What the fight for gay marriage has become.......

Give me a fucking break! Are you really so stupid as to believe that swill? Do not insult our intelligence buy trying to have us believe that there is a distinction between gay society and queers, or that you support one but not the other. Do not try to claim that you supports gay marriage after all of the slippery slope bullshit that you endorsed . How the fuck....and why do these people and there advocates want to destroy society. What values are they rejecting? In what way are they depriving, or attempting to deprive anyone of the ability to live according to their values.?

How are the values of Queer people different that others. They live, they work, they love and they play just like others. They attend religious institutions, they volunteer in their communities and they have families. So what the fuck are you – or more accurately- Hot Air blathering about? Be specific and try to avoid making an ignorant ass of yourself in the process

We aren't talking about people who are gay....we are talking leftists who have invaded the schools and are pushing kiddie porn......that you don't understand the difference shows you have no idea what this is about, or what the leftist transgenders are doing in our schools.....
Most pedos are hetero males. Why are you trying to put up a smokescreen?
Nope! Just showing you what the math really says according to a government website. There are more heterosexuals which is why there are more heterosexual pedophiles. But there is a higher PERCENTAGE of pedophiles among homosexuals. That's the point that YOUR self-generated smokescreen of bullshit obscures.
Nope! Just showing you what the math really says according to a government website. There are more heterosexuals which is why there are more heterosexual pedophiles. But there is a higher PERCENTAGE of pedophiles among homosexuals. That's the point that YOUR self-generated smokescreen of bullshit obscures.
That's your opinion. Facts require proof. You don't have it.
It's not an opinion stupid it's a back go read the government study that I posted
That's your opinion. Facts require proof. You don't have it.
I just did post a fact, stupid! A government survey from a government website! Go back and fucking read it, shit for brains, and stop talking to me about who is working with facts and who is working with opinions.
Wrong......you don't know what you are talking about.......the books are not about acceptance, or getting along, they are outright kiddie porn....

Have you even watched the parents reading those books to the school boards?

I would recommend you do that before you post again, so you know what you are talking about.

Here........watch these and listen to the passages read directly from these books.....

Then you can come back and add your comments...since you obviously do not know what these books actually are....

All Boys Aren't Blue....


Lawn Boy.....

The book received a starred review by the Library Journal, which stated "Evison combines humor, honesty, and anger with an insightful commentary on class that's also an effective coming-of-age novel."[3] Writing for the School Library Journal, Mark Flowers called it a "readable and deeply thought-provoking" novel, and noted some of the themes explored in the book, such as "race, sexual identity, and the crushing weight of American capitalism." Flowers also commented on how "Evison's often infective enthusiasm for his preponderance of ideas weighs down the demands of the plot."[4]

Lawn Boy was one of American Library Association's Alex Awards recipients of 2019, "for the ten best adult books that appeal to teen audiences."[5]

The audiance is late teens . It is age appropriate. Do you actuall think that they have nt heard this tuff before?
Gender Quer reading starts at the 5:46 mark on the video...

It’s a graphic memoir that deals with puberty and sexual identity, and includes a few drawings of nude characters and sexual scenarios — images that critics of the book were able to share on social media to stoke a backlash. The book explores the author’s discomfort with traditional gender roles, and features depictions of masturbation, period blood and confusing sexual experiences.
And there we have it, You people are uncomfortable with CHALLENGES to traditional gender roles
“When you remove those books from the shelf or you challenge them publicly in a community, what you’re saying to any young person who identified with that narrative is, ‘We don’t want your story here’,” Kobabe said.

Kobabe, who was raised as a girl, started questioning that identity as a child. Once, during a field trip in the third grade, Kobabe went topless to play in a river, and was scolded by a teacher. Another time, Kobabe was secretly happy when another child in elementary school yelled, “What even are you, a boy or a girl?”

This is just proof that there is a prudish irrational hysteria about any material that challenges traditional norms about gender and sexuality. Again, the audiance is teens. It is about inclusion and helping queer kids feel like they belong
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And there we have it, You people are uncomfortable with CHALLENGES to traditional gender roles

This is just proof that there is a prudish irrational hysteria about any material that challenges traditional norms about gender and sexuality. Again, the audiance is teens. It is about inclusion and helping queer kids feel like they belong

No, dipshit...there are graphic depictions of sex between minor boys and adults you numb nuts.....did you watch the videos of the parents actually reading feom that book?

