What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?

rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

why did you toss that unrelated tidbit into the conversation?------it does not even work according to your NEED TO DEFLECT

Why did you insert your islamo nazi deflection?

Wouldn't you rather discuss the merits of strapping a box on your head or how eating or abstaining from certain food can make a person holy?

no----I have no interest in discussing those issues------YOU made note of some
Talmudic discussion (apparently which you claim you experienced in a Chassidic
yeshiva in Brooklyn) ----which dealt with "bullshit justifications for the rules of KASHRUT" I, very simply, asked for those "bullshit justifications" Talking
about the binding of T'fillin on one's forehead is trivial----kinda like demanding a
METAPHYSICAL justification for catholics pointing at their heads and shoulders and
belly button -----on all sorts of emotional occasions.
rosie-----the above statement is far too GONE---to merit a response

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

why did you toss that unrelated tidbit into the conversation?------it does not even work according to your NEED TO DEFLECT

Why did you insert your islamo nazi deflection?

Wouldn't you rather discuss the merits of strapping a box on your head or how eating or abstaining from certain food can make a person holy?

no----I have no interest in discussing those issues------YOU made note of some
Talmudic discussion (apparently which you claim you experienced in a Chassidic
yeshiva in Brooklyn) ----which dealt with "bullshit justifications for the rules of KASHRUT" I, very simply, asked for those "bullshit justifications" Talking
about the binding of T'fillin on one's forehead is trivial----kinda like demanding a
METAPHYSICAL justification for catholics pointing at their heads and shoulders and
belly button -----on all sorts of emotional occasions.

I see. You are getting warmer but still no cigar.

I"m not looking for a justification I am exposing what is irrational.

You have no problem cutting up ridiculous Christian or Islamic garbage, why such squirming when the eyes are turned on Judaism?

you should probably clean up your own backyard before you point out the condition of everyone else's.

So he drove the man out and to the east of the garden of Eden he stationed the cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword that turns in every direction to guard the way to the tree of life.

why did you toss that unrelated tidbit into the conversation?------it does not even work according to your NEED TO DEFLECT

Why did you insert your islamo nazi deflection?

Wouldn't you rather discuss the merits of strapping a box on your head or how eating or abstaining from certain food can make a person holy?

no----I have no interest in discussing those issues------YOU made note of some
Talmudic discussion (apparently which you claim you experienced in a Chassidic
yeshiva in Brooklyn) ----which dealt with "bullshit justifications for the rules of KASHRUT" I, very simply, asked for those "bullshit justifications" Talking
about the binding of T'fillin on one's forehead is trivial----kinda like demanding a
METAPHYSICAL justification for catholics pointing at their heads and shoulders and
belly button -----on all sorts of emotional occasions.

I see. You are getting warmer but still no cigar.

I"m not looking for a justification I am exposing what is irrational.

You have no problem cutting up ridiculous Christian or Islamic garbage, why such squirming when the eyes are turned on Judaism?

you should probably clean up your own backyard before you point out the condition of everyone else's.

try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet. Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

I defended Isabella?

Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?
For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.
As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

You didn't even tell me or show me where in the Bible it says this as a Messiah prerequisite let alone what your character who I proved you confused and mixed up did.
Do you ever provide sources?
The Bible says Moshiach will make the Torah known and common in thought, which it is, however only I provided how all people could have it "in memory" not just in heart and essence. According to Dan 10:20 last name and Dan 10:21 first name you are calling me Moshiach again as best knowing these truths and in secreting the wisdom of the SHARED
NAME of God.
Which I provided SOURCES for many times.

sources:Zechariah 14 Spread universal knowledge of the G-d of Israel (Jesus failed even you admit focus is on him not knowledge of God which he could never name.)

