What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Funny how the Party of Intersectional Grievance Olympics is going to choose an old white guy.
Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

Who did you vote for in 2016?
Pinched my nose and voted for Johnson
/——/ So you wasted your vote.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected

In reality, it doesn't matter what Biden's head to head with Trump might look like, he is never getting past the other Dem candidates.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected

In reality, it doesn't matter what Biden's head to head with Trump might look like, he is never getting past the other Dem candidates.

I disagree. He is probably one of the few candidates who could survive this primary
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected
/——/ I still like the Weiner/Holder ticket
And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily

Trump did not win easily in 2016. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. His margins of victory in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were each bellow 1%. A combined 77,000 votes got him over the top in those three states, a small amount considering the number of people voting in those states.

Nothing is the same as 2016 because this time Trump is the incumbent. He is losing to Biden in polls of Michigan and Wisconsin right now. An average of 42.5% approval is poor for a President trying to be re-elected. Whatever jobs he is alleged to have created in those states, its not helping him at all. Most people want Trump out of the White House. Given that most people want Trump gone, its unlikely he will be able to find a way to stay beyond January 20, 2021.

He easily one the Electoral College, which is what the U.S. as a Democratic REPUBLIC uses to elect a President. We don't need your mob rule.

He won, but not easily, as I carefully explained above.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.

I think Beto and Sanders have a problem Biden doesn’t. They will divide the passions of the extreme nutcases in the party. The same group the rest of the candidates are courting.

But I suppose we will see soon enough
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Funny how the Party of Intersectional Grievance Olympics is going to choose an old white guy.

Its the best way to peal off votes from the old white guy in the White House. The Democrats already have the female and minority vote locked up. Biden peals off old white men from Trump.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Funny how the Party of Intersectional Grievance Olympics is going to choose an old white guy.

Its the best way to peal off votes from the old white guy in the White House. The Democrats already have the female and minority vote locked up. Biden peals off old white men from Trump.

IOW, the diversity schtick is just pablum for gulilble stooges.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

At this point in time, this polling is the most accurate indication, of how the election will turn out. What factual data do you have to show that the current polling is wrong?

1988 was a different time. Biden has now been Vice President for 8 years. He is well known across America and people generally like him. He is in a different position now from 1988 or even 2008. That's why he is leading in the polls.
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected

Were about 18 months out from the 2020 election, not two years.
Not sure why Paul’s matter almost 2 years out.

Biden can beat Trump. Trump can beat Biden too.

Biden probably has a better chance of beating trump because he can attack old school democrats. The left has gotten so far off the deep end that Biden looks moderate in comparison.

He needs to pick another moderate vp though. If he picks a radical like Abrams he won’t survive his first term if he got elected

In reality, it doesn't matter what Biden's head to head with Trump might look like, he is never getting past the other Dem candidates.

He already is past the other Dem candidates. He currently leads the large pack with 29.4% of the vote. Sanders is second with 23%. Harris is a distant third with only 10%.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.

Beto is at 8% right now when averaging the polls. People know and trust Biden because he was Vice President for 8 years. That's a tough hill to climb for Beto who is relatively unknown and relatively inexperienced.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.

I think Beto and Sanders have a problem Biden doesn’t. They will divide the passions of the extreme nutcases in the party. The same group the rest of the candidates are courting.

But I suppose we will see soon enough

That's the thing, Biden well known, Vice President for 8 years and liked by many. A relative moderate compared to the others as well as being seen as more electable. The rest of the crowded field sort of divides the "not-Joe Biden" vote. The more crowded the field, the more It helps Biden.
Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.

Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.

I think Beto and Sanders have a problem Biden doesn’t. They will divide the passions of the extreme nutcases in the party. The same group the rest of the candidates are courting.

But I suppose we will see soon enough

That's the thing, Biden well known, Vice President for 8 years and liked by many. A relative moderate compared to the others as well as being seen as more electable. The rest of the crowded field sort of divides the "not-Joe Biden" vote. The more crowded the field, the more It helps Biden.

I see Biden in a similar way to Jeb Bush. Jeb was the clear front runner going into 2016. He had a large financial advantage as well. But, he was crushed easily.

When the debates begin and the others focus on him, he will begin to put his foot in his mouth and it will be over for him rather quickly. What's the different between now and 1988 for Biden? Biden is an old man now pushing 80 years old vs a hungry group of young competitors.
Biden got destroyed by Mike Dukakis for crying out loud. The same Mike Dukakis that polls claimed had an insurmountable 17 point lead over Bush at the end of July 1988.

Biden got crushed by Clinton and Obama in 2008.

I don't just rely on polls from 2016. We have many to choose from. I also like Coakley by 15 one week out against Scott Brown here in Massachusetts. Of course, Gillum by 9 in Florida was an instant classic from the 2018 mid terms. There are so many to choose from.

You are right that polling can sometimes be very accurate, but not when the organizations doing them have an agenda or an axe to grind.

Since then Biden has been the Vice President for two terms under a president who for some reason half the country still likes. On top of that the other candidates are going so far left he looks moderate.

The nominee for the Dems will be Biden or Beto. Sanders is a wild card at this point.

I think Beto is a much stronger possibility. Sanders already showed he doesn't have the back bone to take center stage.

I think Beto and Sanders have a problem Biden doesn’t. They will divide the passions of the extreme nutcases in the party. The same group the rest of the candidates are courting.

But I suppose we will see soon enough

That's the thing, Biden well known, Vice President for 8 years and liked by many. A relative moderate compared to the others as well as being seen as more electable. The rest of the crowded field sort of divides the "not-Joe Biden" vote. The more crowded the field, the more It helps Biden.

I see Biden in a similar way to Jeb Bush. Jeb was the clear front runner going into 2016. He had a large financial advantage as well. But, he was crushed easily.

When the debates begin and the others focus on him, he will begin to put his foot in his mouth and it will be over for him rather quickly. What's the different between now and 1988 for Biden? Biden is an old man now pushing 80 years old vs a hungry group of young competitors.

I never saw Jeb as a front runner. I never saw him poll well

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