What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

Meaning you can't think of a single thing and would have to hunt through the Beck hate threads to come up with something?

I already did. And I don't intend to "prove" his fearmongering and hateful remarks, when you know damned well what I'm talking about. As does anyone who thinks he's so wonderful. The only reason they (you) believe he's such a fine contribution to journalism is because of his virulent attacks on the left, and particularly Obama. Heaven Forbid one of you should actually admit that the man goes too far.
By the way, Beck is in a terrible time slot--middle of the afternoon in the west and drive time in the east. But lately his ratings are exceeding Hannity who has held the No. 2 spot for like forever. Doesn't look to me like Beck's ratings are slipping all that much. His radio program is holding its own too.

And I DO provide links. :)

Ratings - TVNewser

1. Most people either have T-vo or DVR capability; plus his program is rerun at a later time.

2. Even Hannity's ratings have dropped, so what does that tell you? Beck has lost about 40% of his audience in the past 3 months. OH!!! Here's a LINK! Imagine that. Add it to the others I've already posted. And if The Daily Beast turns you off, you can always click the embedded links for their source(s).

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Ratings Drop: Right-Wing Talk Is Dying - The Daily Beast
By the way, Beck is in a terrible time slot--middle of the afternoon in the west and drive time in the east. But lately his ratings are exceeding Hannity who has held the No. 2 spot for like forever. Doesn't look to me like Beck's ratings are slipping all that much. His radio program is holding its own too.

And I DO provide links. :)

Ratings - TVNewser

1. Most people either have T-vo or DVR capability; plus his program is rerun at a later time.

2. Even Hannity's ratings have dropped, so what does that tell you? Beck has lost about 40% of his audience in the past 3 months. OH!!! Here's a LINK! Imagine that. Add it to the others I've already posted. And if The Daily Beast turns you off, you can always click the embedded links for their source(s).

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Ratings Drop: Right-Wing Talk Is Dying - The Daily Beast

I don't go to the Daily Beast for Nielson ratings. If you bothered to look at the link showing the actual ratings, you'll see that Fox overall is beating the other three cable news combined and Beck is beating the pants off ANYBODY the other cable news puts up. So if anybody at Fox is losing ratings, so is everybody else on all cable news networks.

And despite the horns and tails you Leftwingers are so desperate to attach to him, Beck is just a guy who is much better informed than most because he studies this stuff, but he is a fallible human being and sometimes has feet of clay as we all do. He repeatedly admonishes his audience to not accept what he is saying because he says it; don't believe something because he believes it; don't assume something is right because he is teaching it. Instead go to the sources he used and check it out for yourself.

Name me ANYBODY on MSNBC or CNN or HLN who does that?

I often disagree with Beck's conclusion on this or that, but he always has a credible rationale for what he says. And I have caught Beck in a wrong fact here and there, but that's pretty rare, and he is good to own up to a mistake when he realizes he has made one.

But then I can listen to somebody objectively without demonizing him even if I disagree with him.
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By the way, Beck is in a terrible time slot--middle of the afternoon in the west and drive time in the east. But lately his ratings are exceeding Hannity who has held the No. 2 spot for like forever. Doesn't look to me like Beck's ratings are slipping all that much. His radio program is holding its own too.

And I DO provide links. :)

Ratings - TVNewser

1. Most people either have T-vo or DVR capability; plus his program is rerun at a later time.

2. Even Hannity's ratings have dropped, so what does that tell you? Beck has lost about 40% of his audience in the past 3 months. OH!!! Here's a LINK! Imagine that. Add it to the others I've already posted. And if The Daily Beast turns you off, you can always click the embedded links for their source(s).

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Ratings Drop: Right-Wing Talk Is Dying - The Daily Beast

I don't go to the Daily Beast for Nielson ratings. If you bothered to look at the link showing the actual ratings, you'll see that Fox overall is beating the other three cable news combined and Beck is beating the pants off ANYBODY the other cable news puts up. So if anybody at Fox is losing ratings, so is everybody else on all cable news networks.

So....like the article said ...the entire category is dead...including your boy there. Thanks for agreeing.
1. Most people either have T-vo or DVR capability; plus his program is rerun at a later time.

