What the science says

Climate change: How do we know?
Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence

Scientific Consensus

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities, and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position.

Sea level rise

Global temperature rise

Warming oceans

Shrinking ice sheets

Declining Arctic sea ice

Glacial retreat

Extreme events

Ocean acidification

Decreased snow cover


    • IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Summary for Policymakers, p. 5

      B.D. Santer et.al., “A search for human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere,” Nature vol 382, 4 July 1996, 39-46

      Gabriele C. Hegerl, “Detecting Greenhouse-Gas-Induced Climate Change with an Optimal Fingerprint Method,” Journal of Climate, v. 9, October 1996, 2281-2306

      V. Ramaswamy et.al., “Anthropogenic and Natural Influences in the Evolution of Lower Stratospheric Cooling,” Science 311 (24 February 2006), 1138-1141

      B.D. Santer et.al., “Contributions of Anthropogenic and Natural Forcing to Recent Tropopause Height Changes,” Science vol. 301 (25 July 2003), 479-483.
    • In the 1860s, physicist John Tyndall recognized the Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the atmospheric composition could bring about climatic variations. In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first speculated that changes in the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.
    • National Research Council (NRC), 2006. Surface Temperature Reconstructions For the Last 2,000 Years. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
    • Church, J. A. and N.J. White (2006), A 20th century acceleration in global sea level rise, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L01602, doi:10.1029/2005GL024826.

      The global sea level estimate described in this work can be downloaded from the CSIRO website.
    • T.C. Peterson et.al., "State of the Climate in 2008," Special Supplement to the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, v. 90, no. 8, August 2009, pp. S17-S18.
    • Levitus, et al, "Global ocean heat content 1955–2008 in light of recently revealed instrumentation problems," Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, L07608 (2009).
    • L. Polyak, et.al., “History of Sea Ice in the Arctic,” in Past Climate Variability and Change in the Arctic and at High Latitudes, U.S. Geological Survey, Climate Change Science Program Synthesis and Assessment Product 1.2, January 2009, chapter 7

      R. Kwok and D. A. Rothrock, “Decline in Arctic sea ice thickness from submarine and ICESAT records: 1958-2008,” Geophysical Research Letters, v. 36, paper no. L15501, 2009

      State of the Cryosphere | SOTC: Sea Ice | National Snow and Ice Data Center
    • C. L. Sabine et.al., “The Oceanic Sink for Anthropogenic CO2,” Science vol. 305 (16 July 2004), 367-371

Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities

Yes, 75 out of 77 is very impressive.
Define what the consensus position is. Even the majority of skeptics believe the Earth has warmed since the LIA, that mankind has increased CO2, and that CO2 has a warming influence on the surface.

I disagree. If the folks gathered here are any indication, the majority of them believe that CO2 has no effect on temperature and that the observed warming is purely the product of data manipulation by various government agencies. A centrist such as yourself, Ian, is a very rare bird on the side of the table at which you've chosen to sit.

You disagree? How can you make an opinion on the skeptics' position when you refuse to even read it? You don't read McIntyre or Watts or Pielke, etc. You read strawman versions put out by Slandering Sue or Tamino. I read both sides.

Do you honestly believe wackos like jc and SSDD are representative of skeptics? You prefer to argue with extremists because it is easier. You ignore my legitimate concerns by lumping me in with the crazies. Likewise you ignore Flac.

Do you have a link with an experiment that shows that more CO2 means hotter air. You can't cause it doesn't exist. Mythbusters tried and dropped a doogie. All of the other experiments posted over the years couldn't show the temperatures, and instead told us that it was hotter in the container. never showed the thermometer with the readings. Why? science 101 I was told. Stuff taught in schools and yet not one flippin experiment. So excuse me if i challenge a very unproven subject. And one, I may add, that you can't explain either. So stupid jc is stupid cause there isn't any verification of the subject. Ice in the Arctic melts cause of CO2. RIGHT?

Ice in the Antarctic grows cause of CO2. RIGHT?

Floods are caused by CO2. RIGHT?

See, I'm merely smarter than you all. I don't fall for fools lies. I expect confirmation before I buy in. And right now, all of you have zip.

The earth has not warmed in almost 20 years now. CO2 went up 120 PPM in that time frame. :oops-28:

The earth has not warmed in almost 20 years now. CO2 went up 120 PPM in that time frame.

