What should the wealthy do? Libs How should they be sharing there wealth?

Am a consultant for dozens of them and sit on the board on a few.

So have you ever really worked for one? You keep mentioning you own 3 corporations, but that makes me curious what else you've done.

High school grad 1972
4 years undergraduate
Grad school
Repo and Bail bounty work 1978-1980
Law firm work in house investigator 1980-82
Licensed private detective 1982 - present
Corporation entity 1985 other business
Corporation PI agency 1985
In house corporate intelligence 1986 - 2 other corporations that I had an interest in.
Sold those interests 1992.
1993 worked for major world wide corporation Atlanta based corporate intelligence
1995-2001 worked for professional sports franchise in house pre draft intelligence
2002 corporate interest owner to date
2008 corporate interest owner to date
2007 to date consultant major national banks
2007 to date Board member 2 corporate entities in the due diligence per FDIC bank reorganization plans.
Numerous other corporate consultant and BOD relationships.

So you're a licensed DICK?
So have you ever really worked for one? You keep mentioning you own 3 corporations, but that makes me curious what else you've done.

High school grad 1972
4 years undergraduate
Grad school
Repo and Bail bounty work 1978-1980
Law firm work in house investigator 1980-82
Licensed private detective 1982 - present
Corporation entity 1985 other business
Corporation PI agency 1985
In house corporate intelligence 1986 - 2 other corporations that I had an interest in.
Sold those interests 1992.
1993 worked for major world wide corporation Atlanta based corporate intelligence
1995-2001 worked for professional sports franchise in house pre draft intelligence
2002 corporate interest owner to date
2008 corporate interest owner to date
2007 to date consultant major national banks
2007 to date Board member 2 corporate entities in the due diligence per FDIC bank reorganization plans.
Numerous other corporate consultant and BOD relationships.

So you're a licensed DICK?

I had come to the same conclusion BEFORE he said it himself. I just didn't know about the "license" part.

Of course I also was under the impression that he ran a real corporation that made things and employed people in a meaningful way instead of one he put together to avoid liability for his actions.
Small corporations have much stricter criteria for their board members than large ones.
They are held closer to the vest so to speak and the bar that the banks put on us is so high our disclosure of performance PROHIBITS US from putting brother in laws and relatives on the board, even though we do not do that anyway.
Amazing the ignorance here. The regulations and rules we small corporate people have to go by these days just to borrow one cent are tremendous.
You fools live in the past. I have been in business for 31 years and NEVER have the banks or the shareholders allowed us one ounce of independent freedom in board appointments. And that is the way it should be. They keep us on our toes.

Plain old fashioned bull shit.
And who was speaking about borrowed money? Except you.
Were we not talking about Boards of Directors?
am a consultant for dozens of them and sit on the board on a few.

so have you ever really worked for one? You keep mentioning you own 3 corporations, but that makes me curious what else you've done.

dozens of them

Understanding the way the corporations work does not take any-thing other than common sense and a desire to learn
I have no eduacation beyond hi scholl and select courses beyond that (I have no degree)
It amazes me the number of people who think there evil
I have sit in many board meetings my self and I have never been involved with anything but what is best for the company as well as the people
People make or break corporations
I work heavy industrial where safety of the employee as well as equal justice/treatment are the 2 main focal points followed by the quality og the task at hand
profit is not a dirty word
Without these tools by the people there is no profit, no corporation
even hedge funds have people who make the choices, do the work to make the profits

The "evil empires" collapse quickly
I haven't read where anyone participating in your thread said anything about corporations being "evil".

Most on here understand that a corporation is simply a vehicle to organize a business.

You could be a sole proprietor, an S Corp or a full blown corporation. Depends on your business.
Still haven't read anyone saying a corporation is evil.
But the SCOTUS thinks they are people. And people can be evil.
Small corporations have much stricter criteria for their board members than large ones.
They are held closer to the vest so to speak and the bar that the banks put on us is so high our disclosure of performance PROHIBITS US from putting brother in laws and relatives on the board, even though we do not do that anyway.

