What the national polls say about a 2020 Trump vs. Biden race.

Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

With Trump a yardstick it didn't leave much of a bar to shoot for. So the left isn't trying real hard right now. They need to be careful. They made the same mistake in 2016.
It makes me a logical human being. Something this fool is not.

I might support Rubio but never Trump. He's like a little kid in a candy store grabbing at every piece of candy in the store not worrying about who is going to pay for the sweets or even caring. Forget all the other stuff, we can't afford much more of his spend, spend, spend. He even makes Congress look like cheap skates.

Whatever. The Democrats are antisemites and clueless fools who elect devout Muslim extremists and people with IQ lower than 100 to Congress. They cannot complain that America voted in DJT. And yes it sucks that Trump cannot figure out how to balance the budget.

At least Democrats speak honorably about John McCain. How could you support someone who behaves like Trump? He has been married three times and cheated on all his wives. He is a terrible Business Man. He inherited much of his money from his Dad and squandered it. The only thing he ever did well was be on reality TV and criticize people and tell them they were fired. People liked to watch it. People are also entertained by the things he says when he speaks. He likes to speak ill of other people, and yes, many Trump supporters are drawn to that kind of talk. But he does not know much about politics, international relations, the military, economics, or even good business as his record has shown. He became a TV celebrity and that's a big reason why many Trump supporters know of him and voted for him.

Easy. I know no one is perfect. Why would I vote Blue when their party elects devout Muslim extremists to Congress, burned the Israeli flag at the DNC and proudly flew the Palestinian flag there. While banning the flag of Mississippi. LOL. Plus Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem. He has flaws but who doesn’t. He also has balls. I want a leader with balls. Churchill was far from perfect but he is the greatest leader of all time. Learn history. It’s like an Unforgettable Fire.

You don't know much about history if your comparing Trump to Churchill. Its NOT about the party, its about the country. Its about the candidate. You don't base who you vote for simply because they have an R or a D next to their name. You vote for the individual candidate and what they stand for and their experience.

I was the same way until the Dems decided to go antisemite on me. Cannot vote for a party that proudly flies a Palestinian flag at a presidential convention. We all have our logic and reasoning. I live in MA so my vote is irrelevant anyway.
If it is Biden vs Trump, the Dems are in for some pain. Biden is a lightweight. He is as weak a candidate as they come. Biden is no where near the candidate that Hillary Clinton was in 2016. Biden knew better to even try, and Sanders went quickly into the fetal position when push came to shove.

Look at the midterms for 1982, 1994 & 2010. How did those results reflect the next general election? One of the few exceptions was 2002, when Bush picked up a few seats following 911.

I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it wont be Biden or Sanders. They are pushovers. One of the others will step up and crush them, or Clinton will be rolled out by the DNC to save the day.

If it is Biden vs Trump then the Republicans will be feeling the pain. Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate in 2016. She ran much weaker than Biden or even Sanders in general election matchups against Republicans. She was largely able to win because Sanders had no hope of matching her nationwide reach.

2020 will reflect the midterms. Trump was a major factor in the midterms with suburban women especially burying the GOP. They will turn out in 2020 as well.

Women will definitely be out in the millions to vote Trump out of office. Biden will help insure Trump will lose the man vote as well.

I would expect Trump to win the male vote albeit by a smaller margin than he did in 2016. The difference will be suburban voters. Suburban males will vote against Trump and suburban women will bury Trump. In Michigan, Republicans in Michigan actually did better with black voters than expected but were buried by female voters.

Men are waking up to see women's voting as a major cause in the nations decline

Women vote for the running in of their worst nightmare ... The Muslims

Men will now wake up like the founders who protected women against their own selves. Women will elect crooks that destroys nations

How did Muslims come into western democracies ??

It was thru the women's vote !!
The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump
The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Offset by the Coal industry.
Trump stronger now in the 5 swing states because of the stampede of conservatives out of New York and California which makes those 5 swing states stronger for trump than in 2016

You and others have not shown any recent polling to indicate any of this. All of the recent polling shows Trump is in trouble against any of the Democratic candidates, nationally and in key states. The Polling shows that Biden is the biggest threat to Trump.

More like the polls show Democrats haven't learned a damn thing in the last 3 years.

Republicans, Democrats, the media, academics and researchers, all use polling to try to predict where the country is going and how to set up campaign strategy and where to send money. All of this polling data right now, shows that Trump is in trouble.

And what did the polling data show in 2016? Dumbass.

And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied
The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Offset by the Coal industry.

Not offset at all

In addition is the understanding

More steel jobs and more coal jobs !!

