What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?


I suggest you take it down a notch. I take it that this is something that you have never seen or heard of before.
It might be prudent to take a closer look before you throw yourself off a cliff.

I suggest you do more intense study of a subject you are ridiculing.

I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
How can I enlighten someone who posts such nonsense?
The more you post, the stupider you appear.

So you agree about The tribe of Dan, he was a sect of the sea people. They must of mentioned something about the Danites in your Talmud. Avoidance means I'm right. The more I post the more you learn.
I suggest you do more intense study of a subject you are ridiculing.

I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
How can I enlighten someone who posts such nonsense?
The more you post, the stupider you appear.

So you agree about The tribe of Dan, he was a sect of the sea people. They must of mentioned something about the Danites in your Talmud. Avoidance means I'm right. The more I post the more you learn.

I am more convinced every day that you are psychotic.
You never quote anything.
You post rants you picked up on some random site.
You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about.
I am about 2 days away from putting you on Ignore because you have gone from being somewhat of an amusing Jew Hater to simply being a desperate, lonely psycho.

I am giving you ONE opportunity to put together a contextual narrative that makes sense and quotes verses.
I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
How can I enlighten someone who posts such nonsense?
The more you post, the stupider you appear.

So you agree about The tribe of Dan, he was a sect of the sea people. They must of mentioned something about the Danites in your Talmud. Avoidance means I'm right. The more I post the more you learn.

I am more convinced every day that you are psychotic.
You never quote anything.
You post rants you picked up on some random site.
You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about.
I am about 2 days away from putting you on Ignore because you have gone from being somewhat of an amusing Jew Hater to simply being a desperate, lonely psycho.

I am giving you ONE opportunity to put together a contextual narrative that makes sense and quotes verses.

You know darn well what I'm talking about:

Tribe of Dan[edit]

Main article: Tribe of Dan

There are suggestions that the Denyen joined with Hebrews to form one of the original 12 tribes of Israel. No strong evidence support this view, however.

A minority view first suggested by Yigael Yadin attempted to connect the Denyen with the Tribe of Dan, described as remaining on their ships in the early Song of Deborah, contrary to the mainstream view of Israelite history. It was speculated that the Denyen had been taken to Egypt, and subsequently settled between the CaphtoritePhilistines and the Tjekker, along the Mediterranean coast with the Tribe of Dan subsequently deriving from them.[6]

The most famous Danite was Samson, whom some suggest is derived from Denyen tribal legends

Denyen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
How can I enlighten someone who posts such nonsense?
The more you post, the stupider you appear.

So you agree about The tribe of Dan, he was a sect of the sea people. They must of mentioned something about the Danites in your Talmud. Avoidance means I'm right. The more I post the more you learn.

I am more convinced every day that you are psychotic.
You never quote anything.
You post rants you picked up on some random site.
You have absolutely NO idea what you're talking about.
I am about 2 days away from putting you on Ignore because you have gone from being somewhat of an amusing Jew Hater to simply being a desperate, lonely psycho.

I am giving you ONE opportunity to put together a contextual narrative that makes sense and quotes verses.

You know darn well what I'm talking about:

Tribe of Dan[edit]

Main article: Tribe of Dan

There are suggestions that the Denyen joined with Hebrews to form one of the original 12 tribes of Israel. No strong evidence support this view, however.

A minority view first suggested by Yigael Yadin attempted to connect the Denyen with the Tribe of Dan, described as remaining on their ships in the early Song of Deborah, contrary to the mainstream view of Israelite history. It was speculated that the Denyen had been taken to Egypt, and subsequently settled between the CaphtoritePhilistines and the Tjekker, along the Mediterranean coast with the Tribe of Dan subsequently deriving from them.[6]

The most famous Danite was Samson, whom some suggest is derived from Denyen tribal legends

Denyen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Based upon Biblical chronology the Tribe of Dan was unable to conquer their territory in Israel and eventually became Idol worshippers.
If there was any assimilation of these so called Sea People (aka The Mediterranean) it was several centuries after Joshua.
The Denyens, probably a mixture of Canaanite Tribes along the Mediterranean, had to come along WAY after the Tribe of Dan entered Israel and by the time they did, the 12 Tribes had already split in the Kingdoms of Judea and Israel.

What happened to the Tribes of the Northern Kingdom is anybody's guess, but it goes to prove that God will not go to great lengths to preserve any group of people that don't live according to the rules that God command them.
Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?

If you need further explanation it would be about someone like you.

Well now I am intrigued. You denied being bitter and foul but did not deny your oral fixation.

Seriously, is there anything you would like to confess?

