What was Noah's Ark's name?

Well Noah wan't Greek, Roman or Egyptian so there ya go

Correct, he's a myth like Apollo, Icarus, and Hercules.

Maybe not entirely true, but top to bottom fabrications don't generally become myths and legends. Like I don't doubt a guy named Yeshua existed. I doubt he had superpowers, but I don't doubt someone who did some nice church-work got screwed and became a legendary figure.
I think that it was the first Carnival ship, so it was probably something like Sovereign of the Soon to be Flood. The Carnival ships have been full of party animals ever since.

¿Actinopterygii -> Neopterygii -> Teleostei -> Ostariophysi -> Cypriniformes -> Cyprinoidea -> Cyprinidae -> Phoxinus -> Phoxinus?



¿Actinopterygii -> Neopterygii -> Teleostei -> Ostariophysi -> Cypriniformes -> Cyprinoidea -> Cyprinidae -> Phoxinus -> Phoxinus?



Called minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), even bitter fish, Maipiere or Pfrille, is a small fish from the carp family. It is 6 to 8 cm long, rarely up to 12 cm. The Erlitze is a small lively schooling fish.

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