What, then, does Judaism teach about Satan?

No, dear, you claimed that I claimed to have studied in a yeshiva. You lied and then you responded to your own bullshit.

See how that works?

No? Thats a shame.

Hobelim >
I defended Isabella?
rosie---yes you did---you said in a previous post that she did nothing "against the law"------which is true-----SAINT ISABELLA was a pious catholic who implemented
the laws legalizing the genocide of jews just as did the more recent catholic Saint----
ADOLF with the spiritual help of MAGDA implemented the same laws at Auschwitz

hobelin>> Have you been drinking before breakfast again rosie?

rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.

your claim to having never been an altar boy is not credible in view of the
myriad of lies you have posted including your "yeshiva experience" and
"study of the Talmud" with a "rebbe" that you cannot name

LOL.... Believe me, I was the anti-altar boy as a kid. And give it up already about the yeshiva experience I supposedly had at CBGB"S.

And wtf makes you think the Talmud is so difficult to study? Ask any observant Jew why they are strapping a box on their head or eating and abstaining from certain food and they will cite the Talmud, even in english.

OH GOODY----so you REMEMBER from your studies of the Talmud in English
at the Chassidic yeshiva in Brooklyn----JUST HOW THE TALMUD JUSTIFIES KASHRUT_---------be brave------make up something idiotic and attribute it
to the book of GITTEN-----some of the English Talmud. I never heard of the
yeshiva "CBGB" in Brooklyn or anywhere else. I have spoken with---lived
amongst, and worked with LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS-----who used T'fillin

Instead of parading about the huge black box, they wear a tiny one on their head.
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must think you possess magical powers if you think you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

to what are you referring? my responses to your INSISTENCE that you witnessed and participated in the study of the Talmud in Yeshivas in Brooklyn ------in which the Talmud was read in English translation? (Chassidic yeshivas----no less----the names of the particular SECT of Chassidism also eluded you------think hard---you
might remember)
If I seen someone wearing a black box on their forehead and strapped to their arm, I'd cross the road. I would think they were crazy.
rosie>> "drinking" usually refers to alcoholic beverages-----I very rarely drink alcohol and
almost only for evening special events. You have me confused with the cock sucking bitch----Sister Theresa, who told you she was teaching you "Talmud"
during your altar boy-----cock sucking days whilst she urged you to suck Jesuit
Brother Frances


I was never an altar boy. I don't know any sister Teresa. You are quite out of your mind., not to mention extremely bitter and foul. You wake up in this condition every morning without drinking? Damn.

It is truly inspiring to see the many wonderful things that your religion has done for you.

your claim to having never been an altar boy is not credible in view of the
myriad of lies you have posted including your "yeshiva experience" and
"study of the Talmud" with a "rebbe" that you cannot name

LOL.... Believe me, I was the anti-altar boy as a kid. And give it up already about the yeshiva experience I supposedly had at CBGB"S.

And wtf makes you think the Talmud is so difficult to study? Ask any observant Jew why they are strapping a box on their head or eating and abstaining from certain food and they will cite the Talmud, even in english.

OH GOODY----so you REMEMBER from your studies of the Talmud in English
at the Chassidic yeshiva in Brooklyn----JUST HOW THE TALMUD JUSTIFIES KASHRUT_---------be brave------make up something idiotic and attribute it
to the book of GITTEN-----some of the English Talmud. I never heard of the
yeshiva "CBGB" in Brooklyn or anywhere else. I have spoken with---lived
amongst, and worked with LOTS OF OBSERVANT JEWS-----who used T'fillin

Instead of parading about the huge black box, they wear a tiny one on their head.

