What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

I don't know if this matters, but the polls were actually not far off.

They were issued based on human votes, not electoral votes.

They predicted a narrow Hillary win in popular votes, and that's what happened.

Why would anyone pay attention to such polls, knowing that would not win the election? Oh, I forgot! Libtards!
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.
A better rebuttal is the history of polling, and Bidens history of losing.

The history of polling shows that polling is very accurate in determining the winner of the popular vote. 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. Biden has yet to be the Democrats nominee for President. But given how popular the Obama administration was and still is among Democrats, Democrats are more likely than not to have Biden as their nominee in 2020.

I love how you combine your ignorance of history, poor math skills, and complete lack of knowledge of the electoral process to prove that you are a complete imbecile without any doubt!
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

The polls are split between Hillary Clinton winning and … Hillary Clinton winning in a landslide

Clinton now leads Donald Trump in national polling averages by about 7 points, with every recent live interview poll showing her up by between 4 and 12 points.

She continues to hold on to solid leads in a series of states that would put her over the 270 electoral votes she needs to win, and she seems to have taken the lead in even most of the swing states she doesn’t need (like Florida, North Carolina, and Nevada).

New poll shows we're 'starting to hear the faint rumblings of a Hillary Clinton landslide'

A poll from Quinnipiac University released on Thursday gave Hillary Clinton a massive advantage over her Republican counterpart, Donald Trump, just 75 days before November's election.

The poll put Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, at 51% and Trump, the Republican nominee, at 41% in a head-to-head matchup.

Why 2016 election polls missed their mark

Why 2016 election polls missed their mark

How could the polls have been so wrong about the state of the election?

There is a great deal of speculation but no clear answers as to the cause of the disconnect, but there is one point of agreement: Across the board, polls underestimated Trump’s level of support. With few exceptions, the final round of public polling showed Clinton with a lead of 1 to 7 percentage points in the national popular vote. State-level polling was more variable, but there were few instances where polls overstated Trump’s support.

The national polls said Clinton would win the popular vote. Guess what, she did. Trump has not shown he can win the popular vote. Your not winning the electoral college without winning the popular vote in all likelihood. Unless there is a successful third party run to split the anti-Trump vote, Trump is going home on January 20, 2021.

You are talking about "likelihood" for a man that was written off when he announced, never believed had a chance to win the nomination against 16 other Republicans, and then bitch-slapped Hillary to the losers bracket in the election. Likelihood? You don't have a fucking clue as to what is "likely" dumbass!
The above is peoples interpretations of pictures and video. No one has accused Biden of assault or rape. The same cannot be said for President Trump. President Trump is on record of bragging about Sexually assaulting women. "I just start kissing them, I grab them by the p&*&*". Then President Trump made illegal payments to two different Women that he committed adulty with to keep them from talking about it. Sending money to people to keep them from talking during an election campaign is illegal. Trump's lawyer, Michael Cohen is going to jail for is part in this crime. Michael Cohen and David Pecker of the National Enquirer have both confirmed that Trump order the payments. Once Trump is no longer President, he will be doing jail time as well for his illegal payment to Stormy Daniels.

What's "adulty"?

Sending money to keep people quiet is perfectly legal, dumbass! If they request it, it is blackmail!

Let's see your proof of these affairs. So far no one can provide any evidence.

Biden is a dirty old man. The first time he puts his hands on a young lady and she turns around and slaps the shit out of him, his race will be over!
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
Umm yeah, and how did those polls work with the last Presidential election ?

The National polls worked just fine. They predicted Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 percentage points and she ended up winning the popular vote by 2 percentage points.

90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college and the election. It was a rare fluke that Hillary did not win the electoral college. In order for Trump to be re-elected, he will need to win the popular vote. No President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote.

So the national polls which predict the popular vote result have been right and were right for Hillary Clinton.

But Trump is 13.5 points behind Biden instead of just 3 points behind Hillary. There will not be any fluke electoral college victories in 2020.

Care to put your money where your mouth is? Bet against Trump and make money if you're so confident.
Cohen Testimony Has Zero Effect on 2020 Presidential Odds

Careful, the polls and MSM have been wrong before

I trust scientific polling over betting in Vegas. The national polls were RIGHT in 2016, Hillary won the popular vote.

Scientific polling? Ask Hillary how well that worked out for her in those states she skipped!
McCain lost to Obama by 9 million votes
Romney lost to Obama by 5 million votes

Hillary spent twice as much as Trump
Had a 72% chance of winning
and won the popular vote by only 3 million votes

The polls not only had Hillary winning,
they had her winning in a landslide...
3 million is not a landslide

Nope, the polls had her winning by 3%, she ended up winning by 2%. That is pretty close. Point is also the national polls said she would win and she did win in the popular vote which is what nation polls are looking at.

