What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Total BS

The 2020 election is just like the 2016

Same states in play

Trump won 5 states and the election by going for the workers

The same thing again

This time the proof is there more jobs

Vietnam signs a deal worth 15 billion worth of American goods while trump was in Vietnam

His jobs programs will be kicking in stronger and stronger each month

He will win easily 2020

Especially when Barr starts investigations into the democrat crimes

Well, where is the polling data that support your conclusions? There is none at this time. Trump has the lowest average approval rating of any sitting President in history after two years in office. Presidential approval ratings are a strong predictor of whether a President will be re-elected. You typically need a 50% approval rating in the GALLUP poll to be re-elected President although a few a Presidents of made it with just 48% approval. Trump is currently at 44% approval. No President has EVER been re-elected President when their disapproval numbers are higher than their approval numbers.

The unemployment figures have not benefited Trump at all. Every GALLUP poll conducted over the past two years has shown that the majority of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing.

Early polling shows 2016 is not going to be like 2020. Biden is essentially tied with Trump in the latest polling in Texas and Arizona. Trump could lose Texas in 2020 based on the latest polls. If Trump loses Texas in 2020, he will lose the election in an embarrassing landslide.
Biden’s numbers aren’t even real. He is not in the government right now, he has no legacy, he is a dumbass and he is no “moderate”.

All Trump has to do is run hard against reparations and call it the racism that it is, run against infanticide and run on the stability his domestic and international policies have created.
Sanders white women voters going against bidens black women voters

In the general election the loser group will not turn out for the general election then trump will win in a landslide
Black women don’t care about Biden and white women don’t really care about Sanders.

Sanders doesn’t have a prayer of winning the nomination anyway.
Total BS

The 2020 election is just like the 2016

Same states in play

Trump won 5 states and the election by going for the workers

The same thing again

This time the proof is there more jobs

Vietnam signs a deal worth 15 billion worth of American goods while trump was in Vietnam

His jobs programs will be kicking in stronger and stronger each month

He will win easily 2020

Especially when Barr starts investigations into the democrat crimes

Well, where is the polling data that support your conclusions? There is none at this time. Trump has the lowest average approval rating of any sitting President in history after two years in office. Presidential approval ratings are a strong predictor of whether a President will be re-elected. You typically need a 50% approval rating in the GALLUP poll to be re-elected President although a few a Presidents of made it with just 48% approval. Trump is currently at 44% approval. No President has EVER been re-elected President when their disapproval numbers are higher than their approval numbers.

The unemployment figures have not benefited Trump at all. Every GALLUP poll conducted over the past two years has shown that the majority of Americans disapprove of the job Trump is doing.

Early polling shows 2016 is not going to be like 2020. Biden is essentially tied with Trump in the latest polling in Texas and Arizona. Trump could lose Texas in 2020 based on the latest polls. If Trump loses Texas in 2020, he will lose the election in an embarrassing landslide.
Biden’s numbers aren’t even real. He is not in the government right now, he has no legacy, he is a dumbass and he is no “moderate”.

All Trump has to do is run hard against reparations and call it the racism that it is, run against infanticide and run on the stability his domestic and international policies have created.

"[C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations."
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA | History News Network

"In the wake of the September 11th terror attack, some legislators are now proclaiming their commitment to unleashing the CIA and rebuilding its human “assets.” Just a short while ago these same legislators were leading the charge to curtail the agency. One such convert is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden. The Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations. Hopefully Senator Biden, and other congressional converts, are undergoing a genuine epiphany. Perhaps they now realize, as Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”
Congressional Oversight and the Crippling of the CIA | History News Network

Biden.....life-long feasting at the public trough.
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Best case scenario for Trump is that he loses by only one or two states in the electoral college. The worst case scenario is that he only wins a total of 12 states and 64 electoral votes. If Texas and Arizona flip blue in 2020, this could be the outcome.

Trump may get slaughtered in 2020 and win only the following states:

South Carolina
South Dakota
North Dakota

That's only 64 electoral votes.

I see an unqualified opinion, but nothing to back it up. So lets just say we'll see in 2020. Remember how Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016?

She won by 3 million votes. The polls were right. A fluke of the electoral college is how Trump pulled out a victory. Its rare that it happens. No sitting President has been re-elected without winning the Popular vote.

As I showed.....she did no such thing.

How many illegal aliens reside in the USofA?

It's something else you're clueless about.

Doesn't matter who they are because they will be voting again in 2020 and this time in even higher numbers AGAINST Trump.

I need to get you on record: just fine with you that illegal aliens vote in our elections.

You are the perfect example of why America-hating Democrats/Liberals need be exiles, and government schools revamped, the Leftist agents removed.

Please keep posting.

