What some seem not to get

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.


I agree! The lies you post must STOP!

You and the rest of the Trump haters have evolved hatred into depths never reached before.

Not liking policy is not akin to hatred of a President.

Some of us dislike both.
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to how since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.
Listen stupid, google results prove nothing, except what morons people like you are for swallowing their bs.
yes yes, all of our law enforcement and law enforcement around the modern world and all journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad bought off pundits know the truth. And only Rupert Murdoch's propaganda and Rush Limbaugh. Absolute idiocy. Sorry about reality.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to how since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.
Listen stupid, google results prove nothing, except what morons people like you are for swallowing their bs.
yes yes, all of our law enforcement and law enforcement around the modern world and all journalists around the world are wrong, only your high school grad bought off pundits know the truth. And only Rupert Murdoch's propaganda and Rush Limbaugh. Absolute idiocy. Sorry about reality.
Now the lying scumbag goes off the rails. Typical of insane progressives. Claiming I said something I never said.
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
Obama was a pos and deserved it, liar.
Everything you know about Obama is crap propaganda dumbass. All investigated and nothing is found but GOP lies repeated endlessly. Wake up and smell the coffee. Change the channel to get some reality some time. The world is not a conspiracy of everyone in the world except bought off high School grad GOP pundits who will say anything for a buck.
I don't claim to know much about him, only his presidency, in which he was a traitor like you.
well at least you don't hate your fellow citizens based on total garbage propaganda, super Dupe.
No, liar, I hate them based on what I see them do which is trying to tear down this country and turn it into a third world hell hole.
Funny how inequality and crappy upward mobility is what happens in banana republics and that is what the GOP has given us. Only the brainwash make this possible, super duper.
Obama was a pos and deserved it, liar.
Everything you know about Obama is crap propaganda dumbass. All investigated and nothing is found but GOP lies repeated endlessly. Wake up and smell the coffee. Change the channel to get some reality some time. The world is not a conspiracy of everyone in the world except bought off high School grad GOP pundits who will say anything for a buck.
I don't claim to know much about him, only his presidency, in which he was a traitor like you.
well at least you don't hate your fellow citizens based on total garbage propaganda, super Dupe.
No, liar, I hate them based on what I see them do which is trying to tear down this country and turn it into a third world hell hole.
Funny how inequality and crappy upward mobility is what happens in banana republics and that is what the GOP has given us. Only the brainwash make this possible, super duper.
Goebbels has spoke!
Everything you know about Obama is crap propaganda dumbass. All investigated and nothing is found but GOP lies repeated endlessly. Wake up and smell the coffee. Change the channel to get some reality some time. The world is not a conspiracy of everyone in the world except bought off high School grad GOP pundits who will say anything for a buck.
I don't claim to know much about him, only his presidency, in which he was a traitor like you.
well at least you don't hate your fellow citizens based on total garbage propaganda, super Dupe.
No, liar, I hate them based on what I see them do which is trying to tear down this country and turn it into a third world hell hole.
Funny how inequality and crappy upward mobility is what happens in banana republics and that is what the GOP has given us. Only the brainwash make this possible, super duper.
Goebbels has spoke!
And Nazis are right-wing fascist assholes. That's why they vote for Trump here now.... More garbage propaganda is that all you have?
That's hilarious after the way Obama was treated by the GOP and its ridiculous scumbag hate propaganda machine. Hundreds of phony scandals all discredited and never retracted. You have a imaginary planet.
But. but, but, OBAMA!!!
You mean but but but garbage GOP propaganda about Obama, all discredited never retracted, which is why 35% of the country is technically insane at this point.

The thread is about Trump, yet you think Obama is the subject.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....

I know exactly what you mean.

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia



A sampling from the karma bin:

Impeach Obama?

Impeach obama!

Impeach obama

Impeach Obama Now !

Impeach the Kenyan!

Why to impeach Obama

Will Republicans impeach Obama?

Impeach Obama Over Syria????

Boehner's Master Plan: Impeach Obama

""IMPEACH"" Law Breaker Obama! Now!!!

Enough enough with Obama, IMPEACH

Palin: Impeach

why won't anyone impeach Obama the racist?

Is Baltimore enough to impeach Obama?

---->>>> Impeach Obama If He Strikes Syria <<<<---- :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::scared1:

SD GOP state convention: IMPEACH OBAMA!!

Is it time to impeach Obama ?

We could impeach Obama if we default

*Congress Setting Stage To Impeach Obama*

Impeach Obama, says Rep. Michael Burgess

I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Are There Grounds To Impeach Obama?

Charge for Treason, and Impeach

Oklahoma Prepares To Impeach Obama Over Transgender Bathrooms

America’s new battle cry "Impeach Obama!" and "Deport! Deport!"

Will Biden team up with Republicans to Impeach Obama?

Benghazi: What Republicans have to get passed to impeach Obama

Impeach Obama Robocall Campaign Launched By Conservative Group

It's is far time we impeach

THE “TAKE CARE CLAUSE” …A Reason to Impeach?

Harvard Constitutional Attorney: Time To Impeach Obama (Gotta Hear This Folks)

OK, after today I am on the impeach Obama band wagon

Sarah Palin: Start Obama Investigations To Impeach In Order To Stop His Transformation Of America

White House: Republicans May Push to Impeach Obama If They Get the Chance

Are there sufficient and compelling offenses by President Obama to impeach him?

Impeaching Obama

Enjoy the karma, baby!
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
You have to be very careful about fucking with karma. Trump wanted the last two presidents impeached, and he worked very hard for several years in particular to get Obama overthrown.

BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.


Karma just bitch slapped the shit out of Extortionist-In-Chief Donald Trump.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non-rich since LBJ. Otherwise your swine greedy idiot Rich GOP has obstructed everything. Not hard to do with these GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules. The next Democratic president will not be a black president who refuses to go nuclear.
If he was doing a bad job, it would be different----but they hated him with the same intensity on the day he took office.

His success only makes them even crazier.

YES---he fights backs! God Bless him for it. Quit attacking everything he does, or start recognizing that a lot of it is RIGHT!
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
His success is purely imaginary and pure propaganda. Only the rich are doing well.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non-rich since LBJ. Otherwise your swine greedy idiot Rich GOP has obstructed everything. Not hard to do with these GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules. The next Democratic president will not be a black president who refuses to go nuclear.

Hmm, so democrats CAN do things, but apparently choose not to. Yet you vote for them. What a maroon.
Wait, let's see if we have this right. On the one hand, when good economic numbers are touted, we're told that it's Obama's economy and Trump had nothing to do with it. Now you're saying that it's NOT a good economy, and it's Trump's fault.

If you are saying it's NOT Obama's economy, you have to give Trump credit when good economic numbers are shown (and they are there to be shown), but if you are saying it IS Obama's economy, you have to blame him when bad numbers are shown (or people, like you, complain that it's a bad economy). Which horse are you riding?
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich what's have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non-rich since LBJ. Otherwise your swine greedy idiot Rich GOP has obstructed everything. Not hard to do with these GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules. The next Democratic president will not be a black president who refuses to go nuclear.

Hmm, so democrats CAN do things, but apparently choose not to. Yet you vote for them. What a maroon.
Well I don't vote for greedy idiot disastrous mega Rich assholes who never stop lying LOL

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