What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.
What in the fuk are you going on about? Make sense as it pertains to the topic. OK?

And I hate to tell you dude. If business has no obligation to "risk its capital" then why in the fuk did the business start up? Wasn't the capital at more risk during start up? Sure it was.

But I am sure you will come back with some well thought out response. Like; "it is their money after all". That's so deep.

Why don't you spell FUCK properly?

Once a business is established and is still profitable why risk that profit?

Seriously if you had a business that was profitable to the tune if a few hundred million and all indicators tell you that you will still be profitable without risking more of your money, then why the FUCK would you?

Seriously, what fuking difference does it make how I spell fuck. You knew what I was saying. Which is more than I can say about your understanding of the topic at hand this AM. ((that's "morning" in my shorthand)

What was being discussed was job creation and the relationship between capital, jobs and demand for goods and services.

The topic was not company profitability. Please try again.

The topic is ALWAYS profitability. At least if you know anything about business.
Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.

Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.
Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.

Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.

they demand low priced products so they have to use cheaper labor overseas for these centers, of which are paid for by a portion of the product price.
Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.

Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.

have link?
Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.

Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.

they demand low priced products so they have to use cheaper labor overseas for these centers, of which are paid for by a portion of the product price.

Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?
Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.

they demand low priced products so they have to use cheaper labor overseas for these centers, of which are paid for by a portion of the product price.

Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.
Locating in an area with lower taxes, lower labor costs, lower regulation costs, etc. reduces production costs and makes a company better able compete. People who vilify businesses that moved offshore need to understand that in many instances they had no choice. The existence of a better business climate elsewhere means that the company who produces there will have a cost advantage, and will be able to lower the price of their products and take away market share from companies that do not move. This is how so many American companies have been driven out of business by foreign competitors.

So the real question is, how can we better compete with foreign countries?
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Companies have never and will never "ship jobs overseas".
CONSUMERS shipped those jobs over seas as they WILL NOT PAY $200 for a pair of Nike shoes they NOW pay $80 for made in China.
When will you folks ever figure out how economics works?
WE SEND THE JOBS OVERSEAS. All the companies do is give us WHAT WE DEMAND.

Oh so your saying consumers always get a piece of the savings? I've seen many items move to overseas and the price to the consumer stays the same.

I don't think anyone has ever demanded overseas call centers or tech support.

The subject is not call centers or tech support.
The subject is what fuels economic growth.
Since you have ignorant on economics nice dodge though.
Tell us how you gauge price when your call goes overseas for tech support. You never pay any money and do not see that in the bottom line.
Amazing isn't it that someone in another country learns how to speak English and does the tech support as good or better than an American?
To solve the problem of falling wages, you have to solve to problem of job scarcity. Jobs are scarce in the U.S. because companies have found better business climates outside our country. Locating in an area with lower taxes, lower labor costs, lower regulation costs, etc. reduces production costs and makes a company better able compete. People who vilify businesses that moved offshore need to understand that in many instances they had no choice. The existence of a better business climate elsewhere means that the company who produces there will have a cost advantage, and will be able to lower the price of their products and take away market share from companies that do not move. This is how so many American companies have been driven out of business by foreign competitors.

So the real question is, how can we better compete with foreign countries?

Exactly, but the dumb masses as evidenced here have no clue.
Liberals would rather the entire company fail as corporations are evil than send JUST the manufacturing base and possibly consumer support overseas and save the American company where 40% of their entire work force IS NOT manufacturing.
Company A manufactures widgets and their profit margin is 9% for their share holders.
Company A employs 200 people and their main competiton is a company in Mexico and one in China. These companies sell the exact same product for 15% less than they can because of production costs. Hint to the uninformed here: Most ALL production costs ARE labor.
Company A employs 200 people: 2 receptionists, 2 HR people, 2 benefits people, 5 marketing people, 18 sales people, 2 accounts payable, 4 accounts receivable, 4 bi-lingual employees, 9 in house tech trainers that go where the product is sold to implement it, 8 tech maintenance in house that go and service this high tech widget, 8 management, 1 CEO, 1 CFO, 1 in house attorney and 10 other non manufacturing employees.
77 employees stay IN COUNTRY and they decided to ship all of the manufacturing OVERSEAS. Interesting that American businesses have found that the conditions DIFFERENT than the American experience when they do so are: new facilities, better infrastructure, low taxes, government cooperation, easier labor force to keep and train than in America and MOST IMPORTANTLY they do not encounter the 'CORPORATIONS ARE EVIL, GREEDY SONS OF BITCHES THAT PAY THEIR OWNERS TOO MUCH" CLASS WARFARE that is evident here and this administration.
The liberal in his ignorance of everything and anything economic would rather the entire corporation fail WITH ALL THE EMPLOYEES rather than save the American base of manufacturing where the norm is about 40% of the jobs are NON manufacturing in those companies and find overseas solutions to remain competitive.
Lil Wayne made 22 million last year, Lady Gaga 25 million, Taylor Swift 28 million, Kenney Chesney 34 million and the left does not say a word, that is OK with them.
they demand low priced products so they have to use cheaper labor overseas for these centers, of which are paid for by a portion of the product price.

Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

Oh they work harder than me do they? How hard do I work then?