Trump appears to be a Russian asset, so everything needs to be done to remove him from office. Better to have illegals voting in US elections(which THEY are not in any significant amount) than to have a Russian asset sitting in the White House. Russia and their potential asset in the White House are a far bigger threat than anyone from Latin America.

I'm a Republican and prior to 2016 had NEVER voted for a Democrat.

This is easy

Trump is losing votes from New York and California and increasing votes in the industrial us

This is done by giving more to workers

So trump now has the 2020 race locked up

Each month that goes by he gets stronger in those worker states and weaker in California and New York

But that gives him a certain WIN !!

Well, the polls don't show that. He is down by 13 points against BIDEN in the latest poll in Michigan. I seriously doubt even Rasmussen would show Trump ahead of Biden in Michigan right now.


Again fraud polls

Weighing the 18 yr old turn out wrong. Just to try to influence the voters for the dems

Did not work in 2016 with the mich polls way off

And will not work in 2020

After a bruising fight with sanders voters. The sanders voters will not turn out in cold mich

And with each month trumps job plan will kick in more and more for mich

And now the investigations of the real crooks the democrats will begin by Barr

Again. Trump will increase in the industrial states and decrease in California and New York

This makes a certain win by trump

No evidence at all that the poll or polls were fraudulent in any way. Just because its a result you don't like does not make it a fraud.
I see an unqualified opinion, but nothing to back it up. So lets just say we'll see in 2020. Remember how Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016?

She won by 3 million votes. The polls were right. A fluke of the electoral college is how Trump pulled out a victory. Its rare that it happens. No sitting President has been re-elected without winning the Popular vote.

As I showed.....she did no such thing.

How many illegal aliens reside in the USofA?

It's something else you're clueless about.

Doesn't matter who they are because they will be voting again in 2020 and this time in even higher numbers AGAINST Trump.

I need to get you on record: just fine with you that illegal aliens vote in our elections.

You are the perfect example of why America-hating Democrats/Liberals need be exiles, and government schools revamped, the Leftist agents removed.

Please keep posting.

Trump appears to be a Russian asset, so everything needs to be done to remove him from office. Better to have illegals voting in US elections(which THEY are not in any significant amount) than to have a Russian asset sitting in the White House. Russia and their potential asset in the White House are a far bigger threat than anyone from Latin America.

I'm a Republican and prior to 2016 had NEVER voted for a Democrat.

/——/ We believe you snark snark snark
Best case scenario for Trump is that he loses by only one or two states in the electoral college. The worst case scenario is that he only wins a total of 12 states and 64 electoral votes. If Texas and Arizona flip blue in 2020, this could be the outcome.

Trump may get slaughtered in 2020 and win only the following states:

South Carolina
South Dakota
North Dakota

That's only 64 electoral votes.

I see an unqualified opinion, but nothing to back it up. So lets just say we'll see in 2020. Remember how Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016?

She won by 3 million votes. The polls were right. A fluke of the electoral college is how Trump pulled out a victory. Its rare that it happens. No sitting President has been re-elected without winning the Popular vote.

Stop with that bullshit. HILLARY LOST TO TRUMP. There is no "popular vote" there is only the Electoral College.
Watch the video and see how the MSM went thru all the states and said that there was no way Trump could win the election.
The MSM/CNN said in the video that Hillary had a 95% probability of winning the election. Its the election that matters not the popular vote. The polls were all wrong.

01. The National Polls are predicting the popular vote.

02. Over 90% of the time, the winner of the popular vote wins the electoral college. There have been 58 Presidential elections. In only 5 of those elections, did the popular vote winner, fail to win the electoral college. Its a rare fluke when the popular vote winner is not the winner of the electoral college.

03. The National Polls predicted Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote.

04. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote proving that the polls were correct.

05. Trump's victory in the electoral college was a rare fluke and it was a victory by very tiny margins in three states that the Hillary Campaign had neglected in terms of visits and funding.

06. One news organization predicted Hillary has a 95% chance of winning is not representative of all polling organizations and all elections before that time or since that time. The prediction also was NOT 100% chance of winning either.

07. The national polls correctly predicted the popular vote in 2016. No sitting President has ever been re-elected without winning the popular vote.

08. There is such a thing as rare win under unlikely conditions based on probability. That is exactly what happened in 2016. Trump was lucky. You can be lucky once, but it would not be rational to believe that 2016 shows or proves that Trump is going to win in 2020. The razor thin margin of victory and how improbable the victory was in 2016 makes it extremely unlikely that situation will repeat itself in 2020.

09. Trump will not be re-elected President in 2020 without winning the popular vote. The average of his approval ratings the past two years and the early polling match ups against Biden done by multiple polling agencies, all show that Trumps chances in 2020 are even less likely than they were in 2016.

