What the fight for gay marriage has become.......

We warned people that the fight for gay marriage would lead to exactly what we are seeing today.........kiddie porn being pushed in schools and every manner of weirdness being pushed as normal......

But, you didn't listen....

The battle for gay rights has been over for a long time. The last domino to fall was gay marriage. The Supreme Court decided that case in 2015, and the nationwide trend toward adopting gay marriage was clearly established before then.
Yet as Pride became an accepted part of American society, Pride itself metastasized into a movement utterly unrelated to gay rights. It became an umbrella movement that includes anything remotely “Queer,” including transgenderism, sex workers, Minor Attracted Persons (pedophiles), and furries.

This was exactly what the opponents of gay marriage feared and often predicted, and in this case, they were right to be concerned. It turns out that slippery slopes are real, not an imagined phenomenon.

This is especially true when an underlying premise of an idea is that fundamental reality doesn’t exist; if everything is a concept derived from our imagination, then there is no firm ground to stand on when making distinctions. The argument against gay marriage was simple, as was the argument for it. Today’s alphabet arguments are about completely eradicating the foundations of reality.
In any case, that is a diversion from my core point, which is the invasion of “Queer” ideology into the gay rights movement.

Gay rights were always about integrating gays into the larger society; “Queer” activism is about destroying that larger society because it is fundamentally corrupt and based upon an ideology of a fixed Nature and morality that Queers believe are illusions.

This ideology, unlike gay rights, is a bridge too far for most Americans. Largely because it is based upon a rejection of those very Americans’ values. That includes traditional liberals and traditional conservatives. All of us are oppressors in a system designed to keep Queers down.

This is a lie.

Recognizing the equal protection rights of same-sex couples has nothing to do with 'kiddie porn.'

The hateful, bigoted right continues its reprehensible efforts to vilify and demonize gay and transgender Americans with ridiculous lies.

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring​


Yeah. They look SUPER "hetero."
Nice myopic selective outrage, slick.
We warned people that the fight for gay marriage would lead to exactly what we are seeing today.........kiddie porn being pushed in schools and every manner of weirdness being pushed as normal......

But, you didn't listen....

The battle for gay rights has been over for a long time. The last domino to fall was gay marriage. The Supreme Court decided that case in 2015, and the nationwide trend toward adopting gay marriage was clearly established before then.
Yet as Pride became an accepted part of American society, Pride itself metastasized into a movement utterly unrelated to gay rights. It became an umbrella movement that includes anything remotely “Queer,” including transgenderism, sex workers, Minor Attracted Persons (pedophiles), and furries.

This was exactly what the opponents of gay marriage feared and often predicted, and in this case, they were right to be concerned. It turns out that slippery slopes are real, not an imagined phenomenon.

This is especially true when an underlying premise of an idea is that fundamental reality doesn’t exist; if everything is a concept derived from our imagination, then there is no firm ground to stand on when making distinctions. The argument against gay marriage was simple, as was the argument for it. Today’s alphabet arguments are about completely eradicating the foundations of reality.
In any case, that is a diversion from my core point, which is the invasion of “Queer” ideology into the gay rights movement.

Gay rights were always about integrating gays into the larger society; “Queer” activism is about destroying that larger society because it is fundamentally corrupt and based upon an ideology of a fixed Nature and morality that Queers believe are illusions.

This ideology, unlike gay rights, is a bridge too far for most Americans. Largely because it is based upon a rejection of those very Americans’ values. That includes traditional liberals and traditional conservatives. All of us are oppressors in a system designed to keep Queers down.

What happened is the fringe of the movement never cared about marriage rights, that was for the "normies".

What the fringe saw is the normies got what they wanted, and now the fringe wants a giant victory as well.

The problem is that what the fringe wants is totally repulsive to the normies, both gay and straight, the issue is the gay normies owe too much to the fringe for starting the movement in the first place and being the most vocal about it, and just can't quite give up on them yet.
They are. The problem now is one group is bullying another group with false allegations and guilt by association, along with hearsay and conjecture.
No. The regular folks are pointing out that predators within your group (LGBTQ+PEDO) should be punished for their crimes.

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