What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
Then add the electoral college slant and trump wins again in the face of popular choice...that would be 3rd or 4th time in recent history.

The electoral college won't save Trump this time.

Oh and just so everyone knows again, this is how the 11 biggest states in the country, the ones that get you to 270 EC votes breakdown in terms of who they usually support:

New Jersey
New York


North Carolina

But realize this, recent polls have Texas as toss up. North Carolina is a possible toss up to given recent polling. This is not good news for the current Republican party.
Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.

Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!

Repeat ad infinitum:

Creepy Joe Biden throws live puppies into rush hour traffic!

Creepy Joe Biden is a secret Satan worshiper!

Creepy Joe Biden fondles children!

Creepy Joe Biden is gay!

Creepy Joe Biden is the proprietor of Comet Pizza!

"Joe Biden" is Hebrew for "turtle fucker"!

Creepy Joe Biden killed Kennedy!

Creepy Joe Biden plagiarized Michelle Obama's speech!

Creepy Joe Biden slept with Stormy Daniels and paid her for her silence!

Creepy Joe Biden tried to get a Biden Tower built in Moscow!

Creepy Joe Biden bragged about grabbing pussies!
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.

Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!

lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Its not a fake universe, its the real world. But you seem to be a bit ignorant of the world outside the United States just like most Trump supporters and Trump himself.

As for Doctors, it used to be about caring for people, NOT MONEY. The Doctor used to come to your house, even in the middle of the night. Europeans are much closer to that philosophy which is why they get better care and live longer. You want doctors that actually care they you get better and feel good, as opposed to doctors that are just there for a pay check and are waiting to get home to spend it. A good doctor never turns their back on a patient and is willing to help them at any time of the day or night if they are in distress. But in the United States, most well paid doctors would throw a tantrum if a patient called them directly with a problem while they were at home. That's not a good doctor, that a child playing a doctor part time.

You need medication because you’re out of touch with reality.

So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.


LOL. I am OK with that. Your TDS amuses me. At least you figured out how to use Bold Font.

Yep, you're ok with supporting a man that behaves like a child and is abusive towards women and is on tape bragging about it.
Its not a fake universe, its the real world. But you seem to be a bit ignorant of the world outside the United States just like most Trump supporters and Trump himself.

As for Doctors, it used to be about caring for people, NOT MONEY. The Doctor used to come to your house, even in the middle of the night. Europeans are much closer to that philosophy which is why they get better care and live longer. You want doctors that actually care they you get better and feel good, as opposed to doctors that are just there for a pay check and are waiting to get home to spend it. A good doctor never turns their back on a patient and is willing to help them at any time of the day or night if they are in distress. But in the United States, most well paid doctors would throw a tantrum if a patient called them directly with a problem while they were at home. That's not a good doctor, that a child playing a doctor part time.

You need medication because you’re out of touch with reality.

So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

Yep, because its logical to support a man that behaves like a child.
Only the 5 swing states matter

And trump has got them
Locked up and boxed in
With his politicies that benefits them

View attachment 251395

Democrats 269 Republicans 182

The swing states are Iowa, NC, Georgia, Florida, Arizona and Wisconsin. Some Republicans are saying Texas is a swing state.

The fact is that Trump's policies are opposed by a majority of voters.,
That's pretty close to the map I came up with myself. But, I continue to worry about the dems' ability to run off rural voters in PA and working votes too in Mich

Joe Biden will bring them to the party. Trump is going home in 2020.

OK. Whatever helps your deranged mind sleep at night. LOL.

November 3, 2020 is going to be a GREAT night for people who want Trump out of the White House.

Maybe but this is March 2019. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Live your life and garner an education. You’re really clueless with all due respect.
You need medication because you’re out of touch with reality.

So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

I might support Rubio but never Trump. He's like a little kid in a candy store grabbing at every piece of candy in the store not worrying about who is going to pay for the sweets or even caring. Forget all the other stuff, we can't afford much more of his spend, spend, spend. He even makes Congress look like cheap skates.

Whatever. The Democrats are antisemites and clueless fools who elect devout Muslim extremists and people with IQ lower than 100 to Congress. They cannot complain that America voted in DJT. And yes it sucks that Trump cannot figure out how to balance the budget.
Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.

Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!

Okay I didn’t understand this post at all until I saw the rewards for it. Apparently there’s a market to rank this stuff as funny, so incredibly low hanging fruit. Not a substantial market, but enough of one to keep weird shit alive like this.

But in all honesty how could you not watch this shit and not have you’re predator defense systems not engage? I feel like I have to separate joe from every one of these kids with a punch to the face. At least trump kept it to pornstars. Like you can just sense the parents trying to intervene but be conflicted by it being joe Biden. Yea trump had his pussy grabber comments, but joe is getting waaaaay to friendly with children here. There’s no other word for it but creepy. Show me another politician who acts like this around kids and I’ll drop it being creepy. And then I’ll throw in a million. This shit is wrong

Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.

Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!

lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.

Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.
You need medication because you’re out of touch with reality.

So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.