1. We aren't talking about national polls, my video shows how the MSM predicted THE 2016 ELECTION (not national polls)
2. irrelevant
3. irrelevant (the popular vote does not elect the president)
4. Wrong. The MSM polls in my video predicted Hillary would win the election (the pop vote is irrelevant)
5. A win is a win baby, come on 2020
6. The majority of polls predicted that Hillary would win the election, i.e. the EC, they were wrong for whatever reasons
7. the 2016 pop vote is irrelevant, 2020 will be decided by the EC, NOT the popular vote
8. Agreed. Trump barely won in 2016 in spite of the FBI, DOJ, and MSM's coordinated efforts. He and we were very lucky. Since you cite history, don't incumbent presidents usually win re-election? I think they do.
Trump will likely win reelection in 2020
9. Stop with that popular vote bullshit. CA and NY can "harvest" all the votes they want and the EC negates their efforts.

Whatever you think of the polling in 2016, it does not invalidate all polling from then on and for eternity. Scientific polling has a good history, and Trump's campaign like any campaign will be using polling data when thinking and deciding on campaign strategy. You can't dismiss polling in 2019 or 2020, by simply saying that well this happened in 2016, so Trump is all good. You are In for a rude awakening with that type of logic.

The electoral college saved Trump by a razer thin margin in 2016. That's unlikely to happen in 2020. He is going to need to win the popular vote to have any chance of winning the Electoral college.

The popular vote and Electoral College are not really separate things actually. They are intertwined with each other especially since its the popular vote in each state which determines who gets the Electoral Votes of that state.

Key metrics like Trump's approval ratings, and how he does in polling against the Democratic candidates show that he is seriously vulnerable. Most people don't approve of the job he is doing. About 48% say there is no way they would ever vote for him. Your a thin Ice when 48% of the country already states that there is no way they will vote for you.
Rasmussen polls likely voters

Some polls uses only adults

Other polls uses only registered voters

The most likely voters are the 50- 64 group. Which is the strongest for trump

The least likely voters are the 18 yr olds and they vote most for democrats

A poll that does not use likely voters is a fraud poll. Because it weighs the 18 yr old vote heavier than reality and the 50-64 less than reality

Doing that makes the polls a fraud poll done to give excitement to the over weighted group and deflation to the under weighted group

See now. How fraud polls work !!!
I see an unqualified opinion, but nothing to back it up. So lets just say we'll see in 2020. Remember how Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016?

She won by 3 million votes. The polls were right. A fluke of the electoral college is how Trump pulled out a victory. Its rare that it happens. No sitting President has been re-elected without winning the Popular vote.

As I showed.....she did no such thing.

How many illegal aliens reside in the USofA?

It's something else you're clueless about.

Doesn't matter who they are because they will be voting again in 2020 and this time in even higher numbers AGAINST Trump.

I need to get you on record: just fine with you that illegal aliens vote in our elections.

You are the perfect example of why America-hating Democrats/Liberals need be exiles, and government schools revamped, the Leftist agents removed.

Please keep posting.

Trump appears to be a Russian asset, so everything needs to be done to remove him from office. Better to have illegals voting in US elections(which THEY are not in any significant amount) than to have a Russian asset sitting in the White House. Russia and their potential asset in the White House are a far bigger threat than anyone from Latin America.

I'm a Republican and prior to 2016 had NEVER voted for a Democrat.

You are a Mexican drug cartel asset. You are just too stupid to know it.
The public has well over a year to watch millions of dollars wasted on a personal vendetta against the president. Those millions of dollars that would be spent on the country's needs.

The public has well over a year to fully comprehend what the Democrat open borders policy means.

The public has well over a year to learn about the full extent of Democrat infanticide.

The public has well over a year to calculate the cost of the green new deal and reparations and the cost of the care and feeding of the invading army.

Democrats might have to be incarcerated for their own protection while they mindlessly shriek Pussy Grabber, Orange Man Bad. Doesn't anybody CARE!
Rasmussen polls likely voters

Some polls uses only adults

Other polls uses only registered voters

The most likely voters are the 50- 64 group. Which is the strongest for trump

The least likely voters are the 18 yr olds and they vote most for democrats

A poll that does not use likely voters is a fraud poll. Because it weighs the 18 yr old vote heavier than reality and the 50-64 less than reality

Doing that makes the polls a fraud poll done to give excitement to the over weighted group and deflation to the under weighted group

See now. How fraud polls work !!!

Rasmussen does automated polling which means they can only call landlines. That means they cannot by law call people who have cellphones. That puts them in danger of overpolling Republicans. Likely voters means that you are guessing at what the turnout will be.

