What values does Glenn Beck want to return us to?

So Maggie has completed some on line course I guess that allows her to know exactly what every single conservative thinks about everything. Takes some pretty big balls to know all that and be so positive about what anything thinks about everything.

And Nosmo thinks I'm a troll.

Well, oh well. He has lots of company.
When was the last time you or any of the other responsible Conservatives here framed your arguments with the stilted notion that Liberals=Socialists=Communists?

We have been suffering through what happens to boards from time to time. A new crop of Beck Acolytes have landed here and just aren't thinking too deeply at all.

How are we expected to have decent repartee and debate when we first have to show these mouth breathing knuckle-dragging clowns a dictionary defining political ideologies? They frame every debate with a loaded question and then scoff at reasoned, well developed replies.

I rarely frame liberals in the socialist/communist framework unless it is obvious that it applies. And I defend liberals about as often as you defend conservatives or give them any credit for anything. Fair enough?

And you have included me with those mouth breathing knuckle-dragging clowns even as you insist on defining political ideologies with a dictionary rather than the realities of what modern American conservatism and liberalism is.

You and I have had some civil debates. I am disappointed now that you see only the conservatives engaging in loaded questions and uncivil debate. To me that is really laughable.
Maybe you missed that first sentence.
When was the last time you or any of the other responsible Conservatives here framed your arguments with the stilted notion that Liberals=Socialists=Communists?

I'm talking about the new trolls. The Beck sycophants who won't debate with a Liberal. they frame each liberal as a Socialist/Communist.

you know that I am a Liberal. You further know that I'm not a socialist.

I know that you're a Conservative, not one of the trap door minded trolls who don't know anything other than what the John Birch Society and the paranoid idiot Beck have to say.
When was the last time you or any of the other responsible Conservatives here framed your arguments with the stilted notion that Liberals=Socialists=Communists?

We have been suffering through what happens to boards from time to time. A new crop of Beck Acolytes have landed here and just aren't thinking too deeply at all.

How are we expected to have decent repartee and debate when we first have to show these mouth breathing knuckle-dragging clowns a dictionary defining political ideologies? They frame every debate with a loaded question and then scoff at reasoned, well developed replies.

I rarely frame liberals in the socialist/communist framework unless it is obvious that it applies. And I defend liberals about as often as you defend conservatives or give them any credit for anything. Fair enough?

And you have included me with those mouth breathing knuckle-dragging clowns even as you insist on defining political ideologies with a dictionary rather than the realities of what modern American conservatism and liberalism is.

You and I have had some civil debates. I am disappointed now that you see only the conservatives engaging in loaded questions and uncivil debate. To me that is really laughable.
Maybe you missed that first sentence.
When was the last time you or any of the other responsible Conservatives here framed your arguments with the stilted notion that Liberals=Socialists=Communists?

I'm talking about the new trolls. The Beck sycophants who won't debate with a Liberal. they frame each liberal as a Socialist/Communist.

you know that I am a Liberal. You further know that I'm not a socialist.

I know that you're a Conservative, not one of the trap door minded trolls who don't know anything other than what the John Birch Society and the paranoid idiot Beck have to say.

LOL. You silver tongued devil. :) Okay, I did misread the first sentence. And I am glad you don't see me as a troll or the several other uncomplimemtary adjectives used. :)

One thing I do dislike in message boarding is that if you do criticize somebody, there are too many to accuse you of seeing that person as totally bad, corrupt, unacceptable, evil, or whatever.

And if you compliment somebody or see good in somebody, there are too many to accuse you of being a brainwashed fanatic holding the person up as god or whatever.

Whether it is Kristol or Obama or anybody here on USMB commenting on him, Beck is neither the devil nor a delusional fanatic as many here would like to paint him and/or describe him. Neither is he infallible in everything he says as some say Beck admirers believe.

I long for a really grown up group in which people don't have to be damned in order to be challenged or in which people don't have to be saints in order to be complimented.