Obviously not.....your bigotey has blinded you to the truth.

Watch the videos.....that way you wont be arrested for kiddie porn if you buy the book
We warned people that the fight for gay marriage would lead to exactly what we are seeing today.........kiddie porn being pushed in schools and every manner of weirdness being pushed as normal......

But, you didn't listen....

The battle for gay rights has been over for a long time. The last domino to fall was gay marriage. The Supreme Court decided that case in 2015, and the nationwide trend toward adopting gay marriage was clearly established before then.
Yet as Pride became an accepted part of American society, Pride itself metastasized into a movement utterly unrelated to gay rights. It became an umbrella movement that includes anything remotely “Queer,” including transgenderism, sex workers, Minor Attracted Persons (pedophiles), and furries.

This was exactly what the opponents of gay marriage feared and often predicted, and in this case, they were right to be concerned. It turns out that slippery slopes are real, not an imagined phenomenon.

This is especially true when an underlying premise of an idea is that fundamental reality doesn’t exist; if everything is a concept derived from our imagination, then there is no firm ground to stand on when making distinctions. The argument against gay marriage was simple, as was the argument for it. Today’s alphabet arguments are about completely eradicating the foundations of reality.
In any case, that is a diversion from my core point, which is the invasion of “Queer” ideology into the gay rights movement.

Gay rights were always about integrating gays into the larger society; “Queer” activism is about destroying that larger society because it is fundamentally corrupt and based upon an ideology of a fixed Nature and morality that Queers believe are illusions.

This ideology, unlike gay rights, is a bridge too far for most Americans. Largely because it is based upon a rejection of those very Americans’ values. That includes traditional liberals and traditional conservatives. All of us are oppressors in a system designed to keep Queers down.

Some of us are old enough to remember the early days of the faggot-rights movement, back in the 1970s. NAMBLA was one of the big players, and the movement initially didn't shy away from including the idea in their cause that grown men should be allowed to have sexual relationships with little boys. It didn't take long for it to become clear that whatever tolerance the mainstream public was willing to have for homosexuality among adults was not going to extend to pedophilia. NAMBLA was thrown under the bus, and the rest of the faggots started bleating that all they wanted was for their sick activities to be legal between “consenting adults”, in the privacy of their own homes.

It turns out that “consenting adults” was a lie. Some of us thought as much, even back then, and now, it is undeniable.

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring​


Yeah. They look SUPER "hetero."

Why can I not now find that picture of Pete Buttplug with his “husband” and two adopted babies? It seems particularly obligatory that that picture be posted along with this one.
You're supposed to be the smart ones. For thousands of years there were only two genders. Suddenly there are now numerous genders. How did that happen?

Perhaps some faggot, somewhere, finally took an advanced algebra class, and learned about complex numbers. He then somehow deduced that there are 2+54i “genders”. When he tried to explain his discovery delusion to some of his fellow faggots, they didn't understand the part about i, so they just reduced the concept to 56 “genders”.
The audiance [sic] is late teens . It is age appropriate. Do you actuall [sic] think that they have nt [sic] heard this tuff [sic] before?

Nobody here is surprised to hear you claim that this fucked-up pornographic shit is appropriate for “late teens” (but still minors).

It only goes to show what nearly everyone on this forum knows about you.
Why can I not now find that picture of Pete Buttplug with his “husband” and two adopted babies? It seems particularly obligatory that that picture be posted along with this one.
Are you speaking of this atrocity and monstrosity?


I don't even want to imagine what those poor little babies are going to have to experience their entire lives. Of course, they'll be so groomed by the time they're adults that they'll become part of the "club."
Are you speaking of this atrocity and monstrosity?


I don't even want to imagine what those poor little babies are going to have to experience their entire lives. Of course, they'll be so groomed by the time they're adults that they'll become part of the "club."

Yes, that's the picture of which I was thinking.

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