What should we do to any American who helps the Taliban?

What should we do to any American who helps the Taliban?
I am sure there are many different answers on how to treat a treanous piece of shit helping our enemy.

COVID-19 is our enemy. Donald Trump declared war on COVID-19. COVID-19 is hurting our country more than the Taliban, currently.
Those not getting vaccinated or refuse to wear a mask are aiding and abetting the enemy.

Shouldn't we treat those helping COVID-19 spread the same way we treat someone helping the Taliban.
What should we do with Joe Biden?
I believe everyone should be treated as equals.
Does that make me a traitor?
..I have to hand it to you = that's some good double talk babble
....BLM makes no sense and act exactly like nazis [ I'vel inked it many times the many ways in many threads ]
..BLM unjustifiably hates America/whites/cops
ElmerMudd I think you just set a "False Equivalency" record for an opening paragraph, well done! :clap2::clap2::clap2:
I understand why you call it a false equivalency when it correctly calls you out for what you are, one who helps the enemy of the USA. You do so because a shot scares the hell out of you. What would have happened if the country asked you to fight in a war that involved guns and bombs. You would have run and hid.
..I have to hand it to you = that's some good double talk babble
....BLM makes no sense and act exactly like nazis [ I'vel inked it many times the many ways in many threads ]
..BLM unjustifiably hates America/whites/cops
BLM justifiably hates white nationalists/white supremacists. People like you.
I am a white person and, assuming you are white, you are an embarrassment to the white race.
No vaccine makes you 100% immune you retard.

No vaccine makes you 100% immune you retard.

I didn't write the definition. And what the vaccine is is not a vaccine. It falls in the category of gene "therapy". It's a new type of therapy/(vaccine) that alters your genes.
Here is why:
What you are being injected with is a single covid gene. A messenger that teaches your cells to produce spike proteins. The spike protein that in covid 19. Along with causing the blood to clot, the proteins may cause infertility.<gain of function. But in order to fast track, fertility data wasn't even collected, let alone analyzed. Due to the number of miscarriages, and changes to women's cycles, it was announced today that they are starting to collect data.
This is a mass experiment. They will inject you with whatever they want. You are the monkey...
What should we do to any American who helps the Taliban?
I am sure there are many different answers on how to treat a treanous piece of shit helping our enemy.

COVID-19 is our enemy. Donald Trump declared war on COVID-19. COVID-19 is hurting our country more than the Taliban, currently.
Those not getting vaccinated or refuse to wear a mask are aiding and abetting the enemy.

Shouldn't we treat those helping COVID-19 spread the same way we treat someone helping the Taliban.
Would you consider giving the Taliban 86 billion dollars in American equipment, technology, and intelligence, "helping the Taliban"?

What should we do to these people?
Would you consider giving the Taliban 86 billion dollars in American equipment, technology, and intelligence, "helping the Taliban"?

What should we do to these people?

The US has armed every faction in Afghanistan since 1979. We armed the warlords, Al Qaeda, the Afghan Mafia, the Afghan Security Forces and the Taliban.

Did Trump bring any weapons home when he reduced forces from 13,000 to 2500?
The US has armed every faction in Afghanistan since 1979. We armed the warlords, Al Qaeda, the Afghan Mafia, the Afghan Security Forces and the Taliban.

Did Trump bring any weapons home when he reduced forces from 13,000 to 2500?
Shut the fuck up with your DUMBASS LIES.

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the US.



You tell me.

What should we do with Americans who are responsible for helping the Taliban?
The death penalty may be too harsh, but should be considered. We do not have enough jails. Maybe take away their US citizenship and send them to other countries.
To eliminate this group would make America smarter and stronger.

Would you be an vaccine enforcement officer?
These are the same dipshits that will claim they are patriots. Kinda shows you how much they lie.
What you say here reminds me of something that was asked about at another forum that I go to. The given question was this one: Is it unpatriotic of me to not give a flip what you were doing? The question is about all that took place on September 11, 2001. My answer to the question was actually "No." and the reason why I said "No." is because of our nation being the free piece of ground that it is supposed to be still. In other words, vaccinations have become available to whoever thinks that vaccinations make well enough what their fans believe to be the needed difference. Cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, crack cocaine, etc. have been made available to whoever thinks that them things make well enough what their fans believe to be the needed difference. What I am pointing out here can also be said for things like food, music, movies, books, TV shows, sport activities, clothes, what kind a place a person decides to be their home, etc...at the end of the day, no one person here in America is more patriotic compared to another.

And for the record, the rest of what I had to say over at that other forum is this:

To answer the question that got this conversation going, I don't think that its unpatriotic to not care about stuff, but depending on far you decide to fly with certain feelings concerning any matter, don't be surprised if you get busted for whatever illegal activity it is that you eventually choose to become guilty of doing. In other words, I guess that the better thing to do is to just stay focused on whatever is important enough to you which could very well be the best way to deal with anyone who makes it their goal to disrupt your life in whatever way that they can.

God bless you and our homeland always!!!


P.S. If Covid is considered an enemy, what name do we give the sicknesses that have been out there longer?

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