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What the Israeli Public Really Thinks

If you speak both Farsi and Arabic, you either are Muslim or the Muslims who's dick you've been sucking forced you to learn it. Same shit.

Think about what you wrote, as you speak Farsi and Arabic, how did you learn again?:lol:
Jroc, Jos, et al,

No matter where you go in the Middle East (Israel included), you are going to find a number of varying opinions as to what the US stands for, and what the influence (positive or negative) the US has had in the attempt to bring peace and stability to a region of the world that has no reputation for peace and stability (in fact, the opposite).

First, let me say, that you'll find that I am not just another pro-Israeli activist. In fact, I find there are many things about Israel and its policies, that I dislike. I don't trust Israel as an ally. Israel will act in Israel's best interest; sacrificing nothing for the US that is not absolutely in the best interest of Israel. But in understanding that, it is not an uncommon position for a country to take; politically. There are very few countries that will stick its neck out for the US.

  • The little home movie of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the translation, is propaganda. It may be that the PM actually said those little tid bits, and the the context is 100% correct. But in the end, is anything depicted or stated here wrong? The fact of the matter is, that there is a very strong pro-Israeli undercurrent in the US and the US can be swayed easier towards pro-Israeli positions and propositions, than one might think. So, is the PM Netanyahu making an idol boast? Probably, not so much. But one must also remember that the PM is a politician, and in speaking to his constituents, he has to present a positive attitude and project the impression that he is both strong and influential. And that is the key.

In the view of the average Israel, there is a natural tendency for the Israeli to place the concerns of their homeland first and up front. Again, that is not unusual. Most citizens put their country first. There are many in the US that hold an opinion that they support America - whether it is right or wrong. And this is not unique to the US.

  • Israelis have a mixed attitudes and feelings towards the US. The average street citizen sees America as a land of friendly people, yet with an incompetent government. It is actually not unlike how Americans see themselves. But Israelis also know that much of the opinion held by Americans, is an opinion formed by second-hand information; and not the same as that experienced by the Israeli. Very few mothers and children in the US have had the frightening experience of having a 122mm or 333mm rocket land anywhere near them. So, the Israeli knows that when they hear that a CNN/ORC poll (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2012/images/11/19/rel17a.pdf) demonstrates 57% of Americans believe that Israel is justified in "taking military action against Hamas and the Palestinians in the area known as Gaza", while only 25% feel it is unjustified, --- they know that most of those Americans and their families have never experienced a rocket and mortar attack --- or seen (first hand) the devastation that a suicide bomber can bring.

Most Respectfully,

did you really need to do that 'incompetent government' BS?

If you speak both Farsi and Arabic, you either are Muslim or the Muslims who's dick you've been sucking forced you to learn it. Same shit.

Think about what you wrote, as you speak Farsi and Arabic, how did you learn again?:lol:
I was born and lived there, imposter. I doubt you speak Arabic, this is a new lie. Either way, no way you speak either Farsi or Arabic, and be a scumbag Anti Semitic Palestinian terrorist supporter, without having some type of Muslim ties. The languages are just too hard and time consuming too learn. In the past you claimed to learn the language during a short "visit" which gave you the ability to be able to read a sign in Farsi that was shown backward. Now you know that is impossible, you would have to be a native and superfluent to do that.

Choseh Goozoo, you forget that I know what you pigs are exactly capable of. Lying, deception, stealing from, even swearing to God and your own family member's lives is "Halal" (acceptable) if you're doing it to a non Muslim. I have seen it done personally many times in front of my eyes, some of them were my own Muslim employees.

You want to know how fucked up your religion is, ask someone like myself that has had firsthand experience. It simply turns people into madmen. Do you understand, heyvouneh kesafat beesavad?
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If you speak both Farsi and Arabic, you either are Muslim or the Muslims who's dick you've been sucking forced you to learn it. Same shit.

Think about what you wrote, as you speak Farsi and Arabic, how did you learn again?:lol:
I was born and lived there, imposter. I doubt you speak Arabic, this is a new lie. Either way, no way you speak either Farsi or Arabic, and be a scumbag Anti Semitic Palestinian terrorist supporter, without having some type of Muslim ties. The languages are just too hard and time consuming too learn. In the past you claimed to learn the language during a short "visit" which gave you the ability to be able to read a sign in Farsi that was shown backward. Now you know that is impossible, you would have to be a native and superfluent to do that.

