What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Wait till the Democrat competitors are finished cutting his Throat.... Then get back to me.

Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
It would have been easier to just say this.

Same biased left wing polls that claimed Clinton would beat Trump are claiming Biden will beat Trump. YAWN!

Were talking national polls here, popular vote. Clinton beat Trump in the national polls. The national polls correctly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Popular vote. The winner of the popular vote in the United States, is the winner of the electoral college more than 90% of the time.

Hillary Clinton received 48.02% of the popular vote to Trumps 45.93% of the popular vote. So the national polls were right in terms of what they were looking at. They were also very close to predicting the margin of victory. They predicted on average she would win by 3 percentage points and she won by just over 2 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton NEVER averaged a 13.5 percentage lead over the Trump in the average of the polls.

Given history, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY Trump will be able to win the Presidency a second time without winning the popular vote. So slipping by through a fluke in win in the Electoral College won't work in 2020. That situation has only happened in 5 out of 58 Presidential elections in U.S. history. It won't happen in 2020. No President has ever won TWO Presidential elections without winning the popular vote at least once.
Well with his economy and forgein policy and democcrats counting on bills that cost 93 trillion plus that end gas engines air plans and cow farts not to mention hb 604 requiring men over 55 to go to the sheriffs office every time they jerk off.
Wanting 16 year olds to vote and now acusing mueller to be a russian spy good luck for uncle joe the perveted drunk and warren the indain
New polls are in for the BIDEN VS TRUMP matchup:


BIDEN: 47%

TRUMP: 40%

Damn, Biden has a 7 point lead over a Trump in a FOX NEWS poll!

EMERSON IOWA POLL March 25, 2019:

Biden: 53%

Trump: 47%

Trump beat Hillary Clinton in this state in 2016 by 10 points, now he is down by 6 against Biden. Biden was the only Democratic candidate to beat Trump in this poll for Iowa besides Sanders who won by 2 points.

Yeah but he was down by 13 against Hillary
...... Nomshayin?

Trump Versus Harris
Trump 52-48

Last edited:
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
This must be from the same people who said clinton would win you guys plan on screwing bernie again

They're already at it.....suddenly a former campaign aid comes forward with me too allegations? Come on .... The timing is just too creepy.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily

Trump did not win easily in 2016. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. His margins of victory in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were each bellow 1%. A combined 77,000 votes got him over the top in those three states, a small amount considering the number of people voting in those states.

Nothing is the same as 2016 because this time Trump is the incumbent. He is losing to Biden in polls of Michigan and Wisconsin right now. An average of 42.5% approval is poor for a President trying to be re-elected. Whatever jobs he is alleged to have created in those states, its not helping him at all. Most people want Trump out of the White House. Given that most people want Trump gone, its unlikely he will be able to find a way to stay beyond January 20, 2021.
Biden has probably the best shot to beat trump, but I seriously doubt Biden will win the nomination. Does have the intersectional cred and isn’t socialist enough

I actually think Biden will win the Democratic nomination the same way Trump won the Republican nomination. Biden has a strong plurality of support in a crowded field, just like Trump did with the Republicans in 2015-2016. It was a shock to see Trump win the Republican nomination, but you can see how he did it. The crowded field divided the opposition to his nomination. By the time the field narrowed, he had basically won the nomination.
Name recognition, a strong plurality of the vote, plus a crowded field.
He has name recognition going his way. But the two main flavors in the dem party
are socialism, and intersectionality. He’s an old white guy so he gets negative points in the intersectional game (Kamala Harris wins this as a black woman). And Bernie flanks far left of Biden as the socialism OG, so he gets the socialism ticket. I think Harris wins it by simply parroting Bernie while looking not-white, not-wrinkly, and dongless, as she begins getting name recognition as the primary heats up.
LOL - should we have the Dems pick a candidate and then see that candidate debate before looking at useless polls?

Well, you don't have to look at them, but you do.

Plus debates, the three that might happen, will have little if any impact on the election. Most people have already formed their opinion about Trump and its not good. There is not going to be a lot of undecided people for this election.


