What was the biggest lie that re-elected Obama?

I don't think it was "lies" that got Obama re-elected, so much as it was Obama purchasing the election. He simply handed trillions out to the unions, green energy sector, auto industry, and Wall Street. At the same time, he forgave home owners on their home loans and forgave students on their college loans. There is not a single part of America you could find where Obama did not throw ungodly amounts of money at to win their affection and vote.

Almost half of America could not be purchased. Sadly, the rest of America was for sale, and sell they did. They sold out the entire future of this nation for their own greed (typical of the greedy, idiot liberal dumbocrat).

I see the Red Whine is still flowing. Amazing how much whine you can make from sour grapes.

Again, the most effective lie that elected O'bama was "Jeep moving to China". That went over like the proverbial lead balloon. No way Romney was going to win either Ohio or his native Michigan after he floated that out there and when called on it, actually continued with it. Hard to live that down.

Um, you were saying?????

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Jeep Strikes Deal to Build Jeeps in China | Fox Business Video

Once again we see the two inevitable truths that never fail:

  • Conservatives were being honest

  • [*]Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda
How humiliating for you, uh Pogo? Care to be a man, stand up and retract your previous statement (and then reassess your very fucked up liberal ideology) - or will you be a typical liberal and try desperately to spin reality once again?

Conservatives were being honest

Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda

Yep. The public buys into lies sometimes. It's too bad.
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I see the Red Whine is still flowing. Amazing how much whine you can make from sour grapes.

Again, the most effective lie that elected O'bama was "Jeep moving to China". That went over like the proverbial lead balloon. No way Romney was going to win either Ohio or his native Michigan after he floated that out there and when called on it, actually continued with it. Hard to live that down.

Um, you were saying?????

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Jeep Strikes Deal to Build Jeeps in China | Fox Business Video

Once again we see the two inevitable truths that never fail:

  • Conservatives were being honest

  • [*]Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda
How humiliating for you, uh Pogo? Care to be a man, stand up and retract your previous statement (and then reassess your very fucked up liberal ideology) - or will you be a typical liberal and try desperately to spin reality once again?

Conservatives were being honest

Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda

Yep. The public buys into lies sometimes. It's too bad.

Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country
Um, you were saying?????

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Jeep Strikes Deal to Build Jeeps in China | Fox Business Video

Once again we see the two inevitable truths that never fail:

  • Conservatives were being honest

  • [*]Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda
How humiliating for you, uh Pogo? Care to be a man, stand up and retract your previous statement (and then reassess your very fucked up liberal ideology) - or will you be a typical liberal and try desperately to spin reality once again?

Conservatives were being honest

Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda

Yep. The public buys into lies sometimes. It's too bad.

Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country
If this country can't handle what conservative looks like, it's in more trouble than I can say here.
I see the Red Whine is still flowing. Amazing how much whine you can make from sour grapes.

Again, the most effective lie that elected O'bama was "Jeep moving to China". That went over like the proverbial lead balloon. No way Romney was going to win either Ohio or his native Michigan after he floated that out there and when called on it, actually continued with it. Hard to live that down.

Um, you were saying?????

Chrysler announces deal to build Jeeps in China

Whoops: PolitiFact's 'Lie of the Year' Turns Out to Be True | The Weekly Standard

Chrysler to build Jeeps in China | The Detroit News | detroitnews.com

Jeep Strikes Deal to Build Jeeps in China | Fox Business Video

Once again we see the two inevitable truths that never fail:

  • Conservatives were being honest

  • [*]Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda
How humiliating for you, uh Pogo? Care to be a man, stand up and retract your previous statement (and then reassess your very fucked up liberal ideology) - or will you be a typical liberal and try desperately to spin reality once again?

Conservatives were being honest

Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda

Yep. The public buys into lies sometimes. It's too bad.

But as we see, in the end, the truth always come out (and idiots like Pogo are ultimately humiliated)
Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country

First of all, if you believe the "47%" comment had any affect on the election, you are being epically foolish. It had zero influence in any capacity. Period.