Ummmmmm.....link? About the CO2.
ok, good catch, it should have been only 20 PPM. I hit the one with the two. I corrected it.
well when 23 trillions of dollars comes into play...
23 trillion dollars came into play? When? Where?

Maybe you are confused?

Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars
A report from America’s 3rd-largest bank asks why we’re not transitioning to a low-carbon economy

Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars | Dana Nuccitelli
"$23 Trillion to Meet New Climate Targets in Time" - Fraser Coast Chronicle (Hervey Bay, Australia), December 15, 2015 | Online Research Library: Questia
"THE world will need to spend more than $23 trillion over the next 15 years to have any chance of meeting the hugely ambitious climate change targets agreed in Paris over the weekend, according to new figures."

I guess you missed that coming out of the Paris talks this past spring.
What I'm reading from all of the leftist and others in here is CO2 emits warmer than the surrounding air. So why isn't the night as warm as the day on earth? Let's put the pedal to the metal here. Explain once and for all.

CO2 emits warmer than the surrounding air

Matter emits according to temperature. Stefan-Boltzmann and all that.

So why isn't the night as warm as the day on earth?

Without the Sun adding heat, IR escaping into space would tend to reduce night time temps.

Let's put the pedal to the metal here.

Until you put your brain in gear, you'll make no progress with your pedal.
Matter emits according to temperature. Stefan-Boltzmann and all that.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently. so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

And the pedal is still to the metal.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently

Yes. And?

so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

You need the sun because 3 K is pretty cold.
Same temperature, same emission (basically).
Curious if you can explain how it is possible for the arctic to warm up and lose ice in the winter due to CO2?

CO2 slows the loss of heat from the Earth's surface.
why doesn't it work in the desert then?
CO2 emits warmer than the surrounding air

Matter emits according to temperature. Stefan-Boltzmann and all that.

So why isn't the night as warm as the day on earth?

Without the Sun adding heat, IR escaping into space would tend to reduce night time temps.

Let's put the pedal to the metal here.

Until you put your brain in gear, you'll make no progress with your pedal.
Matter emits according to temperature. Stefan-Boltzmann and all that.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently. so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

And the pedal is still to the metal.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently

Yes. And?

so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

You need the sun because 3 K is pretty cold.
Same temperature, same emission (basically).
Curious if you can explain how it is possible for the arctic to warm up and lose ice in the winter due to CO2?

CO2 slows the loss of heat from the Earth's surface.
why doesn't it work in the desert then?

CO2 slows the loss of heat, even in the desert.
Matter emits according to temperature. Stefan-Boltzmann and all that.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently. so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

And the pedal is still to the metal.

And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently

Yes. And?

so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

You need the sun because 3 K is pretty cold.
Same temperature, same emission (basically).
Curious if you can explain how it is possible for the arctic to warm up and lose ice in the winter due to CO2?

CO2 slows the loss of heat from the Earth's surface.
why doesn't it work in the desert then?

CO2 slows the loss of heat, even in the desert.
why is it colder there in the desert than anywhere else at night besides the two poles?
CO2 is good for the earth, and that is proven.
so is arsenic. I suggest you stay away from it
so you were insincere with your previous post. you don't wish to know anything. You just wish to come in here and spout the continued lies that cover the board with bad CO2 bullshit. Plants love CO2, without plants you die. You should become educated.
Define what the consensus position is. Even the majority of skeptics believe the Earth has warmed since the LIA, that mankind has increased CO2, and that CO2 has a warming influence on the surface.

I disagree. If the folks gathered here are any indication, the majority of them believe that CO2 has no effect on temperature and that the observed warming is purely the product of data manipulation by various government agencies. A centrist such as yourself, Ian, is a very rare bird on the side of the table at which you've chosen to sit.

You disagree? How can you make an opinion on the skeptics' position when you refuse to even read it? You don't read McIntyre or Watts or Pielke, etc. You read strawman versions put out by Slandering Sue or Tamino. I read both sides.

Do you honestly believe wackos like jc and SSDD are representative of skeptics? You prefer to argue with extremists because it is easier. You ignore my legitimate concerns by lumping me in with the crazies. Likewise you ignore Flac.