Interestingly enough, you did not deny that your catechism whore sucked the cock of the Jesuit priest who was your mentor and tutor in all things "Talmud"

The Talmud is a book by Jews for Jews. Priests don't read it.

so true-----Hobellin DID read it----in English, in a yeshiva of the Chassidic flavor----
somewhere in Brooklyn. He cannot remember the name of the Chassidic group that admitted him to the English translation Talmud study group. He also had the
ear of the "rebbe" of that group but cannot remember his name either. I am
English translation is good and all, however without the Hebrew and proper transliterations much is lost in translation, including blotting out of names translated as meaning/definition of the word instead of used as a name. Just as they create names thus figures out of mere words defining roles.
Tonight have a Good Shabbos!
Shabbat Shalom
a greating used wishing someone peace on the Sabbath or shall we say
peace at Sheva's Day (Sheva's day [age/era] be peace upon us)
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for those interested in reality------any discussion of the tribe of DAN---it's origin and its descendants ----is all for fun------like discussions of people who claim to be
princess Anastasia. ALL of the people who claimed to be and wished to be
included in the nation called "B'nai Yisrael"----(children of Israel aka Jacob) after
the Babylonian captivity------became known as people of the KINGDOM OF
JUDEA -----aka JOOOOOOS ---and have been marrying each other since. -----
----that includes all people of THE TWELVE TRIBES------distinctions between the
12 tribes are no longer made------or traced----except for the tribe of LEVI The "king" if any-----is supposed to be of the tribe of JUDAH ---------whoever they are.
The "messiah" ---is also supposed to be of the tribe of Judah----whoever they are.
According to the NT-----jesus traced himself back to Judah thru his father----Joseph---
the carpenter from the galil (the Galilean carpenter) Galilee is a large part of
Judea,/Israel ---up north. The tribe of DAN was known for being-----sea going
folk-----like the ageans------the philistines were also ageans as were the people of
ASSYRIA.....and that's all there if folks. When I was in Israel I told some people
English translation is good and all, however without the Hebrew and proper transliterations much is lost in translation, including blotting out of names translated as meaning/definition of the word instead of used as a name. Just as they create names thus figures out of mere words defining roles.
Tonight have a Good Shabbos!
Shabbat Shalom
a greating used wishing someone peace on the Sabbath or shall we say
peace at Sheva's Day (Sheva's day [age/era] be peace upon us)

as I recall-----off da top of me head------a person born and bred in Brooklyn-----
himself not of a particularly Chassidic sect-----BUT HIS WIFE IS------and his son now-------the head of a big time Yeshiva in Israel------told me that the then fairly new translation of the Talmud into English is "ok" and worth reading -----If I remember correctly----that was ---maybe-----20 to 25 years ago. That person would probably choke to death with laughter if he read HOBELIN's claim that there
are Chassidic sects &/or "YESHIVAS" in Brooklyn that read and discuss
the Talmud IN ENGLISH. Somewhat illiterate me------did read English translations of the Talmud--------most particularly ----GITTEN. Now Hashev
knows something about my sordid past.
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

from whence cometh your grammar? There are similarities in ethics in
comparison of all human societies-----including those that developed in NORTH AMERICA ---as compared to those that developed in sub-Saharan areas-------
and even with DA VIKINGS. Besides not knowing simple AMERCAN
GRAMMAR-----it is clear that you never bothered to read the "classical stuff"----
of the world. Lots of brothers kill each other -------try reading English history.
John was DYING TO MURDER Richard. If you read----you learn grammar.
In scriptural writings and histories and legends from various parts of the world----lots of patricide, fratricide and matricide. One has to be an idiot to suggest that those similarities INDICATE contact and "this came from that". Why are you so
eager to display your stupidity?
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

from whence cometh your grammar? There are similarities in ethics in
comparison of all human societies-----including those that developed in NORTH AMERICA ---as compared to those that developed in sub-Saharan areas-------
and even with DA VIKINGS. Besides not knowing simple AMERCAN
GRAMMAR-----it is clear that you never bothered to read the "classical stuff"----
of the world. Lots of brothers kill each other -------try reading English history.
John was DYING TO MURDER Richard. If you read----you learn grammar.
In scriptural writings and histories and legends from various parts of the world----lots of patricide, fratricide and matricide. One has to be an idiot to suggest that those similarities INDICATE contact and "this came from that". Why are you so
eager to display your stupidity?

