What the DNC could NOT do, Trump has accomplished in 9 months

Third party?

No. Not likely.

Renovation of one of the current parties?


Would that involve a name change? I wouldn't rule it out.

At the end of the day there'll still be two major parties though probably not by the same names you know one of them today.
How do you rebuild a party of "angry republicans"?

You probably cannot.......giving (possibly) one of the best, serious scenario of the emergence of a third party.

I don't know what you can do with that faction of the GOP. They have totally unreachable expectations and will not tolerate halfway steps or compromise
They will hate anyone that comes to the forefront
Goldwater warned us about them.
The Republican Party will remain, albeit a minority party after this election, for a generation.
I don't know what you can do with that faction of the GOP. They have totally unreachable expectations and will not tolerate halfway steps or compromise
They will hate anyone that comes to the forefront

True....I did not mean to imply a "successful" third party....but maybe a steroid-laced tea-party. LOL
Lets face it......Trump has managed to tear apart the Republican party in less than 9 months.
Of course, right wingers on this forum are torn between rabid support of Trump, while others know that as Trump's popularity rises (as confirmed by yesterday's "super Tuesday") the chances of a republican sitting in the oval office diminish.

There are three other factors to be considered in this turbulent election cycle:

First, a Trump nomination is tantamount to a GOP loss of virtually any minority voters, and if democrats were concerned about voters' turnout, a Trump candidacy will certainly increase votes AGAINST him.

Second, a Trump candidacy also jeopardizes the GOP's already tenuous chances of holding on to the senate's majority as 24 of those republican seats must be defended this November...

Third, the cleavage that has developed within the ranks of republican voters may take a generation to mend...all this while the number of minority voters keeps on increasing...a voting bloc that has long distrusted the GOP policies.

We are living in interesting political times, aren't we?

The DNC has no intention of bringing down their butt buddies in the GOP,I mean why would they,they have the perfect scam going?
It is coming to the point they do not have much of a choice or let the country totally go over to foreign entities. If they do the later their will be an all out war on their hands.
Third party?

No. Not likely.

Renovation of one of the current parties?


Would that involve a name change? I wouldn't rule it out.

At the end of the day there'll still be two major parties though probably not by the same names you know one of them today.

Agree......Perhaps I should not have phrased it as a 3rd party....but a 2.0 one for certain.
How do you rebuild a party of "angry republicans"?

You probably cannot.......giving (possibly) one of the best, serious scenario of the emergence of a third party.

I don't know what you can do with that faction of the GOP. They have totally unreachable expectations and will not tolerate halfway steps or compromise
They will hate anyone that comes to the forefront
Goldwater warned us about them.
Party of angry white men

Angry that they no longer get to call the shots
After Trump is soundly defeated in November, it will be interesting to see how the GOP picks up the pieces

What can be salvaged after Trump has destroyed the base?

How do you rebuild a party of "angry republicans"?


Good point!
Online polls are almost meaningless but I find it interesting that this
https://app.bingpulse.com/msnbcdayside/daypulse poll asked the question "Should the GOP establishment support and rally behind Donald Trump?"
- Republicans and Independents give a soft "yes" answer
- Democrats OTOH give an overwhelmingly "yes" answer.

Could be interesting when a misogynistic, playground bully, petulant little boy gets his ass handed to him by a....by a....by a..........girl.

Party of angry white men

Angry that they no longer get to call the shots

Of course these "angry white men" (and some women, no doubt) will eventually lose...but we all know that when even a squirrel is cornered, the attacks are inevitable. Its the inexorable rise of minorities that will eventually completely re-shape the GOP.......and no matter how many times the GOP brings forth some "token" Hispanics or blacks, its the party's policies that just cannot be widely acceptable.
I'm wondering what the excuses will be if Trump beats Hillary in November?

Well, I would highly suggest that you do NOT go downtown on election night, should Trump win. There is a good chance that you will be hit by Democrats falling from their high rises.
Trump has no coat tails to speak of. He has burned every bridge between himself and the GOP. This could be a Republican disaster come November with the senate in play. And what of the House? If Trump and his campaign isn't active in electing the representatives he can work with, how can he work with whatever he gets? The GOP will surely pour money into the congressional races, but lacking any alliance with the top of the ticket, how successful will those races be?

I feel like Rip Van Winkle. I fell asleep in a nation that was politically divided and woke up in a nation where one of the two major parties are engaged in a civil war. Trump's defeat in November will shake the Conservative movement to the ground just as Goldwater's defeat did in 1964. .
First, a Trump nomination is tantamount to a GOP loss of virtually any minority voters

But Trump has a great relationship with "the blacks." How could any self respecting racially sensitive minority not vote for that?
While Republicans fight for their soul and identity as a Party, Dems are just lead by the nose further and further left so that not even the Communist Party needs to run a Candidate
While Republicans fight for their soul and identity as a Party, Dems are just lead by the nose further and further left so that not even the Communist Party needs to run a Candidate

Indeed. All the dems have to do is to trot out their 40X50 billboard of either Che Gueverra or Fidel and the dumbass dems will fall into line.
Don't you just love the havoc that Donald has brought on the GOP?
Trump reminds me of what Obama did in '08.

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