90% of the time, the Winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. Trump has not shown he can win the popular vote. There for Trump is not likely to win in 2020 since the odds are that the popular vote winner will be the electoral college winner.

Watch this video, Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Total bullshit. Your spin that the polls only track the popular vote is misleading. CNN had Hillary winning her blue wall states, FL, NC, and many more that Trump actually won, so the MSM and polls were total bullshit in 2016. The 3% popular vote prediction vs 2% actual means that the polls need to factor in the CA and NY effects, that's all.

The national polls predicted Hillary would win the popular vote. They were right.

President TRUMP won the election didn't he...……...

Yes he did, in one of the 5 fluke elections out the 58 there have been in this nations history. Its rare that a candidate loses the popular vote but is then able to win the election through the electoral college. It won't work again in 2020. Trump will have to win the popularity vote in 2020 in order to be re-elected. There is no sign that Trump can win the popular vote in the next Presidential election.

There is always a first time for everything, dumbass!
I'm thinking Slow Joe just doesn't have the energy to match Trump yo'd be better off w
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

I'm thinking Slow Joe just doesn't have the energy to match Trump, you'd be better off with Hee Haw Cortes..

Joe Biden can actually run. I'm not sure that Donald Trump can.

Biden run? His elevator no longer goes anywhere near the top floor!
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!

Creepy Joe Biden drools all over himself when the Girl Scouts show up to sell cookies.

Donald Trump rapes, kisses, and grabs women by the p?>sy when he gets the impulse.

Proof? Oh, damn! That just blows your whole theory now, doesn't it?
Watch this video, Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Total bullshit. Your spin that the polls only track the popular vote is misleading. CNN had Hillary winning her blue wall states, FL, NC, and many more that Trump actually won, so the MSM and polls were total bullshit in 2016. The 3% popular vote prediction vs 2% actual means that the polls need to factor in the CA and NY effects, that's all.

The national polls predicted Hillary would win the popular vote. They were right.

President TRUMP won the election didn't he...……...

Yes he did, in one of the 5 fluke elections out the 58 there have been in this nations history. Its rare that a candidate loses the popular vote but is then able to win the election through the electoral college. It won't work again in 2020. Trump will have to win the popularity vote in 2020 in order to be re-elected. There is no sign that Trump can win the popular vote in the next Presidential election.

Wrong again wrong

The same voters at play

Florida mid terms both the state wide repubs won. Over a long term Demi senator

Trump has higher approval ratings today than the mid terms where he increased the republicans senators

Trumps average approval rating after 2 years as President in the GALLUP poll is 40%. That's the lowest average of any sitting President in history. It does not bode well for his 2020 re-election chances. What happens in Florida won't matter. The Democrats will secure victory e.asily in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump barley won these states by TINY margins in 2016. It won't happen in 2020. Without those states, Trump is going home on January 20, 2021.

Why don't you just Gallup your way to bed and stay there until November 2020 and then you can come out so we can laugh at you!
President TRUMP won the election didn't he...……...

Yes he did, in one of the 5 fluke elections out the 58 there have been in this nations history. Its rare that a candidate loses the popular vote but is then able to win the election through the electoral college. It won't work again in 2020. Trump will have to win the popularity vote in 2020 in order to be re-elected. There is no sign that Trump can win the popular vote in the next Presidential election.
Wrong again wrong

The same voters at play

Florida mid terms both the state wide repubs won. Over a long term Demi senator

Trump has higher approval ratings today than the mid terms where he increased the republicans senators

Trumps average approval rating after 2 years as President in the GALLUP poll is 40%. That's the lowest average of any sitting President in history. It does not bode well for his 2020 re-election chances. What happens in Florida won't matter. The Democrats will secure victory e.asily in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Trump barley won these states by TINY margins in 2016. It won't happen in 2020. Without those states, Trump is going home on January 20, 2021.

Trump is up to 44%

Higher than before when he won the president

Remember the average is below the real average

Trump won more senate seats during the mid terms

True, but his average of all approval ratings taken, by GALLUP, since January 20, 2017 is 40%, the lowest for any sitting President in history. 44% is just is approval rating last month, Not the average of the past two years.

Do you know what the past means, dumbass?

