What the big deal with this "memo"?

Presidents have endured hostile and critical press for ages.
Except it has been proven by studies that the hatred, false accusations, fake news reporting, and attacks by the media on this President is 'Unprecedented' - never seen at this level before in history.

Report: Eighty Percent of Media Coverage on Trump is Negative

Trump press coverage 'sets new standard' for negativity: Harvard study

Conway: 'Unprecedented' negative coverage of Trump 'unfair to our democracy'

- "He has just absorbed an unprecedented — qualitatively and quantitatively — unprecedented deluge of negative criticism and coverage that's frankly unfair and a little bit dangerous to our democracy"

And this only underscores what Hillary Clinton stated about the dangerous threats to our democracy the extreme left and extreme left media has become:



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It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.
Indeed. Just as Obama's birth certificate was needed. It's just a fake partisan attack, nothing more. Fuel for a part of our society that lives solely for hatred.
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.
Indeed. Just as Obama's birth certificate was needed. It's just a fake partisan attack, nothing more. Fuel for a part of our society that lives solely for hatred.

You don't know whether the memo is "fake" or not, sorry. You probably deny the veracity of the texts too.
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.

But the DOJ, FBI and Senate Republicans don't have a "right" to see it? Why won't the lying Nunez share the "memo" with his counterparts in the Senate?

Remember Nunes's last "bombshell"?
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.

But the DOJ, FBI and Senate Republicans don't have a "right" to see it? Why won't the lying Nunez share the "memo" with his counterparts in the Senate?

Remember Nunes's last "bombshell"?

You don't think any of the alphabet agencies have seen it? Is that why the DOJ already tried to stop the release? This is a House Committee investigation, not the Senate, oh yes and SOME Senators have seen it.
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.
Indeed. Just as Obama's birth certificate was needed. It's just a fake partisan attack, nothing more. Fuel for a part of our society that lives solely for hatred.

You don't know whether the memo is "fake" or not, sorry. You probably deny the veracity of the texts too.
So, when the writer of the memo, Republican Nunes, tells his fellow Republican's in the Senate they cannot see the memo that must mean what? Insinuate that his fellow Republicans are also part of a secret Trump-hating society? That makes sense since he is also saying lifelong Republican's Comes and Mueller are corrupt? When they say Trump's own Justice Department is wrong in saying they are being reckless that too proves their 'evil' intent?

Republicans are eating their own. It's fun to watch.
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.

But the DOJ, FBI and Senate Republicans don't have a "right" to see it? Why won't the lying Nunez share the "memo" with his counterparts in the Senate?

Remember Nunes's last "bombshell"?

You don't think any of the alphabet agencies have seen it? Is that why the DOJ already tried to stop the release? This is a House Committee investigation, not the Senate, oh yes and SOME Senators have seen it.
All the Republican's in the House have seen it. However, according to Trump's own Justice Department, there are only TWO actual representative who have seen the classified info the 'Nunes memo' is supposedly based on - Schiff and Gowdy. It's actually quite amusing how gullible many people are. Nunes is waving around a piece of paper claiming he knows who all the communists are. (That's a McCarthy reference). lmao
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Why not release it then? Your democrat party overloars seems to think you are to ignorant to read it and judge for yourself. Hoy do you tolerate that? People telling you that you don’t need the truth, because you just won’t unde it? That, and he is even telling lies about the source of the memo (Russian Bots),lol. Okay.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

You’re not hearing all of it. Only the selected portions played for the mental midgets. The two agents who were dating talked about Trump, Clinton, Sanders,and a lot of other details on issues that was just small talk between two people dating eachother. There were also some missing data when the FBI switched from IPhones to Samsung phones which has since been recovered. Devin Nunes who is the chair of a committee was a partisan hack that was on Trumps campaign team during the election has cherry picked that information and edited his own version he won’t even let the Trump DOJ see a copy of and is now guilty of mishandling classified information, with the help of Trey Gowdy, another right wing partisan hack, that ironically enough was investigating Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information
I think the incompetence of the FBI is being overblown to sew seeds of doubt in their investigation into Trump. I could be wrong but thats what it sounds like to me. There has been a very active campaign from the Trumpsters to make this point and i find it very dangerous. If I am wrong and evidence comes to light to prove gross misconduct then I'll apologize and be grateful it has come to light.

What is happening is not just an active campaign to discredit the FBI and DoJ, but also the media, the courts, and our electoral processes. It's very disturbing - I've never seen attacks like this nor such intense efforts to politicize these institutions and attack the professionalism of career people who have served under multiple administrations.
the media? really? this didn't start with obama going after fox news?