The rules for companies such as yours, who are acting in trustee positions for lenders is far, far different than those for regular small corporations. In small, closely held corporations, the officers, directors and shareholders are often the same people. Small (less than 30 employees) corporations don't have the resources to pay outside directors, and lenders have no problem with that.

As long as the corporation is financially in the black, the banks have no right to stipulate as to directors.

In any case, this discussion was in relation large corporation who pay remumeration to their CEO's at a rate which is hundreds of times greater than the wage paid to the average employee.
High school grad 1972
4 years undergraduate
Grad school
Repo and Bail bounty work 1978-1980
Law firm work in house investigator 1980-82
Licensed private detective 1982 - present
Corporation entity 1985 other business
Corporation PI agency 1985
In house corporate intelligence 1986 - 2 other corporations that I had an interest in.
Sold those interests 1992.
1993 worked for major world wide corporation Atlanta based corporate intelligence
1995-2001 worked for professional sports franchise in house pre draft intelligence
2002 corporate interest owner to date
2008 corporate interest owner to date
2007 to date consultant major national banks
2007 to date Board member 2 corporate entities in the due diligence per FDIC bank reorganization plans.
Numerous other corporate consultant and BOD relationships.

So you're a licensed DICK?

I had come to the same conclusion BEFORE he said it himself. I just didn't know about the "license" part.

Of course I also was under the impression that he ran a real corporation that made things and employed people in a meaningful way instead of one he put together to avoid liability for his actions.

My 2 other corporations do that. Just sold some land that they are building 4 homes on.
Do they build homes your way with robots or do they use people?
Everything I do I employ people.

"to avoid liability for his actions" is obvious you have no clue why business incorporates.
Do just a little more research of go to your local community college. They teach Econ 101 there.
Received my BBA undergrad and MBA grad school. Major in accounting and finance as I do forensic accounting for the banks.
And I employ assets in the field all over.
News flash to the uninformed here, including you: The Chinese ARE HERE and they are bootlegging software and everything they can get their hands on.
A simple THANK YOU would be sufficient. My work saves hundreds, maybe thousands, of American jobs.
Small corporations have much stricter criteria for their board members than large ones.
They are held closer to the vest so to speak and the bar that the banks put on us is so high our disclosure of performance PROHIBITS US from putting brother in laws and relatives on the board, even though we do not do that anyway.

The rules for companies such as yours, who are acting in trustee positions for lenders is far, far different than those for regular small corporations. In small, closely held corporations, the officers, directors and shareholders are often the same people. Small (less than 30 employees) corporations don't have the resources to pay outside directors, and lenders have no problem with that.

As long as the corporation is financially in the black, the banks have no right to stipulate as to directors.

In any case, this discussion was in relation large corporation who pay remumeration to their CEO's at a rate which is hundreds of times greater than the wage paid to the average employee.

No shit, so, what is your point?
I haven't read where anyone participating in your thread said anything about corporations being "evil".

Most on here understand that a corporation is simply a vehicle to organize a business.

You could be a sole proprietor, an S Corp or a full blown corporation. Depends on your business.
Still haven't read anyone saying a corporation is evil.
But the SCOTUS thinks they are people. And people can be evil.

Really, gosh, thanks for that.
I deal with corporations daily that employ tens of thousands of people.
Not once in my 31 years in business have I ever been given instructions from something else other than PEOPLE.
Who else runs a corporation and does all the work other THAN PEOPLE?
Corporations are PEOPLE and only PEOPLE pay taxes.
None of my corporations and NO corporation ever pays taxes. All we do is collect the taxes FROM PEOPLE and pass them on to government as we have the cost of taxes in our fees and prices. LOL, how else could a business ever do it?
So you're a licensed DICK?

I had come to the same conclusion BEFORE he said it himself. I just didn't know about the "license" part.

Of course I also was under the impression that he ran a real corporation that made things and employed people in a meaningful way instead of one he put together to avoid liability for his actions.

