like Hillary either but it's just right wing propaganda that she's going to redistribute anything.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

What? Obama invented welfare and food stamps?
The financial crash in 2008 caused job losses and the jump in welfare and SNAP cards goes directly to his desk. The ACA makes you BUY health insurance, it doesn't give it to you. LOL!
so, I can buy insurance through the ACA and get the same exact coverage as some poor lazy bastard and I pay the same premium? You mean, I dont pay a higher premium so he can have his at a reduced cost?
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

actually ANY taxation program is a form of redistribution....Perhaps that is why Trump doesn't like to pay those taxes....ever.

Yes, we're taking his lead in April 2017 and filing a loss. He's truly a business genius, that guy. [sarcasm]
I try to do it every year.
If I can do something that causes me to pay less in tax, I do it. Dont you? (assuming you dont file with the 1040EZ)
The first thing they need to do is to get their investments overseas where the U.S government cant see them.
It will avoid them losing everything due to the redistribution that is sure to come with that evil bitch whore hillary

That's what the pinheads said about Obama. So I have a question: Do you still have all of yours or has it been redistributed, Joe the Dumb Plumber?
I don't like Hillary either but it's just right wing propaganda that she's going to redistribute anything.
isnt welfare, food stamps phones the aca And the list goes on, all redistribution programs?

What? Obama invented welfare and food stamps?
The financial crash in 2008 caused job losses and the jump in welfare and SNAP cards goes directly to his desk. The ACA makes you BUY health insurance, it doesn't give it to you. LOL!
so, I can buy insurance through the ACA and get the same exact coverage as some poor lazy bastard and I pay the same premium? You mean, I dont pay a higher premium so he can have his at a reduced cost?

You didn't answer my first question, about just how much of your own stuff has been redistributed, so it's safe to assume you are either in the same place or better.

And I don't expect you to answer this question: What happens when ERs are flooded with people who have no health insurance? Who pays? Oh, let me help you with that. You do. And everybody else, so health care costs just go up and up. An ounce of prevention....
Yes, we're taking his lead in April 2017 and filing a loss. He's truly a business genius, that guy. [sarcasm]

Had Trump made "how to NEVER pay a dime to the federal government" the only and main course at Trump U., that scam may have survived.

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