Beck gets far more right than he does wrong. I wish there were more who would explore that and could do so without trashing him sometimes in the most hateful manner possible.
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Looking at the crowd of the Glenn Beck rally it looked like the population of the US in 1776, white and Christian.
Those white Christians of 1776 had many good values but they did not understand or respect racial diversity. They basically stole the land from the Native Americans. They brought Aficans to America to be slaves.
Our founding Father's understood that was not right and put a structure together to allow us to be more accepting of diversity.

Glenn Beck wants to turn the back the clock and have a society for white Christians. In 1776 there were approximately 5,000,000 US citizens and they were almost all white and Christian. Today there are over 300,000,000 us citizens. The whites are predicted to be a minority by 2025. Our founding Fathers based our country on freedom of religion and many religions flourish in the USA.

Glenn Beck's values do not represent who the USA is today, they represent who the USA was in 1776; a white, Christian society.

Glenn Beck is a paid entertainer. So, 1) who gives a shit what he wants, and 2) why is this in the politics section?

Obviously, all the folks at the rally cared what he wants. Glenn Beck is a political commentator.

But, it wasn't a political rally. Beck was dumb enough to admit it himself. It was nothing more than a "I love myself" rally for Glenn Beck. Again, why is this in the "politics" section?
Rallies like Beck had are just pity parties for people who because they are rightwingers, are, as history has proven time and again, on the wrong side of history,

and who now, because of the advances in media and communications, can get more people to watch and listen to them whine about it.

No kidding:

Civil rights. Wrong.

Clean water act they were against. Well try defending that now.

Social Security and Medicare. Wrong.

They have a history of being absolutely wrong about every damn thing. Only idiots vote for them. Proven by average IQ vs. red or blue states.
Leave Pat Buchanan out of your list of loony conservative pundits please. And the only reason the loons *scare* me is that they have some mystical ability to draw in way too many people, which speaks to the level of intelligence anymore which is usually accomplished by education and the ability to recognize the difference between fact and embellished fact, or in Beck's case, pure fiction.

What does Glen Beck say that isn't true?

A rhetorical question. Do you really want me to link several thousand pages you can find on Google (or YouTube)?

Yeah ~ A reputable source in context
Beck has no power. He can't submit a bill or vote on a life or death issue. He gives his analysis of politics on a cable network that isn't supported by the government. Why is the left so concerned about a single political editorialist when the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Two reasons maybe. The posters have no opinion of their own and are being fed by left wing propaganda talking point blogs or the left is really afraid of free speech.

Except I think we can all agree that yelling "fire" in a crowded room when there is no fire isn't "free speech." It's what Glenn Beck does, though.

Do you actually watch Beck. Everything I read from you is your opinion. Where are your facts?? When did Beck yell fire??
I only ask because you are full of opinion without much fact....
Hard work
Personal Responsibility
Self Sacrifice

Want more? I'm sure I could come up with more. Perhaps if you actually listened to Glenn you wouldn't have to ask such obvious questions.
The Hypocrisy of The American Revolution for Freedom

The argument that "The American Revolution was simply about political freedom from Great Britain" is fallacious because it ignores other, significant, internal struggles for freedom and rights on the part of African Americans, Native Americans, and women. The argument may conform to the conventional view of the Revolution, but it ignores the complicated reality of American life at that time, in which these three groups were effectively excluded from the halls of power and freedom. There was much hypocrisy on the part of the white, wealthy, male leaders of the Revolution insofar as they rebelled against the oppression of the British while at the same time oppressing African Americans, women, and Native Americans.

With respect to the plight of African Americans at the time of the Revolutionary War, Frey makes clear that they were engaged in a struggle for freedom from the greatest oppression--slavery-- while their oppressors prepared to fight and fought against other, far lesser oppression.
The British were far less oppressive to the American colonists prior to the Revolutionary War than those same American colonists were to their "human property" - black African slaves.