It means nobody fucking cares what happened over the last two years as far as polls go! You shouldn't either because it just illustrates how stupid you are!
Here is where one can go and read
The polls on Hillary against trump by 16 points and sanders against trump by 22 points. This is in Michigan where trump beat Hillary

The fraud polls off by 17 points

Clinton, Trump Hold Big Leads in Michigan: Poll

These polls were taken in March. Most of the later polling had Clinton ahead by 5-7 points in Michigan.

This proves all polls other than the one by la times and Rasmussen are simply fraud polls because they weigh the polls incorrect to help the democrats


In the 2012 election, voters between the ages of 18-29 made up just 19 percent of the electorate — that's HALF the share of the Baby Boomer votingbloc (who were 38 percent of the electorate). In fact, millennials continue to have the lowest voter turnout of any age group.May 16, 2016

Again can you read???

Those voting for democrats have the lowest turnout which means not polling likely voters is a way to do a fraud poll to try to cheat and energize the democrats and deflate the conservatives

Total BS and corruption by the deep states polling

Can you read? Rasmussen totally whiffed on 2018 with Democrats picking up the most seats since Watergate. If you look at the polling in 2018, the polls using registered voters and likely voters were pretty close. Rasmussen completely whiffed on the likely voter turnout in 2018.

The trouble with 2016 is that both candidates were incredibly unpopular. Both Trump and Clinton had disapproval ratings in the 60's. Trump in the mid 60s and Clinton in the low 60s.

You are the one who is corrupt. All you can do is lie because you refuse to admit the truth.
Its easy to say Trump will win. But show some unbiased evidence that indicates he can win in 2020. Like his approval rating or polling data. Just claiming that he will "kick your ass" is meaningless and irrelevant.

Also, let me remind you that the Republicans just lost the House Of Representatives. It belongs to the Democrats now. By January 2021, Democrats may have the White House and both houses of Congress. It will be fun watching the Trump supporters explain how that happened.

How about you getting a grip on your own penis and see what comes out! You have no evidence of anything!
Get some help

The age group that votes most for democrats is the 18-29 group

And that group has only a 42 % turnout

The age group that votes most for conservatives is the group that includes 60 age

And that group votes the MOST for conservatives at a 71% turnout

So all the polls that does not poll likely voters are totally BS polls trying to cheat and fool

And that cheating may give them an extra 3 or 4 points

And notice which age group that would be harder to fool?? Yes the more experienced and they vote the most conservative

The group most easy to fool are the 18-29 group and that group because of less experience votes more for liberals than any group

So it's easy to see how crooked the deep state has become

Brainwashing and fooling the low logics

That's why a logic test for voting trump will bring to stop electing crooks by unwise voters
Got a new poll out today in South Carolina, the heart of Trump loving territory. This poll is done by Emerson.

TRUMP: 52%

BIDEN: 48%

When a Republican President can barely win South Carolina, its over for them.

What about the polls by Lake, and Palmer? :D
Its easy to say Trump will win. But show some unbiased evidence that indicates he can win in 2020. Like his approval rating or polling data. Just claiming that he will "kick your ass" is meaningless and irrelevant.

Also, let me remind you that the Republicans just lost the House Of Representatives. It belongs to the Democrats now. By January 2021, Democrats may have the White House and both houses of Congress. It will be fun watching the Trump supporters explain how that happened.

Here is some unbiased evidence that indicates that Trump can win in 2020. The Las Vegas betting odds. If you are so confident he will lose, put your money where your mouth is and win some cash. p.s. Trump also has history on his side. Its difficult to beat an incumbent president.
Cohen Testimony Has Zero Effect on 2020 Presidential Odds

Agreed that the GOP lost the House in 2018. We can disagree on the reasons why. IMHO it was because the MSM scared off (40) incumbent GOP congressmen. Another reason is that the dems put up good candidates in toss-up districts like Connor Lamb in Pittsburgh. Then Nancy and AOC whine when they vote to tell ICE when illegals try to buy guns. Primary them in 2020 and lose the House when the leftists try to promote their agenda.

In 2020 Barr'ing anything unusual, the GOP wins the presidency, keeps the Senate, and has a good shot at taking the House back. So we're looking at 2020 very differently. When the voters see the dem's agenda they will never vote for a dem. Here are the dem policies I'm tracking for 2020:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges only allow liberal speakers and professors who indoctrinate kids to be liberals or flunk out
20. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and paid for the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Obama/Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger.
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Democrats refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
32. Democrats want to give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but won't help US citizens living in tent cities
33. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
34. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
35. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
36. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
37. Trump has Navarro and Lightheiser managing economic & Trade Policy, to bring back good jobs the dems have no one
38. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infantacide"

Best case scenario for Trump is that he loses by only one or two states in the electoral college. The worst case scenario is that he only wins a total of 12 states and 64 electoral votes. If Texas and Arizona flip blue in 2020, this could be the outcome.