Obama didn't go after the media to the extent that this president has.

to be clear - no president should get involved with the media the way the last 2 have. but let's not pretend the media shit is anything new. if trump kicked it up some, well that's what happens when you allow your side to get away with bullshit, the other side will push it then point to back. then they will push it again and again and again and look where it gets us?

I wonder if it's possible you can ever criticize Trump with out trying to blame Obama? Obama's rhetoric towards Fox was mild compared to Trump and I don't recall Obama ever putting the role of the entire media in question. Trump painted them as an adversary to democracy and that ought to be disturbing to anyone who supports both the democratic process, the role of the press in preserving it...and freedom.

if they can attack trump, they damn well better be able to defend the manner in which they do it, these professionals who text insurance plans to their mistresses...

So Trump and his supporters are so thin skinned eh? That indicates a huge insecurity.
I didn't say he did. I said when one side does something stupid n we let it go, the next side will push it further. Heh and has nothing to do with thin skin. But you don't seem be he listening to what I'm saying n going the wrong way with it.

Not going into insult mode with you.

And I criticize Trump a lot too. All on his own. Again you leap to discredit n insults vs talking it out. I really do try to not do that so I'll bow out now.
Presidents have endured hostile and critical press for ages. Obama certainly had his share of it with Fox, and so did Bush, Clinton...and the rest. The difference is that Trump creates many of his own problems with the media where as staying above it would avoid some of the self-emoliation. When you are the most powerful man in the world you don’t need to be attacking and intimidating every little guy that slights and insults you. That is the essence of bully and very thin skinned. His supporters jump to his defense regardless of what he has done.

And the what aboutisms. What kind of excuse is that a year into office?
no insults yet but looked like it could head there. all good.

presidents have rarely attacked the press or called them out lime obama did to fox n their viewers.

yes trump took it to a new level.

which is what ive been saying the whole time. justify one side doing something stupid the other side will say "hold my beer" n off we go to what we have today. when do we look at each other n say enough is enough, reset?
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

You’re not hearing all of it. Only the selected portions played for the mental midgets. The two agents who were dating talked about Trump, Clinton, Sanders,and a lot of other details on issues that was just small talk between two people dating eachother. There were also some missing data when the FBI switched from IPhones to Samsung phones which has since been recovered. Devin Nunes who is the chair of a committee was a partisan hack that was on Trumps campaign team during the election has cherry picked that information and edited his own version he won’t even let the Trump DOJ see a copy of and is now guilty of mishandling classified information, with the help of Trey Gowdy, another right wing partisan hack, that ironically enough was investigating Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information
dating we call it now...
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.
Indeed. Just as Obama's birth certificate was needed. It's just a fake partisan attack, nothing more. Fuel for a part of our society that lives solely for hatred.

You don't know whether the memo is "fake" or not, sorry. You probably deny the veracity of the texts too.
So, when the writer of the memo, Republican Nunes, tells his fellow Republican's in the Senate they cannot see the memo that must mean what? Insinuate that his fellow Republicans are also part of a secret Trump-hating society? That makes sense since he is also saying lifelong Republican's Comes and Mueller are corrupt? When they say Trump's own Justice Department is wrong in saying they are being reckless that too proves their 'evil' intent?

Republicans are eating their own. It's fun to watch.

Sorry friend, you are hopelessly partisan. It is a HOUSE investigation. Comey and Mueller ARE corrupt. Research is your friend. Do some. Look into Comey's Clinton association, look into Mueller's role in Uranium One AND his role in the 9-11 "investigation". If you aren't willing to do those things then you simply are lazy and partisan.

People need to know that they don't reside in the "Merry Old Land of Oz". Our Government is crooked and corrupt to it's core. It matters not whether there is a D or an R next to their name.
It's quite sad how both sides try and tear each other down to the ground and light the wreckage on fire. Fact is the Memo IS important, it IS needed, the electorate has the "RIGHT" to see it. America has the "Right" to know if their Government is dirty or not. ALL Admins are dirty and many American's are sick of the double standard in our Justice system.
Indeed. Just as Obama's birth certificate was needed. It's just a fake partisan attack, nothing more. Fuel for a part of our society that lives solely for hatred.