RCP Average 10/13 - 11/3 -- 49.7 42.4 Democrats +7.3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 11/1 - 11/3 774 LV 50 43 Democrats +7
CNN 11/1 - 11/3 1151 LV 55 42 Democrats +13
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 737 LV 52 44 Democrats +8
Rasmussen Reports 10/28 - 11/1 2500 LV 45 46 Republicans +1
IBD/TIPP 10/25 - 11/3 798 LV 50 41 Democrats +9
Economist/YouGov 10/28 - 10/30 1296 RV 47 42 Democrats +5
NPR/PBS/Marist 10/28 - 10/29 509 LV 52 43 Democrats +9
Harvard-Harris 10/26 - 10/28 1835 RV 47 38 Democrats +9
Reuters/Ipsos 10/24 - 10/30 1383 LV 49 42 Democrats +7
USA Today/Suffolk 10/18 - 10/22 1000 LV 51 43 Democrats +8
FOX News 10/13 - 10/16 841 LV 49 42 Democrats +7

This is the average of the polls in the 2018 midterms. Rasmussen missed everything. They had Republicans ahead by 1 which means they missed it by a whopping 8.3 points.
Rasmussen polls likely voters

Some polls uses only adults

Other polls uses only registered voters

The most likely voters are the 50- 64 group. Which is the strongest for trump

The least likely voters are the 18 yr olds and they vote most for democrats

A poll that does not use likely voters is a fraud poll. Because it weighs the 18 yr old vote heavier than reality and the 50-64 less than reality

Doing that makes the polls a fraud poll done to give excitement to the over weighted group and deflation to the under weighted group

See now. How fraud polls work !!!

Rasmussen does automated polling which means they can only call landlines. That means they cannot by law call people who have cellphones. That puts them in danger of overpolling Republicans. Likely voters means that you are guessing at what the turnout will be.

RCP Average 10/13 - 11/3 -- 49.7 42.4 Democrats +7.3
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 11/1 - 11/3 774 LV 50 43 Democrats +7
CNN 11/1 - 11/3 1151 LV 55 42 Democrats +13
ABC News/Wash Post 10/29 - 11/1 737 LV 52 44 Democrats +8
Rasmussen Reports 10/28 - 11/1 2500 LV 45 46 Republicans +1
IBD/TIPP 10/25 - 11/3 798 LV 50 41 Democrats +9
Economist/YouGov 10/28 - 10/30 1296 RV 47 42 Democrats +5
NPR/PBS/Marist 10/28 - 10/29 509 LV 52 43 Democrats +9
Harvard-Harris 10/26 - 10/28 1835 RV 47 38 Democrats +9
Reuters/Ipsos 10/24 - 10/30 1383 LV 49 42 Democrats +7
USA Today/Suffolk 10/18 - 10/22 1000 LV 51 43 Democrats +8
FOX News 10/13 - 10/16 841 LV 49 42 Democrats +7

This is the average of the polls in the 2018 midterms. Rasmussen missed everything. They had Republicans ahead by 1 which means they missed it by a whopping 8.3 points.

Likely voters is not a quess

There are actual data on this

The less likely to show up are 18 yr olds and the most likely is 50-64 olds

Also not a guess how 18 yr olds vote most liberal and 50-64 olds vote more conservative. There is actual data on this

Not a guess

Nbc had Hillary beating trump by 16 points in mich and sanders by 22 points

But trump won

Proving the main polls are corrupt to the core and trying to influence for democrats
The public has well over a year to watch millions of dollars wasted on a personal vendetta against the president. Those millions of dollars that would be spent on the country's needs.

The public has well over a year to fully comprehend what the Democrat open borders policy means.

The public has well over a year to learn about the full extent of Democrat infanticide.

The public has well over a year to calculate the cost of the green new deal and reparations and the cost of the care and feeding of the invading army.

Democrats might have to be incarcerated for their own protection while they mindlessly shriek Pussy Grabber, Orange Man Bad. Doesn't anybody CARE!

You are throwing a bunch of garbage up hoping it sticks. You use the word infanticide but that is a dog whistle and nothing more. You claim to be compassionate yet you ignore people who are fleeing for their lives because of America's appetite for drugs. You cannot claim to be pro-life on 1 hand and be callous towards people who are in deadly danger.
Here is where one can go and read
The polls on Hillary against trump by 16 points and sanders against trump by 22 points. This is in Michigan where trump beat Hillary

The fraud polls off by 17 points

Clinton, Trump Hold Big Leads in Michigan: Poll

These polls were taken in March. Most of the later polling had Clinton ahead by 5-7 points in Michigan.

This proves all polls other than the one by la times and Rasmussen are simply fraud polls because they weigh the polls incorrect to help the democrats


In the 2012 election, voters between the ages of 18-29 made up just 19 percent of the electorate — that's HALF the share of the Baby Boomer votingbloc (who were 38 percent of the electorate). In fact, millennials continue to have the lowest voter turnout of any age group.May 16, 2016

Again can you read???

Those voting for democrats have the lowest turnout which means not polling likely voters is a way to do a fraud poll to try to cheat and energize the democrats and deflate the conservatives

Total BS and corruption by the deep states polling

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