What transgenders are fighting for?


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
I don't get the idea of transgenders' rights movement. The only right that seems essential to me in this case is ability to switch your biological gender according to your psychological self-sentiment. As far as I know, they already have this right. What kind of equality transsexuals want to get from us? Is it really that important to choose between male and female public restrooms (straight people don't have this choice by the way)?

Dont you understand, this is evolution reasserting itself.....think of the possibilities if we could harness this ability for mankind.......
You can call it normal, and you can pretend its normal but the reality is that it is abnormal. It is not biologically correct, and if they honestly feel that they are in the wrong body, then there is something wrong in the brain.
All the money spent on Autism, retardation, any birth defect as far as that goes, and yet we turn our backs on those that did not develope correctly as far as gender goes.
I think it is a very uncaring attitude to just ignore their illness and do nothing to try and correct it.
( I know the word retardation is offensive but I didnt know a less offensive word to use. )
The ultimate goal of their agenda is to be accepted as "Normal" by mainstream society. ...... :cool:

Shouldn't they promote their similarity to everyone else instead of trying to be different so hard? I thought from the very beginning that was the problem. People don't like those who are different, it is in human nature. Government had to persuade us African Americans are people too for how long? Was it successful? Barely. There are still racists in this country.
If you think even the normals are normal, your not normal...

Of course in a liberal world nothing is normal, because everything is permitted. Being fat and living in your parents basement for 40+ years, not having a job, even being a criminal - it is all normal. Judging people by their inborn features is discrimination, judging people by their choices is common sense.

P.S. Normals are definitely more normal than radical liberals and their notion of social construction.
Dont you understand, this is evolution reasserting itself.....think of the possibilities if we could harness this ability for mankind.......

What kind of possibilities you are talking about? From the point of view of evolution we are already using the best combination possible. Heterosexual organisms are much more successful than their homosexual competitors thank to ability to combine gens and evolve at faster rates.
If you are talking about all the people who willingly decline their right for reproduction, I agree.
I don't get the idea of transgenders' rights movement. The only right that seems essential to me in this case is ability to switch your biological gender according to your psychological self-sentiment. As far as I know, they already have this right. What kind of equality transsexuals want to get from us? Is it really that important to choose between male and female public restrooms (straight people don't have this choice by the way)?

They seek only the right to privacy and choice as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment.
Your gender cannot be switched, you're either man or a woman. PERIOD. This whole discussion is retarded.
I don't get the idea of transgenders' rights movement. The only right that seems essential to me in this case is ability to switch your biological gender according to your psychological self-sentiment. As far as I know, they already have this right. What kind of equality transsexuals want to get from us? Is it really that important to choose between male and female public restrooms (straight people don't have this choice by the way)?

They seek only the right to privacy and choice as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment.

You don't get to choose which bathroom you want to use based on what you "feel" your gender is. You can "feel" you're a freaking llama, doesn't mean you get to pee on the floor.
I don't get the idea of transgenders' rights movement. The only right that seems essential to me in this case is ability to switch your biological gender according to your psychological self-sentiment. As far as I know, they already have this right. What kind of equality transsexuals want to get from us? Is it really that important to choose between male and female public restrooms (straight people don't have this choice by the way)?

They seek only the right to privacy and choice as guaranteed by the 5th Amendment.

You don't get to choose which bathroom you want to use based on what you "feel" your gender is. You can "feel" you're a freaking llama, doesn't mean you get to pee on the floor.

I've been living a lie, on the inside I've always felt I was an Amoeba.
I don't get the idea of transgenders' rights movement. The only right that seems essential to me in this case is ability to switch your biological gender according to your psychological self-sentiment. As far as I know, they already have this right. What kind of equality transsexuals want to get from us? Is it really that important to choose between male and female public restrooms (straight people don't have this choice by the way)?


The right to crap like a man.

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