My 2 other corporations do that. Just sold some land that they are building 4 homes on.
Do they build homes your way with robots or do they use people?
Everything I do I employ people.

"to avoid liability for his actions" is obvious you have no clue why business incorporates.
Do just a little more research of go to your local community college. They teach Econ 101 there.
Received my BBA undergrad and MBA grad school. Major in accounting and finance as I do forensic accounting for the banks.
And I employ assets in the field all over.
News flash to the uninformed here, including you: The Chinese ARE HERE and they are bootlegging software and everything they can get their hands on.
A simple THANK YOU would be sufficient. My work saves hundreds, maybe thousands, of American jobs.

There are lots of reasons why business owners incorporate. Not being personally liable for a business action is one of them. You should know this shit with your 14 degrees and all the time you spend telling everyone how smart you are.

And now you want to be thanked? LMAO.

I think we're seeing a perfect storm here.

On one end we have people who are going to 100% defend the wealthy and will refuse to bend even an inch, making their position that much tougher to defend...

On the other end we have people who have bought into the hopelessness and victimization being pushed by many and who will simply choose to go after "the rich" rather than exercise the effort, discipline and sacrifice it takes to become truly successful. Going after the rich is much easier. Standards and expectations are mean or racist or whatever the excuse is this week.

The latter side will ultimately get its way, because (a) there are simply more people who don't make it to the top, (b) jealousy and resentment always create more energy and passion, and (3) the division pimps are clearly gaining power and influence.

I saw a post on another thread where it's suggested that the government control what top-end incomes should be. No, really. "You didn't build that" was a warning shot, and there's a lot more on the way. Should be interesting to see which countries benefit from all the capital and all the wealth-producers who recognize our decay and decide to head elsewhere. There will definitely be countries that see an opportunity to take advantage of the situation here and open the door nice and wide.

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So you're a licensed DICK?

I had come to the same conclusion BEFORE he said it himself. I just didn't know about the "license" part.

Of course I also was under the impression that he ran a real corporation that made things and employed people in a meaningful way instead of one he put together to avoid liability for his actions.

My 2 other corporations do that. Just sold some land that they are building 4 homes on.
Do they build homes your way with robots or do they use people?
Everything I do I employ people.

"to avoid liability for his actions" is obvious you have no clue why business incorporates.
Do just a little more research of go to your local community college. They teach Econ 101 there.
Received my BBA undergrad and MBA grad school. Major in accounting and finance as I do forensic accounting for the banks.
And I employ assets in the field all over.
News flash to the uninformed here, including you: The Chinese ARE HERE and they are bootlegging software and everything they can get their hands on.
A simple THANK YOU would be sufficient. My work saves hundreds, maybe thousands, of American jobs.

You SOLD the land. You ain't employing" anyone to build those homes. Who is "they"? They are employing the people building these homes.

Or will you now come back and say "they" is "you"? What I would expect.

I think we're seeing a perfect storm here.

On one end we have people who are going to 100% defend the wealthy and will refuse to bend even an inch, making their position that much tougher to defend...

On the other end we have people who have bought into the hopelessness and victimization being pushed by many and who will simply choose to go after "the rich" rather than exercise the effort, discipline and sacrifice it takes to become truly successful. Going after the rich is much easier. Standards and expectations are mean or racist or whatever the excuse is.

The latter side will ultimately get its way, because (a) there are simply more people who don't make it to the top and (b) jealousy and resentment always create more energy and passion.

I saw a post on another thread where it's suggested that the government control what top-end incomes should be. No, really. Should be interesting to see which countries benefit from all the capital and all the wealth-producers who recognize our decay and decide to head elsewhere.


Mac, my experience is that people who feel hopeless and victims don't go after anyone. They seem more concerned about survival.

And do you really think real rich people fear other people who are hopeless and victims?

I am sure your experience is much different than mine.

I think we're seeing a perfect storm here.

