What the New Black Panther Party wants from you

The goal of loud vocal extremist groups like NBPP is to cause fear and intimidation that lead to white people to overreact.

[W]hat the NBPP wants is to provoke average white people into acting stupidly, and to provoke political commentators (particularly conservative ones) into saying stupid things that can be rebroadcast over and over again to promote their agenda of black separatism.

And with regard to many USMB rightists, that goal has been realized.

:lmao: Idiot.
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

Bolded statement is patently false...

New Black Panther Case Spurs Civil Rights Commission to Challenge DOJ - Crossroads - CBS News
In a sharply worded letter to senior Justice Department official Thomas Perez, who heads the Civil Rights Division, the commission said it had evidence raising "serious concerns" about whether the department's policies "are being pursued in a race-neutral fashion."

The controversy erupted after the Obama Administration dropped most of a federal lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, who were videotaped allegedly intimidating voters at a Philadelphia polling place on Election Day in November 2008.

The Bush Administration in January 2009 filed suit against three of the members and the New Black Panther Party, but the Obama Administration changed course four months later and dropped the complaint against all but one member, who was wielding a nightstick at the polling place. And it only sought a narrow injunction against him, banning him from Philadelphia polling places until 2012.


In today's letter, by Chairman Gerald Reynolds, the commission said the "extraordinary" testimony by Adams "raises grave questions" about whether the lawyers and managers in the Department believe in "color-blind" enforcement of civil rights laws--"specifically, whether they should be enforced against all Americans equally and whether those protections apply with equal force to citizens of all races."

Reynolds cited testimony by Adams that a senior political deputy told staff that the Voting Section is "in the business of doing traditional civil rights work," that "cases are not going to be brought against black defendants (for) the benefit of white victims" and that the "Civil Rights Division wasn't going to be bringing them."

"The alleged unequal administration of justice by the Division on the basis of race," Reynolds wrote, "falls squarely within this commission's mandate to investigate."

Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler said the department "makes enforcement decisions based on the merits, not the race, gender or ethnicity of any party involved."

The Commission also renewed its demands that a former top lawyer in the voting rights section be allowed to testify. The Department thus far has denied that request.

It certainly looks like DoJ is flying top cover for the NBPP.

And may I remind you, the Bush DoJ had won its civil suit against the NBPP for voter intimidation:

New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Department of Justice became aware of the incident on Election Day and started an inquiry. Under the Bush administration, a criminal investigation into the incident was started, but later dropped.[10][11] Instead, in January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush administration left office, the civil rights division of the Department of Justice filed a civil suit under the voting rights act against four defendants, namely, Minister King Samir Shabazz, Jerry Jackson, NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, and the NBPP itself. The lawsuit accused them of using uniforms, racial insults and a weapon to intimidate voters and those who were there to assist them.[2] Four career attorneys, Spencer Fisher, Christian Adams, Robert Popper and Christopher Coates signed the memo that supported the case against the four defendants.[12][10] The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later.
In April 2009 Bartie Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.[2][5]
When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the career attorneys' move to pursue a default judgment against the defendants was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King who was acting Assistant Attorney General and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.[10][12][3]
Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez testified that even though none of the defendants responded to the charges, the Justice Department still had a continuing legal and ethical obligation to ensure that any relief sought was consistent with the law and supported by the evidence. A decision was then made to dismiss the charges against NBPP chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, the NBPP and Jerry Jackson. The charge against Minister King Samir Shabazz, the individual who was seen brandishing a nightstick, was maintained but narrowed. The original charge against Minister King Samir Shabazz sought an injunction prohibiting acts of intimidation anywhere in the United States, but the charge was narrowed to apply only within the City of Philadelphia. The Justice Department then sought and obtained a default judgment against King Samir Shabazz. The injunction would prohibit Shabazz from displaying a weapon within 100 feet of a Philadelphia polling place for the next three years.[10]​
Seems like there are always folks around to stir the pot. Black Panthers, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the list goes on and on. I wish these people would just crawl back into their hole and STFU.

Normally, I don't have an issue with any group speaking whatever racist shit enters their intellectually challenged brains.... I have an issue when any group offers a reward for the capture 'dead or alive' of any individual.

