What‘s up with the media ignoring obama’s gaffes?


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011


I know you left wingers will say Oh far right winger Ann Coulter but the NBC host agrees with a lot of it
What‘s up with the media ignoring obama’s gaffes?



I know you left wingers will say Oh far right winger Ann Coulter but the NBC host agrees with a lot of it

"The death of our ambassador was due to an unjustified reaction to this video tape"

he should have said the truth "The death of the ambassador was a result of a coordinated terrorist attack that happened on the 11th anniversarry of 9/11 and happened before any riots broke out in the region"
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The corporate media is wacist and it's their policy to never criticize a black president. If obozo was white he'd have been crucified by now.
Come on righties...

What are ya waiting for?

Lets hear about the 57 States
Because they weren't gaffes? Because, as usually, the right wing echo chamber takes a few words completely out of context. For example the President Said:

"The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside. That's how I got elected, and that's how the big accomplishments like health care got done, was because we mobilized the American people to speak out. That's how we were able to cut taxes for middle-class families. So something that I'd really like to concentrate on in my second term is being in a much more constant conversation with the American people so that they can put pressure on Congress to help move some of these issues forward."

But the only echo is "You can't change Washington from the inside!"
Because they weren't gaffes? Because, as usually, the right wing echo chamber takes a few words completely out of context. For example the President Said:

"The most important lesson I've learned is that you can't change Washington from the inside. You can only change it from the outside. That's how I got elected, and that's how the big accomplishments like health care got done, was because we mobilized the American people to speak out. That's how we were able to cut taxes for middle-class families. So something that I'd really like to concentrate on in my second term is being in a much more constant conversation with the American people so that they can put pressure on Congress to help move some of these issues forward."

But the only echo is "You can't change Washington from the inside!"

Well according to your paragraph, he's saying his policies are good, but people dont know it? That's because his supporters are stupid as hell so he thinks everyone is that way. No we oppose his policies because they suck, not because he didnt explain them.....

And he's in the inside now isnt he? So how is he changing it from the outside now?
Wait, wait....I got another one

Your Business didn't build roads and bridges

Thats a good one
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Come on righties...

What are ya waiting for?

Lets hear about the 57 States

Here ya go.

Obama tells business owners and entrepreneurs “If you got a business, you didn’t build that, you didn’t make it on your own”
During what Obama himself calls “2nd Great Depression” and “worst recession in 70 years” he has played over 100 rounds of golf, staged 110 fundraisers and gone on 5 vacations
Obama proved he is out of touch when he said “Sometimes I forget the magnitude of the economy”
Obama Caught telling Russian leader, “”Don’t worry, after I’m elected I will have more reliability” to disarm the United States…
Obama press secretary says, there’s no specific reason the president hasn’t met with his jobs council” after not meeting with them once in the last year!
During worst recession in 70 years President Obama said, “the private sector is doing fine”
Obama calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”
Obama calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”
Obama says there are “57 States”
Obama claimed that “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”
Obama says that he bowled a 129 and compared it to the Special Olympics

Obama said, “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”
On Memorial Day Obama said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”
In a speech in Kansas Obama that said, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed,” –referring to a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. Oops, a bit overstated?
Major Blunder: Obama toasts the Queen of England while the Orchestra plays the UK’s national Anthem, “God Save The Queen
Obama Signs wrong year the London’s Westminster Abbey quest book. Off by 3 years.
Obama joked, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” There is no Austrian language!
Obama said his “Obamacare reforms we seek would bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system.” YIKES! A major Freudian slip in all its glory!
Obama bows to world leaders
Come on righties...

What are ya waiting for?

Lets hear about the 57 States

Here ya go.

Obama tells business owners and entrepreneurs “If you got a business, you didn’t build that, you didn’t make it on your own”
During what Obama himself calls “2nd Great Depression” and “worst recession in 70 years” he has played over 100 rounds of golf, staged 110 fundraisers and gone on 5 vacations
Obama proved he is out of touch when he said “Sometimes I forget the magnitude of the economy”
Obama Caught telling Russian leader, “”Don’t worry, after I’m elected I will have more reliability” to disarm the United States…
Obama press secretary says, there’s no specific reason the president hasn’t met with his jobs council” after not meeting with them once in the last year!
During worst recession in 70 years President Obama said, “the private sector is doing fine”
Obama calls the British Embassy, the “English Embassy”
Obama calls Navy Corpsman (pr. core-man) “corpse-man”
Obama says there are “57 States”
Obama claimed that “America built the Intercontinental Railroad”
Obama says that he bowled a 129 and compared it to the Special Olympics

Obama said, “John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith”
On Memorial Day Obama said, “I see many of the fallen heroes in the audience here today as we celebrate Memorial Day”
In a speech in Kansas Obama that said, “In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed,” –referring to a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people. Oops, a bit overstated?
Major Blunder: Obama toasts the Queen of England while the Orchestra plays the UK’s national Anthem, “God Save The Queen
Obama Signs wrong year the London’s Westminster Abbey quest book. Off by 3 years.
Obama joked, “I don’t know what the term is in Austrian” for “wheeling and dealing.” There is no Austrian language!
Obama said his “Obamacare reforms we seek would bring greater inefficiencies to our health care system.” YIKES! A major Freudian slip in all its glory!
Obama bows to world leaders

Wow...that is some list of "gaffes"

Right up there with telling 47% of Americans including seniors, soldiers and the working poor that they are a bunch of moochers looking for government handouts

I guess "Corpse-man" more than makes up for Romneys gaffe

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