Yes the elites had no problem with killing each other for power. Its the story of greed and jealousy.
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

from whence cometh your grammar? There are similarities in ethics in
comparison of all human societies-----including those that developed in NORTH AMERICA ---as compared to those that developed in sub-Saharan areas-------
and even with DA VIKINGS. Besides not knowing simple AMERCAN
GRAMMAR-----it is clear that you never bothered to read the "classical stuff"----
of the world. Lots of brothers kill each other -------try reading English history.
John was DYING TO MURDER Richard. If you read----you learn grammar.
In scriptural writings and histories and legends from various parts of the world----lots of patricide, fratricide and matricide. One has to be an idiot to suggest that those similarities INDICATE contact and "this came from that". Why are you so
eager to display your stupidity?

Yes the elites had no problem with killing each other for power. Its the story of greed and jealousy.

the "elites"??? Patricide was very common amongst the ROMANS? remember them? ------that includes the pre-Christian romans Lots written in the legal code of the roman empire about PATRICIDE---which was illegal as opposed to infanticide-----which was entirely legal -------at any age.-------abortion could be postponed 20 years or more. So you think that the romans got it from
the Egyptians? ---------
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.
Last edited:
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale attributed to Moses about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharaoh who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his headdress.
Last edited:
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah wore a serpent on his headdress.

read Freud----ON DREAMS. the serpent as a symbol ----is just about hard
wired into the human brain -------from NEURULA----thru senility. I once had a
gold ring-----in the form of a coiled serpent---- My aunt-----whose ring it had been---
had never met the Pharoah. Look around-----you will find serpents ALL OVER
THE PLACE-----in art and literature------even the art of India
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah wore a serpent on his headdress.

read Freud----ON DREAMS. the serpent as a symbol ----is just about hard
wired into the human brain -------from NEURULA----thru senility. I once had a
gold ring-----in the form of a coiled serpent---- My aunt-----whose ring it had been---
had never met the Pharoah. Look around-----you will find serpents ALL OVER
THE PLACE-----in art and literature------even the art of India
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale attributed to Moses about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his headdress.

did the serpent on top of the Pharoah's head TALK? I wonder what it was supposed to symbolize. BTW for FREUD----snakes in dreams symbolize a
MALE----uhm.....you know what........this connection seems to be fairly universal
amongst------HUMANOIDs including WAY beyond the nile river -----both east
and west.
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale attributed to Moses about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his headdress.

did the serpent on top of the Pharoah's head TALK? I wonder what it was supposed to symbolize. BTW for FREUD----snakes in dreams symbolize a
MALE----uhm.....you know what........this connection seems to be fairly universal
amongst------HUMANOIDs including WAY beyond the nile river -----both east
and west.

Sure, maybe its all just a little ancient Hebrew humor calling the pharaoh a dickhead. Hey! Maybe that sheds some light on the command to circumcise the flesh of the foreskin of penises?
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah wore a serpent on his headdress.

read Freud----ON DREAMS. the serpent as a symbol ----is just about hard
wired into the human brain -------from NEURULA----thru senility. I once had a
gold ring-----in the form of a coiled serpent---- My aunt-----whose ring it had been---
had never met the Pharoah. Look around-----you will find serpents ALL OVER
THE PLACE-----in art and literature------even the art of India
View attachment 75523
True, Judaism came from Egypt and Persian, the book of Proverbs is taken from Amen mope's instructions, Seth killed his brother Osiris, and Romulus killed his brother Remus, as Cain killed his brother Abel. Can you even imagine killing your brother!!

It is interesting to note that in scripture where God breaths the breath of life into Adams nostrils it is reflecting Egyptian beliefs about the Aten.

"To make them live (you give) the breath of life to their noses;"

Short Hymn to the Aten

I wonder if there is any connection between the story of Akhenaten who tried to establish monotheism in Egypt and the story of Moses.

yes---it is "interesting" that just about all creation stories have similar elements----
------Freud loved it. Try reading his nice little book ---ON DREAMS. ----the best part is the "little" part-----you can sit down with it and have it all done in a matter of
a very few hours. ----think "symbolism common to the human brains---of----
lots of humans"

Its more than a coincidence of symbolism common to the human brain when you have a fairy tale attributed to Moses about a talking serpent and a known reality that the Pharoah who disputed with Moses wore a serpent on his headdress.

did the serpent on top of the Pharoah's head TALK? I wonder what it was supposed to symbolize. BTW for FREUD----snakes in dreams symbolize a
MALE----uhm.....you know what........this connection seems to be fairly universal
amongst------HUMANOIDs including WAY beyond the nile river -----both east
and west.

Sure, maybe its all just a little ancient Hebrew humor calling the pharaoh a dickhead. Hey! Maybe that sheds some light on the command to circumcise the flesh of the foreskin of penises?

could be....... sheeesh----you got me-----my quip was "that pharaoh wore his
heart on his forehead" <<<< which I why I did not post it

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