2. Even Hannity's ratings have dropped, so what does that tell you? Beck has lost about 40% of his audience in the past 3 months. OH!!! Here's a LINK! Imagine that. Add it to the others I've already posted. And if The Daily Beast turns you off, you can always click the embedded links for their source(s).

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Ratings Drop: Right-Wing Talk Is Dying - The Daily Beast

I don't go to the Daily Beast for Nielson ratings. If you bothered to look at the link showing the actual ratings, you'll see that Fox overall is beating the other three cable news combined and Beck is beating the pants off ANYBODY the other cable news puts up. So if anybody at Fox is losing ratings, so is everybody else on all cable news networks.

So....like the article said ...the entire category is dead...including your boy there. Thanks for agreeing.

Again, I don't go to the Daily Beast for my information. If it comforts you to believe right wing talk is dying, well bless your little heart. Let's just ignore the fact that this particular medium is so 'dying' that new programs are starting up almost every month and are drawing the lion's share of listeners/viewers among all media offerings. And more and more competition is going to erode the ratings of the giants a bit as others come on and attract fans.

But the numbers don't lie. Beck is doing just fine in his time slot and better than most in all time slots.
Different cites to different numbers. Looks like a stalemate at best.

My site showed numbers from yesterday.

The Daily Beast article is from early February.

All ratings for any show do rise and fall depending on what's going on and what else is on at any given time.

I still watch Fox News more than any other because it is still the best at giving all sides. I don't watch much of O'Reilly, Hannity, etc. because of their most annoying practice of having several folks on at once all talking over each other so that nobody is hearing anybody and it's just noise. Who needs that? If enough of us express our displeasure about that, and their ratings continue to suffer a bit, I figure they'll fix it eventually. It's hard to get something fixed when the ratings suggest it isn't broken though.

Blessedly, Beck never does that on his program which I appreciate.

But again, if it comforts you to believe that talk TV and radio is in its death throes, I won't burst your bubble. Obviously the advertisers and ratings don't show that, but oh well. Wishful thinking doesn't need to be messed up with real facts.
By the way, Beck is in a terrible time slot--middle of the afternoon in the west and drive time in the east. But lately his ratings are exceeding Hannity who has held the No. 2 spot for like forever. Doesn't look to me like Beck's ratings are slipping all that much. His radio program is holding its own too.

And I DO provide links. :)

Ratings - TVNewser

1. Most people either have T-vo or DVR capability; plus his program is rerun at a later time.

2. Even Hannity's ratings have dropped, so what does that tell you? Beck has lost about 40% of his audience in the past 3 months. OH!!! Here's a LINK! Imagine that. Add it to the others I've already posted. And if The Daily Beast turns you off, you can always click the embedded links for their source(s).

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity Ratings Drop: Right-Wing Talk Is Dying - The Daily Beast

I don't go to the Daily Beast for Nielson ratings. If you bothered to look at the link showing the actual ratings, you'll see that Fox overall is beating the other three cable news combined and Beck is beating the pants off ANYBODY the other cable news puts up. So if anybody at Fox is losing ratings, so is everybody else on all cable news networks.
The DB article does link the actual ratings. So find the exact same information in one of your favorite right wing sites if you don't believe the Daily Beast. Also, if you combine all other cable and network newscasts, far more people are watching at least ONE OF THOSE than are tuned in to Fox at the same time, so Fox's ratings become skewed by that fact.

And despite the horns and tails you Leftwingers are so desperate to attach to him, Beck is just a guy who is much better informed than most because he studies this stuff, but he is a fallible human being and sometimes has feet of clay as we all do. He repeatedly admonishes his audience to not accept what he is saying because he says it; don't believe something because he believes it; don't assume something is right because he is teaching it. Instead go to the sources he used and check it out for yourself.
Why does he find it necessary to put caveats in at all? If he would just stop with the vitriol, embellishments, outright lies, and stupid predictions, he'd be more accepted. Notice I said STUPID predictions.

Name me ANYBODY on MSNBC or CNN or HLN who does that?
They don't have to because 99% of the time, CNN and MSNBC are discussing issues with guests, so you get it from the proverbial horse's mouth. I don't know about HLN--never watch it anymore.