what big black box? Long ago-----when I was a kid----I lived in a town which was almost ---evenly divided when I was very young---between WHITE catholics and protestant-------jew (and a few Hispanics---catholic variety) were just beginning to
show up. At that time there was a PREVALENT libel amongst the protestants
involving ------lots of "boxes" in secret passage ways-----that existed between NUNNERIES and ----priest residence---that contained the remains of aborted
fetuses. The chatter confused me------until I began to understand it------but I never believed it. Is that the kind of HUGE BLACK BOX to which you refer?
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must think you possess magical powers if you think you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

to what are you referring? my responses to your INSISTENCE that you witnessed and participated in the study of the Talmud in Yeshivas in Brooklyn ------in which the Talmud was read in English translation? (Chassidic yeshivas----no less----the names of the particular SECT of Chassidism also eluded you------think hard---you
might remember)

Seriously. Are you possessed? Do you have Tourette Syndrome ?

Did you forget about your predilection to accuse everyone and their mother about being whores or cock sucking bitches?

Is there something that you would like to confess?
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must think you possess magical powers if you think you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

to what are you referring? my responses to your INSISTENCE that you witnessed and participated in the study of the Talmud in Yeshivas in Brooklyn ------in which the Talmud was read in English translation? (Chassidic yeshivas----no less----the names of the particular SECT of Chassidism also eluded you------think hard---you
might remember)

Seriously. Are you possessed?

Did you forget about your predilection to accuse everyone and their mother about being whores or cock sucking bitches?

Is there something that you would like to confess?

try again-----I have not "accused everyone and HIS mother of being whores and cocksucking bitches. (you are about as grammatically compromised as is
Penelope-------that catholic school education STRIKES again)
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must think you possess magical powers if you think you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

to what are you referring? my responses to your INSISTENCE that you witnessed and participated in the study of the Talmud in Yeshivas in Brooklyn ------in which the Talmud was read in English translation? (Chassidic yeshivas----no less----the names of the particular SECT of Chassidism also eluded you------think hard---you
might remember)

Seriously. Are you possessed? Do you have Tourette Syndrome ?

Did you forget about your predilection to accuse everyone and their mother about being whores or cock sucking bitches?

Is there something that you would like to confess?

in what school did you learn about the syndrome of Gilles De La Tourette?
Those "Jesuit " brothers, again?
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in eternal bliss in a golden gated community lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof
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If I seen someone wearing a black box on their forehead and strapped to their arm, I'd cross the road. I would think they were crazy.

such a sight would "frighten" you? -----you must live under a rock. How about a procession of persons chanting eerie verses in a strange language-----bearing
garishly painted figures of tormented people and a really weird robed jerk carrying
a VERY garish figure of a hardly clad , skinny male NAILED to a large cross with blood dripping down his face? Such sights do not frighten me
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.
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I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?
Yes and as a Protestant all one needs to do is "believe that Christ died for your sins". So much easier.
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?

If you need further explanation it would be about someone like you.

Well now I am intrigued. You denied being bitter and foul but did not deny your oral fixation.

Seriously, is there anything you would like to confess?
The myriad of common religious practices such as kashrut or tefillin are all based on what Jesus called the traditions of men, what became the Tamud which is where all of those myriad of religious practices were redacted.

And no, I am not saying that they are all going to hell, I said that they are already in it.

Now don't be put off by that because hell is not any worse than what Hashev has to deal with every day.

What makes you think that I am a Christian?

I do not belong to, believe in, or practice any religion.

Whatever you do, hire someone.

You don't seem to know which way the wind is blowing.
Your ability to abstract is lacking.


I suggest you take it down a notch. I take it that this is something that you have never seen or heard of before.
It might be prudent to take a closer look before you throw yourself off a cliff.

I suggest you do more intense study of a subject you are ridiculing.

I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
I have, neither a "foul mouth" nor a "bitter disposition"

You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?

If you need further explanation it would be about someone like you.

Well now I am intrigued. You denied being bitter and foul but did not deny your oral fixation.

Seriously, is there anything you would like to confess?

Interestingly enough, you did not deny that your catechism whore sucked the cock of the Jesuit priest who was your mentor and tutor in all things "Talmud"
You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?