Second, the election was PURCHASED. Obama gave "Obama phones" to the ghetto people (like Bedford, Ohio). Obama gave trillions to the green energy sector. Obama gave trillions to the auto industry. Obama gave trillions to Wall Street. Obama forgave home loans for millions of people. Obama forgave student loans for millions of people (and promised free education for future students). Obama made sure the money flowed to everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto.

And sadly, everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto put their own greed and interest before their country (and still Obama barely won over 50% of the general population - what does that tell you?).
Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country

First of all, if you believe the "47%" comment had any affect on the election, you are being epically foolish. It had zero influence in any capacity. Period.

Second, the election was PURCHASED. Obama gave "Obama phones" to the ghetto people (like Bedford, Ohio). Obama gave trillions to the green energy sector. Obama gave trillions to the auto industry. Obama gave trillions to Wall Street. Obama forgave home loans for millions of people. Obama forgave student loans for millions of people (and promised free education for future students). Obama made sure the money flowed to everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto.

And sadly, everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto put their own greed and interest before their country (and still Obama barely won over 50% of the general population - what does that tell you?).

it will be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when democrats don't run a black guy.
Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country

First of all, if you believe the "47%" comment had any affect on the election, you are being epically foolish. It had zero influence in any capacity. Period.

Second, the election was PURCHASED. Obama gave "Obama phones" to the ghetto people (like Bedford, Ohio). Obama gave trillions to the green energy sector. Obama gave trillions to the auto industry. Obama gave trillions to Wall Street. Obama forgave home loans for millions of people. Obama forgave student loans for millions of people (and promised free education for future students). Obama made sure the money flowed to everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto.

And sadly, everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto put their own greed and interest before their country (and still Obama barely won over 50% of the general population - what does that tell you?).

it will be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when democrats don't run a black guy.

We'll get a gay Mexican Muslim.
Conservatives were being honest

Liberals were lying and spreading propaganda

Yep. The public buys into lies sometimes. It's too bad.

Romney was surrounded by idiots
But he did not lie either
He should have told the simple truth until it bored us to tears
Hos 47% comment was so stupid, no matter how true
It cost him the election
He took advice to look conservative, that advice cost him and this country
If this country can't handle what conservative looks like, it's in more trouble than I can say here.

Romney just needed to run on the truth and let the media have nothing to attack him on
Your right about how much trouble this country is in
I read the local paper in Durham Raleigh today
my god the media is so out of control

The country is in the worst shape in 80 years and there talking about the first black bus driver on the front page and the opinion column talked about the jobs that BHO has created

Were bringing in less money than we did in 2007
Romney just needed to run on the truth and let the media have nothing to attack him on

Well lets face it nobody was going to beat Obama. They love him because he's a black guy who acts like he's not mad a white America.
He doesn't make whites feel guilty about slavery and so they let him be president to show how not racist they are.

IF Romney got the uber liberals in MA to elect him governor we have nothing to MONday morning quarterback.
Romney just needed to run on the truth and let the media have nothing to attack him on

Well lets face it nobody was going to beat Obama. They love him because he's a black guy who acts like he's not mad a white America.
He doesn't make whites feel guilty about slavery and so they let him be president to show how not racist they are.

IF Romney got the uber liberals in MA to elect him governor we have nothing to MONday morning quarterback.

That isn't why Obama was elected. He was elected because the Republicans have no new ideas on the economy. The US economy is in the toilet after 30+ years of Republican free market economic policies.

You keep talking about fearing a transfer of wealth like it hasn't already happened - the rich have taken 85% of the wealth of the country and are continuing to transfer all of the wealth to the top 5%.

You're so focussed on the black man in the White House, you don't even see it happening. But then, you live in your little Republican bubble with your tinfoil hat.
First of all, if you believe the "47%" comment had any affect on the election, you are being epically foolish. It had zero influence in any capacity. Period.

Second, the election was PURCHASED. Obama gave "Obama phones" to the ghetto people (like Bedford, Ohio). Obama gave trillions to the green energy sector. Obama gave trillions to the auto industry. Obama gave trillions to Wall Street. Obama forgave home loans for millions of people. Obama forgave student loans for millions of people (and promised free education for future students). Obama made sure the money flowed to everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto.

