What some seem not to get

I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

What so lunatic is idiots like you interpreting "might face attempts" to mean actual impeachment attempts.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

What so lunatic is idiots like you interpreting "might face attempts" to mean actual impeachment attempts.
Of course there was no reason to impeach Obama except for hundreds of phony scandals that were all investigated and had nothing behind them but garbage propaganda for chumps like you. Politically of course.. .
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

What so lunatic is idiots like you interpreting "might face attempts" to mean actual impeachment attempts.
Of course there was no reason to impeach Obama except for hundreds of phony scandals that were all investigated and had nothing behind them but garbage propaganda for chumps like you. Politically of course.. .

Take it up with coyote who seems to see it differently.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

What so lunatic is idiots like you interpreting "might face attempts" to mean actual impeachment attempts.
Of course there was no reason to impeach Obama except for hundreds of phony scandals that were all investigated and had nothing behind them but garbage propaganda for chumps like you. Politically of course.. .

Take it up with coyote who seems to see it differently.
Just another brainwashed willfully ignorant functional moron. Coyote seems well-informed and cares about the truth, unlike GOP voters these days.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.
Oh shut the hell up, brainwashed functional moron. You people have your own ridiculous alternate planet. A disgrace.

I wonder who really said that?......MLK was a notorious plagiarist. He even engaged in plagiarism to get his phd and the university knew about it but still granted him the degree.

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

Jackie O and MLK

She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.

Needy Germans Irritated JFK, Tapes Reveal : 'He Got Awfully Fed Up with Adenauer and All that Berlin' - DER SPIEGEL - International
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What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.

So you're saying that Obama made the "worst inequality and upward mobility in our history" worse? And let's see, the government says that wage growth is continuing and household income is rising. Yet you say this is a bad economy and seem to think endlessly regurgitating lame names makes you sound educated on the subject. Here's a hint, it does not.
the continuing growing inequality and upward mobility is due to the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and policy. Wage growth for the non rich is about the same as our newfound inflation. Total baloney. Google the only tax graph you need to know to see that we have a flat tax system. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and see that it has happened since Reagan 1982 end of story wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry about reality change the channel. Google Obama's economy vs. Trump's economy and stop being a dingbat dupe.

Like I said, you vote for lying mega rich democrats who won't give you what you want and they have you convinced that it's the right thing to do. You're a good little propaganda dupe, aren't you?

Nothing changes when they're in power, yet you think they'll do something different. Ridiculous.
yes they have been totally obstructed since LBJ except for Obamacare. The GOP has theirreconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else oh, and they have their filibuster rule so that Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Especially the first black president who wasn't going to go nuclear and be uppity. But I think the next one will do it. Warren is already saying she will... Enough of your disgraceful a****** GOP. Only their propaganda machine makes this mess possible. And ignoramuses like you.

Oh, the poor dears. You do realize, don't you, that you destroyed your own complaint by admitting they were able to do what they wanted despite opposition not only from the Republicans, but the people themselves? You believe propaganda.

I wonder who really said that?......MLK was a notorious plagiarist. He even engaged in plagiarism to get his phd and the university knew about it but still granted him the degree.

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

Jackie O and MLK

She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.

Needy Germans Irritated JFK, Tapes Reveal : 'He Got Awfully Fed Up with Adenauer and All that Berlin' - DER SPIEGEL - International

What a funny response.

You showed no evidence he did not write it, but you feel the need to tear him down as a "plagiarist" for plagiarism found on his doctoral dissertation without ever showing that he didn't write this particular quote :cuckoo:
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....why didn't the Supreme Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

'Since the 1960s the label has become a disciplinary device that has been overwhelmingly effective in defining certain events off limits to inquiry or debate. Especially in the United States raising legitimate questions about dubious official narratives destined to inform public opinion (and thereby public policy) is a major thought crime that must be cauterized from the public psyche at all costs.'

The Term "Conspiracy Theory" — an Invention of the CIA
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I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.

I wonder who really said that?......MLK was a notorious plagiarist. He even engaged in plagiarism to get his phd and the university knew about it but still granted him the degree.

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

Jackie O and MLK

She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.

Needy Germans Irritated JFK, Tapes Reveal : 'He Got Awfully Fed Up with Adenauer and All that Berlin' - DER SPIEGEL - International

What a funny response.

You showed no evidence he did not write it, but you feel the need to tear him down as a "plagiarist" for plagiarism found on his doctoral dissertation without ever showing that he didn't write this particular quote :cuckoo:

He was a documented serial plagarist.....thus anything he said or wrote must be questioned.

Michael King (aka Martin Luther King) Plagiarism Page

I wonder who really said that?......MLK was a notorious plagiarist. He even engaged in plagiarism to get his phd and the university knew about it but still granted him the degree.

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

Jackie O and MLK

She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.

Needy Germans Irritated JFK, Tapes Reveal : 'He Got Awfully Fed Up with Adenauer and All that Berlin' - DER SPIEGEL - International

What a funny response.

