What they hide about 1943

Anyone Born With a Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

The Valkyries were Junker opportunists who wanted to be appointed as a hereditary oligarchy by the Allies, who they knew would soon win the war.

By 1960 in America, the upper class had become the ruling class. All other explanations for our decline are typical Netrix manipulation of posters' minds.
What does "upper class" mean? In 61, the smelly Kennedy Democrats came, these are the heirs of the junkers and the left wing of the NSDAP
I always knew that around 1943 there was a big change in politics. There are a lot of events at once: the removal of commissars(this is the Bolshevik political administration that commanded in the army instead of officers) from power in the Red Army, a second front, a split in Germany, the start of a counteroffensive, the leakage of German technologies to the United States.

Now I understand what happened there.

Not quite clear but some important things clirified and there is general image of the events.

Churchill's attitude towards the USSR cooled slightly after the war, and in the USSR itself the power of the Kaganovich group weakened, Khrushchev, even before he came to the post of head, was already openly arguing with the Stalinists, and carried out some reforms, this was impossible in the 30s.

Since 1943 there has been a split everywhere: in Germany, in the USSR and in the USA. Right-wing forces gradually rose, and in 1954, against the backdrop of anti-imperialism, they took power simultaneously in the USSR and the USA.

Probably Eisenhower was secretly negotiating with Khrushchev as early as 1943.
What is with the cryptic title? Afraid no one would read your post?

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