What the fuck is wrong with the Left?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.
Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

Vulgarity is not God's way. Please keep getting your message of truth to the readers but be civil and proper and Christian. It has more impact.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

First of all, the school should not be handling a criminal case. WTF is with that? This isn't a grievance, it's a rape case. Secondly, the woman has no case. She didn't report it when it happened, and a year later decides to bring it up. She didn't even break up with her boyfriend after he allegedly raped her. Based on those facts, her accusing him publicly is slanderous. I can almost see the schools point. But again, the school should not even be handling this as it is a felony sexual assault case.

What happened between this woman and her boyfriend, we can not have a clue, but because she chose not to file charges when it happened, we also can't take her seriously. She could just be pissed that he broke up with her and is getting back at him. We just don't know. This guy has rights too. As much as I believe woman need as much protection against sexual assault as possible, you can't just convict a man based on a story.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

Read the story. There is no evidence that I can see that he raped her. She waited for almost a full year to report it, and she didn't even break up with him after he supposedly raped her. She has rights, but so does he.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

Read the story. There is no evidence that I can see that he raped her. She waited for almost a full year to report it, and she didn't even break up with him after he supposedly raped her. She has rights, but so does he.

You have a point. I always side with the girl on these things but then again I did the same with the Duke lacrosse players if you all remember that. And they were found innocent after having almost 2 years of their lives ruined by their accusers.

I don't know guys. It's a fucked up world we live in.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

This is a perfect example of why judging situations based purely on emotion is almost guaranteed to end poorly.

First of all, you're attempting to put the actions of a student council at the school on "the Left" as a whole - which is clearly nonsense. This has nothing to do with politics.

Secondly, we don't have anything close to the whole story here. I don't agree with the Honor Court's actions, but I'll reserve judgement until I have more information than just a tabloid story.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding profanity and trying to keep a discussion civilized. But you must admit liberals have no concern for the unborn and always defend murderers and rapists.
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

A college student now faces expulsion because school administrators say that she is 'intimidating' her alleged rapist by publicly discussing the sexual assault.
The victim, a female sophomore at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, went through the school-sanctioned order of filing a complaint against her fellow student and ex-boyfriend raped her.
Rather than remain anonymous about her sexual assault, she has publicly released her name- Landen Gambill- spoken in many news interviews, and even talked about her own experiences in front of a variety of media representatives at a public rally pushing for the school to increase their support for victims.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

How do you know she's a lefty?
I came here intending to rant about an idiot that thinks it is perfectly justifiable to treat one person differently than another just because she disagrees with them on political philosophy, and I stumbled across something that is so stupid it defies common decency.

Landen Gambill may be expelled from school because she 'INTIMIDATED her rapist' by speaking out about the assault | Mail Online

I dare any asshole to ever tell me again about the right wing war on woman.

Fuck every fucking one of you.

You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.

Apparently I have to wait before sending rep your way. But yea that guy's a total loon.
You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

Vulgarity is not God's way. Please keep getting your message of truth to the readers but be civil and proper and Christian. It has more impact.

You really don't know enough about God to tell me what is, and is not, His way.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

The PC crap championed by the Left is what is responsible for this. If you don't like being called out on it, stop supporting them.
You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Every post I read from you convinces me that your are a complete loon. Next thing you will be telling us is that liberals eat their children.

There is nothing wrong with avoiding profanity and trying to keep a discussion civilized. But you must admit liberals have no concern for the unborn and always defend murderers and rapists.

I have never seen anyone defend a rapist or murderer. Some people believe that capital punishment is wrong or that it is doled out in an unfair manner as the poor and minorities are much more likely to face execution than a white or someone with money.

As for abortion, if right to lifers were more concerned with reducing the number of abortions rather than trying to have it banned completely, we would have more reasonable laws that would not allow for late term abortions. The reason most people who support late term abortion do so is because they are afraid if they give an inch, right to lifers will take a mile.

The idea that life begins at conception is a religious belief. Church and state are separate things in this country. We do not have a theocracy, so you can't argue life beginning at conception is a reason to ban abortion. BTW, it's not killing until the fetus is viable. But that's my view.
This is not a left/right issue. Politics do not need to be inserted into this. That girl deserves justice and I hope she is able to heal after such an unforgiveable crime was committed upon her. We should all be outraged when this happens.

The PC crap championed by the Left is what is responsible for this. If you don't like being called out on it, stop supporting them.

Sorry man, I'm pretty sure nobody supports rape. I don't know how political correctness can ever be responsible for this.
You should control your language because truth does not need to be vulgar. Liberals hate women and the unborn but they love criminals. It proves they hate the Constitution.

Outrage, however, is always vulgar, and I am outraged.

This is a perfect example of why judging situations based purely on emotion is almost guaranteed to end poorly.

First of all, you're attempting to put the actions of a student council at the school on "the Left" as a whole - which is clearly nonsense. This has nothing to do with politics.

Secondly, we don't have anything close to the whole story here. I don't agree with the Honor Court's actions, but I'll reserve judgement until I have more information than just a tabloid story.

I am not attempting anything, I am flat out calling people on the Left that think PC speech codes can force them to prohibit anyone form saying anything they want is full of shit. I could be wrong, and will be glad to admit it if you find evidence, but my guess is you won't find a single person on the right supporting speech codes.

By the way, I capitalized Left with the intent of differentiating a certain group of assholes from the rest of the people on the left side of the political spectrum. I am sorry your brain was not equipped to understand the difference, but I am not responsible for your lack of education.

Another thing, while outrage is often seen as an emotion, the fact that I am outraged by injustice does not mean I am stupid enough to let that affect my thinking. I did not base this post n emotion because, unlike you, I can fucking think without rationalizing stupidity.

Here are the fucking facts for your feeble mind to digest.

  • She accursed someone of rape.
  • She feels her accusations were not taken seriously.
  • She decided to complain, publicly, about the fact that her complaint was not taken seriously.
  • She is, demonstrably, not the only woman with this complaint because there is a federal law suit on file against the school.
  • She has been threatened with expulsion.
Given the facts, it really doesn't matter if she was actually raped unless you are saying the school should be able to tell students that it is illegal to talk about crimes that happen on campus even if they are true.

See, this proves that I am the one that actually thought this shit through, and you are simply attempting to defend the Left, which makes you part of the fucking problem.

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