What The Former NSA Director of Signal Intelligence Thinks About Russian Collusion!


VIP Member
Nov 30, 2016
The former NSA director, along with many other retired NSA officials are 97% certain that there Russia did not hack the DNC servers and believe the footprint suggests it was an inside leak from the DNC. Most likely from a disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporter. When asked why the intelligence community will not admit to the truth he said there were two reasons: the unwillingness to admit to the embarrassment that they were wrong and more importantly, that this false narrative is agenda driven and not intelligence driven. If they are correct, what does that mean? It means that Mueller's investigation of Russian collusion is a sham and both the democrats and news media have kept alive purely for political reasons and can no longer be believed! There was a time long ago, when the news media were the bloodhounds for truth. The worst damage Barrack Obama did to the country was the IRS, Justice Department and Intelligence community being weaponized for political purposes! That is not in the best interests of the country, or either political party!

Ex-NSA official: Spies don't believe Russia collusion story
I called B.S. on this whole narrative from the get-go. What info are they going to Get from the DNC that would be of any use?
Yep, same Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity that claimed "Israel will unilaterally attack Iran as early as this month" ...in 2010

Same bunch that sent a bullshit letter about how Assad supposedly wasn't responsible for Ghouta chemical attack in 2013.

They had a good read on Iraq's WMDs in 2003 but that clock has been broken ever since.
I called B.S. on this whole narrative from the get-go. What info are they going to Get from the DNC that would be of any use?

Are you serious? There is plenty of potentially juicy info in political party organization's emails to use against them in the election.

It just so happened that there was surprisingly little juice when it came to DNC. They backed Clinton, which surprised no-body, but Schultz still had to resign over that.
Ferris MewLOLer will never, ever, Never, Ever, NEVER, EVER investigate the imaginary "Russia hacked St Hillary the Inevitable's Election" because it's immediately hardwired directly back to Seth Rich uploading the DNC emails on to a zip drive and delivering them to WikiLeaks

The US government hackers have the ability to use a tool called "Umbrage" to make any hack appear to be from "Russia" or anywhere else.....


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