What the New Black Panther Party wants from you


Gold Member
Aug 14, 2008
I'm reposting this, in hopes that people might regain their rationality and common sense in light of the emotionalism of recent events.

The NBPP is a small, fringe group that couldn't fight their way past a troop of girl scouts or out of a white paper bag. They are generally not taken seriously by criminal intelligence analysts or law enforcement agencies for the following reasons:

They may intend to do a lot of things, they can call for whatever they want, but they do not have the funding or the support to cause these things to happen. They are trying to get AIR TIME. In that regard, they are identical to most racist groups....they are poorly funded, poorly organized, generally unintelligent, and easy to arrest. In general, the groups that you should be most concerned about are not the groups that make this sort of public noise.

It's the Timothy McVeighs of the world, the Weather Underground (and groups like "The Order") who have historically been responsible for the overwhelming majority of extremist violence. These people operate quietly, behind the scenes, and don't hold megaphones, because they don't want to end up in law enforcement intelligence files.

If they're holding a protest and chanting, they are being documented by law enforcement as being affiliated with a hate group/suspected criminal enterprise, and the likelihood that they will commit a crime becomes really minimal.

The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact. Those overreactions may then spark race-based conflicts or hateful soundbytes about black folks that can be further used to fan the flames of unrest and conflict between people who have a long history of not trusting each other. The NBPP are doing exactly what their kindred bedfellows, white supremacists and neo-nazis, do when they protest in your town...white supremacists want to emotionally provoke black folks into overreacting so that they can point to those overreactions as evidence of their agenda. They want pictures of contorted, enraged black faces. They want pictures of people with hate-filled signs demonstrating against them. They want fights (preferably, on camera). They want to show black people looking as inhuman and violent as possible, because this provides evidence that their cause is valid.

Similarly, what the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

What people are doing right now is really the worst possible response, speaking as someone who's worked with extremist groups in a professional capacity.

The best possible response to the Fred Phelps and Malik Zulu Shabazz's of the world is to ignore them or to mock their impotence, not cower in your homes afraid of the black devils or support neo-nazi "patrols."

It would really be great if people could be rational about this subject.
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I'm reposting this, in hopes that people might regain their rationality and common sense in light of the emotionalism of recent events.

The NBPP is a small, fringe group that couldn't fight their way past a troop of girl scouts or out of a white paper bag. They are generally not taken seriously by criminal intelligence analysts or law enforcement agencies for the following reasons:

They may intend to do a lot of things, they can call for whatever they want, but they do not have the funding or the support to cause these things to happen. They are trying to get AIR TIME. In that regard, they are identical to most racist groups....they are poorly funded, poorly organized, generally unintelligent, and easy to arrest. In general, the groups that you should be most concerned about are not the groups that make this sort of public noise.

It's the Timothy McVeighs of the world, the Weather Underground (and groups like "The Order") who have historically been responsible for the overwhelming majority of extremist violence. These people operate quietly, behind the scenes, and don't hold megaphones, because they don't want to end up in law enforcement intelligence files.

If they're holding a protest and chanting, they are being documented by law enforcement as being affiliated with a hate group/suspected criminal enterprise, and the likelihood that they will commit a crime becomes really minimal.

The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact. Those overreactions may then spark race-based conflicts or hateful soundbytes about black folks that can be further used to fan the flames of unrest and conflict between people who have a long history of not trusting each other. The NBPP are doing exactly what their kindred bedfellows, white supremacists and neo-nazis, do when they protest in your town...white supremacists want to emotionally provoke black folks into overreacting so that they can point to those overreactions as evidence of their agenda. They want pictures of contorted, enraged black faces. They want pictures of people with hate-filled signs demonstrating against them. They want fights (preferably, on camera). They want to show black people looking as inhuman and violent as possible, because this provides evidence that their cause is valid.

Similarly, what the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

What people are doing right now is really the worst possible response, speaking as someone who's worked with extremist groups in a professional capacity.

The best possible response to the Fred Phelps and Malik Zulu Shabazz's of the world is to ignore them or to mock their impotence, not cower in your homes afraid of the black devils or support neo-nazi "patrols."

It would really be great if people could be rational about this subject.

