What the Quran really says

Seriously, if you are using the Bible, the Torah or the Quran as a science book you need to find new reference material
No you haven't idiot. It clearly says the Sun has an orbit and it STOPS there....:cool:

Did you understand what I wrote about the hadith proving the quran is not saying the sun has an orbit in the galaxy. Read it one more time.

When the quran says, at sura 21.33 and 36.40 that the sun has an orbit, Imams falsely claim this is a great revelation, because Muhammad knew the sun had an orbit in the galaxy. But this is utter lies, and the quran is actually saying the sun orbits the earth, and I can prove it with the following hadith.

Hadith Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 421:
Narrated Abu Dhar:

The Prophet asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing." (36.38)

As can be seen it says that if the sun changed direction it would rise in the west. But if the sun changed direction in its orbit in the galaxy it would make no difference to the sun rising in the east, because it is the rotation of the earth that causes the appearance of the sun in the east. So this proves that the claim the quran says the sun has an orbit in the galaxy is wrong.

I already answered both of those questions and you repeating the same accusations like a pathological liar doesn't change anything.

Here is something for you to look at. When you find something in there that you disagree with then let me know and we can discuss it.

Tough Questions for Muslims
I already answered both of those questions and you repeating the same accusations like a pathological liar doesn't change anything.

You said you could do logic, but you ain't making it. What I have said is clear proof the hadith says the sun orbits the earth, and therefore so does the quran.
I already answered both of those questions and you repeating the same accusations like a pathological liar doesn't change anything.

You said you could do logic, but you ain't making it. What I have said is clear proof the hadith says the sun orbits the earth, and therefore so does the quran.

No it didn't, and I already answered it. Nice try liar.

I think your friend has gone off the deep end.
I already answered both of those questions and you repeating the same accusations like a pathological liar doesn't change anything.

You said you could do logic, but you ain't making it. What I have said is clear proof the hadith says the sun orbits the earth, and therefore so does the quran.

No it didn't, and I already answered it. Nice try liar.

Tolstoy said " even in the valley of the shadow of death two and two do not make six"

But in your philosophy they probably make five.
"There is no god but God; and Muhammad is the messenger of God"........

Do you use that as a walking mantra? Do you walk around reciting it over and over again to yourself?

I prefer the following mantra.

Everything passes, everything changes, nothing remains, only God.

It worked for me, and it is non doctrinal. Even you could do it.
"There is no god but God; and Muhammad is the messenger of God"........

Do you use that as a walking mantra? Do you walk around reciting it over and over again to yourself?

I prefer the following mantra.

Everything passes, everything changes, nothing remains, only God.

It worked for me, and it is non doctrinal. Even you could do it.

Every time he posts that, he proves he belongs to a mind controlling cult.
You said you could do logic, but you ain't making it. What I have said is clear proof the hadith says the sun orbits the earth, and therefore so does the quran.

No it didn't, and I already answered it. Nice try liar.

Tolstoy said " even in the valley of the shadow of death two and two do not make six"

But in your philosophy they probably make five.

Post 190 and past that...repeating the same allegations proves your intentions and shows who you really are....:D
Post 190 and past that...repeating the same allegations proves your intentions and shows who you really are....:D

I have to keep trying to explain the same thing because you are obviously not understanding it. But I guess if you realized I am right and the quran says the sun orbits the earth, your whole life would crumble.

Well do not worry, like I said to sunni man, there is a better God than Allah.
It has to be very very difficult to come to the realization you've been lied to by those you trusted. The cult is structured like family. It all originates with ignorance and hate and is built on lies, a very dysfunctional family, indeed.
LMAO! ....these two guys love talking to themselves...if it makes you feel better that way go at it Hoss..:D ....

LMAO! ....these two guys love talking to themselves...if it makes you feel better that way go at it Hoss..:D ....


Aren't you going to point out all the errors in my link? Why don't you go get your Imam and have him correct me. By the way, whatever happened to that ban you said was coming my way? You two twits seem to be all huff and puff.
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LMAO! ....these two guys love talking to themselves...if it makes you feel better that way go at it Hoss..:D ....


Aren't you going to point out all the errors in my link? Why don't you go get your Imam and have him correct me. By the way, whatever happened to that ban you said was coming my way? You two twits seem to be all huff and puff.

Your link has so many errors and contradictions it's not even funny and I already addressed most of these issues by rebuttals by me to this attack/hate thread. Typical Dajjal thread, no debate or beauty of debating religious philosophies, just him wanting to stomp on us and have it his way....:D

And I'm not your slave...keep dreaming bigot....:D
LMAO! ....these two guys love talking to themselves...if it makes you feel better that way go at it Hoss..:D ....


Aren't you going to point out all the errors in my link? Why don't you go get your Imam and have him correct me. By the way, whatever happened to that ban you said was coming my way? You two twits seem to be all huff and puff.

Your link has so many errors and contradictions it's not even funny and I already addressed most of these issues by rebuttals by me to this attack/hate thread. Typical Dajjal thread, no debate or beauty of debating religious philosophies, just him wanting to stomp on us and have it his way....:D

And I'm not your slave...keep dreaming bigot....:D

You claim Deut 18:18 is referring to Muhammed. The link says that is a lie. Don't you care to respond to the information. Show us why it's all a lie. The scripture is clearly referring to the Messiah. To claim that it is referring to Muhammed is a lie.

Do you think people who leave Islam should fear for their life?
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No it isn't referring to the 'Messiah'....:D...it's a verse from the Torah and I already told you Jews dismissed that Jesus is the man in the prophecy....:cool:

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