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What to expect when the House of Reps turns blue.....

Allow me to quote myself.

I don’t know. It is possible that the Democrats will take the House. Unlikely that they will take the Senate. If they do take the House, expect them to lose the White House in 2020 as they run Hillary again.

If the Democrats do take the House, then the pressure is on, and they’ll screw it up. The rabid left supporters will expect them to Get Trump. The Republicans might be smart enough to propose popular legislation, and then the Democrats will be accused of putting political games ahead of the country.

Winning the House is not a godsend for the Democrats, it is a nightmare. They won’t have the power to do half of what they campaigned on, and the Senate won’t go along, and Trump will have his fondest dream. A political enemy in power to blast on social media 24/7. Right now, the enemies are out of power, or the media.

Whole lot of supposition there... most of it based on the belief people actually like Trump.

The only thing that keeps the GOP from joining the dems in impeaching the Orange Shitgibbon is the economy hasn't gone into the crapper yet.
Trump is vile, his opponents more so.
Do tell, Joseph? Trump's appearances draw HUGE crowds. What has he done that non-commie asswipes (unlike yourself) should distance themselves from him? Barrypuppet and pedo Joe Biden have been stumping for leftard candidates and let's just say that the crowds have been rather sparse. I don't believe that leftards are going to do near as well as they keep telling themselves.

Yeah, you can tell yourself that... but Trump only has rallies in locations where he has lots of supporters.

Guys like Peter Roskam (R-Koch Brothers) don't want to be seen having a cup of covefe with Trump.
Despite the ever present tentacle.....
Do tell, Joseph? Trump's appearances draw HUGE crowds. What has he done that non-commie asswipes (unlike yourself) should distance themselves from him? Barrypuppet and pedo Joe Biden have been stumping for leftard candidates and let's just say that the crowds have been rather sparse. I don't believe that leftards are going to do near as well as they keep telling themselves.

Yeah, you can tell yourself that... but Trump only has rallies in locations where he has lots of supporters.

Guys like Peter Roskam (R-Koch Brothers) don't want to be seen having a cup of covefe with Trump.

The Koch brothers are globalists, Joseph. Why do you think I would want them to be "chummy" with PRESIDENT Trump?????
Yeah, sorry, not in the mood to talk to children. Run along.
Lol, good thing I'm here then.

Children talk like they have a mouth full of shit. Some children. Stupid children with piss poor parents.

Not adults.

When you learn to talk right, I'll take you seriously.

Until then, not.
Lol, alright. I'll act as childish as you.

Remember this one:


There is nothing childish about not wanting to discuss serious issues with a child.

You are the one that can't speak like an adult, and wants to participate in a discussion of serious matters.

So, NO.

Go play with some dolls. Or eat glue. Whatever dumber children do these days.
Lol, look at you tryin' to pretend to be a grown-up!

I'm not going to try to have a serious discussion about serious matters, while the other side is talking like an ill mannered child.

So, piss off, until you are serious.
They still won't get to see his tax returns. To get a subpoena, they have to be investigating a crime. They can't do it just so they can go fishing for dirt to use in the next election. Trump will take it all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, where it will be quashed.

Do keep fantasizing... but did it occur to you that the more he fights it, the more people will wonder what he is hiding?
We already know that no matter what's in his taxes, dirtbags like you will find a way to politicize it.
so they can drink gobalist tea together Dale?

You think Trump is a globalist? Do tell???

Two interesting articles of note;

Trump is a globalist. Just a chaotic one.

Why Trump is going to Davos, the world’s biggest party for globalist elites, explained

“The president is still 100 percent focused and committed to promoting policies that promote strength for American businesses and the American worker,” she said.

Analysts say Trump likely views Davos as a critical opportunity to make the case for his style of leadership and to boast about his accomplishments before an audience of skeptics and adversaries."
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?

I think you pretty much hit it on the nail. Rumor's are about that Mueller will be dropping a bomb of more indictments right after the midterm. To date he has 6 guilty plea's and 37 Federal Grand Jury indictments, there will be more. Things have been quiet on the Russian front for the last couple of months, because Mueller, unlike James Comey, is following DOJ protocol of not releasing any information within 60 days of an election.