Trump has PA wrapped up for 2020
Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
Michael Cohen is going to a jail, that is a fact! He is going to jail for doing something Trump told him to do. Trump get be brought up on the same charges because he is currently President. Once Trump is not President, he will face jail time for the same things as a Michael Cohen. David Pecker is also a witness to this, but he got an immunity deal. After Trump loses the 2020 election and leaves the White House on January 20, 2021, the clock will start ticking on when he will be sent to the slammer for the same things that Cohen will soon be serving time for. You can't say it was NOT illegal or NOT a crime, because it Cohen was already found guilty for it and will be serving Jail time for it!
lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

Who did you vote for in 2016?
You and others have not shown any recent polling to indicate any of this. All of the recent polling shows Trump is in trouble against any of the Democratic candidates, nationally and in key states. The Polling shows that Biden is the biggest threat to Trump.

More like the polls show Democrats haven't learned a damn thing in the last 3 years.

Republicans, Democrats, the media, academics and researchers, all use polling to try to predict where the country is going and how to set up campaign strategy and where to send money. All of this polling data right now, shows that Trump is in trouble.

And what did the polling data show in 2016? Dumbass.

And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Offset by the Coal industry.

Not offset at all

In addition is the understanding

More steel jobs and more coal jobs !!

Trump has PA wrapped up for 2020

You don't have a state like PA wrapped up when you barley won it by 44,000 votes, less than 1 percentage point. Of all the states that Trump won in 2016, he is most vulnerable in PA, Wisconsin, and Michigan, because of the tiny margins he won those states by in 2016. Since Trump is less popular now than he was in 2016, no matter who the Democrats put up, they are going to beat Trump in these three states.

Plus, current polling shows Biden ahead of Trump by 8 points in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Pennsylvania won't be far behind that once polls are released for it.
More like the polls show Democrats haven't learned a damn thing in the last 3 years.

Republicans, Democrats, the media, academics and researchers, all use polling to try to predict where the country is going and how to set up campaign strategy and where to send money. All of this polling data right now, shows that Trump is in trouble.

And what did the polling data show in 2016? Dumbass.

And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily
The winner of Florida wins the 2020
Election and may lose the popular vote because of so many conservatives fleeing New York and California to the swing states

Popular gov Desantis will bring Florida to trump

Pro-Trump DeSantis Has Highest Approval Of Any Florida Governor In A Decade

Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Offset by the Coal industry.

Not offset at all

In addition is the understanding

More steel jobs and more coal jobs !!

Trump has PA wrapped up for 2020

You don't have a state like PA wrapped up when you barley won it by 44,000 votes, less than 1 percentage point. Of all the states that Trump won in 2016, he is most vulnerable in PA, Wisconsin, and Michigan, because of the tiny margins he won those states by in 2016. Since Trump is less popular now than he was in 2016, no matter who the Democrats put up, they are going to beat Trump in these three states.

Plus, current polling shows Biden ahead of Trump by 8 points in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Pennsylvania won't be far behind that once polls are released for it.

Trump has brought back the jobs to PA. He has that wrapped up
And those 5 states now sees the mueller report showing trump was not guilty of anything

That also will boost trump
lemme splain how this whole prosecuting thing works. Cohen went down for tax evasion, 5 counts of it. He was offered a cushy plea deal to cop to a campaign finance violation too, in hopes they can piggy back off of that and get trump too. Here’s the problem with going after trump for what Cohen copped too. They already tried to convict John Edwards of paying like 1 million in hush money to his mistress. John Edwards was acquitted because paying hush money is no more influencing a campaign than it is getting a hair cut, or buying a shirt that someone blue collar would wear. The difference between Edwards and trump is that Trump has been paying women off long before he even ran for president, so it’s even harder to claim this was a violation.

Had they only tried to convict Cohen with campaign violations, Cohen would have told them to kick rocks, see you in court. But they had his dice in a vice with the 5 counts of tax evasion. That’s the reality of the situation.

Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

Who did you vote for in 2016?
Pinched my nose and voted for Johnson
Republicans, Democrats, the media, academics and researchers, all use polling to try to predict where the country is going and how to set up campaign strategy and where to send money. All of this polling data right now, shows that Trump is in trouble.

And what did the polling data show in 2016? Dumbass.

And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily

Trump did not win easily in 2016. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. His margins of victory in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were each bellow 1%. A combined 77,000 votes got him over the top in those three states, a small amount considering the number of people voting in those states.

