What Trump getting booed can teach us about this COVID moment

Is this a nothing burger or should Trump be worried.
Itā€™s complicated.

Trump shouldnā€™t necessarily be worried, but it does illustrate that Trumpā€™s power over his cult members isnā€™t absolute.

Itā€™s a situation where ā€˜Trumpismā€™ has taken on a life of its own; Trump cult members still venerate Trump, but theyā€™re motivated by the dogma of ā€˜Trumpismā€™ ā€“ the propensity for lying, the contempt for facts and the truth, the disdain for our democratic institutions and the rule of law ā€“ and in this case the unwarranted contempt Trump cult members have for vaccinations and the fact that the vaccines are safe and effective, even if Trump the individual recommends being vaccinated.
They were booing forced government experimental vaccines. They love Trump. They are going to vote for him again, only this time, without all the Democratic cheating. We'll be watching VERY closely this next election...
This is a lie.

No government is ā€˜forcingā€™ anyone to be vaccinated.
At a rally in Alabama this weekend, former President Donald Trump was booed by supporters for forcefully endorsing vaccination against COVID-19. The spectacle seemed to encapsulate the complexity of the nationā€™s current COVID moment.

ā€œI believe totally in your freedoms. I do. Youā€™ve got to do what you have to do,ā€ Trump told his audience. "But I recommend: Take the vaccines. I did it ā€“ it's good."

"I think the booing is super interesting," he said. "Trump is an identity leader. He's rallied a group of people who really strongly identify with him personally and with this oppositional identity to the left. ... What the booing reveals is that identity-based leadership is a double-edged sword, because people only embrace you as their leader if they think, 'you're one of us.'"

Trump Humpers booing Trump, unbelievable.

Is this a nothing burger or should Trump be worried.

Not worried at all.

Doesn't even hold a candle to Bi-Dung's botched Afghanistan withdrawal!!

Next question, please.....
The OP is making a big deal out of nothing. It was a case of a Trump speechwriter making a mistake. Trump will make sure that mistake is not made again.
He started leading the pandemic anti-public health movement with his BS a long time ago, using his steady drivel of ignorant influence, and it is not possible for him to stand in front of it to stop it now at this point. It is like gravity. He started the ball rolling down the hole, but the mass is not going to be stopped by him holding up a stop sign. They will roll right over him, without slowing down.
One of the reasons he is so popular, is that liberals are scared of him. The more you push back, the more popular he becomes.
One of the reasons he is so popular, is that liberals are scared of him. The more you push back, the more popular he becomes.
Oh, I get it! Those were liberal trump fans in Cullman, Alabama. Why didn't you tell me he had become popular with liberal? Well those liberal bastards in Cullman, Alabama sure reverted to booing the heck out of him when he said they should get vaccinate, as he had. Extreme liberals are crazy, just like the radical right. Nobody ever told me the extreme liberals were anti-vax. Kind of sounds like a lie to me. So, now you think he is going to be more popular with his own crowed pushing back and booing him? That makes no sense, whatsoever, jkoffnowgood.
Oh, I get it! Those were liberal trump fans in Cullman, Alabama. Why didn't you tell me he had become popular with liberal? Well those liberal bastards in Cullman, Alabama sure reverted to booing the heck out of him when he said they should get vaccinate, as he had. Extreme liberals are crazy, just like the radical right. Nobody ever told me the extreme liberals were anti-vax. Kind of sounds like a lie to me. So, now you think he is going to be more popular with his own crowed pushing back and booing him? That makes no sense, whatsoever, jkoffnowgood.
The proof is in the pudding here! Lol

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