What Started The NYC Biker Attack on the SUV?

There currently is a popular tv series called, Sons of Anarchy, which is about bikers. I've never watched it but some of the ads and trailers I have seen suggest it tends to portray bikers as a culture separate from ordinary people and to glorify them as such.

Does anyone here watch this biker show? If so, is it possible it could somehow influence this kind of behavior by separating the biker culture from mainstream society, imparting a kind of gang-banger mentality?

Comments and assessments by those who watch this Anarchy show will be appreciated.
There currently is a popular tv series called, Sons of Anarchy, which is about bikers. I've never watched it but some of the ads and trailers I have seen suggest it tends to portray bikers as a culture separate from ordinary people and to glorify them as such.

Does anyone here watch this biker show? If so, is it possible it could somehow influence this kind of behavior by separating the biker culture from mainstream society, imparting a kind of gang-banger mentality?

Comments and assessments by those who watch this Anarchy show will be appreciated.

I would like to think people are more intelligent and wouldnt be swayed by a TV show.....
Aww fuck it,who am I kidding. This country is full of idiots. Reality TVs popularity proves that.
It is not clear to me what STARTED the confrontation between the bikers and the NYC SUV driver. I know that, for some reason, one of the bikers put the brakes on when he was directly in front of the SUV in an obvious attempt to at least mess with the SUV driver and, probably in an attempt to stop the vehicle so the bikers could jump the driver.

But WHY did the biker do that? He wouldn't have done it just to be doing it. Something had to happen to start the entire sequence of events. I have read several accounts of the incident, and none of them address how the whole thing got started.

Anyone know?

I saw an interview where the biker that was recording the video said the SUV cut the bikers off earlier, and that the general attitude of the bikers was that the police wouldn't do anything about it. Since police don't issue tickets unless they see a traffic violation, I would have to say they are right. That does not make it right for them to retaliate.

I don't actually have a problem with a "brake check" like we saw in the video, but the bikers lost all my sympathy when they surrounded the SUV before the brake check. That was an aggressive move, and it only escalated when the SUV stopped after it hit the biker and they started attacking the SUV. At that point the driver was fully justified to get out of there, even if it resulted in serious injury to a biker that didn't get out of the way fast enough.

It doesn't even raise a question of self defense, because he was trying to avoid a fight. Even under the most restrictive laws I am aware of, the ones that require a duty to retreat in every situation, the driver was justified.

The worst part, to me, is the fact that an off duty police officer was on the scene, and didn't stop the attack.
It is not clear to me what STARTED the confrontation between the bikers and the NYC SUV driver. I know that, for some reason, one of the bikers put the brakes on when he was directly in front of the SUV in an obvious attempt to at least mess with the SUV driver and, probably in an attempt to stop the vehicle so the bikers could jump the driver.

But WHY did the biker do that? He wouldn't have done it just to be doing it. Something had to happen to start the entire sequence of events. I have read several accounts of the incident, and none of them address how the whole thing got started.

Anyone know?

We know the SUV driver ran over a biker and left the scene of the accident. That's a felony no matter how you look at it. We can analyze the possibility of harassment by the bikers but it doesn't seem to reach the level of deadly physical force and self defense. Some of the bikers nearby were off duty Police Officers or undercover Cops so there was no possibility of a riot or lack of Police presence that would prevent the SUV driver from reaching out for help.

Funny, he is the one person the police are not thinking about charging, yet you know he committed a felony.
Here is what happened. They break checked the SUV. He hit one and knocked his bike.over. the guy who was helping the Downed Biker get his bike up was run over by the suv driver. Then the chase started. The chase is the one thing I personally think....was justified. He ran over a brother biker.... Every other aspect of this is wrong. They shoukd have stopped him and called the cops for fucking running a human being who did nothing wrong.

That is not what happened.

First, the bike he hit did not fall over. Second, the bikers were surrounding the SUV and acting aggressively in the video. The family, and others, claim they were trying to break the windows and slash the tires. The driver, quite sensibly, followed the law, and retreated. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to find out the 911 operator advised him that the police couldn't respond, and asked him if he saw a way to escape the situation, but don't expect to hear that portion of the tape for a while.
What irks me is that the press calls these scumbags, "bikers". They are hardly bikers. They are predators looking for a confrontation.
Real "bikers" may finish a situation with someone outside the culture, but they do not initiate.
Leave me alone and I'll let you alone.

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