You showed no evidence he did not write it, but you feel the need to tear him down as a "plagiarist" for plagiarism found on his doctoral dissertation without ever showing that he didn't write this particular quote :cuckoo:

He was a documented serial plagarist.....thus anything he said or wrote must be questioned.

Well Trump is a documented serial liar....I'm sure the same must apply then, right?

I wonder who really said that?......MLK was a notorious plagiarist. He even engaged in plagiarism to get his phd and the university knew about it but still granted him the degree.

Boston U. Panel Finds Plagiarism by Dr. King

Jackie O and MLK

She said Martin Luther King was "phony," called former French President Charles de Gaulle an "egomaniac" and had harsh words for her husband's successor, Lyndon B. Johnson. In a new book that unveils private interviews for the first time with former first lady Jacqueline Kennedy, unpleasant opinions about a number of political figures are revealed´-- and the Germans aren't spared, either.

Needy Germans Irritated JFK, Tapes Reveal : 'He Got Awfully Fed Up with Adenauer and All that Berlin' - DER SPIEGEL - International

What a funny response.

You showed no evidence he did not write it, but you feel the need to tear him down as a "plagiarist" for plagiarism found on his doctoral dissertation without ever showing that he didn't write this particular quote :cuckoo:

He was a documented serial plagarist.....thus anything he said or wrote must be questioned.

Well Trump is a documented serial liar....I'm sure the same must apply then, right?

We are all aware of your TDS.....I would advise you not to go there....you will only embarass yourself more than you have already done by trying to lionize a phoney.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.

Obama was the original birther..............Obama Was the Original Birther
The deep state along with the msm protected obama.

The New York Time bestselling expose on the politicized federal bureaucracy that actively works to promote the Democrat agenda and undermine President Trump.

The liberal media loves to characterize the Obama years as free of scandal. They pretend this is true because virtually every office in the executive branch worked to withhold evidence of wrongdoing, silence witness testimony, destroy federal records, classify embarrassing information, and retaliate against truth tellers. Yet these same tight-lipped lifers leaked like a sieve once President Trump was sworn in, freely promoting the illusion that everything he does is the new Watergate.

Sometimes even conservatives portray the Deep State as nothing more than dumb inefficient bureaucracy. In fact, it’s the opposite; the Deep State is intentional, unconstitutional, and organized.

In Deep State, Jason Chaffetz reveals an entrenched leadership within the civil service that resists exposure, accountability, and responsibility. At the highest levels, they fight back, outlast, and work the system for their own advantage. And they certainly don’t like disruptive forces such as Donald Trump.

As Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Chaffetz was the tip of the spear challenging the Deep State and trying to hold them accountable. He and his colleagues took on the powerful forces at the IRS, the EPA, the DOJ, the Department of State, and more. The deeper he dove in, the more shocking he found the brazen approach by the power brokers. The balance of power has shifted. The Deep State has gotten used to operating anonymously and without consequence. This is a problem bigger than we can even imagine and getting worse. Unless we do something dramatic to wrest back control, we risk losing the ability to successfully challenge wrongdoing by the most powerful bureaucracy in the world.

In Deep State, Chaffetz highlights the Deep State’s tactics, illuminates the problems, and offers a way to fight back and win. It is important to expose the stories, but if the American People are going to win, Congress is going to have to do things differently. This book helps the concerned citizen understand what must be done--so they can demand real change.


Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.
Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

No list of articles of impeachment was ever drawn up on obama and proposed to the Judiciary Committee.

To this day there are a lot of questions regarding obama's eligibility for the presidency due to his father being foreign born and not an American Citizen and of course the Birth Certificate issue. If obama had a long form birth certificate all along....why did he wait until he was forced by Truimp to present it?

He either did not have the long form or if he did he was playing some kind of game.

There were never any legitimate questions regarding Obama's eligibility - it was all one big conspiracy theory. And the fact you continue to argue it shows us the lunacy of the right in this regard.

What a left-winger considers legitimate vs. what intelligent people think....a wide gulf separates them.

Anyhow....can you explain why despite all the uproar over his legitimacy because many were convinced he was not a natural born citizen...............why did he wait so long to present his long form birth certificate? Why did he wait till Donald Trump started putting some heat on him to present the document....did he have it all along or was it something 'prepared' to try and quell all the uproar over whether or not he was a natural born citizen....whyh didn't the Suprem Court with all its power not step in resolve the matter.

The 'conspiracy theory accusation' has been trotted out over and over to try and discredit legitimate questions.

Well at least we are clear on something now...you're a birther.

Not much point in wasting time discussing it.

Obama was the original birther..............Obama Was the Original Birther

Not Natural Born -- TRUTH MATTERS - YouTube

His father WAS NEVER a U. S. Citizen, therefore, Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a "natural born" Citizen of the United States, thus he is in violation of Amendment 14, and Article II, Section 1 ...
What no one seems to get is all or nothing thinking allows those running things to fight over who gets the most money & power to do what ever they want, while we rip each other to pieces. We the people forgot the" in order to form a more perfect union," part of the Constitution.

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