And sadly, everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto put their own greed and interest before their country (and still Obama barely won over 50% of the general population - what does that tell you?).

it will be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when democrats don't run a black guy.

We'll get a gay Mexican Muslim.

lol, thats what its going to come down to.
Job creation?
Saving the Auto industry?
Obama-care being deficit neutral?
That a movie caused the murder of a US ambassador on 9-11-2012?
That he inherited the debt?

Its amazing that people are such a state of denial

The country we loved until 2007 is gone and will never be the same again
Thank you

uh hate to break your heart but the country we loved where we were a free country ended on dec 25th 1913 when the federal reserve act was created.thats when we became a facist dictatership.Our last chance to be a free country again eneded on nov 22nd 1963 when our president we had back then tried to abolish the fed and paid the prioce for it in doing so.

oh and as far as the topic is concerned,we the american people dont elect these people,they are SELECTED for us and put in office by the establishment.all this as you have proven in the past in your posts is all a little too complicated for you to understand though or even want to even try to understand.
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First of all, if you believe the "47%" comment had any affect on the election, you are being epically foolish. It had zero influence in any capacity. Period.

Second, the election was PURCHASED. Obama gave "Obama phones" to the ghetto people (like Bedford, Ohio). Obama gave trillions to the green energy sector. Obama gave trillions to the auto industry. Obama gave trillions to Wall Street. Obama forgave home loans for millions of people. Obama forgave student loans for millions of people (and promised free education for future students). Obama made sure the money flowed to everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto.

And sadly, everyone from the elite on Wall Street to the destitute in the ghetto put their own greed and interest before their country (and still Obama barely won over 50% of the general population - what does that tell you?).

it will be interesting to see what happens in 2016 when democrats don't run a black guy.

We'll get a gay Mexican Muslim.

There's NO doubt you will. And, like Obama, he won't be the least bit qualified for the job. But you'll have a candidate that you can attempt to intimidate people into voting for by threatening to label them as "racist" if they don't support him. And, I'm sure this Mexican Muslim will also be GAY this time so you can hide behind "homophobe" too in attempting to dismiss how inept and unqualified your democrat nominee is....
Governor Romney was the most pathetic candidate in recent memory.

Actually, Barack Obama has that unique distinction. Followed by Hillary Clinton. Then John Kerry. Then Al Gore. And finally, George W. Bush.

In fact, Mitt Romney was the first exceptional candidate America has had since Ronald Reagan.

But, give the devil his due. Between voter fraud, intimidation, false accusations of racism, media collusion, media manipulation, and most of all - purchasing the election through endless forms of illegal government handouts (trillions in "stimulus", trillions to the green energy sector, hundreds of billions to the auto industry, hundreds of billions to Wall Street, forgiving home loans and college loans, etc.), the radical marxist Barack Obama and his party were masterful at creating a comprhensive strategy of illegal tactics to barely pull out a victory (I believe he captured less than 50.4% of the vote if I remember correctly?).

Pretty astounding stuff if you think about it - all of that illegal activity and still he barely pulled it out by the skin of his teeth. Why do you think the left is literally shitting their pants in a panic about voter fraud legislation? If we clean up voting in the U.S., they are fucked with a capital F. Their party will die instantly the very second it becomes law.

How can they possibly win without cheating? They have no platform to run on. None. What kind of a platform is "hand over all of your freedoms to us, and in return, we will provide you with the lowest forms of government table scraps and make George Orwell's 1984 come to fruition"?

The conservative platform is simply unbeatable - "limited government, limited taxes, maximum freedom, maximum earnings for you". You can't complete with that without fraud, bribes, and propaganda.
Romney just needed to run on the truth and let the media have nothing to attack him on

Well lets face it nobody was going to beat Obama. They love him because he's a black guy who acts like he's not mad a white America.
He doesn't make whites feel guilty about slavery and so they let him be president to show how not racist they are.

IF Romney got the uber liberals in MA to elect him governor we have nothing to MONday morning quarterback.

That isn't why Obama was elected. He was elected because the Republicans have no new ideas on the economy. The US economy is in the toilet after 30+ years of Republican free market economic policies.