Millions of people switched their presidential votes in 2016
Let’s begin with the basics. The 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study conducted a large sample poll and found that 6.7 million Trump voters said they voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and 2.7 million Clinton voters said they voted for Mitt Romney in 2016. In other words, about 11 percent of Trump voters say they were Obama voters four years earlier and about 4 percent of Clinton voters say they were Romney voters four years earlier.

Swing voters are extremely real

This is not 2016. People were more unsure of Trump in 2016 than Hillary. Now, there is no uncertainty about Trump at all. With Biden at 8 years as Vice President and decades of service in the Senate, a BIDEN vs Trump race won't have many swing voters at all.
Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily

Trump did not win easily in 2016. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. His margins of victory in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were each bellow 1%. A combined 77,000 votes got him over the top in those three states, a small amount considering the number of people voting in those states.

Nothing is the same as 2016 because this time Trump is the incumbent. He is losing to Biden in polls of Michigan and Wisconsin right now. An average of 42.5% approval is poor for a President trying to be re-elected. Whatever jobs he is alleged to have created in those states, its not helping him at all. Most people want Trump out of the White House. Given that most people want Trump gone, its unlikely he will be able to find a way to stay beyond January 20, 2021.
Biden has probably the best shot to beat trump, but I seriously doubt Biden will win the nomination. Does have the intersectional cred and isn’t socialist enough

I actually think Biden will win the Democratic nomination the same way Trump won the Republican nomination. Biden has a strong plurality of support in a crowded field, just like Trump did with the Republicans in 2015-2016. It was a shock to see Trump win the Republican nomination, but you can see how he did it. The crowded field divided the opposition to his nomination. By the time the field narrowed, he had basically won the nomination.
Name recognition, a strong plurality of the vote, plus a crowded field.
He has name recognition going his way. But the two main flavors in the dem party
are socialism, and intersectionality. He’s an old white guy so he gets negative points in the intersectional game (Kamala Harris wins this as a black woman). And Bernie flanks far left of Biden as the socialism OG, so he gets the socialism ticket. I think Harris wins it by simply parroting Bernie while looking not-white, not-wrinkly, and dongless, as she begins getting name recognition as the primary heats up.

Harris is sitting at 8% in a crowded field where over half the vote is currently being swallowed by Biden and Sanders. Your not a threat to Biden when he has 4 times the level of support you do. It will be hard to shake away support from Biden and Sanders. Both represent different factions of the party. The only way right now that HARRIS could even hope of mounting a challenge against Biden is if Sanders dropped out of the race. But why would Sanders drop out of the race when he currently has by far the best chance of challenging Biden. The rest of the candidates including Harris will be fighting over the left over scraps from the table that Biden and Sanders are sitting at.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.

Wait till the Democrat competitors are finished cutting his Throat.... Then get back to me.


They can't reach his throat with Bernie Sanders in the way. In the meantime they will be stabbing each other for the little food that's left. You have a very poor chance of getting the nomination when your support is in the single digits and there are two big candidates sucking up 55% of all the available support, not to mention 10 other candidates competing for the little that is left after Biden and Sanders take what is theirs.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
It would have been easier to just say this.

Same biased left wing polls that claimed Clinton would beat Trump are claiming Biden will beat Trump. YAWN!

Were talking national polls here, popular vote. Clinton beat Trump in the national polls. The national polls correctly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Popular vote. The winner of the popular vote in the United States, is the winner of the electoral college more than 90% of the time.

Hillary Clinton received 48.02% of the popular vote to Trumps 45.93% of the popular vote. So the national polls were right in terms of what they were looking at. They were also very close to predicting the margin of victory. They predicted on average she would win by 3 percentage points and she won by just over 2 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton NEVER averaged a 13.5 percentage lead over the Trump in the average of the polls.