Unlike Catz, I see that as a biden... a big fucking deal.... it's illegal to incite people to commit murder in this country.
Not if you're a member of the NBPP and Eric Holder is Attorney General.
Seems like there are always folks around to stir the pot. Black Panthers, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, and the list goes on and on. I wish these people would just crawl back into their hole and STFU.

Normally, I don't have an issue with any group speaking whatever racist shit enters their intellectually challenged brains.... I have an issue when any group offers a reward for the capture 'dead or alive' of any individual.

Unlike Catz, I see that as a biden... a big fucking deal.... it's illegal to incite people to commit murder in this country.
Not if you're a member of the NBPP and Eric Holder is Attorney General.

Apparently. I wonder how this would have played out if Zimmerman were black and the KKK had offered a similar reward... then, I suspect, it would be a 'biden'.
Normally, I don't have an issue with any group speaking whatever racist shit enters their intellectually challenged brains.... I have an issue when any group offers a reward for the capture 'dead or alive' of any individual.

Unlike Catz, I see that as a biden... a big fucking deal.... it's illegal to incite people to commit murder in this country.
Not if you're a member of the NBPP and Eric Holder is Attorney General.

Apparently. I wonder how this would have played out if Zimmerman were black and the KKK had offered a similar reward... then, I suspect, it would be a 'biden'.
It would have looked like the scene at Elián González' door.
Not if you're a member of the NBPP and Eric Holder is Attorney General.

Apparently. I wonder how this would have played out if Zimmerman were black and the KKK had offered a similar reward... then, I suspect, it would be a 'biden'.
It would have looked like the scene at Elián González' door.

I do think that's a likely scenario... in different circumstances. The thing with me... I tend to apply the same standard regardless of race, color or creed. If it had been the KKK and Zimmerman was black, I would want to see those people charged with incitement. Because that is what it is. Offering money for murder... that's illegal.... and it is illegal regardless of color.
Can you link to the number of voters who were scared away, actual numbers?

Is that how the law works? Is it based on the number of voters scared away? If yidnar and joyce were video taped hanging around outside a voting station wearing uniforms, carrying weapons, and warning non-white voters away (I know it's as difficult to imagine those two pussies scaring anyone away as it is YOU, but use your imagination), would they only be breaking the law if a certain number of people claimed to have been scared away? Is that how it goes, professor?

Can you find any actual person who was scared away? Don't you know how the voter intimidation law works? Is it intimidation if no one was intimidated?

I think that any potential white voters who were present were more wary of the inevitable accusations of racism they'd be subjected to by an unscrupulous media if they'd publically objected to the presence of an armed black man, than any physical threat posed. A few broken ribs heal a lot quicker than a reputation tarnished with accusations of racism by the media. Employers prefer to avoid that kind of baggage/notoriety, however unfairly the victim has been burdened with it.
Apparently. I wonder how this would have played out if Zimmerman were black and the KKK had offered a similar reward... then, I suspect, it would be a 'biden'.
It would have looked like the scene at Elián González' door.

I do think that's a likely scenario... in different circumstances. The thing with me... I tend to apply the same standard regardless of race, color or creed. If it had been the KKK and Zimmerman was black, I would want to see those people charged with incitement. Because that is what it is. Offering money for murder... that's illegal.... and it is illegal regardless of color.
Yeah, well, this DoJ sees justice through the lens of race.

And that ain't justice at all.
Yes, because it's perfectly reasonable to make an announcement putting a bounty on someone's head.

You just make sure you don't criticize them. Your lefty card will be taken away.

Criticizing people for this sort of behavior is perfectly reasonable. Is it impossible for you and your ilk to criticize this behavior without having a total meltdown and/or engaging in racist diatribes which distort the support that groups like the NBPP have in the black community and in the Obama White House?
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Is that how the law works? Is it based on the number of voters scared away? If yidnar and joyce were video taped hanging around outside a voting station wearing uniforms, carrying weapons, and warning non-white voters away (I know it's as difficult to imagine those two pussies scaring anyone away as it is YOU, but use your imagination), would they only be breaking the law if a certain number of people claimed to have been scared away? Is that how it goes, professor?

Can you find any actual person who was scared away? Don't you know how the voter intimidation law works? Is it intimidation if no one was intimidated?
Obviously, you don't know how it works.

Section 11 (b) No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote, or intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for exercising any powers or duties under section 3(a), 6, 8, 9, 10, or 12(e).