Have they told you this personally or is this just what you are speculating ?
I'm reposting this, in hopes that people might regain their rationality and common sense in light of the emotionalism of recent events.

The NBPP is a small, fringe group that couldn't fight their way past a troop of girl scouts or out of a white paper bag. They are generally not taken seriously by criminal intelligence analysts or law enforcement agencies for the following reasons:

They may intend to do a lot of things, they can call for whatever they want, but they do not have the funding or the support to cause these things to happen. They are trying to get AIR TIME. In that regard, they are identical to most racist groups....they are poorly funded, poorly organized, generally unintelligent, and easy to arrest. In general, the groups that you should be most concerned about are not the groups that make this sort of public noise.

It's the Timothy McVeighs of the world, the Weather Underground (and groups like "The Order") who have historically been responsible for the overwhelming majority of extremist violence. These people operate quietly, behind the scenes, and don't hold megaphones, because they don't want to end up in law enforcement intelligence files.

If they're holding a protest and chanting, they are being documented by law enforcement as being affiliated with a hate group/suspected criminal enterprise, and the likelihood that they will commit a crime becomes really minimal.

The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact. Those overreactions may then spark race-based conflicts or hateful soundbytes about black folks that can be further used to fan the flames of unrest and conflict between people who have a long history of not trusting each other. The NBPP are doing exactly what their kindred bedfellows, white supremacists and neo-nazis, do when they protest in your town...white supremacists want to emotionally provoke black folks into overreacting so that they can point to those overreactions as evidence of their agenda. They want pictures of contorted, enraged black faces. They want pictures of people with hate-filled signs demonstrating against them. They want fights (preferably, on camera). They want to show black people looking as inhuman and violent as possible, because this provides evidence that their cause is valid.

Similarly, what the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

What people are doing right now is really the worst possible response, speaking as someone who's worked with extremist groups in a professional capacity.

The best possible response to the Fred Phelps and Malik Zulu Shabazz's of the world is to ignore them or to mock their impotence, not cower in your homes afraid of the black devils or support neo-nazi "patrols."

It would really be great if people could be rational about this subject.

Have they told you this personally or is this just what you are speculating ?

These appear to be FACTS.
I'm reposting this, in hopes that people might regain their rationality and common sense in light of the emotionalism of recent events.

The NBPP is a small, fringe group that couldn't fight their way past a troop of girl scouts or out of a white paper bag. They are generally not taken seriously by criminal intelligence analysts or law enforcement agencies for the following reasons:

They may intend to do a lot of things, they can call for whatever they want, but they do not have the funding or the support to cause these things to happen. They are trying to get AIR TIME. In that regard, they are identical to most racist groups....they are poorly funded, poorly organized, generally unintelligent, and easy to arrest. In general, the groups that you should be most concerned about are not the groups that make this sort of public noise.

It's the Timothy McVeighs of the world, the Weather Underground (and groups like "The Order") who have historically been responsible for the overwhelming majority of extremist violence. These people operate quietly, behind the scenes, and don't hold megaphones, because they don't want to end up in law enforcement intelligence files.

If they're holding a protest and chanting, they are being documented by law enforcement as being affiliated with a hate group/suspected criminal enterprise, and the likelihood that they will commit a crime becomes really minimal.

The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact. Those overreactions may then spark race-based conflicts or hateful soundbytes about black folks that can be further used to fan the flames of unrest and conflict between people who have a long history of not trusting each other. The NBPP are doing exactly what their kindred bedfellows, white supremacists and neo-nazis, do when they protest in your town...white supremacists want to emotionally provoke black folks into overreacting so that they can point to those overreactions as evidence of their agenda. They want pictures of contorted, enraged black faces. They want pictures of people with hate-filled signs demonstrating against them. They want fights (preferably, on camera). They want to show black people looking as inhuman and violent as possible, because this provides evidence that their cause is valid.

Similarly, what the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

What people are doing right now is really the worst possible response, speaking as someone who's worked with extremist groups in a professional capacity.

The best possible response to the Fred Phelps and Malik Zulu Shabazz's of the world is to ignore them or to mock their impotence, not cower in your homes afraid of the black devils or support neo-nazi "patrols."

It would really be great if people could be rational about this subject.

Have they told you this personally or is this just what you are speculating ?

These appear to be FACTS.

