What social label did you have in school???

no1tovote4 said:
Did you date guys with patches on their Jean Jackets?

Dated guys with leather pants, long black jackets, Doc Martin Boots, long hair, makeup and jewelry (and no Im not a closet lesbian) lol!!
NATO AIR said:
Too bad I decided I wanted to be a virgin throughout high school... :laugh:

Same here - except that it was the girls who more or less made that decision for me! :laugh:

I was the painfully shy kid who masked it by being the class clown. I rarely applied myself, unless a particular subject captured my interest - I did OK in English and Social Studies. Mostly, I snoozed, cut up, or goofed off. Due to my family's tough financial circumstances, I had to quit H.S. after the 11th grade and go to work full-time (got my GED later), and I wasn't the least bit sad about it. I didn't know, back then, why I felt that way, but I think I do now. What I craved was personal autonomy. Being the mastrer of one's own life is quite a gift; I don't take the time I should to stop and appreciate it once in a while.
mom4 said:
Hey Trinity! No fair! That's the advantage of communicating online--- people can't see you! And here you are giving me away! :tng:

Sorry I couldn't help myself! :funnyface :D
MyName said:
I was kicked off the cheerleading squad for dating guys with long hair that didnt fit the 'image' (whatever the hell that was) Its even in my yearbook LMAO. guess everyone has to be known for something...

Men with long hair....somethings just never change...

You know when I was about 5 my parents took me to Barbados, and there was this band playing in the lounge, the singer had long hair and nice eyes. I was instantly in love, I would constantly walk in front of the stage when he was playing.......right 5 years old and I was flirting with this twenty something long haird guy. Ever since then :hail:
musicman said:
Same here - except that it was the girls who more or less made that decision for me! :laugh:

I was the painfully shy kid who masked it by being the class clown. I rarely applied myself, unless a particular subject captured my interest - I did OK in English and Social Studies. Mostly, I snoozed, cut up, or goofed off. Due to my family's tough financial circumstances, I had to quit H.S. after the 11th grade and go to work full-time (got my GED later), and I wasn't the least bit sad about it. I didn't know, back then, why I felt that way, but I think I do now. What I craved was personal autonomy. Being the mastrer of one's own life is quite a gift; I don't take the time I should to stop and appreciate it once in a while.
I feel better now, I used to read comic books in class and stare out the window, I hated school, and always wanted to be on plane traveling somewhere with palm trees.
Bonnie said:
I feel better now, I used to read comic books in class and stare out the window, I hated school, and always wanted to be on plane traveling somewhere with palm trees.
Another comic book fan huh?
I guess that's the subject I was a nerd about.
Still am, that and video games.
Shhhhh don't tell.
Another comic book fan huh?
I guess that's the subject I was a nerd about.
Still am, that and video games.
Shhhhh don't tell.

They won't hear it from me!! :D
Bonnie said:
You know when I was about 5 my parents took me to Barbados, and there was this band playing in the lounge, the singer had long hair and nice eyes. I was instantly in love, I would constantly walk in front of the stage when he was playing.......right 5 years old and I was flirting with this twenty something long haird guy. Ever since then :hail:

I know what you mean....I mean hell, look who Im married to lol

I admit it - I married him for his looks. :teeth:
(i really kinda did)
MyName said:
I know what you mean....I mean hell, look who Im married to lol

I admit it - I married him for his looks. :teeth:
(i really kinda did)

My Ex husband had hair to his shoulder blades, and my ex fiance had hair to his waist. Too bad their personalities were lacking :(
I really did not care what other thought of me, except for my English teacher, she was the pretty young teacher who encouraged me to join the drama club and speech team....that is a story for another time, though....

My English teacher my senior year was one of the first to get me into the idea of writing. He encouraged me a lot, and actually encouraged me to follow my dream of being a filmmaker, which every other teacher in the world told me was a horrible idea. So, yeah, Dr. Van Gunten's, as well as one or two other teachers', opinions really matter to me.

Lest I make him feel left out, I should point out that my freshman year in college, our very own Jimnyc was the one who really pushed me over the edge to want to be a writer, or at least he gave me the confidence I needed to feel that I could make it as a writer.

So, y'know, to anyone whose couch I'll be sleeping on for the next 5 years, blame him. :D

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