You don't know whether the memo is "fake" or not, sorry. You probably deny the veracity of the texts too.
So, when the writer of the memo, Republican Nunes, tells his fellow Republican's in the Senate they cannot see the memo that must mean what? Insinuate that his fellow Republicans are also part of a secret Trump-hating society? That makes sense since he is also saying lifelong Republican's Comes and Mueller are corrupt? When they say Trump's own Justice Department is wrong in saying they are being reckless that too proves their 'evil' intent?

Republicans are eating their own. It's fun to watch.

Sorry friend, you are hopelessly partisan. It is a HOUSE investigation. Comey and Mueller ARE corrupt. Research is your friend. Do some. Look into Comey's Clinton association, look into Mueller's role in Uranium One AND his role in the 9-11 "investigation". If you aren't willing to do those things then you simply are lazy and partisan.

People need to know that they don't reside in the "Merry Old Land of Oz". Our Government is crooked and corrupt to it's core. It matters not whether there is a D or an R next to their name.
So, to be clear, you use a proven falsehood (Uranium One) to justify a current falsehood (memo) and claim I'M hopelessly partisan? So very funny. Get off the computer and go to school, kid.
What is happening is not just an active campaign to discredit the FBI and DoJ, but also the media, the courts, and our electoral processes. It's very disturbing - I've never seen attacks like this nor such intense efforts to politicize these institutions and attack the professionalism of career people who have served under multiple administrations.
the media? really? this didn't start with obama going after fox news?

Obama didn't go after the media to the extent that this president has.

to be clear - no president should get involved with the media the way the last 2 have. but let's not pretend the media shit is anything new. if trump kicked it up some, well that's what happens when you allow your side to get away with bullshit, the other side will push it then point to back. then they will push it again and again and again and look where it gets us?

I wonder if it's possible you can ever criticize Trump with out trying to blame Obama? Obama's rhetoric towards Fox was mild compared to Trump and I don't recall Obama ever putting the role of the entire media in question. Trump painted them as an adversary to democracy and that ought to be disturbing to anyone who supports both the democratic process, the role of the press in preserving it...and freedom.

if they can attack trump, they damn well better be able to defend the manner in which they do it, these professionals who text insurance plans to their mistresses...

So Trump and his supporters are so thin skinned eh? That indicates a huge insecurity.
I didn't say he did. I said when one side does something stupid n we let it go, the next side will push it further. Heh and has nothing to do with thin skin. But you don't seem be he listening to what I'm saying n going the wrong way with it.

Not going into insult mode with you.

And I criticize Trump a lot too. All on his own. Again you leap to discredit n insults vs talking it out. I really do try to not do that so I'll bow out now.
Presidents have endured hostile and critical press for ages. Obama certainly had his share of it with Fox, and so did Bush, Clinton...and the rest. The difference is that Trump creates many of his own problems with the media where as staying above it would avoid some of the self-emoliation. When you are the most powerful man in the world you don’t need to be attacking and intimidating every little guy that slights and insults you. That is the essence of bully and very thin skinned. His supporters jump to his defense regardless of what he has done.

And the what aboutisms. What kind of excuse is that a year into office?
no insults yet but looked like it could head there. all good.

presidents have rarely attacked the press or called them out lime obama did to fox n their viewers.

yes trump took it to a new level.

which is what ive been saying the whole time. justify one side doing something stupid the other side will say "hold my beer" n off we go to what we have today. when do we look at each other n say enough is enough, reset?
Trump's attack on the press have been proven correct, and he has exposed the media for the 1st time like no other President has ever been exposed for their intentional fake news and lies.

MSNBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, and none more than CNN - repeated admissions of fake news, retractions, fired and suspended media personnel.....

The Liberal media is not used to a President going after them, challenging them, and exposing their extreme bias and lies / false reporting.
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Why not release it then? Your democrat party overloars seems to think you are to ignorant to read it and judge for yourself. Hoy do you tolerate that? People telling you that you don’t need the truth, because you just won’t unde it? That, and he is even telling lies about the source of the memo (Russian Bots),lol. Okay.
I’m not a dem, but I imagine their opposition to releasing a partisan memo that misrepresents the facts and findings of an investigation, as they claim, is pretty self explanatory. They should all work together as a committee to disclose their findings
I hear the authors of this "Memo" spew their partisan spin every other night on Hannity and Conservative radio. I'm well aware of how they warp reality to fit a narrative that they think progresses their agenda. It may work with their blind loyalist base but objective thinking people see right through that crap. It happens from the wingnuts on the Left too.

I really don't understand the hype around this memo. All it sounds to be is a partisan spin on sensitive information. The Reps want to release a bias narrative and the Dems appear ready to release their bias spin to retort. It's all a joke. I'd rather the testimony and transcripts from their hearings be released rather than some spin job memo.

