What some seem not to get

The problem is GOP tax rates on the rich which have given us a flat tax system, a huge giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. Obama showed how strong our economy is if we just leave it alone which the GOP it appears cannot do. I know another tax cut for the rich! The worst inequality and upward mobility in our history is not trivia. We have to invest in our people and infrastructure etc again for the first time in 30 years oh, and we have to tax the rich more like their fair share. Ditto giant corporations.

So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non-rich since LBJ. Otherwise your swine greedy idiot Rich GOP has obstructed everything. Not hard to do with these GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules. The next Democratic president will not be a black president who refuses to go nuclear.

Hmm, so democrats CAN do things, but apparently choose not to. Yet you vote for them. What a maroon.
Well I don't vote for greedy idiot disastrous mega Rich assholes who never stop lying LOL
yeah you do liar.
So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.
Total bullshit.
So is it Obama's economy or Trump's?
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
Can't prove anything so he keeps lying.
Google the only tax graph you need to know, proves we have a flat tax system if you count all taxes. Google fact left the demise of the middle class that shows the middle class has been going slowly to hell since 1982 when Reagan started cutting taxes on the rich and services for everyone else. Really got bad after Rush Limbaugh started... Now Fox and Rush run the GOP along with the lobbyists. All Trump had to do to take over the party was parrot the hate garbage propaganda, all the ridiculous misinformation conspiracy theories and phony scandals, none of which have gone anywhere in the real world.

Oh the poor useless democrats. They never, ever give you what you want, but you keep voting for them. Talk about ridiculous.
Obamacare is the best thing that has happened for the non-rich since LBJ. Otherwise your swine greedy idiot Rich GOP has obstructed everything. Not hard to do with these GOP filibuster and reconciliation rules. The next Democratic president will not be a black president who refuses to go nuclear.

Hmm, so democrats CAN do things, but apparently choose not to. Yet you vote for them. What a maroon.
Well I don't vote for greedy idiot disastrous mega Rich assholes who never stop lying LOL

You voted for Hillary, correct? Then you already have.
It is Obama's recovery and economy until Trump finally screws it up he keeps trying.... It is only slightly worse under Trump despite a mountain of garbage propaganda from the GOP, for Dupes like you only.

Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.
Okay, so the simple minded have spoken, and it is what I feared. In your mind, as long as it remains strong, it's Obama's, but as soon as it weakens, it's Trump's. What a stupid. You just lost whatever little credibility you might have had. I shall now have to mock you ceaselessly.

The truth for the rest of the class, since you only believe propaganda, is that the economy became Trump's with his first spending bill.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.

So you're saying that Obama made the "worst inequality and upward mobility in our history" worse? And let's see, the government says that wage growth is continuing and household income is rising. Yet you say this is a bad economy and seem to think endlessly regurgitating lame names makes you sound educated on the subject. Here's a hint, it does not.
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM. The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.
If bitter, petulant, ignorant, childish looks could kill, Pence would now be POTUS:

The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM. The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.
If bitter, petulant, ignorant, childish looks could kill, Pence would now be POTUS:

Yes, that was ridiculous.

Trump has been this way since Day One, something you will avoid admitting.
Well he certainly gets credit for another giveaway to the rich and giant corporations and adding two trillion dollars to the deficit while having absolutely no effect on the economy. Great job!

No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.

So you're saying that Obama made the "worst inequality and upward mobility in our history" worse? And let's see, the government says that wage growth is continuing and household income is rising. Yet you say this is a bad economy and seem to think endlessly regurgitating lame names makes you sound educated on the subject. Here's a hint, it does not.
the continuing growing inequality and upward mobility is due to the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and policy. Wage growth for the non rich is about the same as our newfound inflation. Total baloney. Google the only tax graph you need to know to see that we have a flat tax system. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and see that it has happened since Reagan 1982 end of story wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry about reality change the channel. Google Obama's economy vs. Trump's economy and stop being a dingbat dupe.
No effect? You're not paying attention.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.

So you're saying that Obama made the "worst inequality and upward mobility in our history" worse? And let's see, the government says that wage growth is continuing and household income is rising. Yet you say this is a bad economy and seem to think endlessly regurgitating lame names makes you sound educated on the subject. Here's a hint, it does not.
the continuing growing inequality and upward mobility is due to the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and policy. Wage growth for the non rich is about the same as our newfound inflation. Total baloney. Google the only tax graph you need to know to see that we have a flat tax system. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and see that it has happened since Reagan 1982 end of story wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry about reality change the channel. Google Obama's economy vs. Trump's economy and stop being a dingbat dupe.

Like I said, you vote for lying mega rich democrats who won't give you what you want and they have you convinced that it's the right thing to do. You're a good little propaganda dupe, aren't you?

Nothing changes when they're in power, yet you think they'll do something different. Ridiculous.
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM. The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.
If bitter, petulant, ignorant, childish looks could kill, Pence would now be POTUS:

Yes, that was ridiculous.

Trump has been this way since Day One, something you will avoid admitting.
America elected Trump POTUS in full knowledge of what he is because the option screwed up her coronation.

Tough noogies.

Nobody ever elected Pissy Pelosi POTUS but she sure acts like we did. Meanwhile we may just have gotten lucky but Americans are doing pretty well and way better than we would if any of the current crop of Democrat Socialist Party hopefuls manages to beat Trump.
the last three years of Obama produced more jobs and growth than the first three years under Trump. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed functional moron.