I often disagree with Beck's conclusion on this or that, but he always has a credible rationale for what he says. And I have caught Beck in a wrong fact here and there, but that's pretty rare, and he is good to own up to a mistake when he realizes he has made one.

But then I can listen to somebody objectively without demonizing him even if I disagree with him.

Again, my demonizing Glenn Beck is because of his own demonizing mannerisms. To repeat, if and when he cleans up his act and starts to practice what he preaches, I'll lay off. Do you ever see me beating up on any other Fox opinionator? No, because none of them has reached the level of bottom feeder that Glenn Beck is, in my opinion.
Fox is FAR from the best at giving all sides.

What Fox does is deplorable - (semi) equal time for extremists. Which means that viewers gravitate towards the extremist that they agree with...surprise surprise they get mindfucked by the conservative extremist they were already leaning towards...and the political debate gets more contentious.
Rant on Vanquish. It is people with your point of view that makes Fox as necessary and successful as it is. :)
What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?
Preppin' For The Apocalypse; 2.0!!!

Seeing-as-how he's gonna be unemployed, soon, he should interview as a pitchman for Vivos!!

Hell......his script's already written!!!!!

"People are afraid of the earth-changing events and ripple effects of the earthquake, which led to tsunamis, the nuclear meltdown, and which will lead to radiation and health concerns," said Vivos CEO Robert Vicino. "Where it ends, I don't know. Does it lead to economic collapse? A true economic collapse would lead to anarchy, which could lead to 90% of the population being killed off."

Ol' Glennie-B should consider pitching a line o' treadmills, as well......'cause, you know what HAPPENS to those "conservatives" who retreat to those undisclosed-locations!!!!



Why do people like Glenn Beck, Pat Buchanan, Rush Lmbaugh, etc. scare you leftist socialists so much?

We're not big fans o' their......

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Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.
Liars like you are on the wrong side of history. This country was founded by christians as a christian society. Just because idiots like you do not like it too bad, go cry a river in china if you don't like it here, idiots.
Foxfyre, nice ducking my post about the Beck formula.

Even Time magazine (when they had the fuckwit on the cover) did a piece about how much hate mongering he does and blew his statement that he doesnt out of the water.
Foxfyre, nice ducking my post about the Beck formula.

Even Time magazine (when they had the fuckwit on the cover) did a piece about how much hate mongering he does and blew his statement that he doesnt out of the water.

And yet when we ask one of you more objective (cough) types to give us an example of 'hate mongering' you never seem to be able to come up with anything in context and/or honestly. Why is that?
That's exactly what Time did. They had a whole section on it! LMFAO.

Really? Then you shouldn't have any trouble hunting it up and posting the link should you.

Not that anybody accusing somebody like that should have an example in his or her head or anything like that of course. We don't really expect those who use hate mongering to hate somebody they accuse of hate mongering to actually know what they're talking about.
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Oh I very well can...the question is...which of the myriad sources would YOU accept? No doubt you're not going to just accept what I give you, right? Of course not.

So let's do this...you use Google...type in "Glenn Beck hate monger" and whatever else you want to add. Put some time into it, don't just be flippant about it. Really try. If you fail, it's because you aren't being intellectually honest about the sources you are dismissing.
Oh I very well can...the question is...which of the myriad sources would YOU accept? No doubt you're not going to just accept what I give you, right? Of course not.

So let's do this...you use Google...type in "Glenn Beck hate monger" and whatever else you want to add. Put some time into it, don't just be flippant about it. Really try. If you fail, it's because you aren't being intellectually honest about the sources you are dismissing.

I am well aware of any number of hate sites that hate Glenn Beck. But any time anybody tells me to google up something, I know they've got nothing to back up their vitriol. If you had anything specific in mind other than you've been told that as a Leftist, you're required to hate Glenn Beck, you would have no trouble providing a source in context to back up your accusations of him.

I think you've got nothing at all. But do have a nice day.
Oh I've got more than enough to slam you...I'm saving us both a bit of time by predicting (correctly I might add based on your response) what you'd spew back.

Beck is a hate-monger of the first order. I guess you forgot about his apology for calling the Prez a racist. That's so in-your-face that even YOU can't deny it happened.

But that's fine. If you can't research and find something yourself...that just means that a) you suck a research and b) you're not intellectually honest.

Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

I would like to see the proof of this non-sense.

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