What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

You claim to have Obama's voting record,

too stupid!!! I didn't claim to have his voting records. I said he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist!!! and I quoted him trying to explain it away during the campaign.
Sanders is a socialist, which is not a communist. It's like saying a RWer like you is a Nazi. Stupid.
too stupid!!! I didn't claim to have his voting records. I said he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist!!! and I quoted him trying to explain it away during the campaign.

How can you say it without evidence? Have you ever looked up their records?

They don't need to; they have their own info sources, like this one:

UnSkewed Polls


Barack Obama campaining for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders ...
Mar 30, 2012 ... Barack Obama campaining for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders ... In 1971, he
became a candidate for the U.S. Senate for the far-left Liberty ...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7_xdg12Jq0]Barack Obama campaining for socialist Senator Bernie Sanders - YouTube[/ame]
You claim to have Obama's voting record,

too stupid!!! I didn't claim to have his voting records. I said he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist!!! and I quoted him trying to explain it away during the campaign.

How can you say it without evidence? Have you ever looked up their records?

voting record?????????????????
what the hell does that have to do with him being president?
BHO is a very smart man
And his 2 years in congress with a lame duck GOP president has no voting record
too stupid!!! I didn't claim to have his voting records. I said he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist!!! and I quoted him trying to explain it away during the campaign.

How can you say it without evidence? Have you ever looked up their records?

They don't need to; they have their own info sources, like this one:

UnSkewed Polls


there is no such thing
The question is simple
BHO lied about the following

GM: (Tax payer/GWB saved GM from collapse, not BHO. GWB also went to congress to get the last 350 billion of tarp for BHO. monies he used to bankroll the UAW as well as add to the deficit and then blame it on GWB)

UBL: (Water boarding and CIA agents giving it all fouind him)
DEFICIT (he inherited a 3 trillion dollar baseline. when he was through it was 3.5 trillion, in 12 weeks 2009. Losss of revenue added another 500 billion under his watch)

Benghazi:(It was a planned terrorist attack, plain and simple)

Obama-care: (he took monies that are claimed to be saved from medicare to balance Obama-care with the deficit. It was a tax increase on the middle class. CBO states 7 million will lose ins because of it. Premiums are going up because of it)

Job creation: we are 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels
You claim to have Obama's voting record,

too stupid!!! I didn't claim to have his voting records. I said he voted to the left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist!!! and I quoted him trying to explain it away during the campaign.

How can you say it without evidence? Have you ever looked up their records?

The ratings system -- devised in 1981 under the direction of William Schneider, a political analyst and commentator, and a contributing editor to National Journal -- also assigns "composite" scores, an average of the members' issue-based scores. In 2007, Obama's composite liberal score of 95.5 was the highest in the Senate. Rounding out the top five most liberal senators last year were Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., with a composite liberal score of 94.3; Joseph Biden, D-Del., with a 94.2; Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., with a 93.7; and Robert Menendez, D-N.J., with a 92.8.
How can you say it without evidence? Have you ever looked up their records?

They don't need to; they have their own info sources, like this one:

UnSkewed Polls


there is no such thing
The question is simple
BHO lied about the following

GM: (Tax payer/GWB saved GM from collapse, not BHO. GWB also went to congress to get the last 350 billion of tarp for BHO. monies he used to bankroll the UAW as well as add to the deficit and then blame it on GWB)

UBL: (Water boarding and CIA agents giving it all fouind him)
DEFICIT (he inherited a 3 trillion dollar baseline. when he was through it was 3.5 trillion, in 12 weeks 2009. Losss of revenue added another 500 billion under his watch)

Benghazi:(It was a planned terrorist attack, plain and simple)

Obama-care: (he took monies that are claimed to be saved from medicare to balance Obama-care with the deficit. It was a tax increase on the middle class. CBO states 7 million will lose ins because of it. Premiums are going up because of it)

Job creation: we are 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels

So you're just gonna go all-out now, huh?
They don't need to; they have their own info sources, like this one:

UnSkewed Polls


there is no such thing
The question is simple
BHO lied about the following

GM: (Tax payer/GWB saved GM from collapse, not BHO. GWB also went to congress to get the last 350 billion of tarp for BHO. monies he used to bankroll the UAW as well as add to the deficit and then blame it on GWB)