Once Democrats are seated as the majority in the house in January 2019, the ways & means committee will get Trump's income tax returns, and they will start the open, public hearings & testimony that will be played out 24/7 on National T.V. At that point no one will be able to protect Trump. Robert Mueller will hand over his evidence at this time.

Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me to see Trump resign after the midterm. Over the last 2 years Trump has been protected by a Republican house, Sean Hannity & others on FOX NEWS, and the other usual suspects of the right wing.

I just don't think that he has any freaking idea what's coming at him. We've never had a dumber President than Donald Trump.

There's nothing like admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Comey, National intelligence director, under sworn testimony over a year ago. Several Foreign intelligence agencies were picking up Trump surrogates communications with Russian Intelligence agents since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this page until you see Fienstein asking Clapper questions.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


If Tuesday turns out to be a big blowout of Republicans, the remaining Republicans will also be joining the charge for impeachment, if not actually leading it. The Republican MISTAKE was they didn't start impeachment proceedings when they should have, well over a year ago. They've always been terrified of their right wing base.

I don't know what's more amusing...your fervent belief that Trump is the dumbest President we've ever had or your wishful thinking that he's going to resign after the midterms!
If dims do win, expect everything to be stalled. They have no plan
You must be somkin the good stuff...the Dems are going to pour legislation into the senate and make republicans address it. "Medicare drug prices? They won't even vote on it." " Raising the contribution cap on social security? They won't even vote on it." "They wanted immigration reform...now they wont even vote on it..."

All ammo for 2020. Remember, it's the republicans who aren't very good at governing..they got comfortable just being naysayers. They passed, what, one major piece of policy legislation in 2 years through a congress they control?
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
I think you are a bit optimistic. Trump will refuse any order they give him and force it all the way to the supreme Court.

Well, you're probably correct......which would make Trump an "excellent" candidate in 2020........

VERY tough days ahead for the Trump cult.....

You've been predicting this for two years. When do these tough days begin?

Since ignorance is "bliss"....for folks like you, tough days may never begin.....lol
If dims do win, expect everything to be stalled. They have no plan
You must be somkin the good stuff...the Dems are going to pour legislation into the senate and make republicans address it. "Medicare drug prices? They won't even vote on it." " Raising the contribution cap on social security? They won't even vote on it." "They wanted immigration reform...now they wont even vote on it..."

All ammo for 2020. Remember, it's the republicans who aren't very good at governing..they got comfortable just being naysayers. They passed, what, one major piece of policy legislation in 2 years through a congress they control?

Not smoking anything. That’s a dem thing. I’m not going to cry or protest either way. Just going to vote R very soon. Obozo didnt even mention Obozo care during his midterms if you recall. He started out lying, saying you could keep your doctor if you liked them. It went downhill from there. No matter what happens, you won’t be happy.

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If dims do win, expect everything to be stalled. They have no plan
You must be somkin the good stuff...the Dems are going to pour legislation into the senate and make republicans address it. "Medicare drug prices? They won't even vote on it." " Raising the contribution cap on social security? They won't even vote on it." "They wanted immigration reform...now they wont even vote on it..."

All ammo for 2020. Remember, it's the republicans who aren't very good at governing..they got comfortable just being naysayers. They passed, what, one major piece of policy legislation in 2 years through a congress they control?

Not smoking anything. That’s a dem thing. I’m not going to cry or protest either way. Just going to vote R very soon. Obozo didnt even mention Obozo care during his midterms if you recall. He started out lying, saying you could keep your doctor if you liked them. It went downhill from there. No matter what happens, you won’t be happy.

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That was a bunch of random thoughts, placed next to each other. The Dems' agenda is crystal clear, whereas the republican agenda has been to spinelessly nod and smile as their pet buffoon wrecks the place. Oh, and to cut ss and medicare benefits. The contrast will be stark.
If dims do win, expect everything to be stalled. They have no plan
You must be somkin the good stuff...the Dems are going to pour legislation into the senate and make republicans address it. "Medicare drug prices? They won't even vote on it." " Raising the contribution cap on social security? They won't even vote on it." "They wanted immigration reform...now they wont even vote on it..."