Wake up people, this memo buzz is just media and partisan hype. Remember when the author of the memo Nunez got caught pulling a PR stunt last year and had to recuse himself from leading the investigation? We are being played by partisan hacks. The "memo" is meaningless, no different than that Dossier that the right hates so much. We all need to grow up

Why not release it then? Your democrat party overloars seems to think you are to ignorant to read it and judge for yourself. Hoy do you tolerate that? People telling you that you don’t need the truth, because you just won’t unde it? That, and he is even telling lies about the source of the memo (Russian Bots),lol. Okay.
I’m not a dem, but I imagine their opposition to releasing a partisan memo that misrepresents the facts and findings of an investigation, as they claim, is pretty self explanatory. They should all work together as a committee to disclose their findings
That's the thing. WTF could Howdy Doody and Nunez fear? I mean we've already seen VIDEO of SIL and Werewolfson#1 meeting with a Russian SPY in the Trump Towers, VIDEO of his immense Orangnish telling Holt he fired Comey to end investigations into his dealings with Russia. He's been caught with a live hooker in his bed (while his wife was birthing Werewolfson#3. Is there pics of a dead hooker or a live boy out there too? (-:
Presidents have endured hostile and critical press for ages.
Except it has been proven by studies that the hatred, false accusations, fake news reporting, and attacks by the media on this President is 'Unprecedented' - never seen at this level before in history.

Report: Eighty Percent of Media Coverage on Trump is Negative

Trump press coverage 'sets new standard' for negativity: Harvard study

Conway: 'Unprecedented' negative coverage of Trump 'unfair to our democracy'

- "He has just absorbed an unprecedented — qualitatively and quantitatively — unprecedented deluge of negative criticism and coverage that's frankly unfair and a little bit dangerous to our democracy"

And this only underscores what Hillary Clinton stated about the dangerous threats to our democracy the extreme left and extreme left media has become:

Negativity doesnt equal false.
the media? really? this didn't start with obama going after fox news?

Obama didn't go after the media to the extent that this president has.

to be clear - no president should get involved with the media the way the last 2 have. but let's not pretend the media shit is anything new. if trump kicked it up some, well that's what happens when you allow your side to get away with bullshit, the other side will push it then point to back. then they will push it again and again and again and look where it gets us?

I wonder if it's possible you can ever criticize Trump with out trying to blame Obama? Obama's rhetoric towards Fox was mild compared to Trump and I don't recall Obama ever putting the role of the entire media in question. Trump painted them as an adversary to democracy and that ought to be disturbing to anyone who supports both the democratic process, the role of the press in preserving it...and freedom.

if they can attack trump, they damn well better be able to defend the manner in which they do it, these professionals who text insurance plans to their mistresses...

So Trump and his supporters are so thin skinned eh? That indicates a huge insecurity.
I didn't say he did. I said when one side does something stupid n we let it go, the next side will push it further. Heh and has nothing to do with thin skin. But you don't seem be he listening to what I'm saying n going the wrong way with it.

Not going into insult mode with you.

And I criticize Trump a lot too. All on his own. Again you leap to discredit n insults vs talking it out. I really do try to not do that so I'll bow out now.
Presidents have endured hostile and critical press for ages. Obama certainly had his share of it with Fox, and so did Bush, Clinton...and the rest. The difference is that Trump creates many of his own problems with the media where as staying above it would avoid some of the self-emoliation. When you are the most powerful man in the world you don’t need to be attacking and intimidating every little guy that slights and insults you. That is the essence of bully and very thin skinned. His supporters jump to his defense regardless of what he has done.

And the what aboutisms. What kind of excuse is that a year into office?
no insults yet but looked like it could head there. all good.

presidents have rarely attacked the press or called them out lime obama did to fox n their viewers.

yes trump took it to a new level.

which is what ive been saying the whole time. justify one side doing something stupid the other side will say "hold my beer" n off we go to what we have today. when do we look at each other n say enough is enough, reset?
Trump's attack on the press have been proven correct, and he has exposed the media for the 1st time like no other President has ever been exposed for their intentional fake news and lies.

MSNBC, ABC, CBS, New York Times, and none more than CNN - repeated admissions of fake news, retractions, fired and suspended media personnel.....

The Liberal media is not used to a President going after them, challenging them, and exposing their extreme bias and lies / false reporting.
just not a fan of the president validatibg or invalidating sources.

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