Given history, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY Trump will be able to win the Presidency a second time without winning the popular vote. So slipping by through a fluke in win in the Electoral College won't work in 2020. That situation has only happened in 5 out of 58 Presidential elections in U.S. history. It won't happen in 2020. No President has ever won TWO Presidential elections without winning the popular vote at least once.
Well with his economy and forgein policy and democcrats counting on bills that cost 93 trillion plus that end gas engines air plans and cow farts not to mention hb 604 requiring men over 55 to go to the sheriffs office every time they jerk off.
Wanting 16 year olds to vote and now acusing mueller to be a russian spy good luck for uncle joe the perveted drunk and warren the indain

I'm still waiting for some positive polling data for Trump from anyone. Still nothing yet.
New polls are in for the BIDEN VS TRUMP matchup:


BIDEN: 47%

TRUMP: 40%

Damn, Biden has a 7 point lead over a Trump in a FOX NEWS poll!

EMERSON IOWA POLL March 25, 2019:

Biden: 53%

Trump: 47%

Trump beat Hillary Clinton in this state in 2016 by 10 points, now he is down by 6 against Biden. Biden was the only Democratic candidate to beat Trump in this poll for Iowa besides Sanders who won by 2 points.

Yeah but he was down by 13 against Hillary
...... Nomshayin?

Trump Versus Harris
Trump 52-48


Was Trump down by 13 against Hillary in a FOX NEWS poll? If so, post the link.
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
It would have been easier to just say this.

Same biased left wing polls that claimed Clinton would beat Trump are claiming Biden will beat Trump. YAWN!

Were talking national polls here, popular vote. Clinton beat Trump in the national polls. The national polls correctly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Popular vote. The winner of the popular vote in the United States, is the winner of the electoral college more than 90% of the time.

Hillary Clinton received 48.02% of the popular vote to Trumps 45.93% of the popular vote. So the national polls were right in terms of what they were looking at. They were also very close to predicting the margin of victory. They predicted on average she would win by 3 percentage points and she won by just over 2 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton NEVER averaged a 13.5 percentage lead over the Trump in the average of the polls.

Given history, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY Trump will be able to win the Presidency a second time without winning the popular vote. So slipping by through a fluke in win in the Electoral College won't work in 2020. That situation has only happened in 5 out of 58 Presidential elections in U.S. history. It won't happen in 2020. No President has ever won TWO Presidential elections without winning the popular vote at least once.
Well with his economy and forgein policy and democcrats counting on bills that cost 93 trillion plus that end gas engines air plans and cow farts not to mention hb 604 requiring men over 55 to go to the sheriffs office every time they jerk off.
Wanting 16 year olds to vote and now acusing mueller to be a russian spy good luck for uncle joe the perveted drunk and warren the indain

I'm still waiting for some positive polling data for Trump from anyone. Still nothing yet.

Yea thats what they said in 2016
Here is all the national polling data I could find on potential Trump vs. Biden race in 2020 starting from the latest poll going back in time.

February 16, 2019 - Emerson Poll - Biden 55% Trump 45% - Biden +10

January 22, 2019 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 41% - Biden +12

June 13, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 39% - Biden +14

March 27, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 39% - Biden +17

February 14, 2018 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

January 23, 2018 - CNN Poll - Biden 57% Trump 40% - Biden +17

December 14, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

October 31, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 56% Trump 38% - Biden +18

October 16, 2017 - Emerson Poll - Biden 51% Trump 42% - Biden +9

September 28, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 53% Trump 40% - Biden +13

August 23, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 51% Trump 39% - Biden +12

July 18, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 39% - Biden +15

June 12, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 41% - Biden +13

May 16, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

April 20, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

March 30, 2017 - PPP Poll - Biden 54% Trump 40% - Biden +14

When you average the margin of victory in the 16 polls, Biden beats Trump on average by 13.5 points, just 6 points less from a total overwhelming landslide when it comes to electoral Presidential politics.

Trumps percentages in these head to head races, around 40%, match his average approval rating over the past two years in the GALLUP poll.
It would have been easier to just say this.

Same biased left wing polls that claimed Clinton would beat Trump are claiming Biden will beat Trump. YAWN!

Were talking national polls here, popular vote. Clinton beat Trump in the national polls. The national polls correctly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Popular vote. The winner of the popular vote in the United States, is the winner of the electoral college more than 90% of the time.