All ammo for 2020. Remember, it's the republicans who aren't very good at governing..they got comfortable just being naysayers. They passed, what, one major piece of policy legislation in 2 years through a congress they control?

Not smoking anything. That’s a dem thing. I’m not going to cry or protest either way. Just going to vote R very soon. Obozo didnt even mention Obozo care during his midterms if you recall. He started out lying, saying you could keep your doctor if you liked them. It went downhill from there. No matter what happens, you won’t be happy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That was a bunch of random thoughts, placed next to each other. The Dems' agenda is crystal clear, whereas the republican agenda has been to spinelessly nod and smile as their pet buffoon wrecks the place. Oh, and to cut ss and medicare benefits. The contrast will be stark.

What is the dem agenda, I’ve yet to hear one. Unfortunately, I need to get to work and won’t be able to watch the WB and exchange opinions all day. Fortunately, other than my copay doubling to take care of unemployed dems it’s pretty good. But the economy being as strong as it is, and jobs being up, people can also get medical care through employers now. Instead of sponging off the government.

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people can also get medical care through employers now. Instead of sponging off the government.
Is that a fact? So the number of people covered by employer based insurance has gone way up, eh? We can check that you know. I will be interested to see how a few percentage points drop in unemployment, which, itself, only measures employment among those participating in the work force, has made a significant change in the number of insured people. The math doesn't seem to be there for you. But you can show us, i suppose.
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
I think you are a bit optimistic. Trump will refuse any order they give him and force it all the way to the supreme Court.

Well, you're probably correct......which would make Trump an "excellent" candidate in 2020........

VERY tough days ahead for the Trump cult.....

You've been predicting this for two years. When do these tough days begin?

Since ignorance is "bliss"....for folks like you, tough days may never begin.....lol

If ignorance was bliss you would not be so angry
Of course, what to expect AFTER the right wing morons on here have a fit......

But, with a House blue majority and the subpoena powers, expect that we will finally get to see the infamous Trump tax returns AND some really entertaining hearings with several Trump relatives and crooked cult members.......

I sure hope that "impeachment" is OFF the table; after all, why deny us the GOP wrecking ball that is our "beloved" Trump?
Actually, they won't be able to use subpoena powers to get trumps tax records. Trump not releasing his tax returns is his prerogative, and there is no criminal actions being taken against his tax status that would warrant the subpoena.

Now, if they find a legitimate criminal case in which his tax records are relevant, then yeah they could.

If they subpoena his tax records just because they want to look at them, and against trumps wishes, I would imagine there would be privacy act violations, and those responsible could find themselves in trouble.
So why cant he be a man and keep his promise by releasing his taxes ?
I dont know. It's not required, but most presidents do it. Not sure why he doesn't. It could be some suspicious reason, or there could be legitamate business reasons.
How can Congress subpoena someone taxes???

There is a 1924 law that stipulates the Treasury Department “shall” turn over “any return or return information” requested by the chairs of the tax committees........
For transparency, here is the tax law referred to:

Upon written request from the chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means of the House of Representatives, the chairman of the Committee on Finance of the Senate, or the chairman of the Joint Committee on Taxation, the Secretary shall furnish such committee with any return or return information specified in such request, except that any return or return information which can be associated with, or otherwise identify, directly or indirectly, a particular taxpayer shall be furnished to such committee only when sitting in closed executive session unless such taxpayer otherwise consents in writing to such disclosure.

Notice the parts in bold. The secretary can furnish any information as long as it doesn't identify a particular taxpayer...which really doesn't make sense...but those are the words.

It also says this can only be done in closed executive session. Which means any information gained there are secret and confidential. Makes me wonder even if they did get the returns, would they be able to use then for anything since they wouldn't be able to disclose that information to anyone.

Two observations

First, remember Nixon's " I am not a crook" speech and what warranted it.

Second, NO elected official would be reluctant to make public his or her tax returns UNLESS that individual has a lot to hide.
True, but there could be legitamate business reasons for him not to release them, or it could be nefarious. At this point, nobody knows. There is suspicion, but that's all.

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