What luck? I'm doing fine. Only an idiot would think Trump has had no effect on the economy.
so despite 2 trillion dollars in sugar for the economy, he still managed to bring it down a bit with all those stupid chaotic tariffs and trade wars. And of course the worst inequality and upward mobility in our history continues to get worse with the continuing screwjob for the Non rich and tax cuts for the rich. Great job scumbag greedy idiot Rich GOP and silly dupes like you. Read any statistics from the government and forget the garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional Morant.

So you're saying that Obama made the "worst inequality and upward mobility in our history" worse? And let's see, the government says that wage growth is continuing and household income is rising. Yet you say this is a bad economy and seem to think endlessly regurgitating lame names makes you sound educated on the subject. Here's a hint, it does not.
the continuing growing inequality and upward mobility is due to the giveaway to the rich GOP tax rates and policy. Wage growth for the non rich is about the same as our newfound inflation. Total baloney. Google the only tax graph you need to know to see that we have a flat tax system. Google fact left the demise of the middle class and see that it has happened since Reagan 1982 end of story wake up and smell the coffee. Sorry about reality change the channel. Google Obama's economy vs. Trump's economy and stop being a dingbat dupe.

Like I said, you vote for lying mega rich democrats who won't give you what you want and they have you convinced that it's the right thing to do. You're a good little propaganda dupe, aren't you?

Nothing changes when they're in power, yet you think they'll do something different. Ridiculous.
yes they have been totally obstructed since LBJ except for Obamacare. The GOP has theirreconciliation rule so they can cut taxes on the rich and services for everyone else oh, and they have their filibuster rule so that Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Especially the first black president who wasn't going to go nuclear and be uppity. But I think the next one will do it. Warren is already saying she will... Enough of your disgraceful a****** GOP. Only their propaganda machine makes this mess possible. And ignoramuses like you.
The impeachment was a partisan Kabuki Theater and a bad idea.

AND Trump has acted like a spoiled, petulant, ignorant, embarrassing child since the day he came down the escalator, and is NO VICTIM. The two conditions can occupy the same universe simultaneously.
If bitter, petulant, ignorant, childish looks could kill, Pence would now be POTUS:

Yes, that was ridiculous.

Trump has been this way since Day One, something you will avoid admitting.
America elected Trump POTUS in full knowledge of what he is because the option screwed up her coronation.

Tough noogies.

Nobody ever elected Pissy Pelosi POTUS but she sure acts like we did. Meanwhile we may just have gotten lucky but Americans are doing pretty well and way better than we would if any of the current crop of Democrat Socialist Party hopefuls manages to beat Trump.
Bologna the country is desperate for Democratic rule so we can catch back up to the rest of the modern world after 35 years of give away to the rich and screwing the middle class and everyone else. Only propaganda and ignoramuses like you make this mess possible.
This is the state of the entire Democrat party today...

And everyone outside your bubble of Bologna propaganda in the entire world. Not to mention law enforcement. But carry on brainwashed functional moron.

Butthurt much?

Of course as an ignoramus GOP dupe you have no clue what is going on.35 years of giveaway to the rich and screw job for everyone else. And only brainwashed functional morons like you make it possible. But at least you're in the white party right LOL
I refer to the un-precedented disrespect and hatred of a duly elected President.....and I primarily refer to the behavior of our elected representatives who are basically refusing to accept a duly elected President.

This display of hatred we witness time and again....threatens our very form of government and in fact threatens America as a whole.

Some historians have been saying there was a similar political divide in 1860 to what we’re seeing today.

When we reach the point where the speaker of the house dis-respects the President right behind his back whilst he is delivering the State of The Union address.....we have reached a new low.

This sort of behavior we see from the democrats is a direct attack on our election process....first they talked about doing away with the electoral college....when they realized they could not get anywhere with that then they talked about removing The President because he was mentally incompetent and then it moved on to impeachment.

What we are witnessing is a form of insurrection or rebellion in everything but name...it is treasonous behavior and as such we the people should not accept it.

Florida Republican: 'We should hang’ treasonous Democrats

How much responsibility do you give to Trump for this “hatred”? Is any of it his fault? It’s not like he’s done anything to unite the people.

And the funny thing is, the ones so butthurt over it are the same ones who intensely hated the previous president, and applauded rude and discourteous behavior to him.

At some point though. It has to stop. I don't see that coming soon.

The hatred of Obama was not even close to how the democrats hate Trump.....and Republicans made no attempt to remove him from office....though many believed he was not legally qualified for the office since he was not a natural born citizen.

obama added to that controversy be refusing to supply his legitimate birth certificate until he was forced to by Trump

White House Releases Obama's Original Birth Certificate

And your last paragraph pretty much shows the complete lie to your claim. No more need be said

btw - has anyone seen Trump's original birth certificate? :dunno:
I never hated Obama. I thought he was a moron, terrible president, horrible for the country and not qualified because he was born in Kenya. But I never hated him and never called for his impeachment.

Yet you hated him enough to believe in lies :dunno:

Not like the Republicans didn't try to impeach Obama....

Efforts to impeach Barack Obama - Wikipedia

That's why it's so lunatic - this claim that somehow Trump is uniquely vilified, hated and "unfairly" treated.

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