What the TEA Parties Want...

'Get the the moon' was a goal. If the specifics were included in that goal when it was made, we would not have achieved the goal.

Agreed, but "Balance the Budget" has been a goal for going on 16 years now. At some point, we have to start talking details. Getting to the Moon required revitalizing Education (New Math!), revitalizing research, building infrastructure, etc.

"Get to the Moon" also included details on what needed to be done, when it needed to be accomplished and how much it was going to cost.

No, it didn't when it was proposed.

.... The TP goals of "Balance the Budget' without any details is just rhetoric that looks good on a protest sign
Acrtually, it's a goal and one that is opposed by many, some even in this thread.

Carts before horses will get you nowhere real fast. And, that is not even an apt analogy here. The crew and passengers are sitting around arguing how to fix a hole in a ship when they can't even agree that their ship is sinking.
If the 'vast majority of Americans' pay no federal income tax; if taxation rates are just too tough for rich people to take anymore; what are all those non-tax paying middle class people doing at Tea Parties protesting high taxes?
Wanting "no federal income tax" has nothing to do with the Tea Party, so I have no idea what you are wanting to say.
Taxes are the foundation of the Tea Party!

I'm saying if the Conservatives can 'justify' cutting taxes only for the rich because the middle class has no federal tax burden, why are middle class people part of the Tea Party movement? They aren't taxed to death. The Conservative pundits tell us so.

It's one argument or the other! If we can't get real middle class tax relief because the middle class doesn't pay taxes, why then is the middle class protesting their rate of taxation?

It doesn't make sense. But, the rationale comes from the heroes of the Conservatives (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity et al) so making sense is not a prerequisite.
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

What did they pay two years ago?
What did they pay twenty years ago?

What has changed?
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

Frankly, the tax isn't necessarily the worst the Feds are doing.

The on going policy of simply printing more money to pay for overbudget spending is making Earnings After Taxes worth less every year.....

....and its only just begun.
Again, why would anyone start talking details when we are not agreed on the goal? I'm really wondering that.

I'm not sure who's disagreeing on the goal here. I'd put down money that if you polled the public 85% of Americans, if not more, are in favor of the goal "Balance the Budget." They've been in favor of that for years.

Its time to talk details. Well past time in fact.

Like What?

What and how. For example, is defense spending on the table when we talk tax cuts?
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

What did they pay two years ago?
What did they pay twenty years ago?

What has changed?

In the 1950s, it was less than half that level.

What has changed? Government has gotten bigger.
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

Frankly, the tax isn't necessarily the worst the Feds are doing.

The on going policy of simply printing more money to pay for overbudget spending is making Earnings After Taxes worth less every year.....

....and its only just begun.

You got that right. The spending and debt binge currently underway is going to result in huge devaluation at some point. It's going to be ugly.
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

What did they pay two years ago?
What did they pay twenty years ago?

What has changed?

Now I see what mentality we're dealing with, and why the Fed's can tax and spend whatever they wish.

Everything needs to be placed into context

What did we pay then....what do we pay now?
What did we receive then....what do we receive now?
All seem perfectly reasonable to me.

Contract FROM America

1 Protect the Constitution

2 Reject Cap & Trade

3 Demand a Balanced Budget

4 Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

5 Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government in Washington

6 End Runaway Government Spending

7 Defund, Repeal & Replace Government-run Health Care

8 Pass an 'All of the Above' Energy Policy

9 Stop the Port

10 Stop the Tax Hikes

Where did these misfits, malcontents and miscreants get the idea they represent America?

At best they're a notable minority with naive and unsophisticated views based on misunderstanding of American culture. More likely, they're just dupes, sad, lost dimwits who just aren't smart enough to realize they're not smart enough to think for themselves.

could one then assume that you are diametrically opposed to all 10 of the tea party posistions.....
I'm not sure who's disagreeing on the goal here. I'd put down money that if you polled the public 85% of Americans, if not more, are in favor of the goal "Balance the Budget." They've been in favor of that for years.

Its time to talk details. Well past time in fact.

Like What?

What and how. For example, is defense spending on the table when we talk tax cuts?
ANYTHING is on the table that will get us to OUR goal. That's the beauty of not listing any single solution; it leaves more solutions as avenues.

Damn, I feel like a broken record.
Earth to NK: The Middle Class is being taxed to death.

The median family in the U.S. pays 38% of its income in taxes.

Frankly, the tax isn't necessarily the worst the Feds are doing.

The on going policy of simply printing more money to pay for overbudget spending is making Earnings After Taxes worth less every year.....

....and its only just begun.

You got that right. The spending and debt binge currently underway is going to result in huge devaluation at some point. It's going to be ugly.

You were supposed to say, "It is All Bush's Fault."

I'm calling the Black Helicopters to have you flown to the nearest Brainwash Station so you can be reprogramed to spout irrelevant non sequiturs until the dollar is worth three Canadian cents.
What did they pay two years ago?
What did they pay twenty years ago?

What has changed?

Now I see what mentality we're dealing with, and why the Fed's can tax and spend whatever they wish.

Everything needs to be placed into context

What did we pay then....what do we pay now?
What did we receive then....what do we receive now?
Here, let's get sequential for you: Do you agree that we need to balance the budget?

Baby steps.
Now I see what mentality we're dealing with, and why the Fed's can tax and spend whatever they wish.

Everything needs to be placed into context

What did we pay then....what do we pay now?
What did we receive then....what do we receive now?
Here, let's get sequential for you: Do you agree that we need to balance the budget?

Baby steps.

Bill Clinton balanced the budget.......No other administration in 75 years has managed the feat.

Did the country collapse each time we didn't have a balanced budget? No we continued with periods of economic boom and bust

Balancing the budget is a noble goal. However, there are many reasons you don't want a balanced budget. War comes to mind. Stemming an impending economic collapse also seems like a valid reason

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