Nothing is the same as 2016 because this time Trump is the incumbent. He is losing to Biden in polls of Michigan and Wisconsin right now. An average of 42.5% approval is poor for a President trying to be re-elected. Whatever jobs he is alleged to have created in those states, its not helping him at all. Most people want Trump out of the White House. Given that most people want Trump gone, its unlikely he will be able to find a way to stay beyond January 20, 2021.
Florida will be extremely close. Michigan and Pennsylvania are good bets to go Democrat, The 1 electoral vote that Trump won in Maine is likely to go to Democrats because of the state's numbered voting system. Republicans are in potential trouble in Georgia and Arizona, Even Texas Republicans are worried. No states in the Clinton column seem to be in comparable danger.

The big rise in the steel industry will win PA again for trump

Offset by the Coal industry.

Not offset at all

In addition is the understanding

More steel jobs and more coal jobs !!

Trump has PA wrapped up for 2020

You don't have a state like PA wrapped up when you barley won it by 44,000 votes, less than 1 percentage point. Of all the states that Trump won in 2016, he is most vulnerable in PA, Wisconsin, and Michigan, because of the tiny margins he won those states by in 2016. Since Trump is less popular now than he was in 2016, no matter who the Democrats put up, they are going to beat Trump in these three states.

Plus, current polling shows Biden ahead of Trump by 8 points in both Michigan and Wisconsin. Pennsylvania won't be far behind that once polls are released for it.

Trump has brought back the jobs to PA. He has that wrapped up

A lot of people in Pennsylvania don't like Trump. Trump is not as popular as Barack Obama was in Pennsylvania. Barack Obama got more votes than Trump did both in 2008 and 2012. Given that Biden is slaughtering Trump in current polling in Michigan and Wisconsin, its likely the first polls in Pennsylvania will show the same thing.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.
Well, will see what happens when the child is no longer in the White House on January 20, 2021.
Yea trumps a child...but you’re really out childing him right now.

You must be falling in love with me then.
Didn’t vote for trump, in fact I started many threads heavily criticizing trump which you can feel free to look up. Can’t help but point out how bat shit crazy the left has become.

Who did you vote for in 2016?
Pinched my nose and voted for Johnson

So you voted for someone who had no chance of winning. Essentially a vote for Trump, since not voting or voting for an unelectable candidate is essentially supporting the victor in the election.
I don't know who the Dem nominee will be. But, it won't be Biden. He is a total joke. A pushover. Only Sanders is more of a pushover. Polls this far out mean nothing. As people get to know the other candidates, the race will change and a front runner will emerge. A national poll had Clinton up by 14 points with just 2 weeks to go, and was off by a mile.

I still think Clinton and Beto will form a ticket.

Well, if Biden is a total Joke, why is he kicking Trumps ass in the latest polls in Michigan, Wisconsin as well as the national polls? Plus, polling has a much longer history than just what happened in 2016. If your opinion on polling is formed by what happened in 2016, then you will be in for a rude awakening in 2020. Most polling is pretty accurate within certain margins.

The average of the latest 5 polls for the Democratic nomination shows the following:

Biden: 29.4%

Sanders: 23.4%

Harris: 10.4%

Beto O'Rourke: 8%

Warren: 6.6%

Booker: 4%

Klobuchar: 2.3%

Buttigieg: 1.3%

Hickenlooper: 1%

Castro: .8%

Inslee: .8%

Gillibrand: .4%

Regardless of what people say, Biden is riding high and he hasn't even declared yet. Biden has the advantaged of being on the national ticket into Presidential elections in 2008 and 2012 and winning both times. He served as Vice President for 8 years in an administration that is more POPULAR than the current administration. He is a known entity and people like him. Both positives for Biden and explains why he leads the current list average.
And what did the polling data show in 2016? Dumbass.

And what did the polling data show in 2018? Dumbass.

A sudden change in the USA today poll on the approval of trump. Now nearly tied

Look at the average of all the polls and you'll see the trouble Trump is in. Look below:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Wrong it's the same as 2016 and trump won easily

The same 5 states

Trump has brought the jobs to those 5

So trump will win easily

Trump did not win easily in 2016. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. His margins of victory in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin were each bellow 1%. A combined 77,000 votes got him over the top in those three states, a small amount considering the number of people voting in those states.

Nothing is the same as 2016 because this time Trump is the incumbent. He is losing to Biden in polls of Michigan and Wisconsin right now. An average of 42.5% approval is poor for a President trying to be re-elected. Whatever jobs he is alleged to have created in those states, its not helping him at all. Most people want Trump out of the White House. Given that most people want Trump gone, its unlikely he will be able to find a way to stay beyond January 20, 2021.

He easily one the Electoral College, which is what the U.S. as a Democratic REPUBLIC uses to elect a President. We don't need your mob rule.

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