I've been exposed to a lot of executives and many aren't all that hard working. I know many people working harder for far less.
Locating in an area with lower taxes, lower labor costs, lower regulation costs, etc. reduces production costs and makes a company better able compete. People who vilify businesses that moved offshore need to understand that in many instances they had no choice. The existence of a better business climate elsewhere means that the company who produces there will have a cost advantage, and will be able to lower the price of their products and take away market share from companies that do not move. This is how so many American companies have been driven out of business by foreign competitors.

So the real question is, how can we better compete with foreign countries?

What about companies who go overseas just to raise go from 80 to 82 percent gp? I've seen it done many times and the price to the consumer is not lowered. I think the problem is not competing. It's competing and still paying executives insanely high wages.
they demand low priced products so they have to use cheaper labor overseas for these centers, of which are paid for by a portion of the product price.

Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

I ask 1 simple question
how much was Steve Jobs worth to Apple stock holders?
sense his death there stock has went from 600+ to 450- per share
billions of dollars gone
Amazing isn't it that someone in another country learns how to speak English and does the tech support as good or better than an American?

I've dealt with American tech support and I've dealt with tech support in India. There is absolutely no comparison. The American guy was on the phone with me for an hour, solved all of my technical problems, walked me throught the fixes and got my computer working better than it had before.

Tech support from India was clueless. They were unable to go past a set of rote questions and could not think quickly outside of the list of rote fixes they suggested. They were more interested in selling me services I didn't currently have than in solving my problems. I have tech support in India solve my problem or provide me with any useful information.

Bell Canada was forced to bring their technical support back to Canada because people were both disgusted that they sent these jobs overseas, and they were named as the "worst service" in Canada because of it.

You're dealing with people for whom English is a second language, and who have difficulty thinking outside the box in a second language. Half the time, they don't even know whath you've asked. They were hired because they speak English and could read the sheets provided to them. When faced with problems their lists can't solve, they have nothing for you.
Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

I ask 1 simple question
how much was Steve Jobs worth to Apple stock holders?
sense his death there stock has went from 600+ to 450- per share
billions of dollars gone

Ron Johnson got over 50 million in like 18 months to fail miserably at JCP.
Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

Oh they work harder than me do they? How hard do I work then?

I've been exposed to a lot of executives and many aren't all that hard working. I know many people working harder for far less.

take me for example they dony pay me how hard I work but what I know....
Or does it pay for ridiculous executive wages?

Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

Oh they work harder than me do they? How hard do I work then?

I've been exposed to a lot of executives and many aren't all that hard working. I know many people working harder for far less.

Ok, I believe you work hard, sorry for the wrong assumption.
What executives where have you "been exposed" to and under what circumstances?
Do you own the companies they work for? Do you own any stock in those companies?
If not it is none of your business.
Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

Oh they work harder than me do they? How hard do I work then?

I've been exposed to a lot of executives and many aren't all that hard working. I know many people working harder for far less.

Ok, I believe you work hard, sorry for the wrong assumption.
What executives where have you "been exposed" to and under what circumstances?
Do you own the companies they work for? Do you own any stock in those companies?
If not it is none of your business.

Many of them are relatives of important people. So they are pushed to the top without really deserving it. It's counter to your idea that all top executives work harder than everyone else. Doesn't matter if its my business.
Who sets the pay for executives?
Ever heard of stock holders?
Most of them middle class.
Quit the hatin on people that have worked harder than you.

I ask 1 simple question
how much was Steve Jobs worth to Apple stock holders?
sense his death there stock has went from 600+ to 450- per share
billions of dollars gone

Ron Johnson got over 50 million in like 18 months to fail miserably at JCP.

Who did he hold a gun to to make that money?
LOL, you bought his name up, not me!
How many middle class Americans had Ron made millionaires due to his management brilliance?
What was the stock price of Apple when he started there and how many middle class Americans quadrupled their money under his leadership of the retail operations at Apple?
Under Ron Johnson's tenure at Apple the growth of the retail stores RECEIVED RECORD GROWTH. Uh, dude, that means MORE HIGH PAYING JOBS.
Under Ron Johnson's leadership at Apple each employee accounted FOR $473,000 OF SALES, FIRST FOR SALES AMONG RETAILERS PER UNIT AREA IN 2011.
And you claim Ron Johnson is bad for job growth? :cuckoo::cuckoo:
When Ron was at Target what was their stock price and how fast did Target grow under his leadership with how many NEW JOBS from the new stores Target opened then?
Uh, hate to bust your bubble there MOE but Johnson came in to CLEAN UP THE MESS that was left by Mike Ullman.

No offense there buddy but Johnson's salary was 52 million and he only took 2 million as salary and GAVE BACK THE OTHER 50 MILLION AS HE INVESTED THAT IN OPTIONS.

If the stock does not go up one cent he EARNS NONE OF THAT 50 MILLION.
When Johnson announced his reorganization of JC Penney THE STOCK ROSE 24% OVERNIGHT!
Sorry fella, you brought up his name as YOUR example. Things not turning out so swell for your facts there guy.
JC Penney flopped on its own man. Their customer base is an aging population with brand loyalty of overpriced items. They are coupon snippers stuck in the 80s. Johnson't pricing strategies failed and he only collected on any stock gains, nothing more than the 2 million he was paid.
Most ALL executives are paid that way. If they DO NOT make money for the stockholders they make NO money themselves other than salary. Most all executives receive their pay 90%+ stock options.

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