On one end we have people who are going to 100% defend the wealthy and will refuse to bend even an inch, making their position that much tougher to defend...

On the other end we have people who have bought into the hopelessness and victimization being pushed by many and who will simply choose to go after "the rich" rather than exercise the effort, discipline and sacrifice it takes to become truly successful. Going after the rich is much easier. Standards and expectations are mean or racist or whatever the excuse is.

The latter side will ultimately get its way, because (a) there are simply more people who don't make it to the top and (b) jealousy and resentment always create more energy and passion.

I saw a post on another thread where it's suggested that the government control what top-end incomes should be. No, really. Should be interesting to see which countries benefit from all the capital and all the wealth-producers who recognize our decay and decide to head elsewhere.


Mac, my experience is that people who feel hopeless and victims don't go after anyone. They seem more concerned about survival.

And do you really think real rich people fear other people who are hopeless and victims?

I am sure your experience is much different than mine.

The wealthy see what's coming, I absolutely guarantee you.

"Fear" other people who are hopeless and victims? That's not the term I'd use. The momentum is clear. And I'll guarantee you something else - the wealth creators took notice of "you didn't build that", they knew what it meant - "it doesn't really belong to you." The wealthy see trends, they recognize momentum, it's in their DNA.

Hey, whatever works. Everyone is going to do what they're going to do, we're too far down this road to change it now.


I think we're seeing a perfect storm here.

On one end we have people who are going to 100% defend the wealthy and will refuse to bend even an inch, making their position that much tougher to defend...

On the other end we have people who have bought into the hopelessness and victimization being pushed by many and who will simply choose to go after "the rich" rather than exercise the effort, discipline and sacrifice it takes to become truly successful. Going after the rich is much easier. Standards and expectations are mean or racist or whatever the excuse is this week.

The latter side will ultimately get its way, because (a) there are simply more people who don't make it to the top, (b) jealousy and resentment always create more energy and passion, and (3) the division pimps are clearly gaining power and influence.

I saw a post on another thread where it's suggested that the government control what top-end incomes should be. No, really. "You didn't build that" was a warning shot, and there's a lot more on the way. Should be interesting to see which countries benefit from all the capital and all the wealth-producers who recognize our decay and decide to head elsewhere. There will definitely be countries that see an opportunity to take advantage of the situation here and open the door nice and wide.


I defend anyone the right to keep the money THEY earned.
They are leaving now with their money. Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and many more.
Having worked in numerous charities over the years we see a drastic decline in this generation of those that want to serve others. They want GOVERNMENT TO DO IT so they can sit on their ass at home and bash the wealthy.
If people are really interested in others they would start in their own neighborhoods, volunteer at the library, mentor kids after school, coach rec ball (I coached 50+ teams over a 25 year period), teach people how to use public transit, show them how to use the existing services themselves, how to use a computer, how to balance a check book, how to make a budget, how to teach their kids to be on time, how to read, how to speak to people they do not know with confidence, how to shop for bargains, work at your local Good Will or Thrift store, support the van pools in your community.
ALL of those things are declining because of increased government programs.
One of the organizations I belong to The Lions are growing rapidly all over the world except in America because the younger generation here supports government as the solution to everything.
And we are worse off now than when they started doing it that way.
I read a joke where the Koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a Conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

What would you have them do?
Do you understand why I cannot ever become "rich"

5,600,000. people in the united states are on welfare there are 313,000,000 people as of 2012 in the united states ... that means .017% of the people get money from the national budget who is welfare ... do you republicans ever look up anything no you hear about some person who scamed the system and right off the bat you lose your minds
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I had come to the same conclusion BEFORE he said it himself. I just didn't know about the "license" part.

Of course I also was under the impression that he ran a real corporation that made things and employed people in a meaningful way instead of one he put together to avoid liability for his actions.

My 2 other corporations do that. Just sold some land that they are building 4 homes on.
Do they build homes your way with robots or do they use people?
Everything I do I employ people.