Moshiach will know the secret wisdom of the name of God 4Q300I ii4=4Q299 2 i I4.
(because the name is shared and the definition is the reflection and teaching)
"The Name"(HaShem)of God will be in his name-(EXODUS 23:20-21 & Hebrew Version of Micah 4:5)

Maybe the wisdom of the hidden Torah is the fact: The Torah portions(Miketz,Shevitz)must
carry the name of Moshiach as a prerequisite in secreting the hidden Moshiach- first and last name.
Helps to know Hebrew; MIKEtz-
(Ketz; lit., `end': a particularly auspicious time for Mashiach to bring the exile to an end)
Miketz is the portion of the Torah dealing with "unpopular truth" that will eventually make sense in the end in it's given time revealed.
The myriad of common religious practices such as kashrut or tefillin are all based on what Jesus called the traditions of men, what became the Tamud which is where all of those myriad of religious practices were redacted.

And no, I am not saying that they are all going to hell, I said that they are already in it.

Now don't be put off by that because hell is not any worse than what Hashev has to deal with every day.

What makes you think that I am a Christian?

I do not belong to, believe in, or practice any religion.

Whatever you do, hire someone.

You don't seem to know which way the wind is blowing.
Your ability to abstract is lacking.


I suggest you take it down a notch. I take it that this is something that you have never seen or heard of before.
It might be prudent to take a closer look before you throw yourself off a cliff.

I suggest you do more intense study of a subject you are ridiculing.

I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

One thing we just learned about you.......you're a goddam liar! 30 hours indeed!
Jesus Christ...HaShev, please take English 101 at your local community college. You seem totally illiterate. :p

I am amazed anyone tries to rationalize the Old Testament insanity. Yahweh, the deity the Jews and Israelites decided to adopt in their nomadic, genocidal endeavours never fucking existed.
Jesus Christ...HaShev, please take English 101 at your local community college. You seem totally illiterate. :p

I am amazed anyone tries to rationalize the Old Testament insanity. Yahweh, the deity the Jews and Israelites decided to adopt in their nomadic, genocidal endeavours never fucking existed.

What might we expect. Everything back in those days was written by folks who believed in witches and thought the earth was flat.
So both you don't believe in evolution then?
You don't believe in being the progressed best you could and should be?
Well that explains your ad hominem responses without backing, sources, or knowledge of what we teach.
Irony is that your precepts and concepts of Judaism is through the ones you laugh at.
Christian mythology influences even non believers. It distorts how you define simple words that they changed and you adopted. The church not only enslaved their initiates, they also tainted your way of seeing how things are and should be. Where is the difference between their wormwood and yours? Same bitter poison. They shaped you as polar opposites, but created their bitter spirit mirrored in your defiance, thus 2 peas in a pod. Misery loves company.
Last edited:
For Jesus to have been the messiah he would have had to reveal the hidden wisdom and teaching in the law.
As I have shown, that's exactly what he did.

You didn't even tell me or show me where in the Bible it says this as a Messiah prerequisite let alone what your character who I proved you confused and mixed up did..

I will raise up for them a prophet like you, one of your own race, and I will put my words into his mouth . He shall convey all my commands to them and if anyone does not listen to the words that he shall speak in my name I will require satisfaction from him. Deuteronomy 18:18,19

I will give you hidden treasures from dark vaults hoarded in secret places that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. Isaiah 45:3

Has God ever commanded you to speak anything in his name? Have you ever even seen or heard a single word from the living God in your entire life?

If you are The Prophet, what words has God put in your mouth to teach? What hidden secrets that have never been seen or heard of before have you ever revealed that would confirm that God sent you?

Did God ever tell you that you are the messiah and that you are going to build a temple, reinstate animal sacrifice, and become the high priest?

Last edited:
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances

Your obsessed with sex and sucking I see, some women are. Now obviously everyone and their brother and those not even born yet are going to be at fault for the ? jewish plight.
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances

Your obsessed with sex and sucking I see, some women are. Now obviously everyone and their brother and those not even born yet are going to be at fault for the ? jewish plight.