Choseh Goozoo, you forget that I know what you pigs are exactly capable of. Lying, deception, stealing from, even swearing to God and your own family member's lives is "Halal" (acceptable) if you're doing it to a non Muslim. I have seen it done personally many times in front of my eyes, some of them were my own Muslim employees.

You want to know how fucked up your religion is, ask someone like myself that has had firsthand experience. It simply turns people into madmen. Do you understand, heyvouneh kesafat beesavad?

That idiot is from Spain or something and a friken liar, he used to pretend to be women, then a man.... Maybe a transvestite?
Think about what you wrote, as you speak Farsi and Arabic, how did you learn again?:lol:
I was born and lived there, imposter. I doubt you speak Arabic, this is a new lie. Either way, no way you speak either Farsi or Arabic, and be a scumbag Anti Semitic Palestinian terrorist supporter, without having some type of Muslim ties. The languages are just too hard and time consuming too learn. In the past you claimed to learn the language during a short "visit" which gave you the ability to be able to read a sign in Farsi that was shown backward. Now you know that is impossible, you would have to be a native and superfluent to do that.

Choseh Goozoo, you forget that I know what you pigs are exactly capable of. Lying, deception, stealing from, even swearing to God and your own family member's lives is "Halal" (acceptable) if you're doing it to a non Muslim. I have seen it done personally many times in front of my eyes, some of them were my own Muslim employees.

You want to know how fucked up your religion is, ask someone like myself that has had firsthand experience. It simply turns people into madmen. Do you understand, heyvouneh kesafat beesavad?

That idiot is from Spain or something and a friken liar, he used to pretend to be women, then a man.... Maybe a transvestite?
Well "it" claims to know Farsi and quotes the Ayatollah Khomeini (piss be upon his grave) regularly. Like I said I wouldn't trust a thing this piece of shit says. Jos' type is a dime a dozen Jew hater, bottom of the barrel classless ignoramus, who has no shame or morals.
re JOS

Actually being able to speak BOTH arabic and farsi ----is rare even amongst
Iranians I have encountered. In fact, I never ran into an arabic speaking
Iranian----although I assume that really hot shot iranian muslims can.----most
of the Iranians I have known well----were not interested in islam---and even
LESS INTERESTED in anything arabic.

so far ---my sense of jos is either he is a shiite muslim from some
arabic speaking country------I cannot imagine that he is an academic
who learned those languages for the sake of scholarship---he is too
stupid. maybe he worked in some arab land and also worked in
Iran ?????????? a member of hezbollah? <<< you need not
respond, of course, Jos
I find public opinion polls fascinating, at least when they are real polls, as opposed to that manipulative pseudo-poll from a couple of weeks back, run by Peace Now’s Amiram Goldblum (Hebrew University, pharmacy studies) and his far-leftist cronies, claiming to “prove” Israelis were pro-apartheid. In the past the Israeli media used to publish 3 or 4 polls a week. The number dropped to near zero in recent years, and my guess is it is because the leftist media do not want you to know what Israelis actually think.

But with elections nigh, there are a lot of polls coming out. The one in a recent edition of Maariv is, I think, interesting. It is a survey of the general population (including Arabs), and a sub-survey just of those who identify themselves as leaning to the Right.

Of the general population, when asked if they favor the existence of a Palestinian state, 66% oppose, 11% favor, and 23% are undecided or have a more ambiguous position. Bear in mind that about 18% of Israelis are Arabs. When asked if they favor construction in the E-1 area between Jerusalem and the Maaleh Adumim suburb, which has been in the news recently as a “controversy,” 51% support construction, 9% oppose, and 40% are not sure (probably do not know what it is about). When asked about allowing Jews to pray on the Temple Mount, 71% support and 7% oppose. When asked what they think of Supreme Court judicial review of laws, 48% oppose it, 41% support, and only 10% did not know.

When restricted to Israelis defining themselves as leaning Right, 54% of these are secularists, 27% say they are religiously “traditionalist,” 11% modern Orthodox, and 8% Chareidi. This is notable because the media stereotype of the “Right” is as the ”Religious Right.” But more than half of rightists are secularist, larger probably than the numbers among the Left or Center. Women are more likely than men to identify with the Right, and the young more than the old.

What the Israeli Public Really Thinks

I don't think Israeli Jews are as moronic and fascist as you are trying to make them out to be...
So Roudy, you a fucking real sand monkey or what?
Get real, Scrotumhead.