If you need further explanation it would be about someone like you.

Well now I am intrigued. You denied being bitter and foul but did not deny your oral fixation.

Seriously, is there anything you would like to confess?

Interestingly enough, you did not deny that your catechism whore sucked the cock of the Jesuit priest who was your mentor and tutor in all things "Talmud"

Is that what happened to you, sugar lips?
Always wondered were Christians got the physical satan stuff and his hell, never came from Judaism

If God is all there can not be anything out side off a God

The Hebrew word "Satan" means "Hinderer." To hinder someone means to hold him back, to try to prevent him from doing something. G-d created the Hinderer to give us work to do in this world (see my article Why did G-d Create the World?). Satan is here to make things difficult for us, so we can overcome our evil temptations, and PASS the test. That is the purpose of Satan. Satan is an angel whose purpose has been determined by G-d.

Temptation is there to try and deter us. It gives us the ability to do the wrong thing. More importantly, it gives us the ability to look at evil and refuse to do it. By presenting us with the opportunity to do evil, it gives us the ability to choose between good and evil.

Satan is not, as the Christians think, a rebellious angel. How impossible! The angels are spiritual and holy, without any physical or unholy presence, and the presence of Hashem's holiness permeates them entirely. Angels, unlike humans, are therefore constantly and fully aware of Hashem's Presence everywhere. Could you stay dry in the ocean? An angel could not stop being holy, and can do no wrong. There is holiness everywhere in Creation, everywhere in the universe, and angels are made of the same thing. An angel could not stop serving G-d even if he tried.

Furthermore, humans have Satan to tempt us. Angels have no Satan to tempt them. Who would be Satan's Satan? An ultra-Satan?

The truth is that Satan has a job to do, just like every other angel. And angels have no free will. They do as Hashem commands them.

A man once came to a great Rabbi, very troubled. He said to the Rabbi, "Please pray to Hashem to take away my Evil Inclination. I do so many sins, and I want to stop sinning!"

The Rabbi answered, "Then what would be your purpose in this world, if you had no Evil Inclination? Your purpose in life is to overcome your personal Evil Inclination. That is what you were created for! Hashem has enough angels in heaven. He doesn't need one more. He created you human, so that you could improve yourself."

Does Judaism Believe in Satan?

NO. There is no Hell in Judaism, either.
You really must believe that you possess magical powers if you think that you will convince anyone who has read your recent rants that they did not see or hear what they saw and heard with their own eyes and ears.

Face it! Anybody who believes they will be selected to live in bliss in a gated community with golden gates lives in a fantasy world and the truth has already escaped their logic.....or lack thereof

I suppose that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Anyone in such a state should probably be banned from government work, any position of authority that requires the public trust, owning a gun, and working with children.

If they could be so openly deceptive and hateful in public imagine what they are capable of behind closed doors.

anyone who believes that a person can ATTAIN HEAVEN by being in a "state of grace" as per the catholic church------should be banned from government work?

If you need further explanation it would be about someone like you.

Well now I am intrigued. You denied being bitter and foul but did not deny your oral fixation.

Seriously, is there anything you would like to confess?

Interestingly enough, you did not deny that your catechism whore sucked the cock of the Jesuit priest who was your mentor and tutor in all things "Talmud"

The Talmud is a book by Jews for Jews. Priests don't read it.
Your ability to abstract is lacking.


I suggest you take it down a notch. I take it that this is something that you have never seen or heard of before.
It might be prudent to take a closer look before you throw yourself off a cliff.

I suggest you do more intense study of a subject you are ridiculing.

I suggest you stop making suggestions about something of which you know nothing.

I attend a Talmud class every week and I learn Torah about 30 hours a week.
What do YOU do? Read articles on archaic web-sites?

Could you enlightened my on the Tribe of Dan then.
So the 2nd largest tribe of Israel was really a sect of the sea people
How can I enlighten someone who posts such nonsense?
The more you post, the stupider you appear.

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