You have me confused with your catechism whore, Penelope. It is obvious
that the slut was all "bent out of shape" by the challenge to her "faith" by
Pope John XXIII when he suggested she stop jerking off to the thought of
"CHRIST KILLERS" being tortured to death. The potential loss of ORGIASTIC BLISS----drove her to neglect to teach you simple grammar.
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.

your claim to having never been an altar boy is not credible in view of the
myriad of lies you have posted including your "yeshiva experience" and
"study of the Talmud" with a "rebbe" that you cannot name
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.

your claim to having never been an altar boy is not credible in view of the
myriad of lies you have posted including your "yeshiva experience" and
"study of the Talmud" with a "rebbe" that you cannot name

LOL.... Believe me, I was the anti-altar boy as a kid. And give it up already about the yeshiva experience I supposedly had at CBGB"S.

And wtf makes you think the Talmud is so difficult to study? Ask any observant Jew why they are strapping a box on their head or eating and abstaining from certain food and they will cite the Talmud, even in english.
try again ----YOU brought up that which YOU decided is "irrational" in Judaism----to wit----the laws of Kashrut and---the binding of T'fillin which is a ritual. ----AND actually claimed that you EXPERIENCED the "BS" justifications which you claim
were included in YOUR STUDIES OF THE TALMUD in a Chassidic Yeshiva in Brooklyn. -----I responded to the PILE OF SHIT---that you espouse------clean your own toilet.

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Your accusation that I "POINT OUT THE CONDITION OF THE STINK OF THE CATHOLIC CESSPIT is silly....you initiated the CATECHISM
libels-----you engaged in the time honored lies of the "church" -----including
"it says in the Talmud"------a charge used by the pimps and whores of the
INQUISITION TO MURDER hundreds of thousands. I have relatives whose families have not lived in a Spanish speaking country for CENTURIES who still speak Spanish-------their ancetor subjected to murder and pillage and torture by the DISGUSTING FILTHY WHORE MURDERESS
SOW------Saint Isabella..... the slut you defended as acting "legally" (like adolf)

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.

your claim to having never been an altar boy is not credible in view of the
myriad of lies you have posted including your "yeshiva experience" and
"study of the Talmud" with a "rebbe" that you cannot name

LOL.... Believe me, I was the anti-altar boy as a kid. And give it up already about the yeshiva experience I supposedly had at CBGB"S.

And wtf makes you think the Talmud is so difficult to study? Ask any observant Jew why they are strapping a box on their head or eating and abstaining from certain food and they will cite the Talmud, even in english.

OH GOODY----so you REMEMBER from your studies of the Talmud in English
at the Chassidic yeshiva in Brooklyn----JUST HOW THE TALMUD JUSTIFIES KASHRUT_---------be brave------make up something idiotic and attribute it
to the book of GITTEN-----some of the English Talmud. I never heard of the
yeshiva "CBGB" in Brooklyn or anywhere else. I have spoken with---lived
amongst, and worked with LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS-----who used T'fillin
I never heard of the
yeshiva "CBGB" in Brooklyn or anywhere else. I have spoken with---lived
amongst, and worked with LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS-----who used T'fillin

LOL... I'm sure that those LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS- were very impressed with your foul mouth and bitter disposition, not to mention your keen intelligence and oral fixations.
I never heard of the
yeshiva "CBGB" in Brooklyn or anywhere else. I have spoken with---lived
amongst, and worked with LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS-----who used T'fillin

LOL... I'm sure that those LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS- were very impressed with your foul mouth and bitter disposition, not to mention your keen intelligence and oral fixations.

I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition" ----there is an important line
in jewish tradition and which PROBABLY also appears somewhere in the Talmud----
maybe not. --->>>> "Torah midaber b'lahon ha'am" <<< an approximation of
Hebrew which translates means----in sum and substance-----"the scriptural writings
are expressed or should be expressed in terms that 'the people' can understand"
When I communicate with YOU----I use the kind of terminology that YOU are likely to understand-----the lingo of your youth.
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

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