LOL. I am OK with that. Your TDS amuses me. At least you figured out how to use Bold Font.

Yep, you're ok with supporting a man that behaves like a child and is abusive towards women and is on tape bragging about it.

Perfectly OK. Yes.
You need medication because you’re out of touch with reality.

So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

Yep, because its logical to support a man that behaves like a child.

You and he have that in common
View attachment 251395

Democrats 269 Republicans 182

The swing states are Iowa, NC, Georgia, Florida, Arizona and Wisconsin. Some Republicans are saying Texas is a swing state.

The fact is that Trump's policies are opposed by a majority of voters.,
That's pretty close to the map I came up with myself. But, I continue to worry about the dems' ability to run off rural voters in PA and working votes too in Mich

Joe Biden will bring them to the party. Trump is going home in 2020.

OK. Whatever helps your deranged mind sleep at night. LOL.

November 3, 2020 is going to be a GREAT night for people who want Trump out of the White House.

Maybe but this is March 2019. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Live your life and garner an education. You’re really clueless with all due respect.

So, says the Trump Supporter.
That's pretty close to the map I came up with myself. But, I continue to worry about the dems' ability to run off rural voters in PA and working votes too in Mich

Joe Biden will bring them to the party. Trump is going home in 2020.

OK. Whatever helps your deranged mind sleep at night. LOL.

November 3, 2020 is going to be a GREAT night for people who want Trump out of the White House.

Maybe but this is March 2019. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Live your life and garner an education. You’re really clueless with all due respect.

So, says the Trump Supporter.

Yes. You said that already and many times.
Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.
Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
Trump was accused of sexual assault by over a dozen women. Trump accurately described engaging in sexual assault of women in a tape recording of a conversation he had with Billy Bush. Trump divorced and cheated on his first two wives. He has cheated on his third wife and illegally used his money to pay them to keep silent. His Lawyer, Cohen, is going to jail partly for this crime. Once Trump is not President, he will be facing jail time for this crime as well. Both Cohen and David Pecker of the national enquire are on record saying that Trump ordered the payments to keep women who he cheated on his wife with silent in order to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. That's against the law and Michael Cohen is going to jail for it since he helped arrange the payments.

Has Joe Biden done any of that? Nope. Sorry, but Biden wins this game easily. Most Women did not vote for Trump in 2016. Even more women will be voting against Trump in 2020.
Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

I might support Rubio but never Trump. He's like a little kid in a candy store grabbing at every piece of candy in the store not worrying about who is going to pay for the sweets or even caring. Forget all the other stuff, we can't afford much more of his spend, spend, spend. He even makes Congress look like cheap skates.

Whatever. The Democrats are antisemites and clueless fools who elect devout Muslim extremists and people with IQ lower than 100 to Congress. They cannot complain that America voted in DJT. And yes it sucks that Trump cannot figure out how to balance the budget.

At least Democrats speak honorably about John McCain. How could you support someone who behaves like Trump? He has been married three times and cheated on all his wives. He is a terrible Business Man. He inherited much of his money from his Dad and squandered it. The only thing he ever did well was be on reality TV and criticize people and tell them they were fired. People liked to watch it. People are also entertained by the things he says when he speaks. He likes to speak ill of other people, and yes, many Trump supporters are drawn to that kind of talk. But he does not know much about politics, international relations, the military, economics, or even good business as his record has shown. He became a TV celebrity and that's a big reason why many Trump supporters know of him and voted for him.
So says the "Trump supporter".

I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

Yep, because its logical to support a man that behaves like a child.

You and he have that in common

Oh, then you must actually love me then.
I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

I might support Rubio but never Trump. He's like a little kid in a candy store grabbing at every piece of candy in the store not worrying about who is going to pay for the sweets or even caring. Forget all the other stuff, we can't afford much more of his spend, spend, spend. He even makes Congress look like cheap skates.

Whatever. The Democrats are antisemites and clueless fools who elect devout Muslim extremists and people with IQ lower than 100 to Congress. They cannot complain that America voted in DJT. And yes it sucks that Trump cannot figure out how to balance the budget.

At least Democrats speak honorably about John McCain. How could you support someone who behaves like Trump? He has been married three times and cheated on all his wives. He is a terrible Business Man. He inherited much of his money from his Dad and squandered it. The only thing he ever did well was be on reality TV and criticize people and tell them they were fired. People liked to watch it. People are also entertained by the things he says when he speaks. He likes to speak ill of other people, and yes, many Trump supporters are drawn to that kind of talk. But he does not know much about politics, international relations, the military, economics, or even good business as his record has shown. He became a TV celebrity and that's a big reason why many Trump supporters know of him and voted for him.

Easy. I know no one is perfect. Why would I vote Blue when their party elects devout Muslim extremists to Congress, burned the Israeli flag at the DNC and proudly flew the Palestinian flag there. While banning the flag of Mississippi. LOL. Plus Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He has flaws but who doesn’t. He also has balls. I want a leader with balls. Churchill was far from perfect but he is the greatest leader of all time. Learn history. It’s like an Unforgettable Fire.
Joe Biden will bring them to the party. Trump is going home in 2020.

