WHAT? Trayvon's Mom applies to trademark his name and turn a profit!!!!!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Trayvon Martin's mother wants to trademark his name - msnNOW

Ok. I must be in the Twilight Zone.

Trayvon Martin's mother has applied for a US trademark on her son's name. I can't even think of what to say about this. Is she seriously gonna look to turn a profit off this now? A whole line of "Trayvon" Hoodies and clothing? She said "CD's and DVD's" to start. Just unfathomable.

And now it's come out that a witness saw Zman going back to the car and Trayvon attacked him, and that Zman is a Democrat (Ooops, guess Democrats believe in the gun rights now and Democrats are racist rigth?)?

This whole thing is turning into a huge circus. I thought I'd seen and heard the worst of it.......until now, when I read that Trayvon's mom is trademarking his name. Yep, get on down to the Foot Locker and get your very own "Trayvon" brand hoodie, the new line of "Trayvon" rap CD's, some "Trayvon" ball caps with a big "T" on it.

Where is the left condemning her of trying to PROFIT off this?
Or to keep OTHER people from profiting off her son's death.

But hey, you had a racist idea and you just HAD to blurt it out to your fellow racists, didn't you?

Because only people of low caliber would DO such a thing, wouldn't they?
Because PROFIT is their only motive when it came to the death of their son, huh?

You sir are scum.
Oh, I didn't see the thread. Due to the mental rotting of society at large, and this board especially, I dont come here very often any longer.

But I couldn't resist with the HC law being doomed and the Trayvon race baiting.
Or to keep OTHER people from profiting off her son's death.

But hey, you had a racist idea and you just HAD to blurt it out to your fellow racists, didn't you?

Because only people of low caliber would DO such a thing, wouldn't they?
Because PROFIT is their only motive when it came to the death of their son, huh?

You sir are scum.

I'll agree with you.............IF........you can point out the single reference to race in my post?

Dont worry........I'll wait and give you some time:eusa_boohoo:
I have no problem with her doing this, it was her child, her loss, no one knows the depth or toll this can take on a parent.
I give her kudos for acting quickly before this whole thing blows up a la the Duke lacrosse team. Hope she makes as much as she can before the world knows there's no there there and her money machine goes on the blink, permanently.

How much compensation does a mother need to get for a dead son before the enterprise is profitable?

His family not allowing someone else to trademark the name has morphed into "turning a profit".........................:doubt:

How much compensation does a mother need to get for a dead son before the enterprise is profitable?

His family not allowing someone else to trademark the name has morphed into "turning a profit".........................:doubt:

Change the race of Trayvon to white, make them Republicans, leave the Zman as a hispanic Democrat (with he is both already) and see how the perception would be then..............oh wait, then it wouldn't even be a story.

How much compensation does a mother need to get for a dead son before the enterprise is profitable?

His family not allowing someone else to trademark the name has morphed into "turning a profit".........................:doubt:

Change the race of Trayvon to white, make them Republicans, leave the Zman as a hispanic Democrat (with he is both already) and see how the perception would be then..............oh wait, then it wouldn't even be a story.

If Trayvon had been white, conservatives would be telling us that if he'd only been armed he might have been able to defend himself and save his own life.
Oh, I didn't see the thread. Due to the mental rotting of society at large, and this board especially, I dont come here very often any longer.

But I couldn't resist with the HC law being doomed and the Trayvon race baiting.

In the circumstances that his mother finds herself in, I would have probably done the same thing.... not to profit from his death but to stop others from doing so.

Why the hell you assume it's about her making money is beyond me.

How much compensation does a mother need to get for a dead son before the enterprise is profitable?

His family not allowing someone else to trademark the name has morphed into "turning a profit".........................:doubt:

Change the race of Trayvon to white, make them Republicans, leave the Zman as a hispanic Democrat (with he is both already) and see how the perception would be then..............oh wait, then it wouldn't even be a story.

How quickly HISPANIC became a tag for the killer, along with "Zman". Kitty Genovese stayed a "story" for a decades I BELIEVE. I read about her death in the 1970's.

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