You keep talking about fearing a transfer of wealth like it hasn't already happened - the rich have taken 85% of the wealth of the country and are continuing to transfer all of the wealth to the top 5%.

You're so focussed on the black man in the White House, you don't even see it happening. But then, you live in your little Republican bubble with your tinfoil hat.

The GOP economy from 1994 through 2007 was the best we have ever had
Wealth transfer?
There rich because they end up with the wealth because the invest the huge amount of the same
BHO is almost as much white as he is black, Race has nothing to do with failure

No new ideas?
The GOP house has voted for budgets in this great nation through the next decade, budgets that never got a vote in the senate 2010-2011-2012

No new ideas?
Romney run on a complete tax overhaul that did not include raising taxes on any-one
The US economy is in the toilet after 30+ years of Republican free market economic policies.

100% stupid and liberal as usual.

Socialized health care, $16 trillion debt, $1trillion dollar deficits, everyone on entitlements, government spending 24% of GDP, public education!!

One would have to be 100% slow to imagine that is free market.

Why are you here if lack the IQ to understand even the basics???
The US economy is in the toilet after 30+ years of Republican free market economic policies.

100% stupid and liberal as usual.

Socialized health care, $16 trillion debt, $1trillion dollar deficits, everyone on entitlements, government spending 24% of GDP, public education!!

One would have to be 100% slow to imagine that is free market.

Why are you here if lack the IQ to understand even the basics???

That is my point exactly
from RR to 2007 the GOP had the white house, congress, or both
we had back in the day what was called a blue dog democrat also
There gone

we created 40 million jobs, had balanced budgets during the GOP congress
gone 4 ever
The US economy is in the toilet after 30+ years of Republican free market economic policies.

100% stupid and liberal as usual.

Socialized health care, $16 trillion debt, $1trillion dollar deficits, everyone on entitlements, government spending 24% of GDP, public education!!

One would have to be 100% slow to imagine that is free market.

Why are you here if lack the IQ to understand even the basics???

That is my point exactly
from RR to 2007 the GOP had the white house, congress, or both
we had back in the day what was called a blue dog democrat also
There gone

we created 40 million jobs, had balanced budgets during the GOP congress
gone 4 ever

the pure ignorance of Dragonlady is not unusual among liberals, although she is a special case I'll agree. A liberal will lack the IQ to know what capitalism is, imagine we have it (when in reality we have huge socialist elements), and then argue for more socialism to correct the problems caused by socialism.

We're deep into the age of doublethink thanks to liberalism which the Constitution sought to make illegal.
Governor Romney was the most pathetic candidate in recent memory.

Actually, Barack Obama has that unique distinction. Followed by Hillary Clinton. Then John Kerry. Then Al Gore. And finally, George W. Bush.

In fact, Mitt Romney was the first exceptional candidate America has had since Ronald Reagan.

But, give the devil his due. Between voter fraud, intimidation, false accusations of racism, media collusion, media manipulation, and most of all - purchasing the election through endless forms of illegal government handouts (trillions in "stimulus", trillions to the green energy sector, hundreds of billions to the auto industry, hundreds of billions to Wall Street, forgiving home loans and college loans, etc.), the radical marxist Barack Obama and his party were masterful at creating a comprhensive strategy of illegal tactics to barely pull out a victory (I believe he captured less than 50.4% of the vote if I remember correctly?).

Pretty astounding stuff if you think about it - all of that illegal activity and still he barely pulled it out by the skin of his teeth. Why do you think the left is literally shitting their pants in a panic about voter fraud legislation? If we clean up voting in the U.S., they are fucked with a capital F. Their party will die instantly the very second it becomes law.

How can they possibly win without cheating? They have no platform to run on. None. What kind of a platform is "hand over all of your freedoms to us, and in return, we will provide you with the lowest forms of government table scraps and make George Orwell's 1984 come to fruition"?

The conservative platform is simply unbeatable - "limited government, limited taxes, maximum freedom, maximum earnings for you". You can't complete with that without fraud, bribes, and propaganda.

You have hit it out of the ball park
Could not state the fatcs better
I would not vote for this bunch just on the simple fatc they lie so bad

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