What to do about the rebirth of socialism


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
What to Do About the Rebirth of Socialism
"The most important political event of the twentieth century," wrote Irving Kristol in 1976, "is not the crisis of capitalism but the death of socialism." Plenty of self-described Marxist and socialist regimes existed throughout the world, Kristol recognized. It was rather the ideas behind such regimes that had reached a moral and intellectual endpoint. Nor was this passing away entirely to be cheered. "For with the passing of the socialist ideal," Kristol went on, "there is removed from the political horizon the one alternative to capitalism that was rooted in the Judeo-Christian tradition and in the Western civilization which emerged from that tradition."

It's not hard for those who actually know WTF it is, but look at ppl even on here ( tards mostly) they haven't got a gawd dam clue wtf Nationalism is, Globalism, these morons are so stupid they haven't figured out that everything they are being told is by the democrats via their degenerate leaders is the exact opposite.

Example look at these idiots ANTIFA these asshole literally believe they are fighting fascisim meanwhile they actually support it , defend it, protest for it etv..

welll our same idiots who hate Trump because that what the Parroting IQ levelers do so as Trump tries breaking down they very issues all these IDIOTS ANTIFA, BLM, ME TOO, etc, etc .......... he is actually trying to bring us " ALL " to where we were and better. But because leftist are to stupid beyond any help or hope they don't get what many keep trying to tell them.

On their side they think they can't get through to us on Trump and what they don't get . THEY NEVER HAVE ANY PROOF ON ANY O FTHE BS THEY CLAIM TRUMP HAS DONE OR SAID LMFAO!!


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