Hillary Clinton received 48.02% of the popular vote to Trumps 45.93% of the popular vote. So the national polls were right in terms of what they were looking at. They were also very close to predicting the margin of victory. They predicted on average she would win by 3 percentage points and she won by just over 2 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton NEVER averaged a 13.5 percentage lead over the Trump in the average of the polls.

Given history, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY Trump will be able to win the Presidency a second time without winning the popular vote. So slipping by through a fluke in win in the Electoral College won't work in 2020. That situation has only happened in 5 out of 58 Presidential elections in U.S. history. It won't happen in 2020. No President has ever won TWO Presidential elections without winning the popular vote at least once.
Well with his economy and forgein policy and democcrats counting on bills that cost 93 trillion plus that end gas engines air plans and cow farts not to mention hb 604 requiring men over 55 to go to the sheriffs office every time they jerk off.
Wanting 16 year olds to vote and now acusing mueller to be a russian spy good luck for uncle joe the perveted drunk and warren the indain

I'm still waiting for some positive polling data for Trump from anyone. Still nothing yet.

Yea thats what they said in 2016

Ok then, I hope Trump and is supporters are feeling nice and confident then. That will play right into the Democratic nominees hands.
It would have been easier to just say this.

Same biased left wing polls that claimed Clinton would beat Trump are claiming Biden will beat Trump. YAWN!

Were talking national polls here, popular vote. Clinton beat Trump in the national polls. The national polls correctly predicted Hillary Clinton would win the Popular vote. The winner of the popular vote in the United States, is the winner of the electoral college more than 90% of the time.

Hillary Clinton received 48.02% of the popular vote to Trumps 45.93% of the popular vote. So the national polls were right in terms of what they were looking at. They were also very close to predicting the margin of victory. They predicted on average she would win by 3 percentage points and she won by just over 2 percentage points.

Hillary Clinton NEVER averaged a 13.5 percentage lead over the Trump in the average of the polls.

Given history, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY Trump will be able to win the Presidency a second time without winning the popular vote. So slipping by through a fluke in win in the Electoral College won't work in 2020. That situation has only happened in 5 out of 58 Presidential elections in U.S. history. It won't happen in 2020. No President has ever won TWO Presidential elections without winning the popular vote at least once.
Well with his economy and forgein policy and democcrats counting on bills that cost 93 trillion plus that end gas engines air plans and cow farts not to mention hb 604 requiring men over 55 to go to the sheriffs office every time they jerk off.
Wanting 16 year olds to vote and now acusing mueller to be a russian spy good luck for uncle joe the perveted drunk and warren the indain

I'm still waiting for some positive polling data for Trump from anyone. Still nothing yet.

Yea thats what they said in 2016

Ok then, I hope Trump and is supporters are feeling nice and confident then. That will play right into the Democratic nominees hands.
Which ones there 13 or 14 so far
LOL - should we have the Dems pick a candidate and then see that candidate debate before looking at useless polls?

Well, you don't have to look at them, but you do.

Plus debates, the three that might happen, will have little if any impact on the election. Most people have already formed their opinion about Trump and its not good. There is not going to be a lot of undecided people for this election.


Millions of people switched their presidential votes in 2016
Let’s begin with the basics. The 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Study conducted a large sample poll and found that 6.7 million Trump voters said they voted for Barack Obama in 2012 and 2.7 million Clinton voters said they voted for Mitt Romney in 2016. In other words, about 11 percent of Trump voters say they were Obama voters four years earlier and about 4 percent of Clinton voters say they were Romney voters four years earlier.

Swing voters are extremely real

This is not 2016. People were more unsure of Trump in 2016 than Hillary. Now, there is no uncertainty about Trump at all. With Biden at 8 years as Vice President and decades of service in the Senate, a BIDEN vs Trump race won't have many swing voters at all.