"to avoid liability for his actions" is obvious you have no clue why business incorporates.
Do just a little more research of go to your local community college. They teach Econ 101 there.
Received my BBA undergrad and MBA grad school. Major in accounting and finance as I do forensic accounting for the banks.
And I employ assets in the field all over.
News flash to the uninformed here, including you: The Chinese ARE HERE and they are bootlegging software and everything they can get their hands on.
A simple THANK YOU would be sufficient. My work saves hundreds, maybe thousands, of American jobs.

You SOLD the land. You ain't employing" anyone to build those homes. Who is "they"? They are employing the people building these homes.

Or will you now come back and say "they" is "you"? What I would expect.

You are truly a dumbass.
How many people did I employ cutting 4 1/2 acres of timber off of the property?
How many people did I employ doing the grading work on the property?
How many people did I employ doing all of the landscaping on the property?
How many people did I employ filling in the 2 abandoned wells on the property?
How many people did I employ doing the 4 surveys on the property when I had it divided into lots?
How many people did I employ doing the foot print and percolation analysis and tests on the property?
How many people did I employ because the back creek is State and Federally protected and I needed an approval survey buffer barrier zone there?
How many people work at the law firm that handled the zoning, legal and other issues with the county here?
Go back to your window and keep practicing "Do you want fries with that?"
Step One with your business education.
i read a joke where the koch brothers have 12 cookies
take 11
give 1/2 of one to a conservative
and then tell the same "look at that person on wellfare, he is trying to take half of your cookie"

what would you have them do?
Do you understand why i cannot ever become "rich"

5,600,000. People in the united states are on welfare there are 313,000,000 people as of 2012 in the united states ... That means .017% of the people get money from the national budget who is welfare ... Do you republicans ever look up anything no you hear about some person who scamed the system and right off the bat you lose your minds

47 million get food stamps moe

I think we're seeing a perfect storm here.

On one end we have people who are going to 100% defend the wealthy and will refuse to bend even an inch, making their position that much tougher to defend...

On the other end we have people who have bought into the hopelessness and victimization being pushed by many and who will simply choose to go after "the rich" rather than exercise the effort, discipline and sacrifice it takes to become truly successful. Going after the rich is much easier. Standards and expectations are mean or racist or whatever the excuse is.

The latter side will ultimately get its way, because (a) there are simply more people who don't make it to the top and (b) jealousy and resentment always create more energy and passion.

I saw a post on another thread where it's suggested that the government control what top-end incomes should be. No, really. Should be interesting to see which countries benefit from all the capital and all the wealth-producers who recognize our decay and decide to head elsewhere.


Mac, my experience is that people who feel hopeless and victims don't go after anyone. They seem more concerned about survival.

And do you really think real rich people fear other people who are hopeless and victims?

I am sure your experience is much different than mine.

Victims of what?
5,600,000. people in the united states are on welfare there are 313,000,000 people as of 2012 in the united states ... that means .017% of the people get money from the national budget who is welfare ... do you republicans ever look up anything no you hear about some person who scamed the system and right off the bat you lose your minds

The federal government devotes roughly one-sixth of its spending to 10 major means-tested programs and tax credits, which provide cash payments or assistance in obtaining health care, food, housing, or education to people with relatively low income or few assets. Those programs and credits consist of the following:

 Medicaid,
 The low-income subsidy (LIS) for Part D of Medicare (the part of Medicare that provides prescription drug benefits),
 The refundable portion of the earned income tax credit (EITC),
 The refundable portion of the child tax credit (CTC),
 Supplemental Security Income (SSI),
 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF),
 The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly called the Food Stamp program),
 Child nutrition programs,
 Housing assistance programs, and
 The Federal Pell Grant Program.

In 2012, federal spending on those programs and tax credits totaled $588 billion. And this is not an all-inclusive list. Plus, starting next year, new subsidies for Obamacare will kick in, and the CBO estimates that will be the second largest means-tested program by 2023.

P.S. I'm not Republican.

Source: CBO

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