Trump may get slaughtered in 2020 and win only the following states:

South Carolina
South Dakota
North Dakota

That's only 64 electoral votes.

You don't think Trump can win deep red Kentucky? I knew you were stupid, but not THAT stupid!
Its easy to say Trump will win. But show some unbiased evidence that indicates he can win in 2020. Like his approval rating or polling data. Just claiming that he will "kick your ass" is meaningless and irrelevant.

Also, let me remind you that the Republicans just lost the House Of Representatives. It belongs to the Democrats now. By January 2021, Democrats may have the White House and both houses of Congress. It will be fun watching the Trump supporters explain how that happened.

Here is some unbiased evidence that indicates that Trump can win in 2020. The Las Vegas betting odds. If you are so confident he will lose, put your money where your mouth is and win some cash. p.s. Trump also has history on his side. Its difficult to beat an incumbent president.
Cohen Testimony Has Zero Effect on 2020 Presidential Odds

Agreed that the GOP lost the House in 2018. We can disagree on the reasons why. IMHO it was because the MSM scared off (40) incumbent GOP congressmen. Another reason is that the dems put up good candidates in toss-up districts like Connor Lamb in Pittsburgh. Then Nancy and AOC whine when they vote to tell ICE when illegals try to buy guns. Primary them in 2020 and lose the House when the leftists try to promote their agenda.

In 2020 Barr'ing anything unusual, the GOP wins the presidency, keeps the Senate, and has a good shot at taking the House back. So we're looking at 2020 very differently. When the voters see the dem's agenda they will never vote for a dem. Here are the dem policies I'm tracking for 2020:
1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. Single Payer Healthcare, aka rationed healthcare
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones"
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Max food stamps instead of good paying jobs
13. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
14. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
15. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
16. No new pipelines
17. No offshore drilling
18. No privacy as tech giants like google and facebook work with dems to promote liberalism
19. Colleges only allow liberal speakers and professors who indoctrinate kids to be liberals or flunk out
20. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
21. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
22. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
23. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
24. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump and paid for the phony Steele Dossier
25. Sell US secrets like Wen Ho Lee sold nuke secrets to China, and Obama/Hillary sold uranium to the Russians via the UraniumOne scam
26. Have the Black Panthers or antifa guard urban polling stations with clubs to keep conservative voters away, guarantee those 300,000 to 0 results
27. Do not allow conservative blacks on TV, keep those urban plantations 100% democrat.
28. Allow the aclu, and BLM to protect criminals and put blue lives in danger.
29. Hire bimbos to swear that they were sexually assaulted by the GOP candidates.
30. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
31. Democrats refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
32. Democrats want to give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but won't help US citizens living in tent cities
33. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
34. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
35. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
36. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
37. Trump has Navarro and Lightheiser managing economic & Trade Policy, to bring back good jobs the dems have no one
38. Promote or excuse the murder of newborns, i.e. "infantacide"

Best case scenario for Trump is that he loses by only one or two states in the electoral college. The worst case scenario is that he only wins a total of 12 states and 64 electoral votes. If Texas and Arizona flip blue in 2020, this could be the outcome.

Trump may get slaughtered in 2020 and win only the following states:

South Carolina
South Dakota
North Dakota

That's only 64 electoral votes.

Ok, I got to revise this list. There four other states that I think Trump will win, even with the worst night possible for Trump.

West Virginia

South Carolina
South Dakota
North Dakota

So that is 94 electoral votes. Biden wins with 444 electoral votes to Trumps 94 electoral votes.

You didn't read that list did you.

Maybe there is some hope for you since you backtracked your list. Keep working at it and you will see that no one wants Libtards in the White House again.
Interesting. A good rebuttal would be a poll showing Trump beating Biden in 2020. I've not seen any yet.
/——/ A year and a half away from the 2008 election Obama wasn’t even on the radar. So stop with the meaningless polls.

Obama was very much on the radar at that time. He started his campaign in February 2007.

He was never on the radar. His skin is a special Stealth technology that makes him invisible to libtards so they cannot see the empty suit he was!
The turn out by the most liberal group

18-29. Is 42%

The turn out by the most conservative group because of time to learn is the 60 age group who turns out at 71%

This shows only Rasmussen is polling correctly by likely voters and that's why they are higher for trump

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