Are you a political scientist or just some dude giving an opinion?
New Poll for the Democratic nomination from Quinnipiac - March 21-25, 2019:

BIDEN: 29%


O'Rourke: 12%


Buttigieg: 4%








Notable things in this poll:

01. Biden continues his dominance
02. O'Rourke rises to #3
03. Sanders starting to slip
04. Harris not making any progress falls behind O'Rourke
05. Warren is falling.
06. Buttigieg is starting a SLOW but steady rise.

O'Rourke has shown the most improvement in this poll.
New Poll for the Democratic nomination from Quinnipiac - March 21-25, 2019:

BIDEN: 29%


O'Rourke: 12%


Buttigieg: 4%








Notable things in this poll:

01. Biden continues his dominance
02. O'Rourke rises to #3
03. Sanders starting to slip
04. Harris not making any progress falls behind O'Rourke
05. Warren is falling.
06. Buttigieg is starting a SLOW but steady rise.

O'Rourke has shown the most improvement in this poll.
That's gotta be VERY embarrassing for the congresswomen and men and former governors that a medium size city mayor is beating them in these polls LOL!
New Poll for the Democratic nomination from Quinnipiac - March 21-25, 2019:

BIDEN: 29%


O'Rourke: 12%


Buttigieg: 4%








Notable things in this poll:

01. Biden continues his dominance
02. O'Rourke rises to #3
03. Sanders starting to slip
04. Harris not making any progress falls behind O'Rourke
05. Warren is falling.
06. Buttigieg is starting a SLOW but steady rise.

O'Rourke has shown the most improvement in this poll.
Where is the Congresswoman from Hawaii in the poll?
New Poll for the Democratic nomination from Quinnipiac - March 21-25, 2019:

BIDEN: 29%


O'Rourke: 12%


Buttigieg: 4%








Notable things in this poll:

01. Biden continues his dominance
02. O'Rourke rises to #3
03. Sanders starting to slip
04. Harris not making any progress falls behind O'Rourke
05. Warren is falling.
06. Buttigieg is starting a SLOW but steady rise.

O'Rourke has shown the most improvement in this poll.
That's gotta be VERY embarrassing for the congresswomen and men and former governors that a medium size city mayor is beating them in these polls LOL!

Buttigieg is not just a Mayor from a medium sized city. He is a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhoads Scholar, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, he was a Naval Intelligence Officer in the Naval Reserve for 8 years achieving the rank of Lieutenant. Right there he has education and experience that most of the other candidates do not have.
New Poll for the Democratic nomination from Quinnipiac - March 21-25, 2019:

BIDEN: 29%


O'Rourke: 12%


Buttigieg: 4%








Notable things in this poll:

01. Biden continues his dominance
02. O'Rourke rises to #3
03. Sanders starting to slip
04. Harris not making any progress falls behind O'Rourke
05. Warren is falling.
06. Buttigieg is starting a SLOW but steady rise.

O'Rourke has shown the most improvement in this poll.
Where is the Congresswoman from Hawaii in the poll?

She has sort of dropped off the radar because her numbers are so low. She was polling below 1% before Real Clear Politics dropped her from the chart. Their chart has the top 12 people. The Quinnipiac poll actually did not have results for Gillibrand and Inslee so I just gave them 1% each.
We finally have polling results for Pennsylvania from the polling company EMERSON:

In a BIDEN vs. TRUMP match up in Pennsylvania, here are the results:

BIDEN: 55%

TRUMP: 45%

It should be noted that Sanders, Warren, Harris, and O'Rourke all beat Trump in Pennsylvania as well, but by smaller margins than Biden.

So in the latest polls of battleground states Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Iowa, Biden is heavily beating Trump.

Pennsylvania: BIDEN by 10 points over Trump
Iowa: BIDEN by 6 points over Trump
Wisconsin: BIDEN by 8 points over Trump
Michigan: BIDEN by 8 points over Trump
New Hampshire: BIDEN by 10 points over Trump

Arizona: BIDEN tied with Trump
South Carolina: Trump by 4 points over BIDEN
Texas: Trump by 1 point over BIDEN
North Carolina: Trump by 4 points over BIDEN

Not looking good for Trump. Trump is behind by 8 to 10 points in the key states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Without those states, Trump has virtually no chance of winning the election in 2020.

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