I'm providing information on the basis of my professional experience. However, if you have different information, I would be very interested in seeing it.

A good resource for researching black hate groups like NBPP and others is:

Black Separatist | Southern Poverty Law Center

It's probably the best non-law enforcement-sensitive resource online for this type of information.

Interestingly enough, the original Black Panther Party vehemently denies any affiliation with the NBPP:

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The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...
Seems like there are always folks around to stir the pot. Black Panthers, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the list goes on and on. I wish these people would just crawl back into their hole and STFU.
Mothers have some universal fears...but from a black mother's perspective, do they worry more about a Zimmerman type killing their son, or another young black man?? Statistically we know the answer, but I wonder what they feel.
The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact.

[W]hat the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

And with regard to many USMB rightists, that goal has been realized.
Mothers have some universal fears...but from a black mother's perspective, do they worry more about a Zimmerman type killing their son, or another young black man?? Statistically we know the answer, but I wonder what they feel.

Do white mothers worry more about a Trayvon Martin type killing their son?
Statistically we know the answer, but I wonder what they feel.
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

Can you link to the number of voters who were scared away, actual numbers?

Is that how the law works? Is it based on the number of voters scared away? If yidnar and joyce were video taped hanging around outside a voting station wearing uniforms, carrying weapons, and warning non-white voters away (I know it's as difficult to imagine those two pussies scaring anyone away as it is YOU, but use your imagination), would they only be breaking the law if a certain number of people claimed to have been scared away? Is that how it goes, professor?

Can you find any actual person who was scared away? Don't you know how the voter intimidation law works? Is it intimidation if no one was intimidated?
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

Bolded statement is patently false, but clearly William Joyce is terrified of black people, so I'm sure that in your crazy white separatist world, it seems true.
Mothers have some universal fears...but from a black mother's perspective, do they worry more about a Zimmerman type killing their son, or another young black man?? Statistically we know the answer, but I wonder what they feel.

I have a teenage son. I worry about him being a victim of intentional violence or the victim of accidental violence. Anyone with a son should, statistically speaking. I don't ever think of this in racial terms, because, if my son is killed or seriously injured, the last thing I'm going to be thinking about at that point in time is the race of his attacker.
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Mothers have some universal fears...but from a black mother's perspective, do they worry more about a Zimmerman type killing their son, or another young black man?? Statistically we know the answer, but I wonder what they feel.

I have a teenage son. I worry about him being a victim of intentional violence or the victim of accidental violence. Anyone with a son should, statistically speaking. I don't ever think of this in racial terms, because, if my son is killed or seriously injured, the last thing I'm going to be thinking about at that point in time is the race of his attacker.

I'm lucky to live in a place where my worries about random violence are more in the back of my mind, and things like driving and drugs/alcohol are more of a nagging concern...but I suspect that if I lived in the inner city, gang bangers would be my biggest fear for my son, and getting caught up as an accomplice and/or victim.
The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact.

[W]hat the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

And with regard to many USMB rightists, that goal has been realized.
Yes, because it's perfectly reasonable to make an announcement putting a bounty on someone's head.

You just make sure you don't criticize them. Your lefty card will be taken away.
Can you link to the number of voters who were scared away, actual numbers?

Is that how the law works? Is it based on the number of voters scared away? If yidnar and joyce were video taped hanging around outside a voting station wearing uniforms, carrying weapons, and warning non-white voters away (I know it's as difficult to imagine those two pussies scaring anyone away as it is YOU, but use your imagination), would they only be breaking the law if a certain number of people claimed to have been scared away? Is that how it goes, professor?

Can you find any actual person who was scared away? Don't you know how the voter intimidation law works? Is it intimidation if no one was intimidated?
Obviously, you don't know how it works.

Section 11 (b) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12(e).

The attempt is illegal. No one actually has to be intimidated.
Seems like there are always folks around to stir the pot. Black Panthers, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the list goes on and on. I wish these people would just crawl back into their hole and STFU.

Normally, I don't have an issue with any group speaking whatever racist shit enters their intellectually challenged brains.... I have an issue when any group offers a reward for the capture 'dead or alive' of any individual.

Unlike Catz, I see that as a biden... a big fucking deal.... it's illegal to incite people to commit murder in this country.

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