Doesn't he speak farsi and was born in a sand country? :dunno:
Frau Ima, it is so obvious that you are just an inconsequential bored housewife/househusband. There are many Iranians much, much smarter than you are. Have we said that since you were born in the gutter you must be a rat?
jillian, et al,

The description of the government, in this case, was as it is perceived through the execution of foreign policy by domestic and foreign observers outside government service.

It would not be accurate to state, relatived to the Middle East, that the US is perceived to have been following a competent and successful foreign policy over the last half century.

  • Israelis have a mixed attitudes and feelings towards the US. The average street citizen sees America as a land of friendly people, yet with an incompetent government. It is actually not unlike how Americans see themselves. But Israelis also know that much of the opinion held by Americans, is an opinion formed by second-hand information; and not the same as that experienced by the Israeli. Very few mothers and children in the US have had the frightening experience of having a 122mm or 333mm rocket land anywhere near them. So, the Israeli knows that when they hear that a CNN/ORC poll (http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/2012/images/11/19/rel17a.pdf) demonstrates 57% of Americans believe that Israel is justified in "taking military action against Hamas and the Palestinians in the area known as Gaza", while only 25% feel it is unjustified, --- they know that most of those Americans and their families have never experienced a rocket and mortar attack --- or seen (first hand) the devastation that a suicide bomber can bring.

did you really need to do that 'incompetent government' BS?

For much of the last half century, US Foreign Policy has been a failure in many parts of the world. The Korean War was a Armistice (Stalemate), the Vietnam War was peace negotiated (with the loss of the domestic government), the Oslo Accords and attempts to negotiate a settlement in Palestine have all failed, Iraq is unstable and losing its democratic flavor (more closely aligned to Iran), and foreign terrorist organizations (under the cover of legitimate political parties) are beginning to take the lead in the Middle East.

In this case, for lack of a better term, "incompetence" is meant to be polite - yet all encompassing, to assess and rate the overall character of the US in this topic of discussion (Thread: What the Israeli Public Really Thinks" Thread); without inadvertently introducing a new topic.


Page 5 US-Israeli Relations said:
Overall there are some warming trends in Israeli views in relation to the United States. Views of Obama are now quite positive, with 60 percent expressing favorable views&#8212;up 6 points from the previous year (and 8 points among Jewish Israelis). Asked which world leader they most admire, among Israeli Jews Obama is now the most frequently cited. More Israelis see American public support for Israeli security interests as having increased than see it as having decreased over the least few years, and more are optimistic than are pessimistic about US-Israel relations in Obama&#8217;s second term.
SOURCE: http://sadat.umd.edu/Israel_Nov12_rpt_FINAL.pdf

Page 10 said:
A majority of Israelis say that they are ready to at least accept as the basis for negotiation the Arab Peace Initiative, whereby Israel withdraws to 1967 borders and a peace agreement is established with all Arab states. Expressions of readiness to accept the basic conditions of such a deal, though, have declined from last year among Israeli Jews and there is growing pessimism that a lasting peace with the Palestinians can be established. Views are mixed about the consequences should prospects of two-state solution collapse.
SOURCE: http://sadat.umd.edu/Israel_Nov12_rpt_FINAL.pdf

Most Respectfully,


What do Israelis think of 1967 borders with swaps?
What do Israelis think of 1967 borders with swaps? | +972 Magazine
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Doesn't he speak farsi and was born in a sand country? :dunno:
Frau Ima, it is so obvious that you are just an inconsequential bored housewife/househusband. There are many Iranians much, much smarter than you are. Have we said that since you were born in the gutter you must be a rat?

So herr housefly, roudy's Iranian? :lol:
is it really important to you, Frau Ima, what Roudy is when it is quite obvious that you are a bored housewife/househusband? Do we care that you were born in the gutter or maybe the sewer?
The corrupt ruling class in Iran fled for their lives when the people came to power, some moved to the US where they hope to rule once again
The corrupt ruling class in Iran fled for their lives when the people came to power, some moved to the US where they hope to rule once again
Looks like Yousef Mohammed has an affinity for the crazy leaders governing Iran right now. For all we know, he is now one of their representatives in the westernized world to keep track of all those ex Iranians who left because they didn't want to live under these crazies. Poor Mr. Gooz, if he had only stayed, he could have been put in charge of the women's section in one of the prisons where he would have had the opportunity to check to find out which women were virgins or not in deciding who should be raped before they were killed. What power he would have had!!! I hope he at least remembers that young woman Neda who was shot by those goons now running around in Iran.

Death of Neda Agha-Soltan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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