The same paradox existed during the Civil War, where Southern "whites" were fighting to be free to maintain a society whose economy was largely dependent on slave labor.

Beck "romaticizes" the Revolutionary War period which failed to provide over 400 000 black slaves their freedom.
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So Maggie has completed some on line course I guess that allows her to know exactly what every single conservative thinks about everything. Takes some pretty big balls to know all that and be so positive about what anything thinks about everything.

And Nosmo thinks I'm a troll.

Well, oh well. He has lots of company.

That's quite an assumption. Seems you've become rather ballzy yourself lately, girl. I never said I knew what EVERY conservative thinks, but I do know that the ones who would like to advance the debate beyond the absurd are the ONLY ones who will eventually matter to the future of the American political landscape. The fact that you, and others with a modicum of common sense, are willing to jump on board with the fringe elements is truly sad.

Oh gee, thanks for the heads up. Like I don't read two newspapers every day, two weekly news magazines, subscribe to several online sites, and, had you been around long enough, would know that I thoroughly source every word I say, which means I read read read read read, and then form opinions.

Those "old crap" links weren't old at all, dear. And I thought it would make you happy that they weren't links to leftist sites. But then perhaps that's why you're upset?

Well if you read and read and read then you would know that Glenn Beck was correct. Everything he predicted is now in the news. Still waiting for a few Facts..............

You mean the Communists have now joined forces with the Islamic fundamentalists, a/k/a bin Laden wannabes? Yikes. I'd better take cover. Now. :lol:
Well if you read and read and read then you would know that Glenn Beck was correct. Everything he predicted is now in the news. Still waiting for a few Facts..............
He is quite prescient.

Oh please. Conflict has been endemic in the Middle East for hundreds of years. It was predictable by anyone knowledgeable of the history of Arab dictators/anarchists that uprisings would occur again, especially after Egypt fell. The problem with Beck's "prescient" analysis is that he tries to predict that there will be some sort of Caliphate established among his "guess" that the Muslim Brotherhood will take over where the dictators left off and that they will incorporate their dream of a Caliphate by partnering with Communists. THAT is utter bullshit. Like the scary "mushroom cloud" predictions in propaganda used to justify invading Iraq, Beck is trying to scare the public into believing that any day now the US will be invaded by Islamo-Commies and we'll live under Sharia rule in a Caliphate nation. Seriously?
I rarely frame liberals in the socialist/communist framework unless it is obvious that it applies. And I defend liberals about as often as you defend conservatives or give them any credit for anything. Fair enough?

And you have included me with those mouth breathing knuckle-dragging clowns even as you insist on defining political ideologies with a dictionary rather than the realities of what modern American conservatism and liberalism is.

You and I have had some civil debates. I am disappointed now that you see only the conservatives engaging in loaded questions and uncivil debate. To me that is really laughable.
Maybe you missed that first sentence.
When was the last time you or any of the other responsible Conservatives here framed your arguments with the stilted notion that Liberals=Socialists=Communists?

I'm talking about the new trolls. The Beck sycophants who won't debate with a Liberal. they frame each liberal as a Socialist/Communist.

you know that I am a Liberal. You further know that I'm not a socialist.

I know that you're a Conservative, not one of the trap door minded trolls who don't know anything other than what the John Birch Society and the paranoid idiot Beck have to say.

LOL. You silver tongued devil. :) Okay, I did misread the first sentence. And I am glad you don't see me as a troll or the several other uncomplimemtary adjectives used. :)

One thing I do dislike in message boarding is that if you do criticize somebody, there are too many to accuse you of seeing that person as totally bad, corrupt, unacceptable, evil, or whatever.

And if you compliment somebody or see good in somebody, there are too many to accuse you of being a brainwashed fanatic holding the person up as god or whatever.

Whether it is Kristol or Obama or anybody here on USMB commenting on him, Beck is neither the devil nor a delusional fanatic as many here would like to paint him and/or describe him. Neither is he infallible in everything he says as some say Beck admirers believe.