OK. Whatever helps your deranged mind sleep at night. LOL.

November 3, 2020 is going to be a GREAT night for people who want Trump out of the White House.

Maybe but this is March 2019. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Live your life and garner an education. You’re really clueless with all due respect.

So, says the Trump Supporter.

Yes. You said that already and many times.

I'll continue to say every time you decide to talk about ME, instead of the topic.
I am Anti Progessive Left because people like you are dumbasses. Whether it’s Trump or Rubio I support then against ignorant fools like you who don’t understand economics, finance and logic.

That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

Yep, because its logical to support a man that behaves like a child.

You and he have that in common

Oh, then you must actually love me then.

Nope. Because I like U2 and you’re unoriginal
OK. Whatever helps your deranged mind sleep at night. LOL.

November 3, 2020 is going to be a GREAT night for people who want Trump out of the White House.

Maybe but this is March 2019. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Live your life and garner an education. You’re really clueless with all due respect.

So, says the Trump Supporter.

Yes. You said that already and many times.

I'll continue to say every time you decide to talk about ME, instead of the topic.

It’s a compliment so keep saying it. LOL. I am Watching my school kick the shit out of NDSU in the tourney. Woooo!
That would make you a Fiscal Liberal. Nothing wrong with that. Now I wonder where all those Fiscal Conservatives went?

It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

I might support Rubio but never Trump. He's like a little kid in a candy store grabbing at every piece of candy in the store not worrying about who is going to pay for the sweets or even caring. Forget all the other stuff, we can't afford much more of his spend, spend, spend. He even makes Congress look like cheap skates.

Whatever. The Democrats are antisemites and clueless fools who elect devout Muslim extremists and people with IQ lower than 100 to Congress. They cannot complain that America voted in DJT. And yes it sucks that Trump cannot figure out how to balance the budget.

At least Democrats speak honorably about John McCain. How could you support someone who behaves like Trump? He has been married three times and cheated on all his wives. He is a terrible Business Man. He inherited much of his money from his Dad and squandered it. The only thing he ever did well was be on reality TV and criticize people and tell them they were fired. People liked to watch it. People are also entertained by the things he says when he speaks. He likes to speak ill of other people, and yes, many Trump supporters are drawn to that kind of talk. But he does not know much about politics, international relations, the military, economics, or even good business as his record has shown. He became a TV celebrity and that's a big reason why many Trump supporters know of him and voted for him.

Easy. I know no one is perfect. Why would I vote Blue when their party elects devout Muslim extremists to Congress, burned the Israeli flag at the DNC and proudly flew the Palestinian flag there. While banning the flag of Mississippi. LOL. Plus Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He has flaws but who doesn’t. He also has balls. I want a leader with balls. Churchill was far from perfect but he is the greatest leader of all time. Learn history. It’s like an Unforgettable Fire.

You don't know much about history if your comparing Trump to Churchill. Its NOT about the party, its about the country. Its about the candidate. You don't base who you vote for simply because they have an R or a D next to their name. You vote for the individual candidate and what they stand for and their experience.
Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
Those dozen women haven’t evolved into anything, and this was during the me too movement I believe, or at least around the same time. Trump was clearly being bragodacious with the pussy grabber comments. For trump to face jail time, you’d have to prove he never paid hush money to women before he was running, do you honestly think he didn’t? Even then this is a murky area of is it a campaign expenditure, especially since the last time someone was charged with paying hush money he was acquitted, that was John Edwards. Paying hush money is no where near being against the law, which is why NDA’s exist. Cohen is also going to jail for other reasons too, and pretty much absolved trump if everything in his testimony and then just attacked his character. How is it I am explaining all this to you months and years after the fact? I notice you also didn’t say shit about Russia collusion, fancy that. That’s all I heard about for two fucking years. Now it looks like a clear abuse of power to run surveillance on someone using one source of oppo research that at the time was deemed at the very least highly suspect. So suspect CNN didn’t even touch it.

Biden on the other hand is on camera. He’s being super creepy on camera. He’s being creepy with 13 year old girls. He’s playing with and smelling their hair. He’s whispering in their ear how pretty they are. I want someone to watch that and try to tell me that the girls and their parents don’t look very uncomfortable at all. You can see pictures of his hands on where their breasts would be if they were developed. Yea Biden is fucking creepy. It hasn’t been just one moment you can explain away as just an awkward exchange. It’s a half dozen exchanges of him being fucking creepy. He was setting off warning bells with the parents and the girls. You can see a dad rush over to give him a handshake to insert himself in the creepiness. You can see a mom just grilling the fuck out of him while he’s being creepy. And you hear the camera man say dads gonna ge close by as a half joke when Biden asked for a photo with just the girl. Why would someone make that joke?

Correction: I watched it again, it’s not the cameraman who says dads gonna stand by pretty close, it’s the DAD saying it. Clearly he doesn’t perceive Biden as harmless.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

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