UBL: (Water boarding and CIA agents giving it all fouind him)
DEFICIT (he inherited a 3 trillion dollar baseline. when he was through it was 3.5 trillion, in 12 weeks 2009. Losss of revenue added another 500 billion under his watch)

Benghazi:(It was a planned terrorist attack, plain and simple)

Obama-care: (he took monies that are claimed to be saved from medicare to balance Obama-care with the deficit. It was a tax increase on the middle class. CBO states 7 million will lose ins because of it. Premiums are going up because of it)

Job creation: we are 4 million jobs short of 2008 levels

So you're just gonna go all-out now, huh?

just trying to get the people the truth
Hmmm the biggest lie that re-elected Obummer?

"Mitt Romney is a conservative."
Hmmm the biggest lie that re-elected Obummer?

"Mitt Romney is a conservative."

without Ross Perot
BC never wins
without the lies the media ignores as well as the Un informed voter that will not take the time to find out the truth, what do you expect?

CBS in 2004 lied about President GWB days before the election
the press today will not even ask the president why he lied about Benghazi
Why he has lied about his job creation
the debt
his deficits
obama-care and why my Ins has doubled sense

there are so many more
Hmmm the biggest lie that re-elected Obummer?

"Mitt Romney is a conservative."

without Ross Perot
BC never wins
without the lies the media ignores as well as the Un informed voter that will not take the time to find out the truth, what do you expect?

CBS in 2004 lied about President GWB days before the election
the press today will not even ask the president why he lied about Benghazi
Why he has lied about his job creation
the debt
his deficits
obama-care and why my Ins has doubled sense

there are so many more

yes, remember when Barry said he was going to close Quantanimo as his first order of business!! It answewred perhaps the biggest complaint against Bush that was making the liberals absolutely crazy!! It's still not closed and not one single liberal will say a word about it!!
I'm gonna have to guess that it was the lie about 47% of Americans being moochers. A self-inflicted blow.
Hmmm the biggest lie that re-elected Obummer?

"Mitt Romney is a conservative."

without Ross Perot
BC never wins
without the lies the media ignores as well as the Un informed voter that will not take the time to find out the truth, what do you expect?

CBS in 2004 lied about President GWB days before the election
the press today will not even ask the president why he lied about Benghazi
Why he has lied about his job creation
the debt
his deficits
obama-care and why my Ins has doubled sense

there are so many more

yes, remember when Barry said he was going to close Quantanimo as his first order of business!! It answewred perhaps the biggest complaint against Bush that was making the liberals absolutely crazy!! It's still not closed and not one single liberal will say a word about it!!

they were told to hate
they did
now they do not know how to stop
I'm amused.
Look, dudes, Obama won and that's that.
No matter how many pathetic excuses you come up with, you lost so live with it.
I'm amused.
Look, dudes, Obama won and that's that.
No matter how many pathetic excuses you come up with, you lost so live with it.

BHO won has what to do with the lies he told
the media ignored?
The status of our great nation?


I notice you have not rebutted any of those facts either
Voting for BHO is your right
living in denial? same
but there is nothing pathetic about caring about this country and trying to educate you and all of those who cannot answer one simple question
not to me, I do not care. All I care about is saving this country through the 1st amendment the best I can
What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

The lie Romney said about moving production to China. Everyone knows that was the biggest lie.
It started way back when they used the word Grand coining the GOP.

I think they were really talking about money.
I'm gonna have to guess that it was the lie about 47% of Americans being moochers. A self-inflicted blow.

It was the stupidest thing ever done during an election
Romney wins this election by Dbl Digets without the advisers he had
they were idiots, I mean royal rumble bottom of the barrel idiots stupid stupid stupid idiots


he was not lying
and no matter how stupid that event was, BHO was re elected on lies
all of them

If the Post, NBC, ABC, CBS, All of them had called him out fair and balanced as they should have, Obama loses

"I saved GM"
Mr President is it not true that the American tax payer under GWB actually prevented GM from total collapse? and also is it not true that GWB had congress release the remaining 350 billion of tarp? Tax payers funds that you (BHO) used to fund the UAW?

its that simple

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