The attempt is illegal. No one actually has to be intimidated.

Reading fail. If there isn't a victim (i.e., any person), there isn't a crime.
Mothers have some universal fears...but from a black mother's perspective, do they worry more about a Zimmerman type killing their son, or another young black man??.

In Fla, that would be BOTH!
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

Patently false...the NBPP is being investigated by the FBI. The FBI is a Department of Justice agency.
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

Patently false...the NBPP is being investigated by the FBI. The FBI is a Department of Justice agency.

It could be somewhere in between though, no? The truth is often rather muddy. The FBI had several open investigations going into Whitey Bulger, all while they actually had his back.

I'm not saying I agree with Simon Legree here either, especially when he uses a term like "support", but if you're telling me the Justice Department doesn't prioritize the cases they're investigating then that's just silly. And it doesn't take a mass conspiracy necessarily to get some cases moved to the bottom of the list.
There are always idiots around. Every morning I go to breakfast and I meet several people who are friends and whom I've known for years. They are business owners, COO's, and one's an attorney. We sit and we talk of the current events and we discuss issues that are in the paper. One of them is a black man who does not own the business, but he is the COO of a small manufacturing business. He of course, believes the NBPP is a brick shy of a full load. Complete and total media whores that get noteriety because of their extremist views.

But here's the problem with them. Attorney General Eric Holder has decided that, for what ever reason, they are above the law. They stand at a polling place intimidating voters, and he does nothing about it. Even after their attorneys indicate that they will plead guilty, Holder drops the charges and lets them walk. One of the leaders of this group shows pictures of himself with a number of firearms. The man is a twice convicted felon, for God's sake! Has Holder done anything? Why no, of course not. And then they offer a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman, dead or alive, preferably dead. And once again... NOTHING from Holder. I mean, even the most partisan hack has to be thinking to themselves, "Are there pictures of Holder with one of their sisters or something?"

And then a tidbit of insight from Holder in an interview: "A black Attorney General has more in common with the black criminal than the white man." WTF???? The attorney general of the United States said that?

Piss ignorant, stupid, and ridiculous. Both the NBPP AND Eric Holder...
The black panthers have the support of Eric Holder's Justice Department. They managed to scare voters away from a polling place in Philly. I don't know, doesn't sound so insignificant to me...

No they don't.

The fact that you are a racist doesn't bother me much..the fact you engage in such paranoid fantasy..does.
And then they offer a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman, dead or alive, preferably dead. And once again... NOTHING from Holder. I mean, even the most partisan hack has to be thinking to themselves, "Are there pictures of Holder with one of their sisters or something?"

Please feel free to share this information with your friends. Just because you aren't involved with the investigation and the press isn't doing ride-alongs doesn't mean that an investigation (and arrests) aren't occuring.

Hope that helps comfort you in your time of distress.
There are always idiots around. Every morning I go to breakfast and I meet several people who are friends and whom I've known for years. They are business owners, COO's, and one's an attorney. We sit and we talk of the current events and we discuss issues that are in the paper. One of them is a black man who does not own the business, but he is the COO of a small manufacturing business. He of course, believes the NBPP is a brick shy of a full load. Complete and total media whores that get noteriety because of their extremist views.

But here's the problem with them. Attorney General Eric Holder has decided that, for what ever reason, they are above the law. They stand at a polling place intimidating voters, and he does nothing about it. Even after their attorneys indicate that they will plead guilty, Holder drops the charges and lets them walk. One of the leaders of this group shows pictures of himself with a number of firearms. The man is a twice convicted felon, for God's sake! Has Holder done anything? Why no, of course not. And then they offer a $10,000 reward for Zimmerman, dead or alive, preferably dead. And once again... NOTHING from Holder. I mean, even the most partisan hack has to be thinking to themselves, "Are there pictures of Holder with one of their sisters or something?"

And then a tidbit of insight from Holder in an interview: "A black Attorney General has more in common with the black criminal than the white man." WTF???? The attorney general of the United States said that?

Piss ignorant, stupid, and ridiculous. Both the NBPP AND Eric Holder...

Actually..no he didn't. Local police told them to beat feet..and they did.

There was nothing there..it's been conflated and grossly.

They were no more "intimidating" then many republican "poll watchers" that come to polling stations dressed like imigration and FBI.

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