I long for a really grown up group in which people don't have to be damned in order to be challenged or in which people don't have to be saints in order to be complimented.

Beck gets far more right than he does wrong. I wish there were more who would explore that and could do so without trashing him sometimes in the most hateful manner possible.

Maybe when HE stops trashing people in a hateful manner, more people will listen. As it is, Beck has seen some pretty dramatic drops in his ratings, so apparently more and more people are NOT listening to him anymore.
Meaning you can't think of a single thing and would have to hunt through the Beck hate threads to come up with something?
By the way, Beck is in a terrible time slot--middle of the afternoon in the west and drive time in the east. But lately his ratings are exceeding Hannity who has held the No. 2 spot for like forever. Doesn't look to me like Beck's ratings are slipping all that much. His radio program is holding its own too.

And I DO provide links. :)

Ratings - TVNewser
Beck has no power. He can't submit a bill or vote on a life or death issue. He gives his analysis of politics on a cable network that isn't supported by the government. Why is the left so concerned about a single political editorialist when the world is going to hell in a handbasket? Two reasons maybe. The posters have no opinion of their own and are being fed by left wing propaganda talking point blogs or the left is really afraid of free speech.

Except I think we can all agree that yelling "fire" in a crowded room when there is no fire isn't "free speech." It's what Glenn Beck does, though.

Do you actually watch Beck. Everything I read from you is your opinion. Where are your facts?? When did Beck yell fire??
I only ask because you are full of opinion without much fact....

Look up the word "metaphor" when you have a chance.
Whether it's calculated or simply force of habit, Beck has a formula that spikes his ratings AND lets him off the hook for his trash talk. It's a 3-part formula.

1. Remind the audience that he made some nebulous prediction 6 months ago that is supposedly coming true now based on some random fact that has nothing to do with anything.

2. Tell the audience that the state of things in our country on this issue are THE WORST THEYVE EVER BEEN AND THE HARBINGER OF DOOM

3. Clean up the hate-mongering by saying "Now I hope and pray that things can get better. If we all work hard and make a change personally, these vast sweeping changes happening in corridors of power that you dont have an influence on...MIGHT change."

Seriously. Listen to Beck this afternoon. You'll hear that formula a thousand times.

His tried and true believers will get inflamed by the second comment, cite to the first comment as "proof"...but then not be calmed by the third comment at all. Net effect - manipulated audience.
Whether it's calculated or simply force of habit, Beck has a formula that spikes his ratings AND lets him off the hook for his trash talk. It's a 3-part formula.

1. Remind the audience that he made some nebulous prediction 6 months ago that is supposedly coming true now based on some random fact that has nothing to do with anything.

2. Tell the audience that the state of things in our country on this issue are THE WORST THEYVE EVER BEEN AND THE HARBINGER OF DOOM

3. Clean up the hate-mongering by saying "Now I hope and pray that things can get better. If we all work hard and make a change personally, these vast sweeping changes happening in corridors of power that you dont have an influence on...MIGHT change."

Seriously. Listen to Beck this afternoon. You'll hear that formula a thousand times.

His tried and true believers will get inflamed by the second comment, cite to the first comment as "proof"...but then not be calmed by the third comment at all. Net effect - manipulated audience.

Are you stating this as fact? Or your opiinion only? If your opinion only, then it is my perception that you share the stage with a lot of Leftists who don't want to believe the things Beck says. If fact, then where's your link?
Yes, I'm stating this as fact. As an OBSERVED fact. Tricky, eh?

It's sweet that you're trying to get citations for everything in these posts. I was like that when I first came to USMB. Considering how long you've been here (much longer than me) it's interesting that you seem naive about factual support on these boards.

Opinion's not a dirty word...just a DIFFERENT word than FACT.

But yes, I observe this every day coming back from lunch when I listen to Beck. It's funny really. You should try it.

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