Do you have a link with an experiment that shows that more CO2 means hotter air. You can't cause it doesn't exist. Mythbusters tried and dropped a doogie. All of the other experiments posted over the years couldn't show the temperatures, and instead told us that it was hotter in the container. never showed the thermometer with the readings. Why? science 101 I was told. Stuff taught in schools and yet not one flippin experiment. So excuse me if i challenge a very unproven subject. And one, I may add, that you can't explain either. So stupid jc is stupid cause there isn't any verification of the subject. Ice in the Arctic melts cause of CO2. RIGHT?

Ice in the Antarctic grows cause of CO2. RIGHT?

Floods are caused by CO2. RIGHT?

See, I'm merely smarter than you all. I don't fall for fools lies. I expect confirmation before I buy in. And right now, all of you have zip.

The earth has not warmed in almost 20 years now. CO2 went up 20 PPM in that time frame. :oops-28:

You have heard my position on CO2 experiments before. Realistically sized changes of CO2 would produce such small changes in temperature that no one would release them because it would 'dilute the message'. But there would still be an increase, as per the laws of physics.

As far as CO2 causing floods, melting ice, etc I don't know anyone who is claiming that except your counterpart wackos on the other side. CO2 is being used as a proxy for temperature increase, and increased temperature is being blamed for those things. The IPCC investigated and found little to no evidence that could connect supposed extreme weather to CO2.

I wish you would quote my words rather than saddle me with bizarre statements proposed by the other side.

Edit- CO2 adds a warming influence, there is no reason why other natural factors could not slow or even reverse the trend. The solar maximum of the last century has faded away. I am not sure why the warmers haven't used it as an excuse, except that they would have to recant their position that the Sun is not an important factor in climate.
Last edited:
And yet matter and its properties absorb differently and therefore emit differently

Yes. And?

so again, why do you need the sun if your version of CO2 emits hotter than the air?

You need the sun because 3 K is pretty cold.
Same temperature, same emission (basically).
Curious if you can explain how it is possible for the arctic to warm up and lose ice in the winter due to CO2?

CO2 slows the loss of heat from the Earth's surface.
why doesn't it work in the desert then?

CO2 slows the loss of heat, even in the desert.
why is it colder there in the desert than anywhere else at night besides the two poles?

Less water vapor in the desert to slow down the loss of heat.
No one is denying the role of the sun in the long term, but the magnitude of changes seen in TSI throughout the Holocene at least, are grossly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the greenhouse warming we've added to the planet in the last 150 years..
Define what the consensus position is. Even the majority of skeptics believe the Earth has warmed since the LIA, that mankind has increased CO2, and that CO2 has a warming influence on the surface.

I disagree. If the folks gathered here are any indication, the majority of them believe that CO2 has no effect on temperature and that the observed warming is purely the product of data manipulation by various government agencies. A centrist such as yourself, Ian, is a very rare bird on the side of the table at which you've chosen to sit.

You disagree? How can you make an opinion on the skeptics' position when you refuse to even read it? You don't read McIntyre or Watts or Pielke, etc. You read strawman versions put out by Slandering Sue or Tamino. I read both sides.

Do you honestly believe wackos like jc and SSDD are representative of skeptics? You prefer to argue with extremists because it is easier. You ignore my legitimate concerns by lumping me in with the crazies. Likewise you ignore Flac.

Since we don't believe in the magic...even a little...we are the skeptics...those who believe in the magic but to a lesser degree...aren't skeptics..they are simply having a crisis of faith.
well when 23 trillions of dollars comes into play...
23 trillion dollars came into play? When? Where?

Maybe you are confused?

Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars
A report from America’s 3rd-largest bank asks why we’re not transitioning to a low-carbon economy

Citi report: slowing global warming would save tens of trillions of dollars | Dana Nuccitelli

Got any evidence of that beyond what a bank says? What is the optimum temperature for life on earth? Any idea? Any actual evidence to support the claim...and since we are unsure as to what the optimum temperature for life is here on earth..any claim that warming will cost or save money is nothing more than unsubstantiated, unsupported opinion...and yet, you believe....why? When someone makes obviously unsubstantiated claims and voices unsupported opinion...why do you believe them?...because they are supposedly better educated than yourself?

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